Hamas must repudiate the anti-Semitism in its charter


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2012
Anyone taking bets?
Hamas agrees to unity but wants to dictate to the PLO what they will agree to and permit. Israel is not part of the agreement, so how will Abbas be able to negotiate?
This is a ploy to get more supplies, fuel, cash and the ability to operate in the WB.

Hamas must repudiate the anti-Semitism in its charter
By Richard Cohen, Monday, April 28, 4:31 PM E-mail the writer
Richard Cohen: Hamas must repudiate the anti-Semitism in its charter - The Washington Post

Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day has passed. But then, as far as I’m concerned, it is always Holocaust Remembrance Day — a perpetual and frustratingly futile attempt to come to terms with murder so vast and incomprehensible it is like pondering what came before the big bang. And yet in a corner of the world, the Holocaust is considered no mystery at all. The Jews did it to themselves to foster the creation of Israel. This is what Hamas believes.

Mahmoud Abbas, the moderate Palestinian leader, has made peace with Hamas — and it with him. Abbas had earlier acknowledged the Holocaust but recently called it “the most heinous crime to have occurred against humanity in the modern era.” This sounds like a prosaic statement of fact, but coming from a man who once held the Jews complicit in their own near-destruction, it is significant. For Abbas to have elevated the Holocaust over the Palestinian Nakba — the forced and non-forced evacuation of Arabs from Israel — is an important concession.

Not surprisingly, Abbas’s rendezvous with history was dismissed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This is Netanyahu’s default position when it comes to Palestinian concessions. Yet this time, he has a point. Hamas is indeed the terrorist organization Israel and the United States say it is. Its opposition to the mere existence of Israel is stated not just in the usual terms of Palestinian grievance or nationalism but also by a remarkable and stupendously stupid anti-Semitism.

In fact, according to the Hamas charter, it’s nothing less than a miracle that Hamas exists at all. Its enemy, the Jews, are so rich and powerful that “they took control of the world media, news agencies, the press, publishing houses, broadcasting stations, and others. . . . They were behind the French Revolution, the Communist revolution and most of the revolutions we heard and hear about.” The Jews had help, of course — and the Hamas charter names their allies: “Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, the Lions and others.” How the Elks and the Civil Air Patrol got left out is beyond me.

The charter does not stop there. The Jews, it says, “were behind World War II, through which they made huge financial gains by trading in armaments, and paved the way for the establishment of their state.” In other words, the Holocaust — not that it happened, mind you — was a clever Jewish ruse to win the world’s sympathy and thereby establish the state of Israel. Mazel tov! It worked.

To our ears, this is all loony stuff. But history demands that attention be paid. In its tone, in its detail, in its sheer monumental idiocy, the Hamas charter is nothing but warmed-over Hitlerism. It is no crazier than what Hitler laid out in “Mein Kampf.” Yet this was a doctrine that helped make him Germany’s paramount leader and enabled the murder of 6 million Jews. Hamas proclaims its anti-colonialist bona fides yet it has swallowed whole European anti-Semitism.

The Hamas charter was adopted in 1988 and possibly no longer accurately reflects the thinking of the current Hamas leadership. If so, it should be repudiated — and not without fanfare. Anti-Semitism has come to reside in the Middle East. If Israel was always a diversion for the region’s rulers, then anti-Semitism is a useful explanation. It is the granddaddy of all conspiracy theories. It seems to account for the region’s poverty, its haplessness, its relative weakness vis-a-vis Israel and so much more. If the Jews were behind the French Revolution, then why not, too, the collapse of the Arab Spring? ...........................
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Palestinians say they want peace. So what do they do to achieve it? They elect Hamas. It's called Palestinian Mentality.
Anyone taking bets?
Hamas agrees to unity but wants to dictate to the PLO what they will agree to and permit. Israel is not part of the agreement, so how will Abbas be able to negotiate?
This is a ploy to get more supplies, fuel, cash and the ability to operate in the WB.

Hamas must repudiate the anti-Semitism in its charter
By Richard Cohen, Monday, April 28, 4:31 PM E-mail the writer
Richard Cohen: Hamas must repudiate the anti-Semitism in its charter - The Washington Post

Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day has passed. But then, as far as I’m concerned, it is always Holocaust Remembrance Day — a perpetual and frustratingly futile attempt to come to terms with murder so vast and incomprehensible it is like pondering what came before the big bang. And yet in a corner of the world, the Holocaust is considered no mystery at all. The Jews did it to themselves to foster the creation of Israel. This is what Hamas believes.

Mahmoud Abbas, the moderate Palestinian leader, has made peace with Hamas — and it with him. Abbas had earlier acknowledged the Holocaust but recently called it “the most heinous crime to have occurred against humanity in the modern era.” This sounds like a prosaic statement of fact, but coming from a man who once held the Jews complicit in their own near-destruction, it is significant. For Abbas to have elevated the Holocaust over the Palestinian Nakba — the forced and non-forced evacuation of Arabs from Israel — is an important concession.

Not surprisingly, Abbas’s rendezvous with history was dismissed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This is Netanyahu’s default position when it comes to Palestinian concessions. Yet this time, he has a point. Hamas is indeed the terrorist organization Israel and the United States say it is. Its opposition to the mere existence of Israel is stated not just in the usual terms of Palestinian grievance or nationalism but also by a remarkable and stupendously stupid anti-Semitism.

In fact, according to the Hamas charter, it’s nothing less than a miracle that Hamas exists at all. Its enemy, the Jews, are so rich and powerful that “they took control of the world media, news agencies, the press, publishing houses, broadcasting stations, and others. . . . They were behind the French Revolution, the Communist revolution and most of the revolutions we heard and hear about.” The Jews had help, of course — and the Hamas charter names their allies: “Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, the Lions and others.” How the Elks and the Civil Air Patrol got left out is beyond me.

The charter does not stop there. The Jews, it says, “were behind World War II, through which they made huge financial gains by trading in armaments, and paved the way for the establishment of their state.” In other words, the Holocaust — not that it happened, mind you — was a clever Jewish ruse to win the world’s sympathy and thereby establish the state of Israel. Mazel tov! It worked.

To our ears, this is all loony stuff. But history demands that attention be paid. In its tone, in its detail, in its sheer monumental idiocy, the Hamas charter is nothing but warmed-over Hitlerism. It is no crazier than what Hitler laid out in “Mein Kampf.” Yet this was a doctrine that helped make him Germany’s paramount leader and enabled the murder of 6 million Jews. Hamas proclaims its anti-colonialist bona fides yet it has swallowed whole European anti-Semitism.

The Hamas charter was adopted in 1988 and possibly no longer accurately reflects the thinking of the current Hamas leadership. If so, it should be repudiated — and not without fanfare. Anti-Semitism has come to reside in the Middle East. If Israel was always a diversion for the region’s rulers, then anti-Semitism is a useful explanation. It is the granddaddy of all conspiracy theories. It seems to account for the region’s poverty, its haplessness, its relative weakness vis-a-vis Israel and so much more. If the Jews were behind the French Revolution, then why not, too, the collapse of the Arab Spring? ...........................
Tinmore says they didn't all sign it, so it doesn't count. :lmao:
No occupation. Land won in a defensive war fair and square.
Rolling your tanks across the border into another country, is not a defensive act.
Yes, that's what the Egyptians, Jordanians, and Syrians did as they told the Arabs in between to get out of the way. Only they got their butts handed to them and they're still whining about it, just like you are now. :rofl:
Yes, that's what the Egyptians, Jordanians, and Syrians did as they told the Arabs in between to get out of the way. Only they got their butts handed to them and they're still whining about it, just like you are now. :rofl:
We were talking about the occupation and the '67 war, until you spun off on a tangent about '48.

You need to focus a little more on what posts you're responding to.
Yes, that's what the Egyptians, Jordanians, and Syrians did as they told the Arabs in between to get out of the way. Only they got their butts handed to them and they're still whining about it, just like you are now. :rofl:
We were talking about the occupation and the '67 war, until you spun off on a tangent about '48.

You need to focus a little more on what posts you're responding to.
67 war was when the Arabs told the Palestinians to get out of the way. Ignoramus.

Besides why is 67 unimportant the West Bank and Gaza where a result of The Arab attack in 48.

67 was just a continuation of an unfinished war. Israelis got back in 67 what was theirs in 48. :clap2: praise to Allah.
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Israel needs to end the occupation.

That's the first step.

WRONG the first step is for the Palestinians to stop the violence, terrorism and belligerence, then they will be free of occupation. They know this and have read the same UN resolutions as we have and still they prefer war. Look at what they will lose if peace was to break out, no more UNWRAR to look after them, no more aid from other countries. They will have to stand on their own two feet and take account of their own lives.
No occupation. Land won in a defensive war fair and square.
Rolling your tanks across the border into another country, is not a defensive act.

It is when they have amassed their troops ready to invade yours.

You will have to excuse Billo. Like Tinmore, Billo has a five second memory. Although they have been told facts time and time again, they soon forget them. They swim around in their goldfish bowl together. :badgrin:
No occupation. Land won in a defensive war fair and square.
Rolling your tanks across the border into another country, is not a defensive act.
Yes, that's what the Egyptians, Jordanians, and Syrians did as they told the Arabs in between to get out of the way. Only they got their butts handed to them and they're still whining about it, just like you are now. :rofl:

Egypt ordered the UN who were supposed to be the " peacekeepers" to leave and they did . Ask the F...ING Pro Palestinian why and there will be no response . The Arabs initiated the War and lost.
Rolling your tanks across the border into another country, is not a defensive act.

It is when they have amassed their troops ready to invade yours.

You will have to excuse Billo. Like Tinmore, Billo has a five second memory. Although they have been told facts time and time again, they soon forget them. They swim around in their goldfish bowl together. :badgrin:

Syrian Front

Syrian Front

In the years and months leading up to the 1967 war, Syria had played a crucial role in raising tensions by engaging in acts of sabotage and incessantly shelling Israeli communities. The second half of 1966 and spring of 1967 saw increasing friction and incidents between the IDF and Syrian forces. In response to a false Soviet warning on May 13, 1967 that Israel was preparing for an imminent attack on Syria, Egypt and Syria activated a mutual defense pact, and Syria massed troops on its border with Israel.

That border ran some 40 miles, from Kibbutz Tel Dan in the north down to the Sea of Galilee, with the Syrians occupying the high ground. In the northern half the terrain was extremely steep, rising up at the border or just after the border, while in the south the rise was a little slower at first. The escarpment and the plateau behind it, at an elevation of about 2000 feet, are known as the Golan Heights, and the Syrians had been fortifying it for 18 years. Over most of that time Syria had also often shelled Israel’s northern communities.

By 1967 more than 265 artillery pieces were aimed down at Israel, and on the plateau itself Syria had constructed a dense network of fortifications, trenches and concrete bunkers with overlapping fields of fire, all sitting behind dense mine fields. Just before the outbreak of the war the Syrians forces in the Golan totaled over 40,000 troops with 260 tanks and self-propelled guns, divided up among three armored brigades and five infantry brigades. Facing them, the Israelis were heavily outgunned, with just one armored brigade and one infantry brigade.

Syrian-Israeli Front
The Syrian-Israeli front, June 1967; click for larger image.

Although Syria maintained a radical and aggressive posture towards Israel, it counted heavily upon the initiative and success of the larger and better trained Egyptian army. During the first day of the war, on June 5, Syrian planes attacked communities in the north of Israel, including Tiberias, and attempted to attack the Haifa oil refineries. The Israeli air force responded later that day with an attack on Syria’s airbases, destroying 59 Syrian aircraft, mostly on the ground.

In the early morning hours of June 6, however, Syria intensified its attacks, launching a heavy artillery barrage against Israeli civilian communities, and then sending two companies of infantry across the border to attack Kibbutz Tel Dan. The Kibbutz’s defenders held off the attack, and twenty minutes later the Israeli airfare arrived and drove the Syrians back over the border. Despite other incursions into Israeli territory, which were also driven off, with the bulk of Israeli troops still fighting in the Sinai and the West Bank the Israeli army could not go on the attack against Syria.

On June 8, the fourth day of the war, Syria accepted a UN cease-fire, and for five hours there was a lull in the shelling. But then the barrages resumed, and state radio announced that Syria did not consider itself bound by any cease-fire. Apparently their formidable defenses in the Golan and the fact that Israel had not yet attacked led the Syrian regime to the false conclusion that their positions were impregnable. (Arab-Israeli Wars, A.J. Barker, p. 90)

With the renewed Syrian barrages, and battles on the southern and eastern fronts winding down, some Israeli leaders began to lean towards an offensive against Syria. Israeli forces began to move north in huge convoys, creating massive traffic jams in Israeli cities, including Tel Aviv. Then came a hint from the United States that made the offensive a certainty: speaking to Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban, McGeorge Bundy, the US National Security Adviser, voiced surprise that so far Syria had escaped any serious damage:


Six Day War
The Six Day War was a war between Israel and her neighboring countries - Egypt, Syria and Jordan - which was conducted from June 5th until June 10th 1967. The tensions between Israel and the Arab countries intensified from the mid 1960's due to multiple terrorist attacks and infiltrations of Palestinian terrorists from Syria, Jordan, the Gaza Strip, and the Sinai Peninsula into Israeli territory. These actions were motivated by the support of the Arab countries. The tensions were increased by Syrian shelling of Israeli settlements in the Hulah Valley, as well as Israeli and Syrian planning of projects for the diversion of water sources.

On April 6th 1967, an aerial incident between Israel and Syria took place, in which 6 Syrian MiGs were intercepted. Syria filed a complaint to its ally Egypt for not fulfilling its military agreement signed in November 1966 and coming to Syria's assistance. Egypt notified that it will not tolerate an Israeli action against Syria and its army's state of alert was raised. Vast amounts of tanks and infantry units were stationed along the Egyptian-Israeli border. Their Soviet allies encouraged these actions, while statements made by Israeli leaders in May were interpreted by the Russians and Arabs as threats made towards Syria. Egypt demanded that the United Nations' Emergency Force abandon its stations across the border, from the Straits of Tiran, and from all Egyptian territories. The United Nations met their demands.

Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser blockaded the Straits of Tiran on May 21st and 22nd to all shipping from and to Eilat; the area was open to Israeli ships under UN supervision since 1957, and Israel repeatedly stated that such a blockade will be considered as casus belli (justification for acts of war). The United States and several other countries declared that the Straits of Tiran are an international passage and they must remain clear for a safe passage of all ships. No actual steps were taken on these remarks, and Egypt proclaimed that any attempt to break their blockade on the Straits would be considered an act of war.

Nasser, in an intentional provocation, asked Israel to open in war, declared that Egypt is strong enough to be victorious, and threatened to destroy Israel. Other Arab leaders made similar aggressive speeches as well and military pacts were signed between Egypt and Jordan (on May 30th) and between Egypt and Iraq (on June 4th). The supply of Soviet weaponry to Arab states was also increased.


For those who claim the UN did not cooperate with the Arabs and leave they are LIARS !!!

Is Pre-emptive war ever justified?

Pro Palestinian Liars claim Israel initiated the War. The threads above ( in addition to others that have posted ) prove that's not true. However, Pre- Emptive War IS JUSTIFIED IF THERE ARE IMMINENT THREATS, ASSHOLES !!!!!
No occupation. Land won in a defensive war fair and square.
Rolling your tanks across the border into another country, is not a defensive act.

if someone sends missiles into your country, you have every right to take out those missiles and all other munitions.

you're welcome

Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Straits of Tiran closure: The Straits were regarded by the Western Powers and Israel as an international waterway[43][81][82] but its legal status was the subject of international controversy.[83] The Arabs believed that they had the right to regulate passage of ships while Israel, with the support of other major world powers, countered that the Arab claims were legally not supportable.[84] In 1967 Israel reiterated declarations made in 1957 that any closure of the Straits would be considered an act of war, or a justification for war.[85][86] On May 22, Nasser declared the Straits closed to Israeli shipping.[43][87] Nasser stated he was open to referring the closure to the International Court of Justice to determine its legality, but this option was rejected by Israel.[88][89] Egyptian propaganda attacked Israel,[90] and on May 27, Nasser stated "Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight."[

If a Hostile Enemy Country deliberately Blocks your main shipping port, sends the UN away ( Weren't they there ? to enforce " International Law?"), :lol: and enforces their military on your borders declaring their intentions you have every right to fight for your rights . Deal with it :D
Israel needs to end the occupation.

That's the first step.


I already told you , 'occupations' don't end until hostilities end.
But since Palestinians , mainly in Gaza, will probably never cease to attack Israel, it looks like this 'occupation' is going to result is annexation of the West Bank.

That offer that Arafat got in 2000 is looking good right about now, isn't it??
"You will have to excuse Billo. Like Tinmore, Billo has a five second memory. Although they have been told facts time and time again, they soon forget them.
They swim around in their goldfish bowl together."

Yep, there they are.

Either your for....

....or against terrorists and their ways…. ‘bill

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