Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

Yes I do. Unfortunately, most Democrats do not distinguish between the working poor and the dangerous classes who live off of welfare and the gains of criminal activity
Then sadly you have been duped. There are very few pols in DC that give a damn about anyone but
themselves and what they can get for themselves while there.
So you think democrats care about poor people? :laughing0301:
….or the middle class? Under Biden, formerly middle-class people are struggling to buy groceries, whereas under Trump they enjoyed a low inflation rate, an increase in real wages, and a rising retirement portfolio.
Most Orientals care more about family values than most whites. Orientals have lower rates of divorce and illegitimacy. They have lower rates of crime too.

I was a child during the 1950's. It was a nice time to be a child. Rates of crime, divorce and illegitimacy were low. Rates of church and synagogue attendance were high. What has happened since has been the decline of a once great civilization.
You realize it is the Democrats who are opposed to religious people? And the values of achieving success? The libs are the secular ones who mock the “Sky Fairy.”

Remember when the blacks were attacking religious Jews in New York, and even went after a rabbi at a Hanukkah party with a machete? One lib remarked to me that it’s the Jews’ own fault for, as she called it, “dressing funny”.

Also, as we’ve seen on this forum and at rallies worldwide, including liberal colleges, the libs are the ones spewing antisemitic venom at 10x the rate of conservatives.
….or the middle class? Under Biden, formerly middle-class people are struggling to buy groceries, whereas under Trump they enjoyed a low inflation rate, an increase in real wages, and a rising retirement portfolio.
What about all the people who died because Trump had this attitude about COVID-19?

Trump is a loathsome bounder who can hardly read and who rarely makes the effort. Anything good that happened during his administration happened by chance and would have happened with Hillary Clinton.
You realize it is the Democrats who are opposed to religious people? And the values of achieving success? The libs are the secular ones who mock the “Sky Fairy.”

Remember when the blacks were attacking religious Jews in New York, and even went after a rabbi at a Hanukkah party with a machete? One lib remarked to me that it’s the Jews’ own fault for, as she called it, “dressing funny”.

Also, as we’ve seen on this forum and at rallies worldwide, including liberal colleges, the libs are the ones spewing antisemitic venom at 10x the rate of conservatives.
The Unite the Right rally was a white supremacist[5][6][7][8] rally that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, from August 11–12, 2017.[9][10][11] Marchers included members of the alt-right,[12] neo-Confederates,[13] neo-fascists,[14] white nationalists,[15] neo-Nazis,[16] Klansmen,[17] and far-right militias.[18] Some groups chanted racist and antisemitic slogans and carried weapons, Nazi and neo-Nazi symbols, the Valknut, Confederate battle flags, Deus vult crosses, flags, and other symbols of various past and present antisemitic and anti-Islamic groups.[24] The organizers' stated goals included the unification of the American white nationalist movement[12] and opposing the proposed removal of the statue of General Robert E. Lee from Charlottesville's former Lee Park.[22][25] The rally sparked a national debate over Confederate iconography, racial violence, and white supremacy.[26]

No liberals participated in the Unite the Right rally.
What about all the people who died because Trump had this attitude about COVID-19?

Trump is a loathsome bounder who can hardly read and who rarely makes the effort. Anything good that happened during his administration happened by chance and would have happened with Hillary Clinton.

Another TDS lunatic to just scroll by and ignore. :cuckoo:
The Unite the Right rally was a white supremacist[5][6][7][8] rally that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, from August 11–12, 2017.[9][10][11] Marchers included members of the alt-right,[12] neo-Confederates,[13] neo-fascists,[14] white nationalists,[15] neo-Nazis,[16] Klansmen,[17] and far-right militias.[18] Some groups chanted racist and antisemitic slogans and carried weapons, Nazi and neo-Nazi symbols, the Valknut, Confederate battle flags, Deus vult crosses, flags, and other symbols of various past and present antisemitic and anti-Islamic groups.[24] The organizers' stated goals included the unification of the American white nationalist movement[12] and opposing the proposed removal of the statue of General Robert E. Lee from Charlottesville's former Lee Park.[22][25] The rally sparked a national debate over Confederate iconography, racial violence, and white supremacy.[26]

No liberals participated in the Unite the Right rally.
I KNEW you were going to bring up that Charlottesville incident. Give it a rest, already….it was six years ago! Every time I point out the horrific, widespread Jew-hate from Democrats, I hear…..”but Charlottesville.”

And I never said there were no antisemites on the far-right. But they pale in comparison to the antisemitism being advanced by leftists throughout the world. We have an entire generation so brainwashed to hate Jews because they “oppress Palestinians” that they are screaming on college campuses that they support HAMAS and to “kill the Jews!”

Bringing up obscure white nationalist groups, as presented on liberal Wiki, doesn’t negate what I said: MOST of the antisemitism is on the left. It’s so bad that we have Democrat congresspeople who refuse to condemn the slaughter of innocent Jewish children.
What about all the people who died because Trump had this attitude about COVID-19?

Trump is a loathsome bounder who can hardly read and who rarely makes the effort. Anything good that happened during his administration happened by chance and would have happened with Hillary Clinton.

More people died under Biden - and that’s after the vaccine!

And Trump was listening to Fauci’s lies at the beginning, who said it was nothing. Once it was apparent this was a serious virus, Trump did 10x what Biden would have done.
The Unite the Right rally was a white supremacist[5][6][7][8] rally that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, from August 11–12, 2017.[9][10][11] Marchers included members of the alt-right,[12] neo-Confederates,[13] neo-fascists,[14] white nationalists,[15] neo-Nazis,[16] Klansmen,[17] and far-right militias.[18] Some groups chanted racist and antisemitic slogans and carried weapons, Nazi and neo-Nazi symbols, the Valknut, Confederate battle flags, Deus vult crosses, flags, and other symbols of various past and present antisemitic and anti-Islamic groups.[24] The organizers' stated goals included the unification of the American white nationalist movement[12] and opposing the proposed removal of the statue of General Robert E. Lee from Charlottesville's former Lee Park.[22][25] The rally sparked a national debate over Confederate iconography, racial violence, and white supremacy.[26]

No liberals participated in the Unite the Right rally.
The right wing attitudes that generated the Unite the Right rally still exist. One can see them on many websites.
Another TDS lunatic to just scroll by and ignore. :cuckoo:
Hector has real cognitive dissonance. He knows that Democrats are cheering on the slaughter of innocent Jews, but he’s falling for the lie about Republicans only caring about the rich.

He, like many Democrats, is prioritizing his hate for the “evil rich” over the lives of thousands of Jews slaughtered by evil people. This NEVER would have occurred under Trump. Iran and HAMAS simply would not have the money for it.
The right wing attitudes that generated the Unite the Right rally still exist. One can see them on many websites.
They’re obscure. I never see them. They are ostracized.

What I DO see is thousands of leftists - supposed educated ones, like Harvard students - screaming to gas Jews. Police warning Jews to stay in their homes because they can’t protect them from [liberal] antisemites set on violence.

The leftist rampage against Juden is now worldwide.
Two state solution?
That's another joke!

Hamas is the defacto head of Palestinians...kinda. they seized the power and authority....no one elected them or asked them to do anything. There aren't even so much as neighborhood watch communities there. There certainly isn't trash collection or other government services because THERE IS NO GOVERNING BODY chosen by the people.

And there is not going to be if Hamas has any say in the matter. Because the area is filled with various nationalities anymore...people from everywhere who just want to work and live peacefully. If they held a real election Hamas would find themselves out in a NY minute.

Only in Gaza.
Hector has real cognitive dissonance. He knows that Democrats are cheering on the slaughter of innocent Jews, but he’s falling for the lie about Republicans only caring about the rich.

He, like many Democrats, is prioritizing his hate for the “evil rich” over the lives of thousands of Jews slaughtered by evil people. This NEVER would have occurred under Trump. Iran and HAMAS simply would not have the money for it.

He hates Trump as well, and can't get past that. A very confused person.
He hates Trump as well, and can't get past that. A very confused person.
That’s a big problem with many Democrats. They are so driven by hate for Trump that they plan to vote (again) for the senile old man who has allowed millions of unvetted illegals into the country, emboldened and enriched Iran and HAMAS to murder innocent people, and allowed our city streets to turn into hotbeds of crime.
This issue falls under the heading of "Identity Politics" for me. The American Left has made a huge mistake in the way it has handled this issue over the years, and the atrocities we have seen in the last few days can't be denied.

There is no defending this.

When Donald Trump abandoned the Kurds to Erdogan and Assad, and the Kurds ran for their lives, the Kurds released 10,000 ISIS fighters they had been holding prisoner. Now we have Hamas using ISIS tactics of terror and hate.

And then we have this report from 2021 - after Trump took all of those Top Secret documents to his beach resort:

Now we see the true results of Trump's "America First" foreign policy.
That’s a big problem with many Democrats. They are so driven by hate for Trump that they plan to vote (again) for the senile old man who has allowed millions of unvetted illegals into the country, emboldened and enriched Iran and HAMAS to murder innocent people, and allowed our city streets to turn into hotbeds of crime.

That's not a problem for Democrats, but it's a problem for hate fuelled Trumpsters like you.

Trump abandoned the Kurds who were holding 10,000 ISIS prisoners. The Kurds ran and the ISIS fighters were released. Trump stole classified documents and agents around the world died or went missing.

You see no relationship with the failures of intelligence, or the brutality of the Hamas attacks and Trump's idiot actions in the Middle East.
Most Orientals care more about family values than most whites. Orientals have lower rates of divorce and illegitimacy. They have lower rates of crime too.

They also know racists when they see them. The kind who call them "Oriental" because they refuse to say "Asian".

I was a child during the 1950's. It was a nice time to be a child. Rates of crime, divorce and illegitimacy were low. Rates of church and synagogue attendance were high. What has happened since has been the decline of a once great civilization.

Um, yes, it's wonderful to be a child and not have to worry about grown-up things. I was a child during the 1960's. I was blissfully unaware of Vietnam, the Manson Family, the riots in the streets. I only found out about them later.

The fifties were not a great time to be anything other than a white male.

Yes I do. Unfortunately, most Democrats do not distinguish between the working poor and the dangerous classes who live off of welfare and the gains of criminal activity

Because it's a distinction without a difference. Most of the "working poor" are on some form of assistance, and that's not even getting into middle class entitlements.

What we've seen in the last 50 years is a transfer of wealth from the working class to the investor class, and dumb shits like you are more worried about a black family moving in next door than the fact that the investor class has taken away your nice middle class lifestyle.
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….or the middle class? Under Biden, formerly middle-class people are struggling to buy groceries, whereas under Trump they enjoyed a low inflation rate, an increase in real wages, and a rising retirement portfolio.
Inflation is an international problem, caused by labor shortages and supply chain issues. Inflation in many ways indicates a healthy economy, it means that demand is outstripping supply.
You realize it is the Democrats who are opposed to religious people? And the values of achieving success? The libs are the secular ones who mock the “Sky Fairy.”

As we should. Doing stupid, evil and selfish things because your imaginary friend in the sky told you it was okay is questionable, at best.

Remember when the blacks were attacking religious Jews in New York, and even went after a rabbi at a Hanukkah party with a machete? One lib remarked to me that it’s the Jews’ own fault for, as she called it, “dressing funny”.

I actually had to look up which story you were whining about here. This was the case of a mentally ill person attacking people. Not part of a vast anti-Jewish conspiracy as you would have it.

Also, as we’ve seen on this forum and at rallies worldwide, including liberal colleges, the libs are the ones spewing antisemitic venom at 10x the rate of conservatives.

Again, you conflate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism (Laughable because the Palestinians are also Semites)
That’s a big problem with many Democrats. They are so driven by hate for Trump that they plan to vote (again) for the senile old man who has allowed millions of unvetted illegals into the country, emboldened and enriched Iran and HAMAS to murder innocent people, and allowed our city streets to turn into hotbeds of crime.
They also know racists when they see them. The kind who call them "Oriental" because they refuse to say "Asian".
An Asian can be a Palestinian. The only Palestinians I care about are the Christian Palestinian. When I told my Vietnamese girlfriend, "I prefer Oriental women," she did not get angry at me.

She smiled and said, "You think we are much more wonderful."

Professor J. Philippe Rushton explained why I prefer Oriental women: they have less testosterone. Consequently they are more feminine.

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