Hamas rejects ceasefire

Egypt devised a plan for a cease fire, Israel agreed, Hamas rejected the idea. Israel continues fighting back:

Cease-fire attempt ends as Israeli airstrikes resume - CNN.com

Do the leaders of Hamas care about the people?

For the anti-Israel bunch.

Israel has used the deaths of these three kids to create the biggest recruiting drive Hamas has ever had.

Smart move, Bibi.

Now he's hoping the Egyptians give him some cover.

The connect the dots challenged never get it right.

Hamas never needs a recruiting drive......its built right into the system starting when a kid is 3 years old. Been that way for a dogs age. The only thing these subhumans ever understand is a bloody nose and they are getting the noses repeatedly smashed too.

Shit will stop ONLY when the limpwristed moderates join the civilized world and grow the balls to stand up to the uber-radicals. These mofu's are 700 years behind the rest of the world. Until then.......lots of bloody noses.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Transjordan contained almost all Palestinian land, why no demands from Jordan?
Transjordan contained almost all Palestinian land, why no demands from Jordan?

Does not fit in the left wing's narrative of their pure hatred for Israel, and the countries that defend her.

Really simple.
Now, Hamas wants a cease fire.
One day after an Egyptian-brokered cease-fire accepted by Israel, but rejected by Hamas, fell through, the terrorist organization proposed a 10-year end to hostilities in return for its conditions being met by Israel, Channel 2 reported Wednesday.

Hamas's conditions were the release of re-arrested Palestinian prisoners who were let go in the Schalit deal, the opening of Gaza-Israel border crossings in order to allow citizens and goods to pass through, and international supervision of the Gazan seaport in place of the current Israeli blockade.
Report: Hamas proposes 10-year cease-fire in return for conditions being met | JPost | Israel News

Israel should reject it.
I admire the Palestinian parents for teaching their children that the evil enemy who wants to harm them is the zionist jews.

And for instilling a sense of courage and resolve to resist the zionist savages into their young minds. .. :cool:


A sense of courage? the little girl in the video makes sure the other one wants to shoot ALL Jews. So as you know, inside of Israel there are pro palestinian movements among liberal Jews who sympathize with them and there is opposition to Zionizm as well. They are not teaching their kids to hate Zionists. They are teaching them to hate ALL JEWS. And what kind of ASS HOLE teaches his kids to hate period? Yes we have them here in the US to, but nevermind for this discussion. Nobody teaches their 5 year old to hate, especially on a PUBLIC KIDS SHOW. They are not making patriots, they are making cold blooded monsters who would kill anybody because they are putting hate in minds that are to impressionable at an early age. The fact that you are happy about that and cant see what disservice those people are doing for their kids speaks volumes. So basically those kids will be taught to never have peace until all jews are dead. Leave the killing to the adults not the kids. Do you also go for planting explosives in crowded market places?

The child IS the father of the man.
Where do you get your info from, dipstick? They targeted Israel's Dimona nuclear power plant yesterday, only to get shot down by Israel's Iron Dome.

Besides, you are admitting that Hamas shoots hundreds of unguided missiles on a daily basis, in the general area of highly populated Israeli cities that are filled with civilians. Areas which aren't even part of the West Bank or Gaza. Here's another example of Muslim animals targeting civilians and then bitching about it when they get a retaliation. Why do you guys whine so much?
Jews implement collective punishment on 1.7 million people living on 140 square miles and CRY when a few bottle rockets come their way. 'Want to end the resistance? End the belligerent occupation of Gaza.
Hah? There wasn't a single Jew in Gaza, Jews evacuated the area entirely. Then came the Hamas IslamoNazi terrorists, then came the rockets towards Israel, and then came the restriction.

Get it right, propagandist.
Jews control all of Gaza's land borders with electric fences and sniper towers.
Jews control all of Gaza's coastal waters.
Jews control all of Gaza's air space.
Jews control Gaza.
(But not for long):lol:
Now, Hamas wants a cease fire.
One day after an Egyptian-brokered cease-fire accepted by Israel, but rejected by Hamas, fell through, the terrorist organization proposed a 10-year end to hostilities in return for its conditions being met by Israel, Channel 2 reported Wednesday.

Hamas's conditions were the release of re-arrested Palestinian prisoners who were let go in the Schalit deal, the opening of Gaza-Israel border crossings in order to allow citizens and goods to pass through, and international supervision of the Gazan seaport in place of the current Israeli blockade.
Report: Hamas proposes 10-year cease-fire in return for conditions being met | JPost | Israel News

Israel should reject it.
Why wouldn't Hamas reject an "Egyptian" cease fire proposal written by Jews?
When will Jews end their belligerent occupation of Gaza?
I admire Jews for kicking their sorry asses.
In the Name of their sorry G-d

"A letter of encouragement written by an IDF commander in the Givati Brigade to his soldiers containing several biblical references and religious overtones has generated condemnation from secularist groups and support from senior public officials, including Deputy Religious Services Minister Eli Ben-Dahan.

"First published by news website NRG, Col. Ofer Winter sent a letter to soldiers under his command, who are now stationed close to Gaza and could be deployed in the event of a ground invasion of Gaza, saying that it was a great merit to be in the vanguard of a fight against 'the terrorist enemy that dares to curse, blaspheme and scorn the God of Israel.'”

Religious overtones in letter from IDF commander to his soldiers draws criticism, support | JPost | Israel News

That's because 90% of Jews are secular.
And nobody bitches more against religion than non-Orthodox Jews.
"As of 2009, 8% of Israeli Jews defined themselves as Haredim; an additional 12% as 'religious'; 13% as 'religious-traditionalists' ; 25% as 'non-religious-traditionalists' (not strictly adhering to Jewish law or halakha); and 42% as 'secular' (Hebrew: חִלּוֹנִי, Hiloni).[6] As of 1999, 65% of Israeli Jews believe in God,[7] and 85% participate in a Passover seder.[7]

"However, other sources indicate that between 15% and 37% of Israelis identify themselves as either atheists or agnostics.[8][unreliable source?]

"A survey conducted in 2009 showed that 80% of Israeli Jews believe in God, with 46% of them self-reporting as secular."

Religion in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I do not hate Palestinians, but I know the history of the land, thus, will not accept the fallacy Israel "took" all Palestinian land.
Open your eyes Peach and take look at what you are calling a fallacy. . :cool:

Now that's a bullshit map if I ever saw one. The Arabs never owned the land Palestine, nor was there ever a Palestinian nation, nor were there a Palestinian people, that is, until the mid 60's when Arabs stole the name give to the Jews of the region.

The region known as Palestine was Turkish Ottoman property for 700 years, and upon it's collapse after WWI, it became British territory. The land was then divided into a Jewish Palestine and an Arab Palestine, which became Jordan later. Arabs of course refused to have any Jewish state in the region, and attacked Israel, not to create this fictional "Palestine" but to destroy the Jewish state and divide the spoils between themselves. Had the Arabs succeeded, there would never have been a Palestinian state. This conflict is and always been about Muslim intolerance and violence towards the non Muslim.


The conflict has always been about the Zionist colonization of Palestine:

"The Balfour Declaration (dated 2 November 1917) was a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Baron Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild), a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.[1]"

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Now, Hamas wants a cease fire.
One day after an Egyptian-brokered cease-fire accepted by Israel, but rejected by Hamas, fell through, the terrorist organization proposed a 10-year end to hostilities in return for its conditions being met by Israel, Channel 2 reported Wednesday.

Hamas's conditions were the release of re-arrested Palestinian prisoners who were let go in the Schalit deal, the opening of Gaza-Israel border crossings in order to allow citizens and goods to pass through, and international supervision of the Gazan seaport in place of the current Israeli blockade.
Report: Hamas proposes 10-year cease-fire in return for conditions being met | JPost | Israel News

Israel should reject it.
Why wouldn't Hamas reject an "Egyptian" cease fire proposal written by Jews?
When will Jews end their belligerent occupation of Gaza?

Hamas is not legitimate.
Because hiding behind babies is about as low as it gets, bud. Because sacrificing innocent people for your irrational terrorism is nothing.

There is no belligerent occupation. It's over. Your propaganda is over. The international community isn't buying it anymore. Good.

See this?
http://www.eubam-rafah.eu/files/Agreement on Movement and Access.pdf

What is that? What happened there?

This too was legal:

Here we go:

Hamas is a terrorist organization. They don't give a damn about the people. This is clear. When Hamas took over Gaza and drove out the PA they made that call. Fuck 'em.

Yep, it's a rejection projection.
Bibi's rejection of Palestine's Unity Government explains his latest example of collective punishment in Gaza.

ERUSALEM (JTA) — Hamas leaders called on Palestinians living in the northern Gaza Strip to return to their homes and ignore Israeli warnings of an impending military operation.

“To all of our people who have evacuated their homes – return to them immediately and do not leave the house,” said a statement titled “Urgent call to the residents of the Gaza Strip” released by the Hamas Interior Ministry, Ynet reported. “You must follow the directives of the Interior Ministry. This is psychological warfare, random messages to instill panic in people.”

The statement came after the Israel Defense Forces on Sunday morning dropped leaflets above areas in the northern Gaza Strip warning Palestinian civilians to evacuate their homes in advance of a military campaign to destroy rocket launchers.

“The IDF’s campaign is to be short and temporary,” the messages said. “Those who fail to comply with the instructions will endanger their lives and the lives of their families. Beware.”

Some 4,000 residents of the Beit Lahiya area reportedly left their homes ahead of the noon deadline. Some 75,000 civilians reportedly live in the area.

Meanwhile, a Hamas spokesman took to Facebook to urge Palestinian citizens to remain in their homes.

“We are asking the courageous residents of Gaza not to follow the directives of the Israeli occupation army on leaflets that it dropped from the air and in telephone messages,” Hamas spokesman Eyad al-Bazam wrote on Facebook, according to the Israeli news site NRG.

Hamas tells Palestinian civilians to stay in homes in face of Israeli warnings | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Wrong answer.
Why wouldn't Hamas reject an "Egyptian" cease fire proposal written by Jews?
When will Jews end their belligerent occupation of Gaza?

Hamas is not legitimate.
Because hiding behind babies is about as low as it gets, bud. Because sacrificing innocent people for your irrational terrorism is nothing.

There is no belligerent occupation. It's over. Your propaganda is over. The international community isn't buying it anymore. Good.

See this?
http://www.eubam-rafah.eu/files/Agreement on Movement and Access.pdf

What is that? What happened there?

This too was legal:

Here we go:

Hamas is a terrorist organization. They don't give a damn about the people. This is clear. When Hamas took over Gaza and drove out the PA they made that call. Fuck 'em.
Fuck Mowing the Lawn.
Jews occupy Gaza.
Find a new lie.

"Immediately after Israel withdrew in 2005, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas stated, "the legal status of the areas slated for evacuation has not changed."[45] Human Rights Watch also contested that this ended the occupation.[48][49]

"The United Nations, Human Rights Watch and many other international bodies and NGOs continues to consider Israel to be the occupying power of the Gaza Strip as Israel controls Gaza Strip's airspace, territorial waters and controls the movement of people or goods in or out of Gaza by air or sea."

Israeli-occupied territories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jews implement collective punishment on 1.7 million people living on 140 square miles and CRY when a few bottle rockets come their way. 'Want to end the resistance? End the belligerent occupation of Gaza.

Hah? There wasn't a single Jew in Gaza, Jews evacuated the area entirely. Then came the Hamas IslamoNazi terrorists, then came the rockets towards Israel, and then came the restriction.

Get it right, propagandist.

Jews control all of Gaza's land borders with electric fences and sniper towers.

Jews control all of Gaza's coastal waters.

Jews control all of Gaza's air space.

Jews control Gaza.

(But not for long):lol:

That is because Gaza cannot have those freedoms without posing a threat to Israel.
Why wouldn't Hamas reject an "Egyptian" cease fire proposal written by Jews?
When will Jews end their belligerent occupation of Gaza?

Hamas is not legitimate.
Because hiding behind babies is about as low as it gets, bud. Because sacrificing innocent people for your irrational terrorism is nothing.

There is no belligerent occupation. It's over. Your propaganda is over. The international community isn't buying it anymore. Good.

See this?
http://www.eubam-rafah.eu/files/Agreement on Movement and Access.pdf

What is that? What happened there?

This too was legal:

Here we go:

Hamas is a terrorist organization. They don't give a damn about the people. This is clear. When Hamas took over Gaza and drove out the PA they made that call. Fuck 'em.
Fuck Mowing the Lawn.
Jews occupy Gaza.
Find a new lie.

"Immediately after Israel withdrew in 2005, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas stated, "the legal status of the areas slated for evacuation has not changed."[45] Human Rights Watch also contested that this ended the occupation.[48][49]

"The United Nations, Human Rights Watch and many other international bodies and NGOs continues to consider Israel to be the occupying power of the Gaza Strip as Israel controls Gaza Strip's airspace, territorial waters and controls the movement of people or goods in or out of Gaza by air or sea."

Israeli-occupied territories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those documents are accepted by the UN.
See this?
The Israel Navy intercepted a ship early on Wednesday that Iran was using to smuggle dozens of long-range rockets to Gaza.

Missile ships and navy commandos from the Flotilla 13 unit, backed by the air force, raided the Klos-C cargo ship, which was carrying Syrian- manufactured M-302 rockets.

The ship’s crew is in Israeli custody, and the navy is towing the vessel to Eilat, where it is expected to arrive in the coming days.

The rockets originated in Syria, according to Military Intelligence assessments. Iran reportedly flew the rockets from Syria to an Iranian airfield, trucked them to the seaport of Bander Abbas, and shipped them to Iraq, where they were hidden in cement sacks. The ship then set sail for Port Sudan, near the Sudanese-Eritrean border, on a journey that was expected to last some 10 days.

Israel Navy intercepts Gaza-bound Iranian rocket ship near Port Sudan | JPost | Israel News

Fuck 'em.

This is the end of your propaganda.
Last edited:
Hah? There wasn't a single Jew in Gaza, Jews evacuated the area entirely. Then came the Hamas IslamoNazi terrorists, then came the rockets towards Israel, and then came the restriction.

Get it right, propagandist.

Jews control all of Gaza's land borders with electric fences and sniper towers.

Jews control all of Gaza's coastal waters.

Jews control all of Gaza's air space.

Jews control Gaza.

(But not for long):lol:

That is because Gaza cannot have those freedoms without posing a threat to Israel.
Gaza poses a threat to Israel because Jews want all the land between the River and the sea. There are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living on that land, and that is what threatens Israel.
Gee that's a real surprise.
Egypt put forward a plan written by Jews.
Hamas refused it.
Are you surprised?
Do you seriously think there is a peace plan out there Hamas would accept? keeping in mind any such plan would have to require Hamas to recognize Israels right to exist.
Which is basically asking Hamas to change their charter aka constitution. The destruction of Israel is the foundation for the existence of Hamas.
Hamas is not legitimate.
Because hiding behind babies is about as low as it gets, bud. Because sacrificing innocent people for your irrational terrorism is nothing.

There is no belligerent occupation. It's over. Your propaganda is over. The international community isn't buying it anymore. Good.

See this?
http://www.eubam-rafah.eu/files/Agreement on Movement and Access.pdf

What is that? What happened there?

This too was legal:

Here we go:

Hamas is a terrorist organization. They don't give a damn about the people. This is clear. When Hamas took over Gaza and drove out the PA they made that call. Fuck 'em.
Fuck Mowing the Lawn.
Jews occupy Gaza.
Find a new lie.

"Immediately after Israel withdrew in 2005, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas stated, "the legal status of the areas slated for evacuation has not changed."[45] Human Rights Watch also contested that this ended the occupation.[48][49]

"The United Nations, Human Rights Watch and many other international bodies and NGOs continues to consider Israel to be the occupying power of the Gaza Strip as Israel controls Gaza Strip's airspace, territorial waters and controls the movement of people or goods in or out of Gaza by air or sea."

Israeli-occupied territories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those documents are accepted by the UN.
See this?
The Israel Navy intercepted a ship early on Wednesday that Iran was using to smuggle dozens of long-range rockets to Gaza.

Missile ships and navy commandos from the Flotilla 13 unit, backed by the air force, raided the Klos-C cargo ship, which was carrying Syrian- manufactured M-302 rockets.

The ship’s crew is in Israeli custody, and the navy is towing the vessel to Eilat, where it is expected to arrive in the coming days.

The rockets originated in Syria, according to Military Intelligence assessments. Iran reportedly flew the rockets from Syria to an Iranian airfield, trucked them to the seaport of Bander Abbas, and shipped them to Iraq, where they were hidden in cement sacks. The ship then set sail for Port Sudan, near the Sudanese-Eritrean border, on a journey that was expected to last some 10 days.

Israel Navy intercepts Gaza-bound Iranian rocket ship near Port Sudan | JPost | Israel News

Fuck 'em.

This is the end of your propaganda.
Jews appear to have a fundamental problem with the concept of legitimate self defense.
Israel is guilty of perpetrating an ongoing belligerent occupation of Gaza.
Their victims have a right under international law to resist that illegal occupation.
The rockets you're WHINING about are tools used to resist the ethnic cleansing that created Gaza 66 years ago.
When greedy Jews give up on ruling all land between the River and the sea, rockets will no longer be necessary.
Jews control all of Gaza's land borders with electric fences and sniper towers.

Jews control all of Gaza's coastal waters.

Jews control all of Gaza's air space.

Jews control Gaza.

(But not for long):lol:

That is because Gaza cannot have those freedoms without posing a threat to Israel.

Gaza poses a threat to Israel because Jews want all the land between the River and the sea. There are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living on that land, and that is what threatens Israel.

No, it's Hamas fighting them. And even if Israel would occupy Gaza, it would be better for the people living there.

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