Hamas: It’s Not Our Responsibility to Protect Gazans

75 years of ethnic cleansing can not be opposed without weapons, right? End the occupation and the rockets will be replaced.

Zionist think tank publishes blueprint for Palestinian genocide | MR Online

"In 2004, Zionist demographer Arnon Sofer of Haifa University laid out detailed plans for the isolation of Gaza directly to Ariel Sharon’s government.

"This entailed withdrawing Israeli forces from the area entirely and constructing a stringent system of surveillance and security to ensure nothing and no one went in or out without Zionist proviso. He predicted a perpetual bloodbath:

"When 2.5 million people live in a closed-off Gaza, it’s going to be a human catastrophe. Those people will become even bigger animals than they are today…

"The pressure at the border will be awful. It’s going to be a terrible war. So, if we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill.

"All day, every day… the only thing that concerns me is how to ensure the boys and men who are going to have to do the killing will be able to return home to their families and be normal human beings."
BS. You have one goal. We all know what that is.
Israel is the occupying power of the Gaza Strip.
That means it has a responsibility and a duty to protect the civilians under its occupation:

Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza—Debunked

"It cannot simultaneously occupy the territory, thus usurping the self-governing powers that would otherwise belong to Palestinians, and declare war upon them.

"These contradictory policies (occupying a land and then declaring war on it) make the Palestinian population doubly vulnerable."
Israel left Gaza in 2005
Israel left Gaza in 2005
Under international law Israel is the occupying power in Gaza. Israel controls 3 land borders, coastal waters, airspace, and population registry. No one and no thing gets into or out of Gaza without Jewish approval. Israeli civilians left Gaza, but its military continues to deny Gazans any meaningful popular sovereignty.

Israel is the occupying power of the Gaza Strip under international law. Israel directly controls three land borders and coastal waters; it enforces its will over the 4th land border with Egypt through its special relationship with the US.

All food, water, power, medicine, etc., etc., entering Gaza is subject to Israeli control. Israel controls the population registry of Gaza. Israel removed its civilian population from Gaza years ago, but it continues to function as an occupying power.

Israel does not occupy Gaza. Try being a grownup and discover some facts.
Under international law Israel is the occupying power in Gaza. Israel controls 3 land borders, coastal waters, airspace, and population registry. No one and no thing gets into or out of Gaza without Jewish approval. Israeli civilians left Gaza, but its military continues to deny Gazans any meaningful popular sovereignty.

Obviously, you offer nothing more than copying and pasting the same nonsense.
The aren’t considered human.
Are the elderly hostages? The young women? The babies?

You all say Hamas doesn't represent the Palestinians. You say the Palestinians are innocent victims of Hamas. They are not. If they were, you would be THANKING Israel for LIBERATING the Palestinians from these monsters.

Israel will regardless. And there is nothing you can do or say to stop it.
You all say Hamas doesn't represent the Palestinians. You say the Palestinians are innocent victims of Hamas. They are not. If they were, you would be THANKING Israel for LIBERATING the Palestinians from these monsters.

Israel will regardless. And there is nothing you can do or say to stop it.

42% of Gazans are under 14.

Why would they be thanking a country that was slaughtering them with non stop bombing? That put them under seige, cutting off water, food, fuel, medical supplies?

Israel is dangerously close to becoming the monster it is fighting in this.
42% of Gazans are under 14.

Why would they be thanking a country that was slaughtering them with non stop bombing? That put them under seige, cutting off water, food, fuel, medical supplies?

Israel is dangerously close to becoming the monster it is fighting in this.
just because they are young doesnt mean they arent a threat,, more so when they are taught from birth to hate jews,,

So you justify killing children.
if they are trying to kill me yes,,,

or if the people trying to kill me are standing behind children I would try to avoid it,,, but shit happens,,

you should be careful about talking about killing children with being a supporter of abortion and all,,
There is no Gaza. That's a fairytale that only exists in Christofascists empty heads.

There is only Palestine, and the occupiers of Palestine.

Anyone who is on Palestinian land is a Palestinian.

Israel is a fictional place that only exists in books. Kind of like the Land of Oz.

The sooner everybody figures that out, the sooner the problem will go away. The land needs to be unoccupied, and returned to its rightful owners. Jews can live there as citizens just like Christians, and Muslims do.

There was never a country called Palestine. There was a 2 state solution by the way in 1948 but the Arabs decided they wanted the Jews gone from the river to the sea. After that failed for the Arabs, the Jews created a country called Israel. If you want to go back in history and blame the Turks or the Brits or even the Nazis who interfered in that region and created the mess thats fine, but today there is a country called Israel, and the Muslims refuse to ever give peace a chance.

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