HAHA. Court forces black baker to bake cake for KKK party

I love how bi polar conservatives are. On one thread theyre pretending to love america not then on another post they want to secede or for america not to succeed.

I would have loved bush or newt or tom delay or boehner or McConnell to prove me wrong. I'd admit it. But not you with Obama. Top 5 all time.

HAHAHA. As usual you never address the issue and merely call people names. Thanks for admitting i'm right.
I hope this encloseourages blacks to start their own businesses and blacks to buy from them. I'll shop there too. That will bring whiteys prices down and they'll be begging gays and blacks to come back.

That's what i've been saying for years. Blacks should start their own businesses and hire blacks. Why don't they? Because they don't have the ability. Most blacks can't read or count or even tell time. So they go to the govt and demand they force white businesses hire unqualified blacks.
In this case pay is given for services or goods.

Can I own a business and charge christians more?

Sure you can. As one of them, unlike the faggots, I'll simply take my business elsewhere. That's the difference between people with principles and whiny little bitches. The former simply move on and the latter demand people cater to them as a special class of spoiled brats.
I agree and I disagree. Should a business owner be allowed to deny a black?

Jeffrey Geiger was denied membership the the swank Detroit Athletic Club. Members said no. Maybe these restaurants should become private social clubs. Because a public business can't descriminate.

A black business should also be able to deny whites. I'm consistent.

A privately owned business doesn't become public unless it's publicly funded.
I hope this encloseourages blacks to start their own businesses and blacks to buy from them. I'll shop there too. That will bring whiteys prices down and they'll be begging gays and blacks to come back.

There's no way its legal to not serve someone because they are gay. Can they? Maybe on religions grounds?

Since over 20% of blacks are unemployed, how are they going to get the money to start a business? Bet you support special loans to blacks so they can.

Don't worry about whitey. We've survived for a long time without relying on blacks.

Apparently it's legal for a homo to not serve someone wanting a cake. Once again, if a homo didn't want to serve me because I oppose same sex marriage, I'll go elsewhere and not whine about it. They don't. They demand acceptance and for others to do for them simply because they ask.
Where do you get 20% unemployment for blacks from?

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
In some ways it is kind of like slavery. A white guy forces a black guy to do some work for him. Does anyone see the irony in this. It is even done in a southern state. Are we trying to bring back slavery?
In this case pay is given for services or goods.

Can I own a business and charge christians more?

Sure you can. As one of them, unlike the faggots, I'll simply take my business elsewhere. That's the difference between people with principles and whiny little bitches. The former simply move on and the latter demand people cater to them as a special class of spoiled brats.
I agree and I disagree. Should a business owner be allowed to deny a black?

Jeffrey Geiger was denied membership the the swank Detroit Athletic Club. Members said no. Maybe these restaurants should become private social clubs. Because a public business can't descriminate.

A black business should also be able to deny whites. I'm consistent.

A privately owned business doesn't become public unless it's publicly funded.
I hope this encloseourages blacks to start their own businesses and blacks to buy from them. I'll shop there too. That will bring whiteys prices down and they'll be begging gays and blacks to come back.

There's no way its legal to not serve someone because they are gay. Can they? Maybe on religions grounds?

How does starting your own business bring prices down?
I agree and I disagree. Should a business owner be allowed to deny a black?

Jeffrey Geiger was denied membership the the swank Detroit Athletic Club. Members said no. Maybe these restaurants should become private social clubs. Because a public business can't descriminate.

A black business should also be able to deny whites. I'm consistent.

A privately owned business doesn't become public unless it's publicly funded.
I hope this encloseourages blacks to start their own businesses and blacks to buy from them. I'll shop there too. That will bring whiteys prices down and they'll be begging gays and blacks to come back.

There's no way its legal to not serve someone because they are gay. Can they? Maybe on religions grounds?

Since over 20% of blacks are unemployed, how are they going to get the money to start a business? Bet you support special loans to blacks so they can.

Don't worry about whitey. We've survived for a long time without relying on blacks.

Apparently it's legal for a homo to not serve someone wanting a cake. Once again, if a homo didn't want to serve me because I oppose same sex marriage, I'll go elsewhere and not whine about it. They don't. They demand acceptance and for others to do for them simply because they ask.
You've survived without blacks when? Before you enslaved them and had them and every other immigrant built america for you?

Since my family didn't come to the U.S. until around 1910, none of them had anything to do with enslaving people. Before coming as LEGAL IMMIGRANTS, they were peasants under the Russian czars. They came and helped build America. They didn't nor do their descendants, that means me, demand someone owes them anything as a result. We earned it and considered ourselves full Americans not hyphenated Americans. While my family history may be E. European, I don't consider myself European. I've never been to Europe much like most blacks have never been to any of the over 50 countries of Africa. While I may cook and eat ethnic food from recipes passed down from my grandmothers, I consider myself 100% American. My great grandparents, the generation that came from Europe also did the same. Don't think they weren't mistreated. Unlike immigrants from W. Europe, they didn't speak much English. Unlike immigrants today, they didn't demand they be taught in their language until they learned English. However, many blacks still consider themselves as much African as they do American based on the use of the politically correct term.
What? Your ancestors came to the U.S. willingly? How fortunate were they?
Um, if I were the baker, that cake would have been made out of chocolate exlax...My question is, who would you want to force someone you knew who hated you to make you food? isn't that asking to be poisoned?

Um, if I were the baker, that cake would have been made out of chocolate exlax...My question is, who would you want to force someone you knew who hated you to make you food? isn't that asking to be poisoned?


:lol: ex-lax-excellent. :thup:

Or perhaps LSD.
A black business should also be able to deny whites. I'm consistent.

A privately owned business doesn't become public unless it's publicly funded.
I hope this encloseourages blacks to start their own businesses and blacks to buy from them. I'll shop there too. That will bring whiteys prices down and they'll be begging gays and blacks to come back.

There's no way its legal to not serve someone because they are gay. Can they? Maybe on religions grounds?

Since over 20% of blacks are unemployed, how are they going to get the money to start a business? Bet you support special loans to blacks so they can.

Don't worry about whitey. We've survived for a long time without relying on blacks.

Apparently it's legal for a homo to not serve someone wanting a cake. Once again, if a homo didn't want to serve me because I oppose same sex marriage, I'll go elsewhere and not whine about it. They don't. They demand acceptance and for others to do for them simply because they ask.
You've survived without blacks when? Before you enslaved them and had them and every other immigrant built america for you?

Since my family didn't come to the U.S. until around 1910, none of them had anything to do with enslaving people. Before coming as LEGAL IMMIGRANTS, they were peasants under the Russian czars. They came and helped build America. They didn't nor do their descendants, that means me, demand someone owes them anything as a result. We earned it and considered ourselves full Americans not hyphenated Americans. While my family history may be E. European, I don't consider myself European. I've never been to Europe much like most blacks have never been to any of the over 50 countries of Africa. While I may cook and eat ethnic food from recipes passed down from my grandmothers, I consider myself 100% American. My great grandparents, the generation that came from Europe also did the same. Don't think they weren't mistreated. Unlike immigrants from W. Europe, they didn't speak much English. Unlike immigrants today, they didn't demand they be taught in their language until they learned English. However, many blacks still consider themselves as much African as they do American based on the use of the politically correct term.
What? Your ancestors came to the U.S. willingly? How fortunate were they?

Don't think that where they came from was a cakewalk. If I recall correctly, and I do, the country of Liberia was established as a place for free blacks to either go back to Africa or to the continent of their ancestors. Since it isn't overpopulated, tells me many didn't want to go nor want to go now. What many blacks, and guilt ridden whites, want now is for blacks to be given reparations and/or rewarded with special treatment for what none living today experienced as a slave. Worse than that, they want white people to sit down, shut up, and be told how bad we are as a race for having done what we did including those like me who didn't take part in what white people are supposed to be ashamed of doing. Sorry, don't buy it.
Um, if I were the baker, that cake would have been made out of chocolate exlax...My question is, who would you want to force someone you knew who hated you to make you food? isn't that asking to be poisoned?


That would have been dumb on your part.
Don't think that where they came from was a cakewalk. If I recall correctly, and I do, the country of Liberia was established as a place for free blacks to either go back to Africa or to the continent of their ancestors. Since it isn't overpopulated, tells me many didn't want to go nor want to go now. What many blacks, and guilt ridden whites, want now is for blacks to be given reparations and/or rewarded with special treatment for what none living today experienced as a slave. Worse than that, they want white people to sit down, shut up, and be told how bad we are as a race for having done what we did including those like me who didn't take part in what white people are supposed to be ashamed of doing. Sorry, don't buy it.

Maybe reparations could be asked from countries that sold the slaves. Aren't they be equally responsible?
Sure you can. As one of them, unlike the faggots, I'll simply take my business elsewhere. That's the difference between people with principles and whiny little bitches. The former simply move on and the latter demand people cater to them as a special class of spoiled brats.
I agree and I disagree. Should a business owner be allowed to deny a black?

Jeffrey Geiger was denied membership the the swank Detroit Athletic Club. Members said no. Maybe these restaurants should become private social clubs. Because a public business can't descriminate.

A black business should also be able to deny whites. I'm consistent.

A privately owned business doesn't become public unless it's publicly funded.
I hope this encloseourages blacks to start their own businesses and blacks to buy from them. I'll shop there too. That will bring whiteys prices down and they'll be begging gays and blacks to come back.

There's no way its legal to not serve someone because they are gay. Can they? Maybe on religions grounds?

Since over 20% of blacks are unemployed, how are they going to get the money to start a business? Bet you support special loans to blacks so they can.

Don't worry about whitey. We've survived for a long time without relying on blacks.

Apparently it's legal for a homo to not serve someone wanting a cake. Once again, if a homo didn't want to serve me because I oppose same sex marriage, I'll go elsewhere and not whine about it. They don't. They demand acceptance and for others to do for them simply because they ask.
Where do you get 20% unemployment for blacks from?

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
From a true source that doesn't take out those that have quit looking for work but can work in order to make the numbers appear as something they aren't. You probably believe that the overall unemployment is what the Obama administration says it is. You sound like the typical ass kissing Liberal.
Don't think that where they came from was a cakewalk. If I recall correctly, and I do, the country of Liberia was established as a place for free blacks to either go back to Africa or to the continent of their ancestors. Since it isn't overpopulated, tells me many didn't want to go nor want to go now. What many blacks, and guilt ridden whites, want now is for blacks to be given reparations and/or rewarded with special treatment for what none living today experienced as a slave. Worse than that, they want white people to sit down, shut up, and be told how bad we are as a race for having done what we did including those like me who didn't take part in what white people are supposed to be ashamed of doing. Sorry, don't buy it.

Maybe reparations could be asked from countries that sold the slaves. Aren't they be equally responsible?

Wouldn't those countries have been run by black tribal chiefs at the time?
I agree and I disagree. Should a business owner be allowed to deny a black?

Jeffrey Geiger was denied membership the the swank Detroit Athletic Club. Members said no. Maybe these restaurants should become private social clubs. Because a public business can't descriminate.

A black business should also be able to deny whites. I'm consistent.

A privately owned business doesn't become public unless it's publicly funded.
I hope this encloseourages blacks to start their own businesses and blacks to buy from them. I'll shop there too. That will bring whiteys prices down and they'll be begging gays and blacks to come back.

There's no way its legal to not serve someone because they are gay. Can they? Maybe on religions grounds?

Since over 20% of blacks are unemployed, how are they going to get the money to start a business? Bet you support special loans to blacks so they can.

Don't worry about whitey. We've survived for a long time without relying on blacks.

Apparently it's legal for a homo to not serve someone wanting a cake. Once again, if a homo didn't want to serve me because I oppose same sex marriage, I'll go elsewhere and not whine about it. They don't. They demand acceptance and for others to do for them simply because they ask.
Where do you get 20% unemployment for blacks from?

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
From a true source that doesn't take out those that have quit looking for work but can work in order to make the numbers appear as something they aren't. You probably believe that the overall unemployment is what the Obama administration says it is. You sound like the typical ass kissing Liberal.
What's your source...?
Don't think that where they came from was a cakewalk. If I recall correctly, and I do, the country of Liberia was established as a place for free blacks to either go back to Africa or to the continent of their ancestors. Since it isn't overpopulated, tells me many didn't want to go nor want to go now. What many blacks, and guilt ridden whites, want now is for blacks to be given reparations and/or rewarded with special treatment for what none living today experienced as a slave. Worse than that, they want white people to sit down, shut up, and be told how bad we are as a race for having done what we did including those like me who didn't take part in what white people are supposed to be ashamed of doing. Sorry, don't buy it.

Fact is that slavery was the best thing that ever happened to the black race. The 40 million american blacks have a far better life than the blacks in africa. If anything blacks should pay reparations to whites.
I hope this encloseourages blacks to start their own businesses and blacks to buy from them. I'll shop there too. That will bring whiteys prices down and they'll be begging gays and blacks to come back.

There's no way its legal to not serve someone because they are gay. Can they? Maybe on religions grounds?

Since over 20% of blacks are unemployed, how are they going to get the money to start a business? Bet you support special loans to blacks so they can.

Don't worry about whitey. We've survived for a long time without relying on blacks.

Apparently it's legal for a homo to not serve someone wanting a cake. Once again, if a homo didn't want to serve me because I oppose same sex marriage, I'll go elsewhere and not whine about it. They don't. They demand acceptance and for others to do for them simply because they ask.
You've survived without blacks when? Before you enslaved them and had them and every other immigrant built america for you?

Since my family didn't come to the U.S. until around 1910, none of them had anything to do with enslaving people. Before coming as LEGAL IMMIGRANTS, they were peasants under the Russian czars. They came and helped build America. They didn't nor do their descendants, that means me, demand someone owes them anything as a result. We earned it and considered ourselves full Americans not hyphenated Americans. While my family history may be E. European, I don't consider myself European. I've never been to Europe much like most blacks have never been to any of the over 50 countries of Africa. While I may cook and eat ethnic food from recipes passed down from my grandmothers, I consider myself 100% American. My great grandparents, the generation that came from Europe also did the same. Don't think they weren't mistreated. Unlike immigrants from W. Europe, they didn't speak much English. Unlike immigrants today, they didn't demand they be taught in their language until they learned English. However, many blacks still consider themselves as much African as they do American based on the use of the politically correct term.
What? Your ancestors came to the U.S. willingly? How fortunate were they?

Don't think that where they came from was a cakewalk. If I recall correctly, and I do, the country of Liberia was established as a place for free blacks to either go back to Africa or to the continent of their ancestors. Since it isn't overpopulated, tells me many didn't want to go nor want to go now. What many blacks, and guilt ridden whites, want now is for blacks to be given reparations and/or rewarded with special treatment for what none living today experienced as a slave. Worse than that, they want white people to sit down, shut up, and be told how bad we are as a race for having done what we did including those like me who didn't take part in what white people are supposed to be ashamed of doing. Sorry, don't buy it.
Who cares what you buy? :dunno: The, they're better off here, they should be grateful their ancestors were slaves, idiocy is as moronic as the, Jews are better off because of the Holocaust since it got them Israel, nonsense I've heard from anti-Semites.
Don't think that where they came from was a cakewalk. If I recall correctly, and I do, the country of Liberia was established as a place for free blacks to either go back to Africa or to the continent of their ancestors. Since it isn't overpopulated, tells me many didn't want to go nor want to go now. What many blacks, and guilt ridden whites, want now is for blacks to be given reparations and/or rewarded with special treatment for what none living today experienced as a slave. Worse than that, they want white people to sit down, shut up, and be told how bad we are as a race for having done what we did including those like me who didn't take part in what white people are supposed to be ashamed of doing. Sorry, don't buy it.

Fact is that slavery was the best thing that ever happened to the black race. The 40 million american blacks have a far better life than the blacks in africa. If anything blacks should pay reparations to whites.
Thanks for proving my point in post #438. :thup:
A black business should also be able to deny whites. I'm consistent.

A privately owned business doesn't become public unless it's publicly funded.
I hope this encloseourages blacks to start their own businesses and blacks to buy from them. I'll shop there too. That will bring whiteys prices down and they'll be begging gays and blacks to come back.

There's no way its legal to not serve someone because they are gay. Can they? Maybe on religions grounds?

Since over 20% of blacks are unemployed, how are they going to get the money to start a business? Bet you support special loans to blacks so they can.

Don't worry about whitey. We've survived for a long time without relying on blacks.

Apparently it's legal for a homo to not serve someone wanting a cake. Once again, if a homo didn't want to serve me because I oppose same sex marriage, I'll go elsewhere and not whine about it. They don't. They demand acceptance and for others to do for them simply because they ask.
Where do you get 20% unemployment for blacks from?

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
From a true source that doesn't take out those that have quit looking for work but can work in order to make the numbers appear as something they aren't. You probably believe that the overall unemployment is what the Obama administration says it is. You sound like the typical ass kissing Liberal.
What's your source...?

Overall it's actually about 11 - 12%. For younger blacks seeking jobs, it's 25%. A record 12.2 million black aren't in the labor force. Even at 11 - 12%, it's double that of the overall claimed rate. Defend that.

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