Hallway footage of Uvalde school shooting

Yes, but not for the reasons you think. The disgusting part is how Ramos was able to get two military grade weapons.

Possibly because they didn't know if he had bombs, had hostages, had an accomplice waiting to shoot them in the back.

I mean, Hindsight is always 20/20.
name any military using these weapons.

so sick and tired of the lying assholes who know they are lying but do it anyway.
Absolutely sickening, they had all that firepower, and not only did they stay in the hallway, they stayed way down the hallway and most of them hid around the corner.
Its easy to demonise those officers.
But they are victims of Americas gun culture as well.
The real villains are the politicians,bought and paid for, who facilitate troubled teens to buy machine guns.
That is where your anger should be directed.

We have been blaming the baldheaded bastard school police chief for cowardice but I dont see him on the video at all.

So it's difficult for me to id which one of the pussies wearing blue is in command

Minutes pass while more and more cowards gather at the end of the hallway, at least 150 feet away from any danger

I can imagine the conversation

“OK folks break time is over, its time to move”

“Fred, you go first”

“No way” says Fred, “I havent finished my donut snd coffee yet. You go first”

And so on as wounded children bleed to death

Its enough to make me want to throw up
Thank goodness we outfitted them with combat gear.

There might be a protest there one day, and a protestor might step into the street.
Its easy to demonise those officers.
But they are victims of Americas gun culture as well.
The real villains are the politicians,bought and paid for, who facilitate troubled teens to buy machine guns.
That is where your anger should be directed.

Regardless of the current gun laws, what the cops did was inexcusable.
Yes, but not for the reasons you think. The disgusting part is how Ramos was able to get two military grade weapons.

Possibly because they didn't know if he had bombs, had hostages, had an accomplice waiting to shoot them in the back.

I mean, Hindsight is always 20/20.

No, Moon Bat you are once again confused.

There are two disgusting things.

1. That a deranged piece of shit decided to kill children.

2. That the police were too cowardly to do their job.
They have a fantasy of Texas lawmen armed with a six shooter picking off bad guys left and right

Instead we saw trained law men in body armor, helmets and ballistic shields refusing to engage

Good guys with guns

And, shithead.......a good guy with a gun, a Border Patrol Agent, went in and killed the guy....you dope.

And nowhere in any policy or law is it codified they must risk their own lives to help anyone.
But they often do risk their lives when lib social workers would adopt your attitude of run and hide
Most of those cops are good people acting as a team where the team leaders are spineless shitheads
But they often do risk their lives when lib social workers would adopt your attitude of run and hide
Yes, because social workers are not armed law enforcement officers, you desperate dumbass. You can't even help yourself. Sad.

But thank you for accidentally revealing what really matters to you, here.
Yes, because social workers are not armed law enforcement officers, you desperate dumbass.
According to some on the left cops should not have guns or even be cops

But I’m sure that never applies to you, huh?

Thanks for confirming that we need men with guns to keep law and order

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