Hallmark to reinstate same sex marriage commercial it pulled

The world insists on pushing the vile crap on you and your children.

It's why I no longer watch television
The world insists on pushing the vile crap on you and your children.

It's why I no longer watch television

That's not the only reason I no longer watch television. I have high standards for my entertainment. Current TV writing sucks.
Current TV writing sucks.

I wholeheartedly disagree. I believe we are experiencing a golden age of television. Series today have production values equivalent to the best movies and are given the time required to develop a story and it's characters. Try to imaged 'Game of Thrones' as a three-hour movie.

Even smaller budget shows like 'The Good Place', which is a comedy designed to educated us on moral philosophy, is ground-breaking in its own way.

There is a lot of crap on TV today, no doubt. But, the best of TV today is much better than the laugh-tracked, formulaic, simplistic shows of the past decades.
The world insists on pushing the vile crap on you and your children.

It's why I no longer watch television

I guarantee your kids watch television.

Mine certainly don't. This is the era of streaming.

If you're watching it on a TV, it's TV.


You're intentionally conflating broadcast television and streaming services that don't air commercials. Stop being obtuse.
Current TV writing sucks.

I wholeheartedly disagree. I believe we are experiencing a golden age of television. Series today have production values equivalent to the best movies and are given the time required to develop a story and it's characters. Try to imaged 'Game of Thrones' as a three-hour movie.

Even smaller budget shows like 'The Good Place', which is a comedy designed to educated us on moral philosophy, is ground-breaking in its own way.

There is a lot of crap on TV today, no doubt. But, the best of TV today is much better than the laugh-tracked, formulaic, simplistic shows of the past decades.

Speaking primarily of network TV. Streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon are producing decent stuff, though much is still derivative of what has gone before.
Current TV writing sucks.

I wholeheartedly disagree. I believe we are experiencing a golden age of television. Series today have production values equivalent to the best movies and are given the time required to develop a story and it's characters. Try to imaged 'Game of Thrones' as a three-hour movie.

Even smaller budget shows like 'The Good Place', which is a comedy designed to educated us on moral philosophy, is ground-breaking in its own way.

There is a lot of crap on TV today, no doubt. But, the best of TV today is much better than the laugh-tracked, formulaic, simplistic shows of the past decades.

Speaking primarily of network TV. Streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon are producing decent stuff, though much is still derivative of what has gone before.

Back in the day, we have VHF and UHF TV channels. The more powerful VHF channels were either wholly-owned network stations of network subsidiaries. The UHF channels were, for the most part, were independent stations, responsible for their own programming, like farm reports, and women's wrestling. But, they were all TV.

Streaming has taken over the role of the VHF stations while free-to-air broadcast have sunk to the level previously occupied by UHF.

There have even been experiments, like the 'Black Mirror' Bandersnatch episode, with interactive TV.

Technology has evolved the medium we call television.
It's a GAY Christmas, Charlie Brown...............
They used to call something like that age-inappropriate. Now they call it Public School sex education.

What kind of world is this generation of teachers going to hand down?
It's a GAY Christmas, Charlie Brown...............
They used to call something like that age-inappropriate. Now they call it Public School sex education.

What kind of world is this generation of teachers going to hand down?
The world will be one where same sex marriages and men dressing as women and acting seductively in front of children will be considered NORMAL. Mainstream media is already pushing these things in an effort, I believe, to tear down the basic family unit of father, mother and children.
It's a GAY Christmas, Charlie Brown...............
They used to call something like that age-inappropriate. Now they call it Public School sex education.

What kind of world is this generation of teachers going to hand down?

One at conflict.

This isn't new. Matter of fact, the last time it happened was barely even 100 years ago in the Weimar Republic of Germany. The gay and trans agenda was very prevalent in Germany in those times, just as it is today. They even had their own version of our modern day "Gaystapo" if you dared speak out against it. Current mainstream history tells us that the main reason the Nazis rose to power was because Germany was being crushed economically by the reparations imposed over WW1 - and while that is true, it wasn't the only reason. People were also fed up with the rampant degeneracy that was permeating German culture. Remember the Nazi book burnings? A lot of what they burned was material that promoted the gay & trans ideologies. Modern day historians like to ignore these little factoids.

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

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