Hamas rejects ceasefire

I admire the Palestinian parents for teaching their children that the evil enemy who wants to harm them is the zionist jews.

And for instilling a sense of courage and resolve to resist the zionist savages into their young minds. .. :cool:


A sense of courage? the little girl in the video makes sure the other one wants to shoot ALL Jews. So as you know, inside of Israel there are pro palestinian movements among liberal Jews who sympathize with them and there is opposition to Zionizm as well. They are not teaching their kids to hate Zionists. They are teaching them to hate ALL JEWS. And what kind of ASS HOLE teaches his kids to hate period? Yes we have them here in the US to, but nevermind for this discussion. Nobody teaches their 5 year old to hate, especially on a PUBLIC KIDS SHOW. They are not making patriots, they are making cold blooded monsters who would kill anybody because they are putting hate in minds that are to impressionable at an early age. The fact that you are happy about that and cant see what disservice those people are doing for their kids speaks volumes. So basically those kids will be taught to never have peace until all jews are dead. Leave the killing to the adults not the kids. Do you also go for planting explosives in crowded market places?
Just 1 Israeli bomb has more explosive power than All of the home made Hamas rockets put together.. . :doubt:

Unfortunately, it doesn't take all that much explosive power to maim and kill human beings, even if they're in a school bus. So it really doesn't matter than the HAMAS rockets aren't very big: they're trying to kill Israeli civilians.

The Israelis, otoh, are going to be using 'bunker-busters' pretty soon, to get rid of those tunnels where HAMAS hides with their arsenal, and their loot.

Yep, it's a rejection projection.
The rockets fired by Hamas have no guidance systems and are lucky if they even come close to their target.

Basically, they are just under powered home made bottle rockets with very little explosive power. .. :cool:
Where do you get your info from, dipstick? They targeted Israel's Dimona nuclear power plant yesterday, only to get shot down by Israel's Iron Dome.

Besides, you are admitting that Hamas shoots hundreds of unguided missiles on a daily basis, in the general area of highly populated Israeli cities that are filled with civilians. Areas which aren't even part of the West Bank or Gaza. Here's another example of Muslim animals targeting civilians and then bitching about it when they get a retaliation. Why do you guys whine so much?
Jews implement collective punishment on 1.7 million people living on 140 square miles and CRY when a few bottle rockets come their way. 'Want to end the resistance? End the belligerent occupation of Gaza.
Hah? There wasn't a single Jew in Gaza, Jews evacuated the area entirely. Then came the Hamas IslamoNazi terrorists, then came the rockets towards Israel, and then came the restrictions.

Get it right, propagandist.
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LOL........the serial hater Peach had to go back to 1989 to justify Israel's current murder rate of almost 200 Palestinian citizens and counting. . :cuckoo:

I do not hate Palestinians, but I know the history of the land, thus, will not accept the fallacy Israel "took" all Palestinian land.
Open your eyes Peach and take look at what you are calling a fallacy. . :cool:

Now that's a bullshit map if I ever saw one. The Arabs never owned the land Palestine, nor was there ever a Palestinian nation, nor were there a Palestinian people, that is, until the mid 60's when Arabs stole the name give to the Jews of the region.

The region known as Palestine was Turkish Ottoman property for 700 years, and upon it's collapse after WWI, it became British territory. The land was then divided into a Jewish Palestine and an Arab Palestine, which became Jordan later. Arabs of course refused to have any Jewish state in the region, and attacked Israel, not to create this fictional "Palestine" but to destroy the Jewish state and divide the spoils between themselves. Had the Arabs succeeded, there would never have been a Palestinian state. This conflict is and always been about Muslim intolerance and violence towards the non Muslim.


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Egypt devised a plan for a cease fire, Israel agreed, Hamas rejected the idea. Israel continues fighting back:

Cease-fire attempt ends as Israeli airstrikes resume - CNN.com

Do the leaders of Hamas care about the people?

Gee that's a real surprise.
Egypt put forward a plan written by Jews.
Hamas refused it.
Are you surprised?
Do you seriously think there is a peace plan out there Hamas would accept? keeping in mind any such plan would have to require Hamas to recognize Israels right to exist.
Why can't Gaza police itself, again? Tell me the story. I love this story.

Gadi knew.

"The Dahiya doctrine is a military strategy put forth by the Israeli general Gadi Eizenkot that pertains to asymmetric warfare in an urban setting, in which the army deliberately targets civilian infrastructure, as a means of inducing suffering for the civilian population, thereby establishing deterrence.[1]

"The doctrine is named after a southern suburb in Beirut with large apartment buildings which were flattened by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during the 2006 Lebanon War.[2] Israel has been accused of implementing the strategy during the Gaza War."

Because Jews do their best work killing civilians.

Dahiya doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

JERUSALEM (JTA) — Hamas leaders called on Palestinians living in the northern Gaza Strip to return to their homes and ignore Israeli warnings of an impending military operation.

“To all of our people who have evacuated their homes – return to them immediately and do not leave the house,” said a statement titled “Urgent call to the residents of the Gaza Strip” released by the Hamas Interior Ministry, Ynet reported. “You must follow the directives of the Interior Ministry. This is psychological warfare, random messages to instill panic in people.”

The statement came after the Israel Defense Forces on Sunday morning dropped leaflets above areas in the northern Gaza Strip warning Palestinian civilians to evacuate their homes in advance of a military campaign to destroy rocket launchers.

“The IDF’s campaign is to be short and temporary,” the messages said. “Those who fail to comply with the instructions will endanger their lives and the lives of their families. Beware.”

Some 4,000 residents of the Beit Lahiya area reportedly left their homes ahead of the noon deadline. Some 75,000 civilians reportedly live in the area.

Meanwhile, a Hamas spokesman took to Facebook to urge Palestinian citizens to remain in their homes.
Hamas tells Palestinian civilians to stay in homes in face of Israeli warnings | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Try again.
I admire the Palestinian parents for teaching their children that the evil enemy who wants to harm them is the zionist jews.

And for instilling a sense of courage and resolve to resist the zionist savages into their young minds. .. :cool:


Gee, there's an airport...

You don't like that one? I'll tell you what has to happen. It'll go like this:

We give you a pet rock.

You don't throw the rock and

We give you a plant.

You don't kill the plant and

We give you a gold fish.

You don't kill the gold fish and

We get you a puppy.

You don't kill the puppy and

we give you a sister.

You don't have an honor killing and

you can have a wife.

You don't kill the wife and

you can have a baby.

You don't use the baby as a shield and


you might win another airport.
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Israel's peace terms offered nothing.

Hamas wanted certain items to be negotiated.......such as the lifting of blockades and access points reopened.

Israel just wants to keep their draconian apartheid policies intact with no changes. . :doubt:

Exactly, on top of that Israel started this current conflict, attacking civilian centers first on July 8, now they are playing the victim and trying to gain diplomacy points with the international community. Very deceitful and bottom of the barrel stuff, they know they have no uniform support except within the US Government for their rogue actions, so they have to use dishonest tactics like this and have a complicit western media which aids them in this disinformation campaign.
Just 1 Israeli bomb has more explosive power than All of the home made Hamas rockets put together.. . :doubt:

So you walk into a bar,find the toughest looking guy,slap his face then blubber when you get your ass kicked?

The ineffectiveness of Hammas rockets is irrelevant.

Israel started the bombings first on July 8.

Basically Israel is the big guy in the bar who decided on pounding on a smaller guy standing in the corner doing nothing, Gaza.
Just 1 Israeli bomb has more explosive power than All of the home made Hamas rockets put together.. . :doubt:

So you walk into a bar,find the toughest looking guy,slap his face then blubber when you get your ass kicked?

The ineffectiveness of Hammas rockets is irrelevant.

Israel started the bombings first on July 8.

Basically Israel is the big guy in the bar who decided on pounding on a smaller guy standing in the corner doing nothing, Gaza.

Hamas started that round with the kidnapping of 3 innocent teens.

That is what triggered the war.

Hamas uses his own civilians as shields. They have said so and feel proud of it themselves.

They have 200 loses, why do you think they reject the ceasefire? because the top top leaders are living underground like rats, sanding the runts to fight in their names, and as long as the head of the snake is still unharmed, they won't have a problem sacrifising another 50,000 people.

For the opportunity to kill one Jew, they'll take the lives of 10 Palestinians, without blinking.

That is the face of Hamas.
Open your eyes Peach and take look at what you are calling a fallacy. . :cool:



The British mandate shows a differing picture.
This map is the reality of the situation.

Israel's goal is the genocide and removal of the Palestinian people from the land. . :doubt:

No, neighbouring Arab nations kept attacking Israel since it was created in 1947. Israel defended itself and when it won it started expanding The neighbouring nations just shouldn't have started a war. After territories were occupied, the Arabs left themselves.
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So you walk into a bar,find the toughest looking guy,slap his face then blubber when you get your ass kicked?

The ineffectiveness of Hammas rockets is irrelevant.

Israel started the bombings first on July 8.

Basically Israel is the big guy in the bar who decided on pounding on a smaller guy standing in the corner doing nothing, Gaza.

Hamas started that round with the kidnapping of 3 innocent teens.

That is what triggered the war.

Hamas uses his own civilians as shields. They have said so and feel proud of it themselves.

They have 200 loses, why do you think they reject the ceasefire? because the top top leaders are living underground like rats, sanding the runts to fight in their names, and as long as the head of the snake is still unharmed, they won't have a problem sacrifising another 50,000 people.

For the opportunity to kill one Jew, they'll take the lives of 10 Palestinians, without blinking.

That is the face of Hamas.
No proof Hamas did it, and they denied responsibility. An ISIS affiliated group in the West Bank(which is US/Israeli backed in Syria) claimed responsibility.
Israel hunts for three teenagers including one American 'kidnapped on West Bank by Palestinian militants' | Mail Online

So what we have here is, a group with no affiliation to Hamas in West Bank kills three teens, and Israel goes on to kill hundreds of civilians in Gaza with no affiliation to the kidnapping in a totally out of proportion attack on civilian centers.

Then Israeli criminals claim to be victims when Hamas fights back after Israel starts the war. It is dishonest and disgraceful.
I do not hate Palestinians, but I know the history of the land, thus, will not accept the fallacy Israel "took" all Palestinian land.
Open your eyes Peach and take look at what you are calling a fallacy. . :cool:

Now that's a bullshit map if I ever saw one. The Arabs never owned the land Palestine, nor was there ever a Palestinian nation, nor were there a Palestinian people, that is, until the mid 60's when Arabs stole the name give to the Jews of the region.

The region known as Palestine was Turkish Ottoman property for 700 years, and upon it's collapse after WWI, it became British territory. The land was then divided into a Jewish Palestine and an Arab Palestine, which became Jordan later. Arabs of course refused to have any Jewish state in the region, and attacked Israel, not to create this fictional "Palestine" but to destroy the Jewish state and divide the spoils between themselves. Had the Arabs succeeded, there would never have been a Palestinian state. This conflict is and always been about Muslim intolerance and violence towards the non Muslim.



Thank you for posting these so no "click" is required.
It boils down to this, the Palestinians/Arabs will never give up fighting against the zionist Jews who invaded Palestine.

If it take a 1,000 years.......then so be it.

The muslims can lose a 100 wars against the Jews......and will come back and fight again.

But Israel only has to lose 1 war and it's game over.

Time is on the side of the muslims. . :thup: :eusa_angel:
It boils down to this, the Palestinians/Arabs will never give up fighting against the zionist Jews who invaded Palestine.

If it take a 1,000 years.......then so be it.

The muslims can lose a 100 wars against the Jews......and will come back and fight again.

But Israel only has to lose 1 war and it's game over.

Time is on the side of the muslims. . :thup: :eusa_angel:

Nobody is an invader here.

Palestine isn't a real nation. It was a region.

Palestinians made up their name. They used to share Israel with the Jews, but they never seem to be able to get along with them. Palestinians are simply Muslims, Arab Israelis. This is like when India won it's freedom and the Muslims decided they wanted a country of their own and formed Pakistan. They're like blacks in America, never satisfied with becoming part of society. Always expecting something that's not coming to them.

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If allah is on the side of muslims, then how in allahs name does Israel still exist, considering Israel is roughly the size of Rhode Island and Israel is surrounded by nothing but allah countries?

Unless of course the god of islam is the false god.

That would explain a lot.

At what point are these smelly sand people going to say to themselves...."Hey! If our god is so powerful and we pray every day on our smelly rugs, then why hasn't he wiped this cursed country with a giant tornado!!!!"


These are the same people mind you, that pull their hair out at the roots if someone dared to draw a picture of Muhammed, and do not say a smelly word if someone shows a photo of some sultan or ayatollah.

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