Hamas Placed Rocket Launchers On Top Of Hospitals Yet Ilhan Omar Does Her Best To Dispel 'Myth' Palestinians Use 'Human Shields'


As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel,​

Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel, Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

Terrorists attempt to justify using civilians as Human Shields by claiming they are engaged in 'Urban Warfare', requiring the hiding and fighting from within a civilian population, which they claim is completely different from using innocent civilians as 'Human Shields'.
- 'Urban Warfare' is combat conducted in, for example, House-to-House combat, not intentionally placing rocket launchers you are using to attack the next city / territory on top of hospitals or in schools.

'Hamas is not using innocent people as 'Human Shields' - the terrorists can't help that they live within civilian populations - 'There is just so much space in Gaza to go around'.


....and of course there is more BS attempts to justify Hamas using innocent civilians - children - as human shields from terrorist-supporting/sympathizing anti-Semites like Omar are willing to spread:

"And by Ilhan Omar’s faulty logic, Israel is a legitimate target of Hamas terrorists:

An Important thread on the myth of “human shield” in Palestine ⬇️ https://t.co/SUPAJHiCJM
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
May 12, 2021"


"The headlines in most places were entirely predictable: “UN Says Israel Killed 44 Palestinians in Schools During Gaza War.” That was indeed one finding of a UN report published Monday — but only part of the story.

The report also confirmed something Israel’s been saying all along: Hamas stored mortars and other weapons in at least three UN schools during last summer’s war and fired rockets at Israel from two of them."

Hamas admits it used civilians as human shields, had terrorists mixed in with crowd

"Two days after the siege on Israel’s border, Hamas acknowledged that 50 of the 60 people killed during the protests were members of the terrorist organization. What Hamas likely won’t admit is that the other Palestinians who died during this altercation were used as human shields to protect the terrorists."

H.R. 3542

H.R. 3542 states that it is U.S. policy to: (1) condemn the use of human shields by Hamas as an act of terrorism and a violation of human rights and international humanitarian law, and (2) act against those engaging in or supporting the use of human shields. The President is urged to direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (U.N.) to use U.S. influence at the U.N. Security Council to secure support for a resolution imposing multilateral sanctions against Hamas's use of human shields.

Hamas' use of civilians as human shields

Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have adopted various tactics of using civilians as human shields. One of them is encouraging civilians to gather on roofs to prevent terrorists and their houses from being attacked by the Israeli Air Force.

1. Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri was interviewed on 8 July, and called on the Palestinian people to use the human shield tactic to defend their homes: "We in the Hamas movement call on our people to adopt this procedure" (Source: Memri and Channel 10)

Import more brown turd world trash and watch our country die. This is the goal of the Democrat party


As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel,​

Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel, Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

Terrorists attempt to justify using civilians as Human Shields by claiming they are engaged in 'Urban Warfare', requiring the hiding and fighting from within a civilian population, which they claim is completely different from using innocent civilians as 'Human Shields'.
- 'Urban Warfare' is combat conducted in, for example, House-to-House combat, not intentionally placing rocket launchers you are using to attack the next city / territory on top of hospitals or in schools.

'Hamas is not using innocent people as 'Human Shields' - the terrorists can't help that they live within civilian populations - 'There is just so much space in Gaza to go around'.


....and of course there is more BS attempts to justify Hamas using innocent civilians - children - as human shields from terrorist-supporting/sympathizing anti-Semites like Omar are willing to spread:

"And by Ilhan Omar’s faulty logic, Israel is a legitimate target of Hamas terrorists:

An Important thread on the myth of “human shield” in Palestine ⬇️ https://t.co/SUPAJHiCJM
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
May 12, 2021"


"The headlines in most places were entirely predictable: “UN Says Israel Killed 44 Palestinians in Schools During Gaza War.” That was indeed one finding of a UN report published Monday — but only part of the story.

The report also confirmed something Israel’s been saying all along: Hamas stored mortars and other weapons in at least three UN schools during last summer’s war and fired rockets at Israel from two of them."

Hamas admits it used civilians as human shields, had terrorists mixed in with crowd

"Two days after the siege on Israel’s border, Hamas acknowledged that 50 of the 60 people killed during the protests were members of the terrorist organization. What Hamas likely won’t admit is that the other Palestinians who died during this altercation were used as human shields to protect the terrorists."

H.R. 3542

H.R. 3542 states that it is U.S. policy to: (1) condemn the use of human shields by Hamas as an act of terrorism and a violation of human rights and international humanitarian law, and (2) act against those engaging in or supporting the use of human shields. The President is urged to direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (U.N.) to use U.S. influence at the U.N. Security Council to secure support for a resolution imposing multilateral sanctions against Hamas's use of human shields.

Hamas' use of civilians as human shields

Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have adopted various tactics of using civilians as human shields. One of them is encouraging civilians to gather on roofs to prevent terrorists and their houses from being attacked by the Israeli Air Force.

1. Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri was interviewed on 8 July, and called on the Palestinian people to use the human shield tactic to defend their homes: "We in the Hamas movement call on our people to adopt this procedure" (Source: Memri and Channel 10)

There is no hamas in the west Bank or Jerusalem. Yet the Israelis have been killing, torturing, jailing Palestinians and seizing the lands. What's your excuse there ?

Also, hamas was founded in 1987, the isrselis by then have killed thousands of Palestinians....who was using them as shields ?
Check this out. I don't know if it's written in PROG and don't care to read it since it's PROG from a PROG-misinformation source, but seems the PROG-view isn't being so PROG-kind to their own PROGS on this one.



As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel,​

Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel, Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

Terrorists attempt to justify using civilians as Human Shields by claiming they are engaged in 'Urban Warfare', requiring the hiding and fighting from within a civilian population, which they claim is completely different from using innocent civilians as 'Human Shields'.
- 'Urban Warfare' is combat conducted in, for example, House-to-House combat, not intentionally placing rocket launchers you are using to attack the next city / territory on top of hospitals or in schools.

'Hamas is not using innocent people as 'Human Shields' - the terrorists can't help that they live within civilian populations - 'There is just so much space in Gaza to go around'.


....and of course there is more BS attempts to justify Hamas using innocent civilians - children - as human shields from terrorist-supporting/sympathizing anti-Semites like Omar are willing to spread:

"And by Ilhan Omar’s faulty logic, Israel is a legitimate target of Hamas terrorists:

An Important thread on the myth of “human shield” in Palestine ⬇️ https://t.co/SUPAJHiCJM
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
May 12, 2021"


"The headlines in most places were entirely predictable: “UN Says Israel Killed 44 Palestinians in Schools During Gaza War.” That was indeed one finding of a UN report published Monday — but only part of the story.

The report also confirmed something Israel’s been saying all along: Hamas stored mortars and other weapons in at least three UN schools during last summer’s war and fired rockets at Israel from two of them."

Hamas admits it used civilians as human shields, had terrorists mixed in with crowd

"Two days after the siege on Israel’s border, Hamas acknowledged that 50 of the 60 people killed during the protests were members of the terrorist organization. What Hamas likely won’t admit is that the other Palestinians who died during this altercation were used as human shields to protect the terrorists."

H.R. 3542

H.R. 3542 states that it is U.S. policy to: (1) condemn the use of human shields by Hamas as an act of terrorism and a violation of human rights and international humanitarian law, and (2) act against those engaging in or supporting the use of human shields. The President is urged to direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (U.N.) to use U.S. influence at the U.N. Security Council to secure support for a resolution imposing multilateral sanctions against Hamas's use of human shields.

Hamas' use of civilians as human shields

Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have adopted various tactics of using civilians as human shields. One of them is encouraging civilians to gather on roofs to prevent terrorists and their houses from being attacked by the Israeli Air Force.

1. Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri was interviewed on 8 July, and called on the Palestinian people to use the human shield tactic to defend their homes: "We in the Hamas movement call on our people to adopt this procedure" (Source: Memri and Channel 10)

Last I checked that’s a direct violation of international law.
So where’s the Lefts precious UN?

Everything Israel says is essentially a lie.
The rockets raining down on Israel never happened?

Like I said, you Leftards are a special kind of evil.

We were talking about the claim that rockets were fired from the roofs of hospitals.
That obviously makes no sense and is a lie.
How would anyone even get all these rockets up on to a hospital roof anyway?
Its not like the elevators go all the way to the roof.

But Palestinian rockets are small and home made, without any guidance. They rarely harm anyone.
I just wish there were more lethal, so that Israel could be stopped from murdering and stealing.
A. They are not home made. Gaza has no rocket store, warhead store nor Amazon delivery. They are smuggled in from Iran. You lied.

B. A 6 foot rocket with an explosive warhead is very lethal. That’s why our military has been using them for 80 years. Lie #2 by you.

C. At least 6 dead and dozens injured from the Hamas terrorists rocket attacks. Numerous Palestinians have been killed and wounded by their own rockets. Lie #3 by you.

D. Hamas terrorists use human shields. Lie #4 by you The Leftist Atlantic:

E. It is a direct violation of international law to intentionally target civilians. All Hamas and their supporters should be executed for their war crimes.
War Crimes? OK fine can we put israelis and American soldiers up fo trial for committing atrocities?
Israel: Lebanon, Syria. Palestine...
US: Vietnam, central America, Iraq, afghanistan...
Let's do it.
There were 2 legal requirements for the land to become an independent Moslem Palestine.
One is that the natives were 95% Molsem

That was a requirement? Post your proof.

It is always a requirement you support native independence, as that is always where legal authority emanates from.
Says so in the US Declaration of Independence.
And Palestine was clearly over 95% Moslem and less then 5% Jewish in 1920 and before.
192284,000 Jews71,000 Christians589,000 Moslems752,000 total

But this is compounded by the fact the Allies were contractually obligated to create an independent Moslem Palestine in return for their help in WWI.
The Jews and Zionists took no part in WWI.
The whole Lawrence of Arabia thing.
So taking Moslem land and using it to create homes for Jewish refugees from Europe was totally illegal and immoral.
If you want to repay for the Holocaust, then take part of Germany and Poland, not Palestine.
The Palestinians were not guilty of anything, but were WWI heroes instead.
It says no such thing in the dec of ind.

Isreal is a legal state They have offered to give palestine their own state several times only to be attacked,.

Your revisionist spin is a failure.
What propaganda. The smallest rocket you could place on a rooftop is a Qassam with a range of two miles and no guidance system, not far enough to hit the nearest town. There are no rockets being launched into Israel and Iron Dome is a joke. Israel does this everytime it wants to slaughter Palestinian babies.

Pretty sure these travelled more than 2 miles, Sport. That's Tel Aviv.

It is just as easy to launch from inside Israel as it is from Gaza.
In fact, it could be easier since Gaza is so tightly locked down.

And when you see an exhaust trail, that is not a rocket launched by the Palestinians, because they are ballistic, like a mortar, and use up all propellant in the first few seconds.
When you see propellant burning trails, that is entirely Iron Dome interceptors, which need the extra speed and maneuvering of constant burn.

You are full of shit, terrorist lover.

Are the police terrorists when they arrest a bank robber?
The Israelis are the thieves, not the Palestinians.
The Israelis are illegal immigrants without any legal Mideast claims.
The Palestinians trace back infinitely.
There can be no doubt at all.

Hamas is a terrorist organization, and you defend it.

First of all the definition of terrorism is when a small minority extorts an innocent civilian majority by violence or threats of violence.
So Hamas can't be terrorist because they are defending the Arab majority from the extortion by the Jewish minority, who are not innocent.
There are very few Israelis who ever paid for the homes they live in, so they have to all know they are guilty of being in possession of stolen goods.
It is only the Palestinians who are innocent.
So then Hamas can't be terrorist.

But Israel most certainly is a terrorist organization.
Like when Mossad murdered Gerald Bull in Belgium.
Never seen any country as terrorist as Israel.

That is not the definition of terrorism

You fail again.''


As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel,​

Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel, Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

Terrorists attempt to justify using civilians as Human Shields by claiming they are engaged in 'Urban Warfare', requiring the hiding and fighting from within a civilian population, which they claim is completely different from using innocent civilians as 'Human Shields'.
- 'Urban Warfare' is combat conducted in, for example, House-to-House combat, not intentionally placing rocket launchers you are using to attack the next city / territory on top of hospitals or in schools.

'Hamas is not using innocent people as 'Human Shields' - the terrorists can't help that they live within civilian populations - 'There is just so much space in Gaza to go around'.


....and of course there is more BS attempts to justify Hamas using innocent civilians - children - as human shields from terrorist-supporting/sympathizing anti-Semites like Omar are willing to spread:

"And by Ilhan Omar’s faulty logic, Israel is a legitimate target of Hamas terrorists:

An Important thread on the myth of “human shield” in Palestine ⬇️ https://t.co/SUPAJHiCJM
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
May 12, 2021"


"The headlines in most places were entirely predictable: “UN Says Israel Killed 44 Palestinians in Schools During Gaza War.” That was indeed one finding of a UN report published Monday — but only part of the story.

The report also confirmed something Israel’s been saying all along: Hamas stored mortars and other weapons in at least three UN schools during last summer’s war and fired rockets at Israel from two of them."

Hamas admits it used civilians as human shields, had terrorists mixed in with crowd

"Two days after the siege on Israel’s border, Hamas acknowledged that 50 of the 60 people killed during the protests were members of the terrorist organization. What Hamas likely won’t admit is that the other Palestinians who died during this altercation were used as human shields to protect the terrorists."

H.R. 3542

H.R. 3542 states that it is U.S. policy to: (1) condemn the use of human shields by Hamas as an act of terrorism and a violation of human rights and international humanitarian law, and (2) act against those engaging in or supporting the use of human shields. The President is urged to direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (U.N.) to use U.S. influence at the U.N. Security Council to secure support for a resolution imposing multilateral sanctions against Hamas's use of human shields.

Hamas' use of civilians as human shields

Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have adopted various tactics of using civilians as human shields. One of them is encouraging civilians to gather on roofs to prevent terrorists and their houses from being attacked by the Israeli Air Force.

1. Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri was interviewed on 8 July, and called on the Palestinian people to use the human shield tactic to defend their homes: "We in the Hamas movement call on our people to adopt this procedure" (Source: Memri and Channel 10)

There is no hamas in the west Bank or Jerusalem. Yet the Israelis have been killing, torturing, jailing Palestinians and seizing the lands. What's your excuse there ?

Also, hamas was founded in 1987, the isrselis by then have killed thousands of Palestinians....who was using them as shields ?
No Hamas? I guess it was The Gurl scouts who fired over 4,000 rockets into Israel and used citizens as human shields....

Tell us more how you support a terrorist organization that openly calls for genocide of the jews.


As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel,​

Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel, Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

Terrorists attempt to justify using civilians as Human Shields by claiming they are engaged in 'Urban Warfare', requiring the hiding and fighting from within a civilian population, which they claim is completely different from using innocent civilians as 'Human Shields'.
- 'Urban Warfare' is combat conducted in, for example, House-to-House combat, not intentionally placing rocket launchers you are using to attack the next city / territory on top of hospitals or in schools.

'Hamas is not using innocent people as 'Human Shields' - the terrorists can't help that they live within civilian populations - 'There is just so much space in Gaza to go around'.


....and of course there is more BS attempts to justify Hamas using innocent civilians - children - as human shields from terrorist-supporting/sympathizing anti-Semites like Omar are willing to spread:

"And by Ilhan Omar’s faulty logic, Israel is a legitimate target of Hamas terrorists:

An Important thread on the myth of “human shield” in Palestine ⬇️ https://t.co/SUPAJHiCJM
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
May 12, 2021"


"The headlines in most places were entirely predictable: “UN Says Israel Killed 44 Palestinians in Schools During Gaza War.” That was indeed one finding of a UN report published Monday — but only part of the story.

The report also confirmed something Israel’s been saying all along: Hamas stored mortars and other weapons in at least three UN schools during last summer’s war and fired rockets at Israel from two of them."

Hamas admits it used civilians as human shields, had terrorists mixed in with crowd

"Two days after the siege on Israel’s border, Hamas acknowledged that 50 of the 60 people killed during the protests were members of the terrorist organization. What Hamas likely won’t admit is that the other Palestinians who died during this altercation were used as human shields to protect the terrorists."

H.R. 3542

H.R. 3542 states that it is U.S. policy to: (1) condemn the use of human shields by Hamas as an act of terrorism and a violation of human rights and international humanitarian law, and (2) act against those engaging in or supporting the use of human shields. The President is urged to direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (U.N.) to use U.S. influence at the U.N. Security Council to secure support for a resolution imposing multilateral sanctions against Hamas's use of human shields.

Hamas' use of civilians as human shields

Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have adopted various tactics of using civilians as human shields. One of them is encouraging civilians to gather on roofs to prevent terrorists and their houses from being attacked by the Israeli Air Force.

1. Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri was interviewed on 8 July, and called on the Palestinian people to use the human shield tactic to defend their homes: "We in the Hamas movement call on our people to adopt this procedure" (Source: Memri and Channel 10)

Last I checked that’s a direct violation of international law.
So where’s the Lefts precious UN?

Everything Israel says is essentially a lie.
The rockets raining down on Israel never happened?

Like I said, you Leftards are a special kind of evil.

We were talking about the claim that rockets were fired from the roofs of hospitals.
That obviously makes no sense and is a lie.
How would anyone even get all these rockets up on to a hospital roof anyway?
Its not like the elevators go all the way to the roof.

But Palestinian rockets are small and home made, without any guidance. They rarely harm anyone.
I just wish there were more lethal, so that Israel could be stopped from murdering and stealing.
A. They are not home made. Gaza has no rocket store, warhead store nor Amazon delivery. They are smuggled in from Iran. You lied.

B. A 6 foot rocket with an explosive warhead is very lethal. That’s why our military has been using them for 80 years. Lie #2 by you.

C. At least 6 dead and dozens injured from the Hamas terrorists rocket attacks. Numerous Palestinians have been killed and wounded by their own rockets. Lie #3 by you.

D. Hamas terrorists use human shields. Lie #4 by you The Leftist Atlantic:

E. It is a direct violation of international law to intentionally target civilians. All Hamas and their supporters should be executed for their war crimes.
War Crimes? OK fine can we put israelis and American soldiers up fo trial for committing atrocities?
Israel: Lebanon, Syria. Palestine...
US: Vietnam, central America, Iraq, afghanistan...
Let's do it.
If you can point out intentionally murdering civilians. Provide the links. I’m sure someone has fabricated something by now.
But only Muslims take pride in murdering civilians intentionally.


As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel,​

Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel, Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

Terrorists attempt to justify using civilians as Human Shields by claiming they are engaged in 'Urban Warfare', requiring the hiding and fighting from within a civilian population, which they claim is completely different from using innocent civilians as 'Human Shields'.
- 'Urban Warfare' is combat conducted in, for example, House-to-House combat, not intentionally placing rocket launchers you are using to attack the next city / territory on top of hospitals or in schools.

'Hamas is not using innocent people as 'Human Shields' - the terrorists can't help that they live within civilian populations - 'There is just so much space in Gaza to go around'.


....and of course there is more BS attempts to justify Hamas using innocent civilians - children - as human shields from terrorist-supporting/sympathizing anti-Semites like Omar are willing to spread:

"And by Ilhan Omar’s faulty logic, Israel is a legitimate target of Hamas terrorists:

An Important thread on the myth of “human shield” in Palestine ⬇️ https://t.co/SUPAJHiCJM
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
May 12, 2021"


"The headlines in most places were entirely predictable: “UN Says Israel Killed 44 Palestinians in Schools During Gaza War.” That was indeed one finding of a UN report published Monday — but only part of the story.

The report also confirmed something Israel’s been saying all along: Hamas stored mortars and other weapons in at least three UN schools during last summer’s war and fired rockets at Israel from two of them."

Hamas admits it used civilians as human shields, had terrorists mixed in with crowd

"Two days after the siege on Israel’s border, Hamas acknowledged that 50 of the 60 people killed during the protests were members of the terrorist organization. What Hamas likely won’t admit is that the other Palestinians who died during this altercation were used as human shields to protect the terrorists."

H.R. 3542

H.R. 3542 states that it is U.S. policy to: (1) condemn the use of human shields by Hamas as an act of terrorism and a violation of human rights and international humanitarian law, and (2) act against those engaging in or supporting the use of human shields. The President is urged to direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (U.N.) to use U.S. influence at the U.N. Security Council to secure support for a resolution imposing multilateral sanctions against Hamas's use of human shields.

Hamas' use of civilians as human shields

Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have adopted various tactics of using civilians as human shields. One of them is encouraging civilians to gather on roofs to prevent terrorists and their houses from being attacked by the Israeli Air Force.

1. Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri was interviewed on 8 July, and called on the Palestinian people to use the human shield tactic to defend their homes: "We in the Hamas movement call on our people to adopt this procedure" (Source: Memri and Channel 10)

There is no hamas in the west Bank or Jerusalem. Yet the Israelis have been killing, torturing, jailing Palestinians and seizing the lands. What's your excuse there ?

Also, hamas was founded in 1987, the isrselis by then have killed thousands of Palestinians....who was using them as shields ?
No Hamas? I guess it was The Gurl scouts who fired over 4,000 rockets into Israel and used citizens as human shields....

Tell us more how you support a terrorist organization that openly calls for genocide of the jews.
You are too ignorant to discuss this topic. Sorry !!! Uneducated about world history and politics right wing NUTJOB.


As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel,​

Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel, Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

Terrorists attempt to justify using civilians as Human Shields by claiming they are engaged in 'Urban Warfare', requiring the hiding and fighting from within a civilian population, which they claim is completely different from using innocent civilians as 'Human Shields'.
- 'Urban Warfare' is combat conducted in, for example, House-to-House combat, not intentionally placing rocket launchers you are using to attack the next city / territory on top of hospitals or in schools.

'Hamas is not using innocent people as 'Human Shields' - the terrorists can't help that they live within civilian populations - 'There is just so much space in Gaza to go around'.


....and of course there is more BS attempts to justify Hamas using innocent civilians - children - as human shields from terrorist-supporting/sympathizing anti-Semites like Omar are willing to spread:

"And by Ilhan Omar’s faulty logic, Israel is a legitimate target of Hamas terrorists:

An Important thread on the myth of “human shield” in Palestine ⬇️ https://t.co/SUPAJHiCJM
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
May 12, 2021"


"The headlines in most places were entirely predictable: “UN Says Israel Killed 44 Palestinians in Schools During Gaza War.” That was indeed one finding of a UN report published Monday — but only part of the story.

The report also confirmed something Israel’s been saying all along: Hamas stored mortars and other weapons in at least three UN schools during last summer’s war and fired rockets at Israel from two of them."

Hamas admits it used civilians as human shields, had terrorists mixed in with crowd

"Two days after the siege on Israel’s border, Hamas acknowledged that 50 of the 60 people killed during the protests were members of the terrorist organization. What Hamas likely won’t admit is that the other Palestinians who died during this altercation were used as human shields to protect the terrorists."

H.R. 3542

H.R. 3542 states that it is U.S. policy to: (1) condemn the use of human shields by Hamas as an act of terrorism and a violation of human rights and international humanitarian law, and (2) act against those engaging in or supporting the use of human shields. The President is urged to direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (U.N.) to use U.S. influence at the U.N. Security Council to secure support for a resolution imposing multilateral sanctions against Hamas's use of human shields.

Hamas' use of civilians as human shields

Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have adopted various tactics of using civilians as human shields. One of them is encouraging civilians to gather on roofs to prevent terrorists and their houses from being attacked by the Israeli Air Force.

1. Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri was interviewed on 8 July, and called on the Palestinian people to use the human shield tactic to defend their homes: "We in the Hamas movement call on our people to adopt this procedure" (Source: Memri and Channel 10)

Last I checked that’s a direct violation of international law.
So where’s the Lefts precious UN?

Everything Israel says is essentially a lie.
The rockets raining down on Israel never happened?

Like I said, you Leftards are a special kind of evil.

We were talking about the claim that rockets were fired from the roofs of hospitals.
That obviously makes no sense and is a lie.
How would anyone even get all these rockets up on to a hospital roof anyway?
Its not like the elevators go all the way to the roof.

But Palestinian rockets are small and home made, without any guidance. They rarely harm anyone.
I just wish there were more lethal, so that Israel could be stopped from murdering and stealing.
A. They are not home made. Gaza has no rocket store, warhead store nor Amazon delivery. They are smuggled in from Iran. You lied.

B. A 6 foot rocket with an explosive warhead is very lethal. That’s why our military has been using them for 80 years. Lie #2 by you.

C. At least 6 dead and dozens injured from the Hamas terrorists rocket attacks. Numerous Palestinians have been killed and wounded by their own rockets. Lie #3 by you.

D. Hamas terrorists use human shields. Lie #4 by you The Leftist Atlantic:

E. It is a direct violation of international law to intentionally target civilians. All Hamas and their supporters should be executed for their war crimes.
War Crimes? OK fine can we put israelis and American soldiers up fo trial for committing atrocities?
Israel: Lebanon, Syria. Palestine...
US: Vietnam, central America, Iraq, afghanistan...
Let's do it.
If you can point out intentionally murdering civilians. Provide the links. I’m sure someone has fabricated something by now.
But only Muslims take pride in murdering civilians intentionally.
It has been documented by human right organisation's by the thousands. But since you asked for it no problem.

Care to comment now? Balls deflated?
Those are great journalistic operations

Maybe decades ago, when they weren't 100% in the bag for liberals.
Now they're hacks.......

47% don't pay taxes

Feel free to post the actual percentage who pay no federal income taxes.
Unfortunately most of you brainwashed functional morons believe 47% pay no taxes which is how it is usually said on your propaganda machine. Actually the top 80% pay the same about 27% on average In all taxes. Even the bottom 20% pay about 20%.... And all that never happened before and has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. Only the distraction of total garbage propaganda allows you to keep believing all your crap....

Calling CNN a propaganda machine? Works for me!



As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel,​

Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel, Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

Terrorists attempt to justify using civilians as Human Shields by claiming they are engaged in 'Urban Warfare', requiring the hiding and fighting from within a civilian population, which they claim is completely different from using innocent civilians as 'Human Shields'.
- 'Urban Warfare' is combat conducted in, for example, House-to-House combat, not intentionally placing rocket launchers you are using to attack the next city / territory on top of hospitals or in schools.

'Hamas is not using innocent people as 'Human Shields' - the terrorists can't help that they live within civilian populations - 'There is just so much space in Gaza to go around'.


....and of course there is more BS attempts to justify Hamas using innocent civilians - children - as human shields from terrorist-supporting/sympathizing anti-Semites like Omar are willing to spread:

"And by Ilhan Omar’s faulty logic, Israel is a legitimate target of Hamas terrorists:

An Important thread on the myth of “human shield” in Palestine ⬇️ https://t.co/SUPAJHiCJM
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
May 12, 2021"


"The headlines in most places were entirely predictable: “UN Says Israel Killed 44 Palestinians in Schools During Gaza War.” That was indeed one finding of a UN report published Monday — but only part of the story.

The report also confirmed something Israel’s been saying all along: Hamas stored mortars and other weapons in at least three UN schools during last summer’s war and fired rockets at Israel from two of them."

Hamas admits it used civilians as human shields, had terrorists mixed in with crowd

"Two days after the siege on Israel’s border, Hamas acknowledged that 50 of the 60 people killed during the protests were members of the terrorist organization. What Hamas likely won’t admit is that the other Palestinians who died during this altercation were used as human shields to protect the terrorists."

H.R. 3542

H.R. 3542 states that it is U.S. policy to: (1) condemn the use of human shields by Hamas as an act of terrorism and a violation of human rights and international humanitarian law, and (2) act against those engaging in or supporting the use of human shields. The President is urged to direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (U.N.) to use U.S. influence at the U.N. Security Council to secure support for a resolution imposing multilateral sanctions against Hamas's use of human shields.

Hamas' use of civilians as human shields

Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have adopted various tactics of using civilians as human shields. One of them is encouraging civilians to gather on roofs to prevent terrorists and their houses from being attacked by the Israeli Air Force.

1. Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri was interviewed on 8 July, and called on the Palestinian people to use the human shield tactic to defend their homes: "We in the Hamas movement call on our people to adopt this procedure" (Source: Memri and Channel 10)

Last I checked that’s a direct violation of international law.
So where’s the Lefts precious UN?

Everything Israel says is essentially a lie.
The rockets raining down on Israel never happened?

Like I said, you Leftards are a special kind of evil.

We were talking about the claim that rockets were fired from the roofs of hospitals.
That obviously makes no sense and is a lie.
How would anyone even get all these rockets up on to a hospital roof anyway?
Its not like the elevators go all the way to the roof.

But Palestinian rockets are small and home made, without any guidance. They rarely harm anyone.
I just wish there were more lethal, so that Israel could be stopped from murdering and stealing.
A. They are not home made. Gaza has no rocket store, warhead store nor Amazon delivery. They are smuggled in from Iran. You lied.

B. A 6 foot rocket with an explosive warhead is very lethal. That’s why our military has been using them for 80 years. Lie #2 by you.

C. At least 6 dead and dozens injured from the Hamas terrorists rocket attacks. Numerous Palestinians have been killed and wounded by their own rockets. Lie #3 by you.

D. Hamas terrorists use human shields. Lie #4 by you The Leftist Atlantic:

E. It is a direct violation of international law to intentionally target civilians. All Hamas and their supporters should be executed for their war crimes.
War Crimes? OK fine can we put israelis and American soldiers up fo trial for committing atrocities?
Israel: Lebanon, Syria. Palestine...
US: Vietnam, central America, Iraq, afghanistan...
Let's do it.
If you can point out intentionally murdering civilians. Provide the links. I’m sure someone has fabricated something by now.
But only Muslims take pride in murdering civilians intentionally.
It has been documented by human right organisation's by the thousands. But since you asked for it no problem.

Care to comment now? Balls deflated?

oh gee, shot with a rubber bullet. Call me when an unjustifiable shooting occurs and the shooter isn’t arrested.
Meanwhile you applaud firing thousands of missiles at civilians.
Those are great journalistic operations

Maybe decades ago, when they weren't 100% in the bag for liberals.
Now they're hacks.......

47% don't pay taxes

Feel free to post the actual percentage who pay no federal income taxes.
Unfortunately most of you brainwashed functional morons believe 47% pay no taxes which is how it is usually said on your propaganda machine. Actually the top 80% pay the same about 27% on average In all taxes. Even the bottom 20% pay about 20%.... And all that never happened before and has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. Only the distraction of total garbage propaganda allows you to keep believing all your crap....

Calling CNN a propaganda machine? Works for me!

The Left are sooooo ignorant to reality.
Those are great journalistic operations

Maybe decades ago, when they weren't 100% in the bag for liberals.
Now they're hacks.......

47% don't pay taxes

Feel free to post the actual percentage who pay no federal income taxes.
Unfortunately most of you brainwashed functional morons believe 47% pay no taxes which is how it is usually said on your propaganda machine. Actually the top 80% pay the same about 27% on average In all taxes. Even the bottom 20% pay about 20%.... And all that never happened before and has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. Only the distraction of total garbage propaganda allows you to keep believing all your crap....

Calling CNN a propaganda machine? Works for me!

Not really. But they are not a news channel neither is MSNBC or Fox all they have is hyper partisan debate all day. No reporters no foreign offices no nothing. And highly destructive. But no the propaganda comes from the GOP. The new BS GOP is the world's horror and laughing stock. Change the channel dumbass.
Those are great journalistic operations

Maybe decades ago, when they weren't 100% in the bag for liberals.
Now they're hacks.......

47% don't pay taxes

Feel free to post the actual percentage who pay no federal income taxes.
Unfortunately most of you brainwashed functional morons believe 47% pay no taxes which is how it is usually said on your propaganda machine. Actually the top 80% pay the same about 27% on average In all taxes. Even the bottom 20% pay about 20%.... And all that never happened before and has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. Only the distraction of total garbage propaganda allows you to keep believing all your crap....

Calling CNN a propaganda machine? Works for me!

The Left are sooooo ignorant to reality.
Yes yes all the respected journalists in the world and all the law enforcement and election officials are wrong, only international pariah Rupert Murdoch's bought off pundits know the truth. Murdoch owns fox the New York post the Wall Street journal the Sun and the Sunday times in the UK and they are all you have. You are pathetic ignoramuses. Change the channel. At least some of the time for crying out loud. You are totally missinformed and full of phony scandals and conspiracy theories none of which have ever been proven correct. Google is not a conspiracy search. They also include Fox etc. Learn something for Christ sake.
Those are great journalistic operations

Maybe decades ago, when they weren't 100% in the bag for liberals.
Now they're hacks.......

47% don't pay taxes

Feel free to post the actual percentage who pay no federal income taxes.
Unfortunately most of you brainwashed functional morons believe 47% pay no taxes which is how it is usually said on your propaganda machine. Actually the top 80% pay the same about 27% on average In all taxes. Even the bottom 20% pay about 20%.... And all that never happened before and has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. Only the distraction of total garbage propaganda allows you to keep believing all your crap....

Calling CNN a propaganda machine? Works for me!

Nobody doubts the 47% figure you stupid ass off. It's just that it is a small tax and the only progressive tax. If you count all taxes, everybody is paying 27%. It's just stupid propaganda the way you idiots use it. Oh sorry brainwashed functional idiots morons whatever.


As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel,​

Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel, Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

Terrorists attempt to justify using civilians as Human Shields by claiming they are engaged in 'Urban Warfare', requiring the hiding and fighting from within a civilian population, which they claim is completely different from using innocent civilians as 'Human Shields'.
- 'Urban Warfare' is combat conducted in, for example, House-to-House combat, not intentionally placing rocket launchers you are using to attack the next city / territory on top of hospitals or in schools.

'Hamas is not using innocent people as 'Human Shields' - the terrorists can't help that they live within civilian populations - 'There is just so much space in Gaza to go around'.


....and of course there is more BS attempts to justify Hamas using innocent civilians - children - as human shields from terrorist-supporting/sympathizing anti-Semites like Omar are willing to spread:

"And by Ilhan Omar’s faulty logic, Israel is a legitimate target of Hamas terrorists:

An Important thread on the myth of “human shield” in Palestine ⬇️ https://t.co/SUPAJHiCJM
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
May 12, 2021"


"The headlines in most places were entirely predictable: “UN Says Israel Killed 44 Palestinians in Schools During Gaza War.” That was indeed one finding of a UN report published Monday — but only part of the story.

The report also confirmed something Israel’s been saying all along: Hamas stored mortars and other weapons in at least three UN schools during last summer’s war and fired rockets at Israel from two of them."

Hamas admits it used civilians as human shields, had terrorists mixed in with crowd

"Two days after the siege on Israel’s border, Hamas acknowledged that 50 of the 60 people killed during the protests were members of the terrorist organization. What Hamas likely won’t admit is that the other Palestinians who died during this altercation were used as human shields to protect the terrorists."

H.R. 3542

H.R. 3542 states that it is U.S. policy to: (1) condemn the use of human shields by Hamas as an act of terrorism and a violation of human rights and international humanitarian law, and (2) act against those engaging in or supporting the use of human shields. The President is urged to direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (U.N.) to use U.S. influence at the U.N. Security Council to secure support for a resolution imposing multilateral sanctions against Hamas's use of human shields.

Hamas' use of civilians as human shields

Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have adopted various tactics of using civilians as human shields. One of them is encouraging civilians to gather on roofs to prevent terrorists and their houses from being attacked by the Israeli Air Force.

1. Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri was interviewed on 8 July, and called on the Palestinian people to use the human shield tactic to defend their homes: "We in the Hamas movement call on our people to adopt this procedure" (Source: Memri and Channel 10)

There is no hamas in the west Bank or Jerusalem. Yet the Israelis have been killing, torturing, jailing Palestinians and seizing the lands. What's your excuse there ?

Also, hamas was founded in 1987, the isrselis by then have killed thousands of Palestinians....who was using them as shields ?
Simply because the United Arab terrorist front did not assume the name of Hamas until 1987 do you actually believe you can perpetrate the lie that they did not yet exist? There is no question that the British Empire interfered in the natural escalation of world powers when they inserted a national sovereignty into a hostile territory. That however in no way justifies the decades-long record of violence and murder that has been the response.
I actually believe Omar ordered Hamas to place rocket launchers on top of those hospitals......

Israel should had already arrested her and execute her for war crimes and treason
I'm proud of Omar, she is standing up for terrorist. Who cares that kids and innocent civilians are killed, right? They don't deserve life, the extermination of Israeli's is much more important! She is correct in her opinion, next we should sacrifice Americans and our worthless live for the sake of Hamas.
Turd Worlders (brown people) behaving like Turd Worlders

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