Hamas is in the Bible

Chamac is in the Bible.

If you click on the link, you can click on the pronunciation of the word "chamac" which is pronounced "Hamas" or "khä·mäse' " .

Jonah 3:8 But let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily unto God: yea, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence (chamac, H2555) that [is] in their hands.

Blue Letter Bible - Lexicon :: H2555

1) violence, wrong, cruelty, injustice

AV — violence 39, violent 7, cruelty 4, wrong 3, false 2, cruel 1, damage 1, injustice 1, oppressor + 0376 1, unrighteous 1

I found a web post on the term and the man did a better study than I have done:

Meaning of the Hebrew word Hamas

Hamas in Hebrew means destruction, greed and theft.

Their names suits them.

You don't know how much I appreciate you're telling me that, Lipush! My Hebrew teacher called me from Israel today and I told him about what Chuck had shared and he said there was no Hebrew word for Hamas. That is was an "Arabic" word! I didn't say anything to Chuck about that because somehow I knew he was right and that it was a matter of my teacher not knowing something about this - maybe he hasn't heard about it before! I'm amazed over that discovery. Wow... thanks again. - Jeri p.s. I also mentioned to him what I believed Obadiah meant by The House of Jacob and the House of Joseph was a house of fire and the House of Essau was a House of Stubble! That Israel would prevail and this was a battle yet to come. He said yes, he agreed but we don't know the time. I agreed with him. Yes, we don't know the time - we only know that it is yet to happen! Yikes.
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I know my following statement will be short, but just take it in with the end-times discussion that's been happening.

When my son was progressing through the initial push through Iraq, his unit was able to wade across the Euphrates

Think about it,,,,,look it up if you need to


I appreciate you're sharing that. I did not know that!
My Hebrew teacher called me from Israel today and I told him about what Chuck had shared and he said there was no Hebrew word for Hamas. That is was an "Arabic" word! I didn't say anything to Chuck about that because somehow I knew he was right and that it was a matter of my teacher not knowing something about this - maybe he hasn't heard about it before! I'm amazed over that discovery. Wow... thanks again. - Jeri p.s. I also mentioned to him what I believed Obadiah meant by The House of Jacob and the House of Joseph was a house of fire and the House of Essau was a House of Stubble! That Israel would prevail and this was a battle yet to come. He said yes, he agreed but we don't know the time. I agreed with him. Yes, we don't know the time - we only know that it is yet to happen! Yikes.

According to the Gesenius Hebrew lexicon, the Arabic cognate of the Hebrew word hamas means warlike valour (noun form) or to be active, brave, constant (verb form). I do not know Arabic, but I assume that this Arabic cognate of the Hebrew hamas is the word used by the terrorist group Hamas.

Meaning of the Hebrew word Hamas

adjective: cognate1. Linguistics(of a word) having the same linguistic derivation as another; from the same original word or root (e.g., English is , German ist , Latin est , from Indo-European esti ).


Maybe they tried to transliterate it into Hebrew?

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