Hamas and Iran take over all US Colleges and universities citing squatters rights


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Palestinian militant group Hamas and Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei publicly applauded the growing number of anti-Gaza war protests and encampments that have sprung up on college campuses from California to Massachusetts and have become a flashpoint in the U.S.

Izzat Al-Risheq, a member of the militant group's Political Bureau, said on Wednesday that President Joe Biden's administration is violating the rights of students and faculty members and arresting them, "because of their rejection of the genocide that our Palestinian people are the subjected in the Gaza Strip at the hands of the neo-Nazi Zionists."

The statement claimed: "Today's students are the leaders of the future."

He also claimed that since their radical fringe has lived on those college campuses across the country for so long and outnumber all other US citizens there that they could now declare them sovereign states for Iran and Hamas. In fact, the Ayatollah declared them open air prisons of that rightly belong to the state of Iran for which Joe Biden must relinquish all control.

Looking at polling, it appears most democrats agree with the Ayatollah, which then caused Joe Biden to also agree. "Folks, listen, this is democracy in action and I have an election to win. Sure, these are terrorist groups which I have said from day one, but we must bow to democracy. If you ask any student on campus for a vote, they would vote for President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi over me, Trump, and RFK combined, so we must give the land back to Mexico, or the Indian nation will rise again and take it all back anyway. Do we want to preserve democracy by giving the US over to Iran or do we want fascism with Trump? Smitherjism."
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Palestinian militant group Hamas and Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei publicly applauded the growing number of anti-Gaza war protests and encampments that have sprung up on college campuses from California to Massachusetts and have become a flashpoint in the U.S.

Izzat Al-Risheq, a member of the militant group's Political Bureau, said on Wednesday that President Joe Biden's administration is violating the rights of students and faculty members and arresting them, "because of their rejection of the genocide that our Palestinian people are the subjected in the Gaza Strip at the hands of the neo-Nazi Zionists."

The statement claimed: "Today's students are the leaders of the future."

He also claimed that since their radical fringe has lived on those college campuses across the country for so long and outnumber all other US citizens there that they could now declare them sovereign states for Iran and Hamas. In fact, the Ayatollah declared them open air prisons of that rightly belong to the state of Iran for which Joe Biden must relinquish all control.

Looking at polling, it appears most democrats agree with the Ayatollah, which then caused Joe Biden to also agree. "Folks, listen, this is democracy in action and I have an election to win. Sure, these are terrorist groups which I have said from day one, but we must bow to democracy. If you ask any student on campus for a vote, they would vote for President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi over me, Trump, and RFK combined, so we must give the land back to Mexico, or the Indian nation will rise again and take it all back anyway. Do we want to preserve democracy by giving the US over to Iran or do we want fascism with Trump? Smitherjism."
oh my gosh, we must take over the world to stop them, and kill everyone.
oh my gosh, we must take over the world to stop them, and kill everyone.
Iran has convinced the future leaders of the US at these colleges that the Iranian backed Hamas to destroy Israel is evil and genocidal and whose only joy in life is killing innocent Palestinian women and children, and politicians like Biden are propping them up.

Meanwhile, in Iran..............

Iran has convinced the future leaders of the US at these colleges that the Iranian backed Hamas to destroy Israel is evil and genocidal and whose only joy in life is killing innocent Palestinian women and children, and politicians like Biden are propping them up.

Meanwhile, in Iran..............

View attachment 937481

omg. we better kill them all, right?
View attachment 937467

Palestinian militant group Hamas and Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei publicly applauded the growing number of anti-Gaza war protests and encampments that have sprung up on college campuses from California to Massachusetts and have become a flashpoint in the U.S.

Izzat Al-Risheq, a member of the militant group's Political Bureau, said on Wednesday that President Joe Biden's administration is violating the rights of students and faculty members and arresting them, "because of their rejection of the genocide that our Palestinian people are the subjected in the Gaza Strip at the hands of the neo-Nazi Zionists."

The statement claimed: "Today's students are the leaders of the future."

He also claimed that since their radical fringe has lived on those college campuses across the country for so long and outnumber all other US citizens there that they could now declare them sovereign states for Iran and Hamas. In fact, the Ayatollah declared them open air prisons of that rightly belong to the state of Iran for which Joe Biden must relinquish all control.

Looking at polling, it appears most democrats agree with the Ayatollah, which then caused Joe Biden to also agree. "Folks, listen, this is democracy in action and I have an election to win. Sure, these are terrorist groups which I have said from day one, but we must bow to democracy. If you ask any student on campus for a vote, they would vote for President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi over me, Trump, and RFK combined, so we must give the land back to Mexico, or the Indian nation will rise again and take it all back anyway. Do we want to preserve democracy by giving the US over to Iran or do we want fascism with Trump? Smitherjism."
All is a pretty big word for you alarmist.
Iran has convinced the future leaders of the US at these colleges that the Iranian backed Hamas to destroy Israel is evil and genocidal and whose only joy in life is killing innocent Palestinian women and children, and politicians like Biden are propping them up.

Meanwhile, in Iran..............

View attachment 937481
Burning their own property, so what.
The way to stop it is to cut off the money being used to fund these protests.
Is Hamas a terrorist group?

Is Biden correct when he says this?

And does Iran fund them to fight Israel?
Looks like AHZ stuck his tail between his legs and ran off.


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