Half the World doesn't know about the Holocaust!

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Holocaust deniers are just the stupidest liars on earth.

Fifty Million Nazi Documents: Germany Agrees to Open Holocaust Archive - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Plenty more where that came from. What have you got to show? Hilberg? Laughable.

Lol, 2006 :lol:

So you've had these great archives for 8 years, and since you're such an expert lets see what you have?

50 million you should be able to find one document that proves your holocaust.

Holocaust deniers are nothing more than the butt of a bad joke.
Holocaust deniers are just the stupidest liars on earth.

Fifty Million Nazi Documents: Germany Agrees to Open Holocaust Archive - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Plenty more where that came from. What have you got to show? Hilberg? Laughable.

Lol, 2006 :lol:

So you've had these great archives for 8 years, and since you're such an expert lets see what you have?

50 million you should be able to find one document that proves your holocaust.

Holocaust deniers are nothing more than the butt of a bad joke.

So as I thought you've nothing, no proof of your holocaust despite these 50 million documents :rolleyes:
Lol, 2006 :lol:

So you've had these great archives for 8 years, and since you're such an expert lets see what you have?

50 million you should be able to find one document that proves your holocaust.

Holocaust deniers are nothing more than the butt of a bad joke.

So as I thought you've nothing, no proof of your holocaust despite these 50 million documents :rolleyes:

Are you fucking kidding me? Are you really this dense......or just dishonest?
Maybe the Second World War never happened, Hitler was never born, Nazis never existed. Makes about as much sense as anything else Holocaust deniers have ever said.
If anything the number six million is far too low. Doesn't take into account all the people who were simply shot in situ, nor does it count the millions of non Jews who were murdered by the Nazis.
So as I thought you've nothing, no proof of your holocaust despite these 50 million documents :rolleyes:

Are you fucking kidding me? Are you really this dense......or just dishonest?

You havent provided even one of these fabulous documents, so lets see what you got, just one go on.

Maybe you could start by doing your own homework. You are a very lazy liar.

Holocaust Survivors and Victims Database ? United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Seems most of the world's citizens haven't been forced feed the media's Holocaust nonsense like the gullible western nations. .. :cool:

Half The World Doesn't Know About The Holocaust! - YouTube

Which half of the world would that be anyways?
That would be the half where kids starve or die from malnutrition, where women are beaten, stoned to death, raped with impunity or at best treated like beasts of burden. Where almost none of the men have a job, but most of them have Kalashnikov assault rifles.
In the rest of the world which has public schools, news media and watches Hollywood films there is no way to avoid being exposed to what`s being said about the holocaust.
If you are not overly curious about the details then you accepted a whole lot of Soviet propaganda and Stalin`s falsifications as fact.
If you are curious then it`s not hard to notice that all the so called death camps which were said to have gassed Jews with Zyklon B were discovered by the Soviets and none of them by the US, British etc forces that were in an alliance with the Soviets against Germany.
And the Soviets did not allow any of the Western Allied forces anywhere near the camps that were in Soviet occupied territory...alt least not until they "reconstructed" the gas chambers they say the SS destroyed to cover all traces.
Why would the Soviets cover the entire site with a layer (over 30 feet deep) of steel bar reinforced concrete where they say the SS killed and buried Jews in Belzec?

The same "no digging here" policy also goes for the other camps which were in the territory occupied by the Soviets...and they claim that`s in order to respect the dead (or their ashes) which are supposed to be hidden here.
Don`t you think it`s a bit strange that a communist regime which has committed a holocaust which dwarfs all else claims "to respect the dead"?
Holodomor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомор, "Extermination by hunger" or "Hunger-extermination";[2] derived from 'Морити голодом', "Killing by Starvation" [3][4][5]) was a man-made famine in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1932 and 1933 that killed up to 7.5 million Ukrainians.[6] During the famine, which is also known as the "Terror-Famine in Ukraine" and "Famine-Genocide in Ukraine",[7][8][9] millions of citizens of the Ukrainian SSR, the majority of whom were Ukrainians, died of starvation in a peacetime catastrophe unprecedented in the history of Ukraine.[10] Since 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized by the independent Ukraine and several other countries as a genocide of the Ukrainian people.[11]
Early estimates of the death toll by scholars and government officials varied greatly; anywhere from 1.8[12] to 12 million[13] ethnic Ukrainians were said to have perished as a result of the famine.
Soviet war crimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
War crimes perpetrated by the armed forces of Soviet Russia and the Soviet Union from 1919 to 1991 include acts committed by the Red Army (later called the Soviet Army) as well as the NKVD, including the NKVD's Internal Troops. In some cases, these crimes may have been committed on express orders of the early Soviet government's policy of Red Terror.
Many of these incidents occurred in Northern and Eastern Europe before and during World War II, and involved summary executions and mass murder of prisoners of war (such as the Katyn massacre) and mistreatment of civilians in Soviet-occupied territories. Although there are numerous documented cases of such incidents, very few members of the Soviet armed forces (for example, Vassili Kononov), have ever been charged with war crimes and none of them by the International Criminal Court or Soviet or Russian tribunal.
The Katyn massacre, is a good example. It came up during the Nurenberg trials which concluded by the evidence the Soviets provided that it had been committed by the SS.
That remained so as the gospel "truth" until there was Gorbachev with his "Glasnost" and until the Soviet Union collapsed.
The massacre was prompted by NKVD chief Lavrentiy Beria's proposal to execute all captive members of the Polish Officer Corps, dated 5 March 1940, approved by the Soviet Politburo, including its leader, Joseph Stalin. The number of victims is estimated at about 22,000.[1] The victims were murdered in the Katyn Forest in Russia, the Kalinin and Kharkiv prisons and elsewhere.
Before that anyone who doubted the Soviet version was a holocaust denier and prosecuted as such in Germany.
We had the Nurenberg trials, the hangings and after that billion$ upon billion$ paid to Jews by West-Germans who haven`t even been born when the Nazis persecuted Jews, but to date not a single charge has ever been levied against the Soviets, nor has a single "Ostmark" ever been paid to Israel by the Germans who lived in East Germany when it was a Soviet Satellite State.
Yes the Nazis committed war crimes and yes they persecuted people and not just Jews but we`ll never know how much of it is true and how much of it was Soviet Propaganda and that will remain so else a lot of iconic politicians in GB and the US would loose their luster if post war generations were aware what their biggest ally, Stalin and his henchmen were doing and why no war crimes charges were ever laid against any of them.
...and that`s why the Soviet version of events will remain a "historic fact" and anything else is "denial".
Be that as it may, anti-Semitism should be crime, but isn`t and a cyanide residue analysis in Auschwitz or running a ground penetrating RADAR probe over Treblinka constitutes holocaust denial and lands you in a German prison, no matter what your nationality is.
I have no doubts that Jews perished in despicable ways because of National Socialism and "Never Again!" should be our resolution, but it rings rather hollow considering the double standard applied even to this day for what constitutes a war crime.
Allied war crimes during World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Seems most of the world's citizens haven't been forced feed the media's Holocaust nonsense like the gullible western nations. .. :cool:

Half The World Doesn't Know About The Holocaust! - YouTube

Which half of the world would that be anyways?
That would be the half where kids starve or die from malnutrition, where women are beaten, stoned to death, raped with impunity or at best treated like beasts of burden. Where almost none of the men have a job, but most of them have Kalashnikov assault rifles.
In the rest of the world which has public schools, news media and watches Hollywood films there is no way to avoid being exposed to what`s being said about the holocaust.
If you are not overly curious about the details then you accepted a whole lot of Soviet propaganda and Stalin`s falsifications as fact.
If you are curious then it`s not hard to notice that all the so called death camps which were said to have gassed Jews with Zyklon B were discovered by the Soviets and none of them by the US, British etc forces that were in an alliance with the Soviets against Germany.
And the Soviets did not allow any of the Western Allied forces anywhere near the camps that were in Soviet occupied territory...alt least not until they "reconstructed" the gas chambers they say the SS destroyed to cover all traces.
Why would the Soviets cover the entire site with a layer (over 30 feet deep) of steel bar reinforced concrete where they say the SS killed and buried Jews in Belzec?

The same "no digging here" policy also goes for the other camps which were in the territory occupied by the Soviets...and they claim that`s in order to respect the dead (or their ashes) which are supposed to be hidden here.
Don`t you think it`s a bit strange that a communist regime which has committed a holocaust which dwarfs all else claims "to respect the dead"?
Holodomor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомор, "Extermination by hunger" or "Hunger-extermination";[2] derived from 'Морити голодом', "Killing by Starvation" [3][4][5]) was a man-made famine in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1932 and 1933 that killed up to 7.5 million Ukrainians.[6] During the famine, which is also known as the "Terror-Famine in Ukraine" and "Famine-Genocide in Ukraine",[7][8][9] millions of citizens of the Ukrainian SSR, the majority of whom were Ukrainians, died of starvation in a peacetime catastrophe unprecedented in the history of Ukraine.[10] Since 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized by the independent Ukraine and several other countries as a genocide of the Ukrainian people.[11]
Early estimates of the death toll by scholars and government officials varied greatly; anywhere from 1.8[12] to 12 million[13] ethnic Ukrainians were said to have perished as a result of the famine.
Soviet war crimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
War crimes perpetrated by the armed forces of Soviet Russia and the Soviet Union from 1919 to 1991 include acts committed by the Red Army (later called the Soviet Army) as well as the NKVD, including the NKVD's Internal Troops. In some cases, these crimes may have been committed on express orders of the early Soviet government's policy of Red Terror.
Many of these incidents occurred in Northern and Eastern Europe before and during World War II, and involved summary executions and mass murder of prisoners of war (such as the Katyn massacre) and mistreatment of civilians in Soviet-occupied territories. Although there are numerous documented cases of such incidents, very few members of the Soviet armed forces (for example, Vassili Kononov), have ever been charged with war crimes and none of them by the International Criminal Court or Soviet or Russian tribunal.
The Katyn massacre, is a good example. It came up during the Nurenberg trials which concluded by the evidence the Soviets provided that it had been committed by the SS.
That remained so as the gospel "truth" until there was Gorbachev with his "Glasnost" and until the Soviet Union collapsed.
The massacre was prompted by NKVD chief Lavrentiy Beria's proposal to execute all captive members of the Polish Officer Corps, dated 5 March 1940, approved by the Soviet Politburo, including its leader, Joseph Stalin. The number of victims is estimated at about 22,000.[1] The victims were murdered in the Katyn Forest in Russia, the Kalinin and Kharkiv prisons and elsewhere.
Before that anyone who doubted the Soviet version was a holocaust denier and prosecuted as such in Germany.
We had the Nurenberg trials, the hangings and after that billion$ upon billion$ paid to Jews by West-Germans who haven`t even been born when the Nazis persecuted Jews, but to date not a single charge has ever been levied against the Soviets, nor has a single "Ostmark" ever been paid to Israel by the Germans who lived in East Germany when it was a Soviet Satellite State.
Yes the Nazis committed war crimes and yes they persecuted people and not just Jews but we`ll never know how much of it is true and how much of it was Soviet Propaganda and that will remain so else a lot of iconic politicians in GB and the US would loose their luster if post war generations were aware what their biggest ally, Stalin and his henchmen were doing and why no war crimes charges were ever laid against any of them.
...and that`s why the Soviet version of events will remain a "historic fact" and anything else is "denial".
Be that as it may, anti-Semitism should be crime, but isn`t and a cyanide residue analysis in Auschwitz or running a ground penetrating RADAR probe over Treblinka constitutes holocaust denial and lands you in a German prison, no matter what your nationality is.
I have no doubts that Jews perished in despicable ways because of National Socialism and "Never Again!" should be our resolution, but it rings rather hollow considering the double standard applied even to this day for what constitutes a war crime.
Allied war crimes during World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The mewlings of Holocaust minimalists are just about as compelling as any other internet inspired scholarship.
Seems most of the world's citizens haven't been forced feed the media's Holocaust nonsense like the gullible western nations. .. :cool:

Half The World Doesn't Know About The Holocaust! - YouTube

In Sharia countries I can understand how you wish to keep the people dumb and ignorant. The rest of the world doesn't want to live in the 600's anymore. Time for you guys to grow up.

Once upon a time the Moslem countries were the pinnacles of learning and scientific research. Then a bunch of religious fanatics got control and you guys have been devolving ever since.
Seems most of the world's citizens haven't been forced feed the media's Holocaust nonsense like the gullible western nations. .. :cool:

Half The World Doesn't Know About The Holocaust! - YouTube

In Sharia countries I can understand how you wish to keep the people dumb and ignorant. The rest of the world doesn't want to live in the 600's anymore. Time for you guys to grow up.

Once upon a time the Moslem countries were the pinnacles of learning and scientific research. Then a bunch of religious fanatics got control and you guys have been devolving ever since.

Ever wonder why Arabs make such crappy soldiers? Why is it that every time they run into any actual organized resistance they scatter like camel herders?
Seems most of the world's citizens haven't been forced feed the media's Holocaust nonsense like the gullible western nations. .. :cool:

Half The World Doesn't Know About The Holocaust! - YouTube

In Sharia countries I can understand how you wish to keep the people dumb and ignorant. The rest of the world doesn't want to live in the 600's anymore. Time for you guys to grow up.

Once upon a time the Moslem countries were the pinnacles of learning and scientific research. Then a bunch of religious fanatics got control and you guys have been devolving ever since.

Ever wonder why Arabs make such crappy soldiers? Why is it that every time they run into any actual organized resistance they scatter like camel herders?

Some of it is cultural, they don't tend to aim because that way if someone is killed it's because "God Willed It". And then there is the fact they are poorly trained, poorly led (think of the Italian army in North Africa under Graziani) and not well equipped because their leaders don't trust them.

Saladin is rolling over in his grave.....
In Sharia countries I can understand how you wish to keep the people dumb and ignorant. The rest of the world doesn't want to live in the 600's anymore. Time for you guys to grow up.

Once upon a time the Moslem countries were the pinnacles of learning and scientific research. Then a bunch of religious fanatics got control and you guys have been devolving ever since.

Ever wonder why Arabs make such crappy soldiers? Why is it that every time they run into any actual organized resistance they scatter like camel herders?

Some of it is cultural, they don't tend to aim because that way if someone is killed it's because "God Willed It". And then there is the fact they are poorly trained, poorly led (think of the Italian army in North Africa under Graziani) and not well equipped because their leaders don't trust them.

Saladin is rolling over in his grave.....

There must be a strong cultural component here, even the Italians in North Africa had effective units despite poor leadership overall.
Ever wonder why Arabs make such crappy soldiers? Why is it that every time they run into any actual organized resistance they scatter like camel herders?

Some of it is cultural, they don't tend to aim because that way if someone is killed it's because "God Willed It". And then there is the fact they are poorly trained, poorly led (think of the Italian army in North Africa under Graziani) and not well equipped because their leaders don't trust them.

Saladin is rolling over in his grave.....

There must be a strong cultural component here, even the Italians in North Africa had effective units despite poor leadership overall.

Only a couple, and then only when the DAK had arrived.
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