Hamas Encourages Suicide Bombers to Dress as Orthodox Jews

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Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I'm sure this is not the first time this happened with Palestinians dressed as Orthodox Jews to be able to get close enough to kill other Jews.

Hamas Encourages Suicide Bombers to Dress as Orthodox Jews

Shocking new videos from Hamas, PA glorify suicide bombings and murdering Israeli women and children.

By Tova Dvorin
First Publish: 8/6/2014, 7:33 PM

Hamas terrorists have been encouraged to dress up like ordinaryOrthodox Jews, according to Palestinian Media Watch, to carry out suicide attacks on Israeli civilians.

Hamas repeatedly broadcasted a video encouraging the attacks, as well as the disguise, according to the watchdog group.

The Hamas video glorifies a terrorist dressing up in a black hat, black Hassidic coat or bekishe, and tzitzit - and fully decked with long peyot or sidelocks and a beard - before arming himself with explosives.

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Hamas Encourages Terrorists to Dress as Hasidim - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
Old news.
I remember when Billy Clinton was President and working very hard to destroy Israel, one of the last suicide bombings was an Arab dressed as a Chassid who blew himself up in a synagogue at the end of Shabbos.
Old news.
I remember when Billy Clinton was President and working very hard to destroy Israel, one of the last suicide bombings was an Arab dressed as a Chassid who blew himself up in a synagogue at the end of Shabbos.

Remember when the Yesiva students were killed? Were the gunmen dressed up as Orthodox Jews also.
The really disturbing issue is not that it happens-----it is that out of more than a billion people----
no one seems to object-----------rampant filth and perversity is utterly acceptable as
"holy" amongst the meccaists
I'm sure this is not the first time this happened with Palestinians dressed as Orthodox Jews to be able to get close enough to kill other Jews.

Get fucked.
It'd take years just to grow that fucking stupid haircut.
No. Just imagine a Islamist´s beard with a hat on top. Now just add that funny tails and - et voilà - your explosive "Jew" is ready.

an interesting "fact" My hubby was born in a shariah cesspit------he can tell the difference between
a "muslim beard" and a "jewish beard" -----I remain mystified. I will admit-----despite the fact
that muslims are remarkably NOT CREATIVE----when it comes to murder and rape they do manage
to "rise" to the challenge in very "creative" ways
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