Hamas and Islamic Jihad call for third Intifada

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et al,

You are asking if anyone on the Palestinian side condemns this?

How about we hear a condemnation from some of the members here then.

I call out Indofred, Sherri, Hoffstra, Tinmore and others. Any of you want to condemn this?

C'mon Caroline. Do you really believe that people who claim that Jewish kindergartens are legitimate military targets to condemn their heroes for calling for more Jews to be killed?

I missed that post. I wonder who could have typed that.

Seriously though, surely there is someone from the other side, anyone.....
who will condemn this?


Anyone at all?

I am sure there are. As you know, I make a distinction between the Arab Palestinian (AP) and the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP).

But one must also remember that, in general, activities such as HAMAS and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, follow the Covenant; and the remainder of the Palestinians tolerate that philosophy. So while a few might condemn such violent notions, a vast majority will silently standby and allow such threatened events to unfold.

It is for this reason that the overall Palestinian Population needs to be contained. While they are not all active participants, the overwhelming majority passively support the violence that HAMAS and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad advocate and pursue.

  • ARTICLE 13: There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.

  • ARTICLE 15: The day that enemies usurp part of Moslem land, Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Moslem. In face of the Jews' usurpation of Palestine, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised.

  • Arab Higher Committee Delegation: “The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out – man women and child."

Understanding the operational environment is fundamental to grafting the necessary protection from hostile or potentially hostile forces of elements HAMAS and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, in areas of actual or potential operations. One of the key elements essential to understand is that HAMAS and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad do not operate in a vacuum. They derive their support for continued operations from the general population. Without it, they would wither and die on the vine. The fact that they still pose a threat is demonstrated evidence that those Palestinians that appear to be nonviolent actually provide tangible support to these more violent elements. This is further reenforced by the lack of Palestinian self containment. What nonviolent elements there are, are not willing to police themselves and restrain the violent components.

Most Respectfully,
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How about we hear a condemnation from some of the members here then.

I call out Indofred, Sherri, Hoffstra, Tinmore and others. Any of you want to condemn this?

C'mon Caroline. Do you really believe that people who claim that Jewish kindergartens are legitimate military targets to condemn their heroes for calling for more Jews to be killed?

I missed that post. I wonder who could have typed that.

Seriously though, surely there is someone from the other side, anyone.....
who will condemn this?


Anyone at all?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8E_zMLCRNg]Cricket Sound - YouTube[/ame]
C'mon Caroline. Do you really believe that people who claim that Jewish kindergartens are legitimate military targets to condemn their heroes for calling for more Jews to be killed?

I missed that post. I wonder who could have typed that.

Seriously though, surely there is someone from the other side, anyone.....
who will condemn this?


Anyone at all?

More than one post. Don't you recall the debates where the Jew haters claimed that anyone in the settlements were fair game?

I often let their comments go over my head. Probably my way of dealing with their hate.
toastman, et al,

Yes! Hummm...

From the article:

“A new intifada should erupt against the Zionist enemy and we believe that our people have the will and ability to liberate Palestine from the river to the sea,” he said during a rally in the Gaza Strip.

Hamas’s armed wing, Izaddin Kassam, also threatened to resume suicide bombings against Israel.

And yet again, it would seem that HAMAS and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, acting in the capacity as Article 13/15 Jihadist, can not refrain from organizing, instigating, facilitating, terrorist activities intended to be committed against other States or their citizens.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks to the Security Council said:
Nothing can justify terrorism — ever. No grievance, no goal, no cause can excuse terrorist acts.

SOURCE: SG/SM/14764 SC/10883

It would seem that HAMAS and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad are trying to create an environment which will interrupt peace talks.

Most Respectfully,

Yes you are correct, however, If Israel takes over the mount( even against UN recognition), total war will ensue. Islam will never accept the occupation of their 3rd holiest site...Religious dogma will destroy both peoples.
Yes you are correct, however, If Israel takes over the mount( even against UN recognition), total war will ensue. Islam will never accept the occupation of their 3rd holiest site...
The temple mount isn't the 3rd holiest site of/in islam. There were no pilgrimages to the "holy Al Aksa" mosque. Jerusalem wasn't mentioned in the koran and hasn't become "holy" to arabs/muslims until it became convenient, holy war and all that shitt, after 1967, of course. Conclusion: any place a jew resides in is a fourth, fifth, sixth, etc. "holiest site of islam".
toastman, et al,

Yes! Hummm...

From the article:

“A new intifada should erupt against the Zionist enemy and we believe that our people have the will and ability to liberate Palestine from the river to the sea,” he said during a rally in the Gaza Strip.

Hamas’s armed wing, Izaddin Kassam, also threatened to resume suicide bombings against Israel.

And yet again, it would seem that HAMAS and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, acting in the capacity as Article 13/15 Jihadist, can not refrain from organizing, instigating, facilitating, terrorist activities intended to be committed against other States or their citizens.

Nothing can justify terrorism — ever. No grievance, no goal, no cause can excuse terrorist acts.

SOURCE: SG/SM/14764 SC/10883

It would seem that HAMAS and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad are trying to create an environment which will interrupt peace talks.

Most Respectfully,

Yes you are correct, however, If Israel takes over the mount( even against UN recognition), total war will ensue. Islam will never accept the occupation of their 3rd holiest site...Religious dogma will destroy both peoples.

yes, but do you agree that the Palestinians should not erupt in violence if Jews want to go pray at the Temple Mount during certain times of the year??? It's called respect for other peoples religion, and the Palestinians have not displayed any of it.
It's a holy site for the Jews, and it was the Arabs who built the Mosque right on top of the Mount.
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pbel, et al,

I truly have to question if Jerusalem is really an "Islamic Holy Site."

Yes you are correct, however, If Israel takes over the mount (even against UN recognition), total war will ensue. Islam will never accept the occupation of their 3rd holiest site...Religious dogma will destroy both peoples.

Jerusalem is being used as a tool to incite violence.

  • If the Temple Mount is so -- such a precious thing -- the way are the Arabs (follows of the Supreme Being) so apposed to the Jews (follows of the same Supreme Being) worshipping at the site?

This is all about power and influence. The Palestinians are no more follows of Islam than anyone in my family. They just want a reason to ignite conflict. And the Israelis are just foolish enough to fall for it.

But don't for a minute think this is about "religion or religious dogma." I'm not sure that Jerusalem is even mentioned once in the Koran; but, if it is, I'm sure it is not the center of struggle and controversy.

No, a bunch of Islamic thugs, have highjacked Islamic ideals and twisted them. There is no real culture of chivalry (futuwwa) and courtesy (adab) in Islam as practiced by the Arab Palestinian.

“The perfect example of this level of control and chivalry is demonstrated by the conduct of Hadrat Ali ibn Abu Talib (RA) a companion of the Prophet (SAW) who once, in the midst of battle was about to slay his opponent. As he raised his sword to strike, his enemy spat in his face. Hadrat Ali immediately dropped his sword & refused to kill his opponent, “what is wrong with you, why do you not strike?” the man asked “because before you spat at me I was fighting you for the sake of Allah Almighty” Ali (RA) replied, “but after you spat I was fighting you because I was angry – and as a muslim I can only fight for Allah , never for my own Nafs. “Upon hearing this, Ali’s ( RA) opponent recongnized the nobility & truth of his words and immediately accepted Islam.” [1]

[1] Royal Chivalry. Islamic Chivalry
SOURCE: Inheriting A Lifestyle of Islamic Chivalry

Thus, it is NOT for the Supreme Being (they do not fight for Allah) that the Arab Palestinian creates this trouble, but for themselves.

Don't confuse the two.

Most Respectfully,
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No Rocco, Jerusalem (Al-Quds) is not mentioned even once in the Koran.

It is very debatable of Jerusalem really is a holy site for the Arabs, but I agree with your theory that their claim to Jerusalem is just another reason to incite violence.

The way I see it, they don't want anyone else but Muslims in that area. Remember, it was the visit of Ariel Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount that incited the second Intifada. That's right, a Jewish man visit one of Judaism's most holy sites is what caused the Palestinians to do this:

List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Starting from 2000
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHpMhAzj-Tk]Mordechai Kedar in al-Jazeera about Jerusalem & Islam - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgGYQ_PEcZs]How to Speak to the Muslims: Mordechai Kedar - YouTube[/ame]
toastman, et al,

Yes! Hummm...


And yet again, it would seem that HAMAS and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, acting in the capacity as Article 13/15 Jihadist, can not refrain from organizing, instigating, facilitating, terrorist activities intended to be committed against other States or their citizens.

It would seem that HAMAS and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad are trying to create an environment which will interrupt peace talks.

Most Respectfully,

Yes you are correct, however, If Israel takes over the mount( even against UN recognition), total war will ensue. Islam will never accept the occupation of their 3rd holiest site...Religious dogma will destroy both peoples.

yes, but do you agree that the Palestinians should not erupt in violence if Jews want to go pray at the Temple Mount during certain times of the year??? It's called respect for other peoples religion, and the Palestinians have not displayed any of it.
It's a holy site for the Jews, and it was the Arabs who built the Mosque right on top of the Mount.

My personal opinion is that religious sites should be open to all after a peace treaty is signed sealed and delivered. Until then a horrible war will ensue not only with the Palestinians but all Islamic countries...
Yes you are correct, however, If Israel takes over the mount( even against UN recognition), total war will ensue. Islam will never accept the occupation of their 3rd holiest site...Religious dogma will destroy both peoples.

yes, but do you agree that the Palestinians should not erupt in violence if Jews want to go pray at the Temple Mount during certain times of the year??? It's called respect for other peoples religion, and the Palestinians have not displayed any of it.
It's a holy site for the Jews, and it was the Arabs who built the Mosque right on top of the Mount.

My personal opinion is that religious sites should be open to all after a peace treaty is signed sealed and delivered. Until then a horrible war will ensue not only with the Palestinians but all Islamic countries...

Israel is in control of Jerusalem and from what I understand, all holy sites ARE open to all.
pbel, et al,

I truly have to question if Jerusalem is really an "Islamic Holy Site."

Yes you are correct, however, If Israel takes over the mount (even against UN recognition), total war will ensue. Islam will never accept the occupation of their 3rd holiest site...Religious dogma will destroy both peoples.

Jerusalem is being used as a tool to incite violence.

  • If the Temple Mount is so -- such a precious thing -- the way are the Arabs (follows of the Supreme Being) so apposed to the Jews (follows of the same Supreme Being) worshipping at the site?

This is all about power and influence. The Palestinians are no more follows of Islam than anyone in my family. They just want a reason to ignite conflict. And the Israelis are just foolish enough to fall for it.

But don't for a minute think this is about "religion or religious dogma." I'm not sure that Jerusalem is even mentioned once in the Koran; but, if it is, I'm sure it is not the center of struggle and controversy.

No, a bunch of Islamic thugs, have highjacked Islamic ideals and twisted them. There is no real culture of chivalry (futuwwa) and courtesy (adab) in Islam as practiced by the Arab Palestinian.

“The perfect example of this level of control and chivalry is demonstrated by the conduct of Hadrat Ali ibn Abu Talib (RA) a companion of the Prophet (SAW) who once, in the midst of battle was about to slay his opponent. As he raised his sword to strike, his enemy spat in his face. Hadrat Ali immediately dropped his sword & refused to kill his opponent, “what is wrong with you, why do you not strike?” the man asked “because before you spat at me I was fighting you for the sake of Allah Almighty” Ali (RA) replied, “but after you spat I was fighting you because I was angry – and as a muslim I can only fight for Allah , never for my own Nafs. “Upon hearing this, Ali’s ( RA) opponent recongnized the nobility & truth of his words and immediately accepted Islam.” [1]

[1] Royal Chivalry. Islamic Chivalry
SOURCE: Inheriting A Lifestyle of Islamic Chivalry

Thus, it is NOT for the Supreme Being (they do not fight for Allah) that the Arab Palestinian creates this trouble, but for themselves.

Don't confuse the two.

Most Respectfully,

It doesn't matter what the logic is: all ME analysis points to a catastrophic war if this happens.
How about we hear a condemnation from some of the members here then.

I call out Indofred, Sherri, Hoffstra, Tinmore and others. Any of you want to condemn this?

C'mon Caroline. Do you really believe that people who claim that Jewish kindergartens are legitimate military targets to condemn their heroes for calling for more Jews to be killed?

I missed that post. I wonder who could have typed that.

Seriously though, surely there is someone from the other side, anyone.....
who will condemn this?


Anyone at all?

Whose heroes? Children on both sides are not combatants...Both the Palestinians and Israelis should stop these atrocities'...

How many children has Israel killed VS. Palestinians? These murders fuel the hate.
C'mon Caroline. Do you really believe that people who claim that Jewish kindergartens are legitimate military targets to condemn their heroes for calling for more Jews to be killed?

I missed that post. I wonder who could have typed that.

Seriously though, surely there is someone from the other side, anyone.....
who will condemn this?


Anyone at all?

Whose heroes? Children on both sides are not combatants...Both the Palestinians and Israelis should stop these atrocities'...

How many children has Israel killed VS. Palestinians? These murders fuel the hate.

According to Tinmore, no Israelis are considered protected civilians, which means they are open game. Ask him yourself.
I missed that post. I wonder who could have typed that.

Seriously though, surely there is someone from the other side, anyone.....
who will condemn this?


Anyone at all?

Whose heroes? Children on both sides are not combatants...Both the Palestinians and Israelis should stop these atrocities'...

How many children has Israel killed VS. Palestinians? These murders fuel the hate.

According to Tinmore, no Israelis are considered protected civilians, which means they are open game. Ask him yourself.
I do not agree with any sentiment that allows the murder of children, period...That is a crime against humanity, although Tinmore and I agree on many things.
How many children has Israel killed VS. Palestinians?
As many as palistanians succeeded either to kill (like Al Durra), or to get killed, of course.
These murders fuel the hate.
We've yet to see palistanians hating palistanians, of course.

We could hear

The screaming
Cries of the father of
Mohammed al Dura murdered

By the Israeli
Defense forces with
Bullets and torn bloody

From his arms...
Behind the guns I
Could see

The scums Aurora along
With the Insurance Lawyer
Pulling the triggers

In delight...
How many children has Israel killed VS. Palestinians?
As many as palistanians succeeded either to kill (like Al Durra), or to get killed, of course.
These murders fuel the hate.
We've yet to see palistanians hating palistanians, of course.
We could hear
The screaming
Cries of the father of
Mohammed al Dura murdered
By the Israeli
Defense forces with
Bullets and torn bloody
From his arms...
Behind the guns I
Could see
The scums Aurora along
With the Insurance Lawyer
Pulling the triggers
In delight...
Blah-blah-blahblah-blah-blahblahblah ...
As many as palistanians succeeded either to kill (like Al Durra), or to get killed, of course.We've yet to see palistanians hating palistanians, of course.
We could hear
The screaming
Cries of the father of
Mohammed al Dura murdered
By the Israeli
Defense forces with
Bullets and torn bloody
From his arms...
Behind the guns I
Could see
The scums Aurora along
With the Insurance Lawyer
Pulling the triggers
In delight...
Blah-blah-blahblah-blah-blahblahblah ...

Thanks for your apropos nazistic comment.
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