Hamas is in the Bible


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2013
Chamac is in the Bible.

If you click on the link, you can click on the pronunciation of the word "chamac" which is pronounced "Hamas" or "khä·mäse' " .

Jonah 3:8 But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily unto God: yea, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence (chamac, H2555) that [is] in their hands.

Blue Letter Bible - Lexicon :: H2555

1) violence, wrong, cruelty, injustice

AV — violence 39, violent 7, cruelty 4, wrong 3, false 2, cruel 1, damage 1, injustice 1, oppressor + 0376 1, unrighteous 1

I found a web post on the term and the man did a better study than I have done:

Meaning of the Hebrew word Hamas
Chuck, this is absolutely fascinating stuff. Thank you for posting it this morning that I could save it to my favorites and visit this site. You know, it is through the study of the Hebrew words that we can unlock the scriptures to a far greater depth than studying it out in the Greek, etc Concordance study such as I have. I have the Strongs Concordance but it just isn't enough! I am planning on taking a course in Hebrew study of bible words - it should help me alot - in the meantime - If you get a chance see if you can find anything from him on the judgment on Egypt that follows the destruction of Damascus that leaves it in a heap of ruins. I think we are almost there. I know when the time of Egypts judgment comes that according to Isaiah chapter 19? It is one or two chaps after Isaiah 17: 1 -14 that it goes into Egypts judgment - it says that the Egyptians will have turned against one another - every man against his brother, they will literally be fighting in the streets against one another - again we see it happening right now - - anyhow - in Obadiah prophecy - which is directly linked to these judgments on Syria, Edom, Egypt, - its also linked to Psalm 83 - that was a prophecy - not just a pretty Psalm - I'd like to know more about that as I know that Egypt becomes an un-inhabitable waste land - the description must be nuclear - I think the timing of it has to do with when they try to over run the borders of Israel? - still there is a remnant that repent to the LORD and I'd like to hear more about that. I am praying for all the Egyptian people that whosoever would call upon the name of the LORD would be saved. Gods arm isn't too short to reach the very worst of them. Speaking of which the Hamas Leaders son accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and lives in the USA now. His testimony is on youtube. Thanks.

- Jeri
Chuck, the book of Daniel speaks to what this brother has discovered this morning. That in the end times these things would be revealed to us in greater measure than ever before. In Daniels day it was hidden from them and they couldn't understand. Today? We can. Why? We are in the end days. The scriptures are coming alive to a greater degree than ever before. It's amazing.

What an awesome time to be alive, eh? Listen to this! You know how God told Jeremiah that he knew him before he placed him in his mothers womb? And you know how it says we are appointed to live ONCE and then we die? Think about this! You and I and everyone else here were chosen to live in this generation. We were created to be here for this time! Now how cool is that? I would not want to live in any other generation. This one is the big kahuna and we are going for the Olympic Gold, Bro. It doesn't get any better than this! The grandstands of heaven are filling up and the cheers are growing louder and louder. Why I can almost hear them now! ha! ha! Hang onto your crown and don't let any rascal steal it! We're going to cast those crowns at his feet! Glory to God! I can't wait!

- Jeri
The Kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force! That is our scripture! The violent are the prayer warriors! This world hasn't seen ANYTHING YET!!!! Just wait!!
The Kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force! That is our scripture! The violent are the prayer warriors! This world hasn't seen ANYTHING YET!!!! Just wait!!

2 Timothy 3:1 ¶ This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

One of the definitions for "perilous" times is "fierce" and "savage". If the Connecticut and Colorado shootings weren't fierce then what is? Its more proof we're living in the End Times.

2 Timothy 3 (Blue Letter Bible: KJV - King James Version)

Blue Letter Bible - Lexicon :: G5467

1) hard to do, to take, to approach

2) hard to bear, troublesome, dangerous

a) harsh, fierce, savage
While what you say is true, Chuck, remember this! We are MORE THAN conquerors through Christ. MORE THAN being the operative words here. Joel 2 and 3 is a good preview of what is coming. The bible says the whole earth is in travail waiting for the sons of God to be revealed. This is not speaking of the lukewarm / dead church you see on television screens today who are preaching a false gospel.

This is speaking of those who departed when the Spirit of God departed - and "Ichabod" was written over the doors over those churches yet they were none the wiser. They never even noticed the Spirit of God had departed! Can you imagine? Anyhow....... God has his own company - remnant! Although some may feel they are alone it is good to remember what God told Elijah when he thought everyone had abandoned ship. God told him I have 7,000 men who have not bowed their knee to baal and hath not kissed him!

Here is a good lesson for the body of Christ. When Elijah was being hunted down by Jezebel he fell into a deep depression and that is what brought about the despair and thinking he was alone. When God heard him say that you know what his first response was? Anoint Jehu as King and pass your mantle onto Elisha because I'm bringing you home now. Get your stuff in order in other words. ( I am paraphrasing his message to Elijah not quoting scripture in that last one ) Jehu dealt with Jezebel swiftly and Elisha took up the mantle and got a double portion. So there you go. Even the most accomplished "runner" ( Elijah out ran Ahabs chariot ) is capable of a fall. It happens. Still I believe as he was caught up in a whirlwind he'll get his opportunity here shortly to show what kind of faith he's got. Back to being outnumbered -

Even if you were the last man standing - You plus God make the majority. As Elijah told Gehazi when they were surrounded by the Syrians. There is more of us than there are of them. Open his eyes God and show him. Then Gehazi saw and his fears were laid to rest. That is still the truth today. - Jeri
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Oh and Gracie is right on the mark! Spirituality is about RELATIONSHIP with God. Religion is about CROWD CONTROL! HA! She nailed it didn't she? Have a great day. - J.
Chuck, this is absolutely fascinating stuff. Thank you for posting it this morning that I could save it to my favorites and visit this site. You know, it is through the study of the Hebrew words that we can unlock the scriptures to a far greater depth than studying it out in the Greek, etc Concordance study such as I have. I have the Strongs Concordance but it just isn't enough! I am planning on taking a course in Hebrew study of bible words - it should help me alot - in the meantime - If you get a chance see if you can find anything from him on the judgment on Egypt that follows the destruction of Damascus that leaves it in a heap of ruins. I think we are almost there. I know when the time of Egypts judgment comes that according to Isaiah chapter 19? It is one or two chaps after Isaiah 17: 1 -14 that it goes into Egypts judgment - it says that the Egyptians will have turned against one another - every man against his brother, they will literally be fighting in the streets against one another - again we see it happening right now - - anyhow - in Obadiah prophecy - which is directly linked to these judgments on Syria, Edom, Egypt, - its also linked to Psalm 83 - that was a prophecy - not just a pretty Psalm - I'd like to know more about that as I know that Egypt becomes an un-inhabitable waste land - the description must be nuclear - I think the timing of it has to do with when they try to over run the borders of Israel? - still there is a remnant that repent to the LORD and I'd like to hear more about that. I am praying for all the Egyptian people that whosoever would call upon the name of the LORD would be saved. Gods arm isn't too short to reach the very worst of them. Speaking of which the Hamas Leaders son accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and lives in the USA now. His testimony is on youtube. Thanks.

- Jeri

Ive never sat down and time lined everything. So Syria is supposed to be the first destroyed followed by Egypt? Where does Iran and Iraq come in? Which is the prophecy in Obadiah? Not up on my Old Testament like I should be.
Chuck, the book of Daniel speaks to what this brother has discovered this morning. That in the end times these things would be revealed to us in greater measure than ever before. In Daniels day it was hidden from them and they couldn't understand. Today? We can. Why? We are in the end days. The scriptures are coming alive to a greater degree than ever before. It's amazing.

What an awesome time to be alive, eh? Listen to this! You know how God told Jeremiah that he knew him before he placed him in his mothers womb? And you know how it says we are appointed to live ONCE and then we die? Think about this! You and I and everyone else here were chosen to live in this generation. We were created to be here for this time! Now how cool is that? I would not want to live in any other generation. This one is the big kahuna and we are going for the Olympic Gold, Bro. It doesn't get any better than this! The grandstands of heaven are filling up and the cheers are growing louder and louder. Why I can almost hear them now! ha! ha! Hang onto your crown and don't let any rascal steal it! We're going to cast those crowns at his feet! Glory to God! I can't wait!

- Jeri

I absolutely believe the Lord is going to be pouring out knowledge and wisdom and understanding like never before soon. Heck, all of our modern technology comes from the Lord pouring out knowledge. He's been doing so for a while in preparation for what's to come.

I mean we live in the dispensation of the fulness of times when all things are to be gathered in one and The Lord is going to gather Israel from throughout the world. It's an absolutely amazing age to live in. Many of us will recieve the ministering of angels and see miracles throughout our lives.
Chuck, this is absolutely fascinating stuff. Thank you for posting it this morning that I could save it to my favorites and visit this site. You know, it is through the study of the Hebrew words that we can unlock the scriptures to a far greater depth than studying it out in the Greek, etc Concordance study such as I have. I have the Strongs Concordance but it just isn't enough! I am planning on taking a course in Hebrew study of bible words - it should help me alot - in the meantime - If you get a chance see if you can find anything from him on the judgment on Egypt that follows the destruction of Damascus that leaves it in a heap of ruins. I think we are almost there. I know when the time of Egypts judgment comes that according to Isaiah chapter 19? It is one or two chaps after Isaiah 17: 1 -14 that it goes into Egypts judgment - it says that the Egyptians will have turned against one another - every man against his brother, they will literally be fighting in the streets against one another - again we see it happening right now - - anyhow - in Obadiah prophecy - which is directly linked to these judgments on Syria, Edom, Egypt, - its also linked to Psalm 83 - that was a prophecy - not just a pretty Psalm - I'd like to know more about that as I know that Egypt becomes an un-inhabitable waste land - the description must be nuclear - I think the timing of it has to do with when they try to over run the borders of Israel? - still there is a remnant that repent to the LORD and I'd like to hear more about that. I am praying for all the Egyptian people that whosoever would call upon the name of the LORD would be saved. Gods arm isn't too short to reach the very worst of them. Speaking of which the Hamas Leaders son accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and lives in the USA now. His testimony is on youtube. Thanks.

- Jeri

Ive never sat down and time lined everything. So Syria is supposed to be the first destroyed followed by Egypt? Where does Iran and Iraq come in? Which is the prophecy in Obadiah? Not up on my Old Testament like I should be.

Avatar, I enjoy reading your posts and consider you very knowledgable about the bible. I doubt I would know the OT any better than you do. The only reason I dig in with the Hebrew prophets is because of how it affects Israel. ( and they minister to me also )

So with that said, let me share with you what I know from reading the prophets and also from reading others who have studied it. The only one I prefer to read these days is a scholar by the name of John P. McTernan. I bought his book As America Has Done to Israel and I find he is the one who is most in alignment with how I believe it will unfold. I highly recommend anyone who hasn't read that book to buy it. He's a great teacher!

I'm going to start off by disagreeing with him though on who goes first. John believes that it is Iraq. ( So does Perry Stone & a few others I've read - still John is the best imo ) Why? Because in Obadiah prophecies he lists Iraq as Babylon. I disagree. They have the wrong Babylon. It's America. Read Rev. 18 and you'll see Mystery Babylon surrounded by many waters. That cannot be Iraq. Iraq is landlocked. So the first one to go down is America.

There are 3 battles that have yet to happen. Obadiahs war, Ezekiels war and the final one, Armageddon. The nations who are facing judgment in this next war are as follows:

The Palestinians, Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. God judges those nations when they attempt to annihilate Israel. So let's go to the prophets and see what they have to say about the first war.

First war opens with this verse from Isaiah: For it is the day of the LORD'S vengeance, and the year of recompenses for the contraversy of Zion. - Isaiah 34:8

The bible refers first to Israeli - Palestinian conflict. Listen to Obadiah here:

The day of the Lord is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done ( to Israel ) it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head and the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Essau stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them, and there shall not be any remaining in the house of Essau; for the LORD hath spoken it. And they of the south shall possess the mount of Essau, and the of the plain the Philistines; and they shall possess the fields of Ephraim, and the fields of Samaria; and Benjamin shall possess Gilead. ( Obadiah 1:15, 18 - 19)

So the war erupts with between the "House of Jacob" and the "House of Essau" and the House of Essau is the Palestinians. It is this war that will drive the Palestinians out of the land that was given to the seed of Jacob ( The Jews ) So what Obadiah is telling us here is that Israel shall possess the plain of the Philistines, which is Gaza. As you know, right now the Palestinians are in possession of Gaza. That is about to change. Also Ephraim and Samaria which is located in the West Bank are under Israeli control and also Gilead which is the east bank of the Jordan River and this is from my study of John McTernan who I believe had nailed it dead on..

Now we go to Syria next. You'll find her future in Isaiah 17: 1- 14 I'll just quote the first few verses here:

The burden of Damascus, behold Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.. the fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant from Syria; they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, saith the Lord of Hosts. And in that day it shall come to pass, that the glory of Jacob shall be made thin, and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean.

This is something I have never told the Jews before as I don't like the news out of this one but it is going to happen so we may as well get it over with here. John points out in his book that Ephraim was a name for Israel. During this war Israel takes a hard hit. Military power ceases according to his intrepretation and I believe he is right. At the same time, Syria ceases to be a nation. When Obadiah speaks of Jacob made thin and the fatness of his flesh shall wax lean he is telling us that Israel is going to lose a large portion of her population.

This battle is going to be horrific and when the destruction of Syria happens we know the Day of the Lord is drawing near. Israel WILL SURVIVE but she is going to have a huge loss of lives in this battle. It grieves me deeply to say this but I don't believe there is any other way to interpret that scripture. It is going to be bad. John McTernan has correctly interpreted the war of Obadiah in my opinion. With the exception of his belief that Babylon is Iraq as I stated earlier - I believe it is America. Let's go ahead and look at Egypt - that one is in Joel 3:19:

Egypt is a desolation, and Edom shall be desolate wilderness, for the violence against the children of Judah, because they have shed innocent blood in the land. - Joel 3:19

Now go to Ezekiel 29:9-12 and note this is before the second war ( Ezekiels war ) which goes down in Ezekiel 38.

The land of Egypt shall be desolate and waste; and they shall know that I am the LORD because he hath said, The river is mine, and I have made it. Behold, therefore I am against thee, and against thy rivers, and I will make the land of Egypt utterly waste and desolate, from the tower of Syene even unto the border of Ethiopia. No foot of man shall pass through it, nor foot of beast shall pass through it, neither shall it be inhabited forty years. And I will make the land of Egypt desolate in the midst of the countries that are desolate, and her cities among the cities that are laid waste shall be desolate 40 years; and I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and will disperse them through the countries.

Let's stop there. This prophecy has not yet happened. The reason the Egyptians are scattered among nations is because the land is uninhabitable due to a nuclear strike although it might be considered a limited strike it will drive everything out of that land - man, woman, child, animal, everything is either going to die or flee to a far off nation. That is what is coming for the Egyptians. As I read Isaiah yesterday it did come to my mind that right now they are fighting against each other as predicted in Isaiah 19 and this is the lead up to it I believe..

Then according to Zephaniah's prophecy we see that Ammon, Moab and Edom will be destroyed - which is modern day Jordan. They get dragged into it in the first battle between house of Essau and house of Jacob and in Zephaniah 2: 8,9 you see that they are destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah. Only Edom is not mentioned in this one. Still those three nations do make up modern day Jordan so perhaps a piece of it survives? I don't know. Anyhow, it does appear that the Palestinians will be the cause of entire nations being destroyed in this next war. Those would be Syria, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon and again according to the scholar McTernan he believe it is nuclear and I must agree with his analysis. It must be. Otherwise why would the land be uninhabitable? You see?

In closing, I like was John McTernan said in his book about Israel. He said God has set the nation of Israel like a trap, and Jerusalem is the bait.

I like that. I think he is spot on. Again.

Avatar, if you will look at the list of nations that march against Israel in the second war after this one you'll notice that it is a Russian Led - Islamic Army - the leaders name means Prince. Intereresting enough the name Vladimir means Prince. Will Vladmir Putin be the one to lead that "Final March Towards the South" that "VLADIMIR ZHIRINOVSKY" wrote about in his book? Or is it Vladimir Zhirinovsky? My bet is on Vladimir Zhirinovsky because when Putin strikes America he will have to step out of the way and allow "Mad Vlad" ( as he is known ) to step into his shoes. I imagine the international community will demand such a thing. ( I am guessing here - could be a Vladimir 20 yrs from now we don't know about - but it is interesting - you have to admit )

The second war, Ezekiels War - I am not going to go into that right now but I am writing a book about it which will be published some time this fall. (God willing ) So let me just close with this thought.

When the Russian led Islamic Army marches against Israel you will notice something very interesting in Ezekiel 37,38,39 - I would read it all - see the list of nations. Guess who is missing from that list of nations who invade Israel? The Palestinians, the Jordanians, The Egyptians, The Saudis ( forgot to mention - they will get hit too in the 1st one ) the Lebonese and the Syrians. These nations are not listed. Why??? Because they have already been destroyed. THAT'S WHY.

Another fact that should be examined. Why else would Israel be an unwalled nation when Ezekiels war takes place if her neighbors were still there? They aren't. They are all gone. She expands her borders, takes down the wall.........then Later - comes Ezekiels war... it all fits.

Have an awesome day. :eusa_angel:

- Jeri
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Chuck, the book of Daniel speaks to what this brother has discovered this morning. That in the end times these things would be revealed to us in greater measure than ever before. In Daniels day it was hidden from them and they couldn't understand. Today? We can. Why? We are in the end days. The scriptures are coming alive to a greater degree than ever before. It's amazing.

What an awesome time to be alive, eh? Listen to this! You know how God told Jeremiah that he knew him before he placed him in his mothers womb? And you know how it says we are appointed to live ONCE and then we die? Think about this! You and I and everyone else here were chosen to live in this generation. We were created to be here for this time! Now how cool is that? I would not want to live in any other generation. This one is the big kahuna and we are going for the Olympic Gold, Bro. It doesn't get any better than this! The grandstands of heaven are filling up and the cheers are growing louder and louder. Why I can almost hear them now! ha! ha! Hang onto your crown and don't let any rascal steal it! We're going to cast those crowns at his feet! Glory to God! I can't wait!

- Jeri

It IS exciting Jeri!! I know people that know the Bible, but yet everything happening is making them "nervous" about it being the end times! Mine is kind of a "nervous/excitement" :) I'm in awe of what we're seeing now, and i know I'm nervous because I'm not really sure what's going to happen next, but excited because I'm seeing prophesy being fulfilled right in front of me! To think I was meant to live in these times is incredible. Many will laugh and scoff at us, but we already know that because God told us this would happen.
If you get a chance see if you can find anything from him on the judgment on Egypt that follows the destruction of Damascus that leaves it in a heap of ruins. I think we are almost there. I know when the time of Egypts judgment comes that according to Isaiah chapter 19? It is one or two chaps after Isaiah 17: 1 -14 that it goes into Egypts judgment - it says that the Egyptians will have turned against one another - every man against his brother, they will literally be fighting in the streets against one another - again we see it happening right now - - anyhow - in Obadiah prophecy - which is directly linked to these judgments on Syria, Edom, Egypt, - its also linked to Psalm 83 - that was a prophecy - not just a pretty Psalm - I'd like to know more about that as I know that Egypt becomes an un-inhabitable waste land - the description must be nuclear - I think the timing of it has to do with when they try to over run the borders of Israel?

It is my belief that the prophecy may be future and I'll leave it at that because I don't think some of it will be revealed until the Church is removed. The reason is that some people started looking at the Iraq war I and II as examples of prophecy and they knew it wasn't going to come to pass but they used it anyway because they were using it as an opportunity and an evangelism tool.

Some people look at Matthew 16:3 and expect Christians to know prophecy as a result:

Matthew 16:3 And in the morning, [It will be] foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O [ye] hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not [discern] the signs of the times?

Jesus says that no man will know the hour or the day when Christ will return and it literally says, "none of your business" in the Greek according to scholar F.F. Bruce:

Matthew 24:36 ¶ But of that day and hour knoweth no [man], no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

I have a library of Christian books but I would have to know more about you and what your system of interpretation is and what your Christian values are to give you an answer because we might not agree if we aren't on the same page.

If we guess wrong and if we make prophecies, scoffers will use it and say:

2 Peter 3:3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

2 Peter 3:4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as [they were] from the beginning of the creation.

I'm not saying, "Don't study". I think we should study.

What if we're both wrong because God hasn't fully revealed what is going to happen? Who won't listen to us then?

Read the book of Revelation from the Phillips paraphrase and tell me if you get the same idea about prophecy that you hold today and tell me why. I already know why.
Hi, Chuck. If you look at what you are quoting, I'm asking - is this a sign that Obadiahs prophecy is near - ( House of Jacob and Joseph is a fire that will turn Essau's house into "stubble".. a recompense for what they have done to the House of Jacob - yet to be fulfilled ) not telling anyone that it is. Asking is different from telling... I am saying in essence - looks like it but we won't know until it happens. If you look at my reply to Avatar you will note I say - could this be the Vladimir or the other guy? I make clear - it could be a Vladimir 20 yrs from now! In other words, I am in agreement with you, Chuck. No man shall know the day, the time or the hour - these things only God knows.

On the matter of my christian values. I think Psalm 101 sums up what I believe is the standard for a christian. I'm a born again spirit filled believer - I pray in the Holy Ghost - believe in fasting and prayer, believe in hiding the Word of God in my heart so I don't sin against him. I am a sinner saved by Grace. Don't believe in sinless perfection as I haven't heard of a human attaining that.. I believe in the gospel of Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus. Wherever he leads.

As to how I get my interpretations of scripture? Through obedience to the Word of God. Obeying God will get you more revelation from the Holy Spirit ( Who is the Author and Revelator of the Scriptures ) than a bible scholar such as FF Bruce can get in a lifetime of study ( and still not know for sure! ) There is only way to get revelation - sit at the feet of Jesus as Peter and Mary did. Remember when Peter said to Jesus, Thou art the Christ. Jesus said, Flesh and blood didn't reveal that you, Peter. Yes, revelation from the Holy Ghost is far superior to revelation from a flesh and blood man. I would never tell anyone to listen to me. I would tell them Go to Jesus - Go to the written Word and learn from Him. The Holy Spirit said no man need teach you - He will do it.

Why do I know that Revelation 18 Babylon - is America whereas world reknowned bible scholars do not know this? There is only one reason. Because the Holy Spirit revealed it to me. Simple.

I have a high regard for FF Bruce as he was the scholar used more than any other scholar in Josh McDowells book Evidence - still I'd take the revelation of Mary the prostitute who sat at Jesus feet and was completely uneducated over todays scholars who do not have a personal revelation of Christ through the infilling of the Holy Ghost and abiding in the relationship through obedience.

Obedience is better than sacrifice. That is why uneducated Mary knew what the scholars surrounding her did not.

Again, no man knows the day or the hour but we discern the times we are drawing near to and in that we watch and pray that the day should not overtake us like a thief in the night for surely that is precisely how it shall be for those who have rejected Jesus Christ. Have a blessed day. - Jeri
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Hi, Chuck. If you look at what you are quoting, I'm asking - is this a sign that Obadiahs prophecy is near - ( House of Jacob and Joseph is a fire that will turn Essau's house into "stubble".. a recompense for what they have done to the House of Jacob - yet to be fulfilled ) not telling anyone that it is. Asking is different from telling... I am saying in essence - looks like it but we won't know until it happens. If you look at my reply to Avatar you will note I say - could this be the Vladimir or the other guy? I make clear - it could be a Vladimir 20 yrs from now! In other words, I am in agreement with you, Chuck. No man shall know the day, the time or the hour - these things only God knows.

I think that in order for the prophecy on Damascus to be true, you need to have a more of a threat to have ruinous heaps which would likely mean that this is future, that Damascus would pose more of a threat in the future because they don't have the capability right now. If Iran took over Syria then this prophecy might make more sense.

Damascus - Bible Prophecy being Fulfilled before our Eyes? in Discussion Forum Forum
The meaning and purpose of life for the Christian:

Phillipians 3:10 - That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable to his death.

- Jeri
Hi, Chuck. If you look at what you are quoting, I'm asking - is this a sign that Obadiahs prophecy is near - ( House of Jacob and Joseph is a fire that will turn Essau's house into "stubble".. a recompense for what they have done to the House of Jacob - yet to be fulfilled ) not telling anyone that it is. Asking is different from telling... I am saying in essence - looks like it but we won't know until it happens. If you look at my reply to Avatar you will note I say - could this be the Vladimir or the other guy? I make clear - it could be a Vladimir 20 yrs from now! In other words, I am in agreement with you, Chuck. No man shall know the day, the time or the hour - these things only God knows.

I think that in order for the prophecy on Damascus to be true, you need to have a more of a threat to have ruinous heaps which would likely mean that this is future, that Damascus would pose more of a threat in the future because they don't have the capability right now. If Iran took over Syria then this prophecy might make more sense.

Damascus - Bible Prophecy being Fulfilled before our Eyes? in Discussion Forum Forum

We are on the brink of war with Syria. War has a tendency to take unpredicted pathways. It really is quite possible that Damascus could be a bigger threat before it's over. I don't know. Iran may take over Syria if this expands to a regional war.

I've been praying for war not to happen. But I know the judgments of God will be coming upon us if we do not repent as a people. The Lord wont look on our wickedness with much leniency if we do not change soon.

The Prophecies are going to be fulfilled and more prophecies will be made before the end. Stand in Holy places.
Hi, Chuck. If you look at what you are quoting, I'm asking - is this a sign that Obadiahs prophecy is near - ( House of Jacob and Joseph is a fire that will turn Essau's house into "stubble".. a recompense for what they have done to the House of Jacob - yet to be fulfilled ) not telling anyone that it is. Asking is different from telling... I am saying in essence - looks like it but we won't know until it happens. If you look at my reply to Avatar you will note I say - could this be the Vladimir or the other guy? I make clear - it could be a Vladimir 20 yrs from now! In other words, I am in agreement with you, Chuck. No man shall know the day, the time or the hour - these things only God knows.

I think that in order for the prophecy on Damascus to be true, you need to have a more of a threat to have ruinous heaps which would likely mean that this is future, that Damascus would pose more of a threat in the future because they don't have the capability right now. If Iran took over Syria then this prophecy might make more sense.

Damascus - Bible Prophecy being Fulfilled before our Eyes? in Discussion Forum Forum

Yes, you make an excellent point, Chuck. I'm seeing through a glass darkly here as the word says - it's hard to tell - but the link you provided is very interesting! I had no idea other people were out there saying this right now as I have not looked. But I have to thank you for pointing out the need to be careful in speaking about what the hebrew prophets said and timing, etc. Today I was reminded of what the apostle Paul said in that he was determined to know nothing but Christ crucified. I think that is a good thing for me to keep in mind when I hear such news as Syria and Egypt. Sometimes I read into it - ut - oh! I say this could be this or that - what if - what about - to which the Lord replies, what is that to you? You come follow me!

Oh! Thank God the simplicity of the Gospel! God is good! Thank you, brother, for your wisdom! - Jeri
Chamac is in the Bible.

If you click on the link, you can click on the pronunciation of the word "chamac" which is pronounced "Hamas" or "khä·mäse' " .

Jonah 3:8 But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily unto God: yea, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence (chamac, H2555) that [is] in their hands.

Blue Letter Bible - Lexicon :: H2555

1) violence, wrong, cruelty, injustice

AV — violence 39, violent 7, cruelty 4, wrong 3, false 2, cruel 1, damage 1, injustice 1, oppressor + 0376 1, unrighteous 1

I found a web post on the term and the man did a better study than I have done:

Meaning of the Hebrew word Hamas

Hamas in Hebrew means destruction, greed and theft.

Their names suits them.
I know my following statement will be short, but just take it in with the end-times discussion that's been happening.

When my son was progressing through the initial push through Iraq, his unit was able to wade across the Euphrates

Think about it,,,,,look it up if you need to


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