Hakeem Jeffries.....New (D) House Leader.

I wish he would have spent the past week talking to the moderate republicans. He only needed 6-7 of them to come over to become speaker. Not very wise I'd say considering his position. He had a chance Wednesday-thursday.
I've started ad nauseam that I don't think Biden is the (D) future going forward.
Neither is Harris.
But that low IQ dumbass far Leftest hateful piece of shit is the Democrat's choice for Speaker of the House. No Democrat voted against him.

The asshole is the face of the batshit crazy Democrat Party nowadays.

The days of moderate Democrats is long gone.
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Just another boring federal supremacist that wants to take power away from the people. Who cares?
You really HATE life, don't you?

Tell me anything positive you've seen or done in the last two weeks.

I'll Start......... I was able to visit my Daughter, S-I-L, and Grandchild over Christmas.
Wonderful time, 14 days of fulfillment.
The asshole is face of the batshit crazy Democrat Party nowadays.
Fact is, you will say that about ANY (D).
So your words are, once again, meaningless.
You really HATE life, don't you?

Tell me anything positive you've seen or done in the last two weeks.

I'll Start......... I was able to visit my Daughter, S-I-L, and Grandchild over Christmas.
Wonderful time, 14 days of fulfillment.
No, I dont hate life. I hate federal supremacists that make life harder.
Provide an example that has directly affect you.
I'm hear to listen to your concerns.
Taxes. Why my taxes are so high and they are shipping it to fascists in europe for a proxy war. Or to kill innocent brown people in the ME. Or spending millions of my tax dollars on bullshit like seeing if they can train a lion to run on a treadmill.
Ridiculous regulations that cause price increases.
Forcing themselves in the private sector hurts everyday Americans from all angles. Are you really this inept? Like seriously?
Taxes. Why my taxes are so high
Because Republicans want the rich to pay nothing. And you lick their boots in gratitude for that.

and they are shipping it to fascists in europe for a proxy war.
Oh, you're a RussoNazi genocide-supporting fascist douche. You should have led with that. It would have saved time. We would have known not to waste time on such a shit human.
Now that Jeffries is the new (D) leader in the House, will he springboard off this current success and make a run for POTUS in 2024.

Start doing you digging (you haters) and see what you can find.
He appears to be a rising star.
I don't know what his future career path is, but hopefully he remains Strong.

He's an election denier and a conspiracy theorist. Why do you hate our democracy?
Because Republicans want the rich to pay nothing. And you lick their boots in gratitude for that.

Oh, you're a RussoNazi genocide-supporting fascist douche. You should have led with that. It would have saved time. We would have known not to waste time on such a shit human.
Our tax code is bipartisan, you retarded dipshit.
Awww look! Another brain dead, binary dumbfuck, that thinks I support Pootin if i dont want to be involved in someone elses war.
Grow up, dumbass.
Our tax code is bipartisan, you retarded dipshit.
Yet you were only blaming democrats.

Even for a fascist, you're of low intelligence. I suspect all the boot polish you've ingested has damaged your brain.
Our tax code is bipartisan, you retarded dipshit.
Awww look! Another brain dead, binary dumbfuck, that thinks I support Pootin if i dont want to be involved in someone elses war.
You called Ukrained fascist, which makes you a devoted spreader of Putin's propaganda.

Remember, pisschugger, you're not talking to your fellow cult imbeciles. When you suck fascist ass, we're going to point it out.
He's an election denier
No, he's not. You're just a sad cult liar.

Don't worry. Nobody expected better of you. TheParty ordered you to lie, and it's not like you'd ever disobey. Authoritarian lackeys never disobey authority.

Did Rep. Jeffries vote to certify Trump's election? Why yes, he did.

Did he attend Trump's swearing in and politely applaud? Yes, he did.

No, saying that Trump will be considered an "illegitimate president", or saying his win was a "hoax" is _not_ being an election denier, and only the most shamelessly dishonest cult apparatchik would say such a thing.

As is always the case, Trump cult liars, you telling whoppers does not make anyone else a hypocrite. It just means you're bound for a very fiery afterlife.

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