Hamas' linked 'Gaza Now' posts Hitler pic threatens "zionists" [swastika palestine]

"From the early years of Islamic civilization, Muslim jurists, basing on Qur’anic directives, devised an elaborate hierarchy in which monotheistic non-Muslims, such as Christians and Jews, would be “protected” at a low level and tolerated as second-class citizens. Guidelines for their treatment were embodied in the “Pact of ‘Umar.” Limitations on the status of non-Muslims included discriminatory clothing regulations and occupational restrictions. Non-Muslims were required to pay a poll tax (jizya) as well as discriminatory taxes on agricultural produce."

Jews had been treated as second class citizens in much of eastern Europe as well, and those who emigrated were not about to submit to second class status in Palestine as well, and the Arabs were not about to treat them as equals after being taught for so many centuries that Jews were to be treated as second class citizens.

You are a perfect counterpart to the white segregationist politicians who made up lies about the dangers of allowing equal rights to black Americans.
1933 the fake mask "we are only against zonists" was exposed as Palestine Arab leadership and media were on Hitler's side (not just the mufti)

Davar, May 23, 1933.

Arab 'anti-Semitism.'

We knew quite well, that the official leaders of the Arabs of the country and their journalists hate "Zion" and the Jewish settlement in Israel in general. The causes and reasons are known. They are not in any case showing hostility towards the Zionists and the Jews in Israel, they would repeat and emphasize that they are free from hatred of the Jewish-people, from anti-Semitism. On the contrary, they would boast at every opportunity of their rights, related to the love of the Jewish-people in the past, and as if their hatred in the present did not apply to the Jewish community.
The events in Germany came and revealed the true face of these Semites.

Three daily newspapers in [Eretz-Yisrael] Palestine, which reflect the opinions of Arab leaders and the active political class: 'Falastin' - فلسطين, 'Al-Jami'a al-Arabiyya' - الجامعة العربية and 'Al-jamā'ah al-islāmīyah' - الجماعة الإسلامية. To begin with, there was a difference in the attitude of these newspapers towards the persecution of the Jews in Germany. Falastin wrote several times against the persecutions, although in a very lukewarm tone, the two Muslim newspapers drowned from the first moment any small comment about opposition to the persecution of a people — in case they did not forget to attach such a comment — in a flood of harsh words, slander and justification of the persecution of the Jews. And the next day, 'Falastin' also followed them.

The crown of Arab anti-Semitism in the events of Germany goes without a doubt to the Mufti newspaper: 'Al-Jami'a al-Arabiyya.' This newspaper supported Hitlerism in the past, because fascist nationalism is its ideal. It always repeated the slogan: we support Hitler and only one thing will violate our joy. With his victory, his rule will increase the flow of Jewish immigration to Israel. And here Hitler came to power, terrible persecutions took place against the Jews of Germany, and 'Al-Jami'a' immediately sided with the Nazis to protect them from the "false [sic] Jewish" propaganda.

Almost every day, original and translated articles appear in this newspaper fighting the news about "so-called persecutions", (الاضطهاد .) All the world's newspapers and German government laws are (supposedly) "false", and only a denial of the Nazis' are "credible" to the editor of 'Al Jamiah'. Several times he claimed in main articles from the government on the "insult" of the German consuls in Jerusalem and Jaffa at the hands of the Jews, and "establishes" in connection with this the inferiority of the
Jewish race in comparison to the Germans. And it was not enough to pit the Arabs against the Jews, but he began to pit the Jews against the Germans in Palestine.

In the issue of May 16, he writes in this vein: There has been a German diaspora in Palestine for decades.... And in his speech about the Jews in Germany he writes (ibid.) "The Nazis rose up against the German Jews, who spread..." And the editor of 'Islamiya' writes simply (on May 22): "When Hitlerism appeared, the Arabs cheered and rejoiced, saying: A blow from heaven in the hands of others." …

But between 'Al-Jami'a' and 'Islamiyah' there is a difference of opinion on one point: according to the former, Hitler caused a loss to Palestine by increasing the aspiration and immigration to the land, whereas the latter account of the owner of 'Islamia' is of great win to all "seekers of justice: "First of all, the strongest Jewish community in Europe must be torn to pieces, and in any case, Jewry in general is weakened. Second, there is no doubt that Hitler's ideas will also spread to other countries, according to the "Law of the Spread of Contagious Diseases[sic]," and Jewry will be destroyed there as well. And third, now the end will come to the rule of England and France in the world. Italy has already risen and Germany is now standing beside it. Well, looting of systems, a new equilibrium, and here is a convenient opportunity for "those seeking justice." The main "demander of justice" of "Islamia" removed all veils here: his ambition - the destruction of Jewry. Of course, 'Falastin' needs no lesson in anti-Semitism and hatred of the Jews from its Muslim friends. It stands on the 'height' of place and time.

All the conspiracies and lies that the anti-Semites in the world have concocted from time to time in relation to the Jews are chewed up every day in this newspaper and are presented to the reader with the addition of a well-known "Palestinian spice".

The newspaper seeks to publish any news that contains any 'denouncing' of Hitler's opponents, and concludes (May 4): "We did not doubt it at all, since the Jewish newspapers began to widely spread their abundant lies [sic] about the persecution of Jews in Germany, because they are false [sic] in their information, and criminals in their signature on the German people, who gave modern culture so much philosophical science and art."

Of the small Arab newspapers, 'Mir'at Al-Sharq مرﺁة الشرق - ' was the only one, which expressed human sorrow for the persecution of the Jews in Germany, but demanded a price for this expression: renouncing the Balfour Declaration!

For anyone who knows the heads of the strata in the Arab camp, there is no surprise in the 'anti-Semitic' revelation of the Arab newspapers. We knew it..!

However, what is interesting about this whole phenomenon is that in the same pages where these Muslim Arabs are standing alongside Hitler, who declares to the world that his plan is to place the Jewish community, which has lived in Germany no less than during the days of Islam on earth, outside of any civil law — in those pages, the Arabs of the country are literally "screaming bloody murder" on persecution of their brothers in North Africa! And those Muslim Arabs, who see themselves as being persecuted in several places, have no desire to listen to the moans of other persecuted people....

And from here there is only one and only conclusion regarding Eretz Yisrael ("palestine"): the Arab leaders are already today Hitlerites in idea, and woe betide the Jewish community in Israel if power is given to them. The 'anti-Semitic revelation' regarding the events in Germany should serve as a political document for us in any negotiation about the guarding (Mishmar) in Israel...

Yet, in 1933 there was no so called "occupation" and the State of israel wasn't yet RE Borned.

Still... already Hitlerism at Arabs full force.
“Go back and report to John what you hear and see: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor. Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me.”
Theocracies often treat other religious groups differently to their own. Take a look at the growth and politicization of Christianity, Islam in a similar way will seek to promote and defend the state religion, Europe was doing that six hundred years before Islam existed.

Jews were expelled from Europe for these theocratic motives, Catholics ended up on the receiving end once King Henry VIII got started.

In Israel today a Christian often do not feel safe because there are frequent attacks by maniacal Jewish fanatics, not Muslims.

I do not for one minute dispute that under an Islamic theocracy other religious are subjugated but that does not prove that all "Arabs dread living equally with Jews", that's a very different claim about an entire culture not a theocratic system.
The supremacist attitudes embodied in Islamic law are certainly not unique to Islam, but they do help explain why the Jews who refused to bow to them led the Arabs to wage war after war to try to obliterate these obstinate Jews.
The supremacist attitudes embodied in Islamic law are certainly not unique to Islam, but they do help explain why the Jews who refused to bow to them led the Arabs to wage war after war to try to obliterate these obstinate Jews.
Jews in Palestine lived alongside Muslim Arabs and non-Muslim Arabs and Christians, for many many years in relative peace and safety. The tension between Arabs and Muslims there began once the British reneged on their promise to support Arab independence in 1917 and at the very same time shocked those same Arabs by declaring their support for a new Jewish state in Palestine on land with borders that would be imposed.

This is historic fact, but you might disagree, so that's all I have to say.
Jews in Palestine lived alongside Muslim Arabs and non-Muslim Arabs and Christians, for many many years in relative peace and safety. The tension between Arabs and Muslims there began once the British reneged on their promise to support Arab independence in 1917 and at the very same time shocked those same Arabs by declaring their support for a new Jewish state in Palestine on land with borders that would be imposed.

This is historic fact, but you might disagree, so that's all I have to say.
The Jews lived in relative peace among the Arabs as long as they accepted being second class citizens, but when they refused, the Arabs waged and continue to wage war after war to try to destroy them.

The British lied to everyone, but this had nothing to do with the Arabs' continuing efforts to destroy the Jews.

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