HAHA. Court forces black baker to bake cake for KKK party

What? Your ancestors came to the U.S. willingly? How fortunate were they?

Don't think that where they came from was a cakewalk. If I recall correctly, and I do, the country of Liberia was established as a place for free blacks to either go back to Africa or to the continent of their ancestors. Since it isn't overpopulated, tells me many didn't want to go nor want to go now. What many blacks, and guilt ridden whites, want now is for blacks to be given reparations and/or rewarded with special treatment for what none living today experienced as a slave. Worse than that, they want white people to sit down, shut up, and be told how bad we are as a race for having done what we did including those like me who didn't take part in what white people are supposed to be ashamed of doing. Sorry, don't buy it.
Who cares what you buy? :dunno: The, they're better off here, they should be grateful their ancestors were slaves, idiocy is as moronic as the, Jews are better off because of the Holocaust since it got them Israel, nonsense I've heard from anti-Semites.
I don't use that argument. If they don't like it here, go back where their ancestors came from. They have that choice. Since most wouldn't, it tells me they think they're better off here.
Realize it or not, that is the argument you're making. The question isn't are blacks better off here ... the question is ... was it worth their ancestors being held in slavery for hundreds of years?

Since opportunities exist for them to go to where their ancestors came from and they don't go, tells me they think it is. If they thought going where their ancestors came from would be better, they'd go. I know I would but I realize that it isn't. Why would I want to go to an area where the Russia and the Ukraine are having a dispute. That's why my family left to start with.
WTF??? You think they think slavery was worth it to them because they're not returning to Africa??

Again, how is that different from saying Jews think the Holocaust was worth it because they ended up with Israel, and they now prefer to be in Israel than in Germany?
What's your source...?

Overall it's actually about 11 - 12%. For younger blacks seeking jobs, it's 25%. A record 12.2 million black aren't in the labor force. Even at 11 - 12%, it's double that of the overall claimed rate. Defend that.
Defend what? You still haven't provided your source for the numbers you casually toss around. Not to mention, you're not even faithful to your own numbers. You went from saying black unemployment was 20% to saying it's about 11% to 12%. What should I be defending when you can't even agree with yourself or cite your source??

My numbers related to blacks is from the same source you post. My correction was the overall number while upholding the rate for younger blacks. Either way, blacks still hold a rate of unemployment two times that of the administration's claimed rate. That's why I said above not to worry about whitey. We've survived a long time without relying on blacks. Since 1 in 9 is unemployed, doesn't look like that will change unless guilt ridden whites continue pushing for reparations.
HolyFuckingShit! :eusa_doh::eusa_doh:eusa_doh:

You actually disparaged "my source" before confessing you're using the same source...

"From a true source that doesn't take out those that have quit looking for work but can work in order to make the numbers appear as something they aren't. You probably believe that the overall unemployment is what the Obama administration says it is. You sound like the typical ass kissing Liberal."

Now that we learn we're both citing the same source, does this mean you're a typical ass kissing Liberal?

I used multiple sources.

The last thing I am is a Liberal. I'll shot myself dead if that were the case.
Well you're the one who said you're using the same source as me. :ack-1:

Meanwhile, trying to get you to reveal your source is like pulling teeth. So what are your other sources??
Don't think that where they came from was a cakewalk. If I recall correctly, and I do, the country of Liberia was established as a place for free blacks to either go back to Africa or to the continent of their ancestors. Since it isn't overpopulated, tells me many didn't want to go nor want to go now. What many blacks, and guilt ridden whites, want now is for blacks to be given reparations and/or rewarded with special treatment for what none living today experienced as a slave. Worse than that, they want white people to sit down, shut up, and be told how bad we are as a race for having done what we did including those like me who didn't take part in what white people are supposed to be ashamed of doing. Sorry, don't buy it.
Who cares what you buy? :dunno: The, they're better off here, they should be grateful their ancestors were slaves, idiocy is as moronic as the, Jews are better off because of the Holocaust since it got them Israel, nonsense I've heard from anti-Semites.
I don't use that argument. If they don't like it here, go back where their ancestors came from. They have that choice. Since most wouldn't, it tells me they think they're better off here.
Realize it or not, that is the argument you're making. The question isn't are blacks better off here ... the question is ... was it worth their ancestors being held in slavery for hundreds of years?

Since opportunities exist for them to go to where their ancestors came from and they don't go, tells me they think it is. If they thought going where their ancestors came from would be better, they'd go. I know I would but I realize that it isn't. Why would I want to go to an area where the Russia and the Ukraine are having a dispute. That's why my family left to start with.
WTF??? You think they think slavery was worth it to them because they're not returning to Africa??

Again, how is that different from saying Jews think the Holocaust was worth it because they ended up with Israel, and they now prefer to be in Israel than in Germany?

A general concept is that people will go where they think things are better. I've had several friends and family members move far away because what was offered there was better than what was offered here. If they thought it was better here, they would have stayed. It's easy if you want to understand. People go where they think it's better. Actions speak louder than words. Seems blacks say one thing by desiring to be called a hyphenated term yet their actions say another.
Overall it's actually about 11 - 12%. For younger blacks seeking jobs, it's 25%. A record 12.2 million black aren't in the labor force. Even at 11 - 12%, it's double that of the overall claimed rate. Defend that.
Defend what? You still haven't provided your source for the numbers you casually toss around. Not to mention, you're not even faithful to your own numbers. You went from saying black unemployment was 20% to saying it's about 11% to 12%. What should I be defending when you can't even agree with yourself or cite your source??

My numbers related to blacks is from the same source you post. My correction was the overall number while upholding the rate for younger blacks. Either way, blacks still hold a rate of unemployment two times that of the administration's claimed rate. That's why I said above not to worry about whitey. We've survived a long time without relying on blacks. Since 1 in 9 is unemployed, doesn't look like that will change unless guilt ridden whites continue pushing for reparations.
HolyFuckingShit! :eusa_doh::eusa_doh:eusa_doh:

You actually disparaged "my source" before confessing you're using the same source...

"From a true source that doesn't take out those that have quit looking for work but can work in order to make the numbers appear as something they aren't. You probably believe that the overall unemployment is what the Obama administration says it is. You sound like the typical ass kissing Liberal."

Now that we learn we're both citing the same source, does this mean you're a typical ass kissing Liberal?

I used multiple sources.

The last thing I am is a Liberal. I'll shot myself dead if that were the case.
Well you're the one who said you're using the same source as me. :ack-1:

Meanwhile, trying to get you to reveal your source is like pulling teeth. So what are your other sources??
Record 12 202 000 Black Americans Not in Labor Force CNS News
Only a fucking Nazi liberal shithead would admit they believe being born is a crime.

You just admitted, by the way, that racism is the motivation and the justification for Affirmative Action.
Right back at ya .... only a Nazi conservative KKK shithead wanted to allow white America to continue its systemic discrimination against blacks after they won civil rights.

You're absolutely correct. I think everyone agreed the it's wrong for government compel people to discriminate, as in Affirmative Action. However, where we differ is when it comes to private business. Contrary to the left's claims, no one has a right to be served by a private business. That's what "private" means. The owners make the decisions, not the government and not a gang of Nazi queers.
That's how it was for blacks before Civil rights of the 60's. We're not returning to those days no matter how much you pine for your racist conservatives.

Unlike people who think others should cater to them, I don't care if a black owned business didn't serve me because I'm white. I'd go elsewhere and move along. They, much like the faggots, think people should tell them yes no matter what they ask.
That's much easier to say when you're white and make up almost 3/4ths of the nation's population. Not so easy when you're black, making up only about 12½%. That severely limits one's options.

But you do expose the reason why the government had to step in. Left to their own accord, the racist south would still be denying blacks opportunities to this day if they could.

Only liberal turds think government exists to implement their schemes to perfect society. There is no reason government has to force a business to serve people they don't want to serve. None. The fact that you object is not a reason. It's pure petulance.
Last edited:
What? Your ancestors came to the U.S. willingly? How fortunate were they?

Don't think that where they came from was a cakewalk. If I recall correctly, and I do, the country of Liberia was established as a place for free blacks to either go back to Africa or to the continent of their ancestors. Since it isn't overpopulated, tells me many didn't want to go nor want to go now.

That you, or for that matter the white establishment of two centuries ago, would consider this "go back to the continent of their ancestors" jazz speaks volumes. As if the whole continent is some kind of monolith, and you can't be bothered with the diversity -- it's just "Africa". Sounds eerily like "they all look alike to me" .

Let's say you're a slave whose ancestors were shipped here from Thailand. Now we're gonna offer you a "resettlement in the continent of your ancestors" -- in Mongolia. Hey, it's the same continent, whatsa problem?

Not to mention, did you think the land they decided to call "Liberia" was just sitting there with nobody in it, like an empty hotel room? Not to mention a harsh climate, not to mention it's highly unlikely to be the land of your ancestors anyway...

The arrogance of this patronizing attitude speaks volumes.

What many blacks, and guilt ridden whites, want now is for blacks to be given reparations and/or rewarded with special treatment for what none living today experienced as a slave. Worse than that, they want white people to sit down, shut up, and be told how bad we are as a race for having done what we did including those like me who didn't take part in what white people are supposed to be ashamed of doing. Sorry, don't buy it.

Amazing how you fast-forwarded here by two hundred years without looking, as if the present just sprang up spontaneously from nothing. "Slavery" isn't the issue any more; no one who was a slave, or a slave owner, is alive today nor are their children. What the effect was of shipping human cargo over the ocean, dehumanizing them for centuries, and then one day cutting them loose in their forced-adopted continent, was to create an underclass, socially and econnomically. That's the part that nobody thought through when they invented racism and transatlantic slave shipping. Inventing Liberia wasn't anywhere near about to fix that.

The attitude that blacks, most of whom want to be called African Americans yet have never been to Africa, speaks volumes. If you want to be called something, at least have been to the location you reference in what you want to be called.

That's not even a token response.

Nor does it make sense on its face. I'm Irish myself, and yes I've been to Ireland --- but before I ever went to Ireland I was still Irish. I mean.... duh?

Did you demand you be called an Irish-American? If you were born here and lived here, you're an American with Irish heritage. Learn the difference. Perhaps African Americans should.

Oh fuck you. You completely failed to address my points, went off to a tangent, and I destroyed that too.

"Learn" this chump - :fu:
Right back at ya .... only a Nazi conservative KKK shithead wanted to allow white America to continue its systemic discrimination against blacks after they won civil rights.

You're absolutely correct. I think everyone agreed the it's wrong for government compel people to discriminate, as in Affirmative Action. However, where we differ is when it comes to private business. Contrary to the left's claims, no one has a right to be served by a private business. That's what "private" means. The owners make the decisions, not the government and not a gang of Nazi queers.
That's how it was for blacks before Civil rights of the 60's. We're not returning to those days no matter how much you pine for your racist conservatives.

Unlike people who think others should cater to them, I don't care if a black owned business didn't serve me because I'm white. I'd go elsewhere and move along. They, much like the faggots, think people should tell them yes no matter what they ask.
That's much easier to say when you're white and make up almost 3/4ths of the nation's population. Not so easy when you're black, making up only about 12½%. That severely limits one's options.

But you do expose the reason why the government had to step in. Left to their own accord, the racist south would still be denying blacks opportunities to this day if they could.

Only liberal turds think government exists to implement their schemes to perfect society. There is no reason government has to force a business to serve people the don't want to serve. None. The fact that you object is not a reason. It's pure petulance.
The problem is the government has implemented their schemes and it failed society.
Only a fucking Nazi liberal shithead would admit they believe being born is a crime.

You just admitted, by the way, that racism is the motivation and the justification for Affirmative Action.
Right back at ya .... only a Nazi conservative KKK shithead wanted to allow white America to continue its systemic discrimination against blacks after they won civil rights.

You're absolutely correct. I think everyone agreed the it's wrong for government compel people to discriminate, as in Affirmative Action. However, where we differ is when it comes to private business. Contrary to the left's claims, no one has a right to be served by a private business. That's what "private" means. The owners make the decisions, not the government and not a gang of Nazi queers.
That's how it was for blacks before Civil rights of the 60's. We're not returning to those days no matter how much you pine for your racist conservatives.

That's how it was for everyone prior to 1964. Saying "we're not going back to those days" is meaningless since no one has invented the time machine yet. However, we can easily repeal those laws. I realize that will produce stubborn resistance from the likes of you and the queers, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. Thousands of things deemed impossible by libturds happen every day.
Damn, you're fucking stupid. A time machine is not required to return to the policies of pre-1964.

You said "we aren't returning to those days," which means going back in time. No one is even proposing to return to those policies, like Jim Crow. The only thing that has been proposed is repealing the Public Accommodation statute, which is a clear violation of the Constitution and the property rights of every business owner.
What? Your ancestors came to the U.S. willingly? How fortunate were they?

Don't think that where they came from was a cakewalk. If I recall correctly, and I do, the country of Liberia was established as a place for free blacks to either go back to Africa or to the continent of their ancestors. Since it isn't overpopulated, tells me many didn't want to go nor want to go now.

That you, or for that matter the white establishment of two centuries ago, would consider this "go back to the continent of their ancestors" jazz speaks volumes. As if the whole continent is some kind of monolith, and you can't be bothered with the diversity -- it's just "Africa". Sounds eerily like "they all look alike to me" .

Let's say you're a slave whose ancestors were shipped here from Thailand. Now we're gonna offer you a "resettlement in the continent of your ancestors" -- in Mongolia. Hey, it's the same continent, whatsa problem?

Not to mention, did you think the land they decided to call "Liberia" was just sitting there with nobody in it, like an empty hotel room? Not to mention a harsh climate, not to mention it's highly unlikely to be the land of your ancestors anyway...

The arrogance of this patronizing attitude speaks volumes.

What many blacks, and guilt ridden whites, want now is for blacks to be given reparations and/or rewarded with special treatment for what none living today experienced as a slave. Worse than that, they want white people to sit down, shut up, and be told how bad we are as a race for having done what we did including those like me who didn't take part in what white people are supposed to be ashamed of doing. Sorry, don't buy it.

Amazing how you fast-forwarded here by two hundred years without looking, as if the present just sprang up spontaneously from nothing. "Slavery" isn't the issue any more; no one who was a slave, or a slave owner, is alive today nor are their children. What the effect was of shipping human cargo over the ocean, dehumanizing them for centuries, and then one day cutting them loose in their forced-adopted continent, was to create an underclass, socially and econnomically. That's the part that nobody thought through when they invented racism and transatlantic slave shipping. Inventing Liberia wasn't anywhere near about to fix that.

The attitude that blacks, most of whom want to be called African Americans yet have never been to Africa, speaks volumes. If you want to be called something, at least have been to the location you reference in what you want to be called.

That's not even a token response.

Nor does it make sense on its face. I'm Irish myself, and yes I've been to Ireland --- but before I ever went to Ireland I was still Irish. I mean.... duh?

Did you demand you be called an Irish-American? If you were born here and lived here, you're an American with Irish heritage. Learn the difference. Perhaps African Americans should.
Don't be ridiculous. Many people hyphenate, not just blacks. America's a melting pot and many people hold on to their heritage by hyphenating.
Don't think that where they came from was a cakewalk. If I recall correctly, and I do, the country of Liberia was established as a place for free blacks to either go back to Africa or to the continent of their ancestors. Since it isn't overpopulated, tells me many didn't want to go nor want to go now.

That you, or for that matter the white establishment of two centuries ago, would consider this "go back to the continent of their ancestors" jazz speaks volumes. As if the whole continent is some kind of monolith, and you can't be bothered with the diversity -- it's just "Africa". Sounds eerily like "they all look alike to me" .

Let's say you're a slave whose ancestors were shipped here from Thailand. Now we're gonna offer you a "resettlement in the continent of your ancestors" -- in Mongolia. Hey, it's the same continent, whatsa problem?

Not to mention, did you think the land they decided to call "Liberia" was just sitting there with nobody in it, like an empty hotel room? Not to mention a harsh climate, not to mention it's highly unlikely to be the land of your ancestors anyway...

The arrogance of this patronizing attitude speaks volumes.

What many blacks, and guilt ridden whites, want now is for blacks to be given reparations and/or rewarded with special treatment for what none living today experienced as a slave. Worse than that, they want white people to sit down, shut up, and be told how bad we are as a race for having done what we did including those like me who didn't take part in what white people are supposed to be ashamed of doing. Sorry, don't buy it.

Amazing how you fast-forwarded here by two hundred years without looking, as if the present just sprang up spontaneously from nothing. "Slavery" isn't the issue any more; no one who was a slave, or a slave owner, is alive today nor are their children. What the effect was of shipping human cargo over the ocean, dehumanizing them for centuries, and then one day cutting them loose in their forced-adopted continent, was to create an underclass, socially and econnomically. That's the part that nobody thought through when they invented racism and transatlantic slave shipping. Inventing Liberia wasn't anywhere near about to fix that.

The attitude that blacks, most of whom want to be called African Americans yet have never been to Africa, speaks volumes. If you want to be called something, at least have been to the location you reference in what you want to be called.

That's not even a token response.

Nor does it make sense on its face. I'm Irish myself, and yes I've been to Ireland --- but before I ever went to Ireland I was still Irish. I mean.... duh?

Did you demand you be called an Irish-American? If you were born here and lived here, you're an American with Irish heritage. Learn the difference. Perhaps African Americans should.

Oh fuck you. You completely failed to address my points, went off to a tangent, and I destroyed that too.

"Learn" this chump - :fu:

The only thing you destroyed is what little respect you may have had. I addressed that you were of Irish heritage. There's a difference you seem to be too stupid to be able to learn. I'm of E. European heritage but I'm not E. European. I'm American. Perhaps those who want to be called something they aren't would start doing the same, you might be considered the same. Until then, you'll be the potato eating turd you consider yourself.
Right back at ya .... only a Nazi conservative KKK shithead wanted to allow white America to continue its systemic discrimination against blacks after they won civil rights.

You're absolutely correct. I think everyone agreed the it's wrong for government compel people to discriminate, as in Affirmative Action. However, where we differ is when it comes to private business. Contrary to the left's claims, no one has a right to be served by a private business. That's what "private" means. The owners make the decisions, not the government and not a gang of Nazi queers.
That's how it was for blacks before Civil rights of the 60's. We're not returning to those days no matter how much you pine for your racist conservatives.

That's how it was for everyone prior to 1964. Saying "we're not going back to those days" is meaningless since no one has invented the time machine yet. However, we can easily repeal those laws. I realize that will produce stubborn resistance from the likes of you and the queers, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. Thousands of things deemed impossible by libturds happen every day.
Damn, you're fucking stupid. A time machine is not required to return to the policies of pre-1964.

You said "we aren't returning to those days," which means going back in time. No one is even proposing to return to those policies, like Jim Crow. The only thing that has been proposed is repealing the Public Accommodation statute, which is a clear violation of the Constitution and the property rights of every business owner.
Meaning living like we were back then you flaming moron -- not traveling back in time. :eusa_doh:
How does deliberate discrimination "level the playing field?" It does precisely the opposite. The intention is to get equality of results regardless of the quality of the input. White Americans living today have done nothing to justify being the victims of government enforced discrimination. Furthermore, it violates the 14th Amendment. Affirmative Action is the ultimate liberal hypocrisy.
For hundreds of years, blacks were denied access to the same jobs and education as whites. Meaning that when the day came the law demanded they be treated as equals, they wouldn't qualify for most jobs because they didn't have as much work experience or as good an education.

The government rectified that uneven playing field with affirmative action. Should it still be around today after some 50 years of leveling? Probably not. But it was most certainly a necessity when it was passed.

Only a despicable Nazi dumbass liberal like you would admit that "levelling the playing field" means discrimination. My ancestors never owned a slave. They weren't even in the country before the Civil War. Why should the government discriminate against them?

Calling it "necessary" is just another despicable libturd rationalization. Who determines what is "necessary?" It's only "necessary" from the point of view of Marxist ideologues who believe government exists to make life fair. One thing that can't be denied is that it's a violation of the 14th Amendment, which hypocrites like you claim to worship, and it's unjust. There is no right to "equal opportunity" mentioned in the Constitution. The very notion is nonsensical. The bottom line is that Affirmative Action is a rejection of everything turds like you claim to believe in.
Who determined that? Our government. Who's our government?It's us -- we the people. As a society we determined the playing field was so drastically tilted in favor of whites following hundreds of years of suppression of blacks, that whites could no longer continue their inbred discrimination.

Wrong. WE are not the government.

"The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can't get and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time is made good by looting A to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is sort of an advance auction sale of stolen goods."

- H. L. Mencken -
Your belief that majority rule justifies everything is also obvious horseshit. A lynch mob is the essence of majority rule. Yet, I doubt even a liberals have advanced to the point of condoning that.

When anyone says "society decided" this or that, what they mean is that some mob decided it - no better in character or wisdom than a lynch mob. There is no pool of illimitable wisdom to be found in a mob, or "society" as you choose to call it. Clearly, the mob is not infallible, so your claim that society (a mob) made the decision isn't the trump card you believe it to be.
Dayam, you're ignorant. I trump your satirist with the Declaration of Independence.... "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."

... and the U.S. Constitution ... "We the People of the United States...."

Where does either document claim "we are the government?"

The "we the people" claim in the Constitution is obviously false since a few men in Philadelphia wrote it, not all the people in the United States.
You're absolutely correct. I think everyone agreed the it's wrong for government compel people to discriminate, as in Affirmative Action. However, where we differ is when it comes to private business. Contrary to the left's claims, no one has a right to be served by a private business. That's what "private" means. The owners make the decisions, not the government and not a gang of Nazi queers.
That's how it was for blacks before Civil rights of the 60's. We're not returning to those days no matter how much you pine for your racist conservatives.

That's how it was for everyone prior to 1964. Saying "we're not going back to those days" is meaningless since no one has invented the time machine yet. However, we can easily repeal those laws. I realize that will produce stubborn resistance from the likes of you and the queers, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. Thousands of things deemed impossible by libturds happen every day.
Damn, you're fucking stupid. A time machine is not required to return to the policies of pre-1964.

You said "we aren't returning to those days," which means going back in time. No one is even proposing to return to those policies, like Jim Crow. The only thing that has been proposed is repealing the Public Accommodation statute, which is a clear violation of the Constitution and the property rights of every business owner.
Meaning living like we were back then you flaming moron -- not traveling back in time. :eusa_doh:

Mmmm, no. As I pointed out, no one is proposing to restore the Jim Crow laws.

You're an imbecile.
That you, or for that matter the white establishment of two centuries ago, would consider this "go back to the continent of their ancestors" jazz speaks volumes. As if the whole continent is some kind of monolith, and you can't be bothered with the diversity -- it's just "Africa". Sounds eerily like "they all look alike to me" .

Let's say you're a slave whose ancestors were shipped here from Thailand. Now we're gonna offer you a "resettlement in the continent of your ancestors" -- in Mongolia. Hey, it's the same continent, whatsa problem?

Not to mention, did you think the land they decided to call "Liberia" was just sitting there with nobody in it, like an empty hotel room? Not to mention a harsh climate, not to mention it's highly unlikely to be the land of your ancestors anyway...

The arrogance of this patronizing attitude speaks volumes.

Amazing how you fast-forwarded here by two hundred years without looking, as if the present just sprang up spontaneously from nothing. "Slavery" isn't the issue any more; no one who was a slave, or a slave owner, is alive today nor are their children. What the effect was of shipping human cargo over the ocean, dehumanizing them for centuries, and then one day cutting them loose in their forced-adopted continent, was to create an underclass, socially and econnomically. That's the part that nobody thought through when they invented racism and transatlantic slave shipping. Inventing Liberia wasn't anywhere near about to fix that.

The attitude that blacks, most of whom want to be called African Americans yet have never been to Africa, speaks volumes. If you want to be called something, at least have been to the location you reference in what you want to be called.

That's not even a token response.

Nor does it make sense on its face. I'm Irish myself, and yes I've been to Ireland --- but before I ever went to Ireland I was still Irish. I mean.... duh?

Did you demand you be called an Irish-American? If you were born here and lived here, you're an American with Irish heritage. Learn the difference. Perhaps African Americans should.

Oh fuck you. You completely failed to address my points, went off to a tangent, and I destroyed that too.

"Learn" this chump - :fu:

The only thing you destroyed is what little respect you may have had. I addressed that you were of Irish heritage. There's a difference you seem to be too stupid to be able to learn. I'm of E. European heritage but I'm not E. European. I'm American. Perhaps those who want to be called something they aren't would start doing the same, you might be considered the same. Until then, you'll be the potato eating turd you consider yourself.

Go fuck yourself, dipshit. You couldn't think of an answer so you started whining about irrelevant shit.
Don't think that where they came from was a cakewalk. If I recall correctly, and I do, the country of Liberia was established as a place for free blacks to either go back to Africa or to the continent of their ancestors. Since it isn't overpopulated, tells me many didn't want to go nor want to go now.

That you, or for that matter the white establishment of two centuries ago, would consider this "go back to the continent of their ancestors" jazz speaks volumes. As if the whole continent is some kind of monolith, and you can't be bothered with the diversity -- it's just "Africa". Sounds eerily like "they all look alike to me" .

Let's say you're a slave whose ancestors were shipped here from Thailand. Now we're gonna offer you a "resettlement in the continent of your ancestors" -- in Mongolia. Hey, it's the same continent, whatsa problem?

Not to mention, did you think the land they decided to call "Liberia" was just sitting there with nobody in it, like an empty hotel room? Not to mention a harsh climate, not to mention it's highly unlikely to be the land of your ancestors anyway...

The arrogance of this patronizing attitude speaks volumes.

What many blacks, and guilt ridden whites, want now is for blacks to be given reparations and/or rewarded with special treatment for what none living today experienced as a slave. Worse than that, they want white people to sit down, shut up, and be told how bad we are as a race for having done what we did including those like me who didn't take part in what white people are supposed to be ashamed of doing. Sorry, don't buy it.

Amazing how you fast-forwarded here by two hundred years without looking, as if the present just sprang up spontaneously from nothing. "Slavery" isn't the issue any more; no one who was a slave, or a slave owner, is alive today nor are their children. What the effect was of shipping human cargo over the ocean, dehumanizing them for centuries, and then one day cutting them loose in their forced-adopted continent, was to create an underclass, socially and econnomically. That's the part that nobody thought through when they invented racism and transatlantic slave shipping. Inventing Liberia wasn't anywhere near about to fix that.

The attitude that blacks, most of whom want to be called African Americans yet have never been to Africa, speaks volumes. If you want to be called something, at least have been to the location you reference in what you want to be called.

That's not even a token response.

Nor does it make sense on its face. I'm Irish myself, and yes I've been to Ireland --- but before I ever went to Ireland I was still Irish. I mean.... duh?

Did you demand you be called an Irish-American? If you were born here and lived here, you're an American with Irish heritage. Learn the difference. Perhaps African Americans should.
Don't be ridiculous. Many people hyphenate, not just blacks. America's a melting pot and many people hold on to their heritage by hyphenating.

Such as. My family is from E. Europe and while I acknowledge it and honor it, I damn sure don't want to be called a European American. While many refer to hyphenated terms in reference to their heritage, can't recall any other than African Americans using it in the manner they use it. I've seen the term African American on applications where Black used to be for race yet haven't seen any others done that way even Hispanics or Asians.
HAHAHA. Now that is truly ming-boggling ignorance. The Civil War had very little to do with slavery. Read some history, please.
It had a lot to do with it. Would the west be slave states or free for example.

No it didn't you fool. Slavery was, of course, a very very big issue at the time. But it's not what the Civil War was about. The CW was about profiteering and tariffs and states rights and the right to secede and the fact that the north and south simply hated each other. Slavery was just a small part of it. But history is written by the victors and so for 150 years the gover-media has told us the north invaded the south and started a war that killed 600,000 americans because the north wanted to end slavery!!!
I love how bi polar conservatives are. On one thread theyre pretending to love america not then on another post they want to secede or for america not to succeed.

I would have loved bush or newt or tom delay or boehner or McConnell to prove me wrong. I'd admit it. But not you with Obama. Top 5 all time.

Conservatives love what America used to be. Unfortunately that America no longer exists. Now we live in a fascist empire populated with obedient subjects, not a free country.
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The attitude that blacks, most of whom want to be called African Americans yet have never been to Africa, speaks volumes. If you want to be called something, at least have been to the location you reference in what you want to be called.

That's not even a token response.

Nor does it make sense on its face. I'm Irish myself, and yes I've been to Ireland --- but before I ever went to Ireland I was still Irish. I mean.... duh?

Did you demand you be called an Irish-American? If you were born here and lived here, you're an American with Irish heritage. Learn the difference. Perhaps African Americans should.

Oh fuck you. You completely failed to address my points, went off to a tangent, and I destroyed that too.

"Learn" this chump - :fu:

The only thing you destroyed is what little respect you may have had. I addressed that you were of Irish heritage. There's a difference you seem to be too stupid to be able to learn. I'm of E. European heritage but I'm not E. European. I'm American. Perhaps those who want to be called something they aren't would start doing the same, you might be considered the same. Until then, you'll be the potato eating turd you consider yourself.

Go fuck yourself, dipshit. You couldn't think of an answer so you started whining about irrelevant shit.

Which one is it. Should I fuck you or myself. You've stated both. If you're a male, the offer to do it to you isn't going to take place. Unlike you, I think being a faggot is abnormal. If you're female, no thanks. I don't like used goods.

Guess the potato eater bothered you. Good. Keep peeling.
Who cares what you buy? :dunno: The, they're better off here, they should be grateful their ancestors were slaves, idiocy is as moronic as the, Jews are better off because of the Holocaust since it got them Israel, nonsense I've heard from anti-Semites.
I don't use that argument. If they don't like it here, go back where their ancestors came from. They have that choice. Since most wouldn't, it tells me they think they're better off here.
Realize it or not, that is the argument you're making. The question isn't are blacks better off here ... the question is ... was it worth their ancestors being held in slavery for hundreds of years?

Since opportunities exist for them to go to where their ancestors came from and they don't go, tells me they think it is. If they thought going where their ancestors came from would be better, they'd go. I know I would but I realize that it isn't. Why would I want to go to an area where the Russia and the Ukraine are having a dispute. That's why my family left to start with.
WTF??? You think they think slavery was worth it to them because they're not returning to Africa??

Again, how is that different from saying Jews think the Holocaust was worth it because they ended up with Israel, and they now prefer to be in Israel than in Germany?

A general concept is that people will go where they think things are better. I've had several friends and family members move far away because what was offered there was better than what was offered here. If they thought it was better here, they would have stayed. It's easy if you want to understand. People go where they think it's better. Actions speak louder than words. Seems blacks say one thing by desiring to be called a hyphenated term yet their actions say another.
Again, the question is not are they better off here ... it's was it worth their ancestors enduring hundreds of years of slavery to bring them here. You seem to be saying the answer to that is "yes."
I don't use that argument. If they don't like it here, go back where their ancestors came from. They have that choice. Since most wouldn't, it tells me they think they're better off here.
Realize it or not, that is the argument you're making. The question isn't are blacks better off here ... the question is ... was it worth their ancestors being held in slavery for hundreds of years?

Since opportunities exist for them to go to where their ancestors came from and they don't go, tells me they think it is. If they thought going where their ancestors came from would be better, they'd go. I know I would but I realize that it isn't. Why would I want to go to an area where the Russia and the Ukraine are having a dispute. That's why my family left to start with.
WTF??? You think they think slavery was worth it to them because they're not returning to Africa??

Again, how is that different from saying Jews think the Holocaust was worth it because they ended up with Israel, and they now prefer to be in Israel than in Germany?

A general concept is that people will go where they think things are better. I've had several friends and family members move far away because what was offered there was better than what was offered here. If they thought it was better here, they would have stayed. It's easy if you want to understand. People go where they think it's better. Actions speak louder than words. Seems blacks say one thing by desiring to be called a hyphenated term yet their actions say another.
Again, the question is not are they better off here ... it's was it worth their ancestors enduring hundreds of years of slavery to bring them here. You seem to be saying the answer to that is "yes."

Apparently it is to them since they stay. If they thought things were better in Africa, they'd go. Since they stay, actions speak volumes. Whether it was worth it isn't for me to decide. It's for them to decide and their actions give me their answer.

If you thought, taking into all factors, that living somewhere else was better for you, wouldn't you go? If you had a choice and didn't, it would tell me that you thinks it's better where you were. How is it any different for blacks?
Defend what? You still haven't provided your source for the numbers you casually toss around. Not to mention, you're not even faithful to your own numbers. You went from saying black unemployment was 20% to saying it's about 11% to 12%. What should I be defending when you can't even agree with yourself or cite your source??

My numbers related to blacks is from the same source you post. My correction was the overall number while upholding the rate for younger blacks. Either way, blacks still hold a rate of unemployment two times that of the administration's claimed rate. That's why I said above not to worry about whitey. We've survived a long time without relying on blacks. Since 1 in 9 is unemployed, doesn't look like that will change unless guilt ridden whites continue pushing for reparations.
HolyFuckingShit! :eusa_doh::eusa_doh:eusa_doh:

You actually disparaged "my source" before confessing you're using the same source...

"From a true source that doesn't take out those that have quit looking for work but can work in order to make the numbers appear as something they aren't. You probably believe that the overall unemployment is what the Obama administration says it is. You sound like the typical ass kissing Liberal."

Now that we learn we're both citing the same source, does this mean you're a typical ass kissing Liberal?

I used multiple sources.

The last thing I am is a Liberal. I'll shot myself dead if that were the case.
Well you're the one who said you're using the same source as me. :ack-1:

Meanwhile, trying to get you to reveal your source is like pulling teeth. So what are your other sources??
Record 12 202 000 Black Americans Not in Labor Force CNS News
You raging imbecile ... your CNS News source is citing the BLS -- the same source I am citing. And again, you disparaged me for using the BLS.

You're using it too!


So do you have an actual other source? Or do all of your "multiple sources" source the BLS? :eusa_doh:

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