Hamas rejects ceasefire

I am left wing.

You are not defending the fact that the left wing is against Israel, are you?

Virtually everyone that is defending Israel are the conservatives in this country.

Then I must not be "left wing", I corrected the post wherein I failed to credit your post, also.

No problem. I do not care about that stuff.

You are sort of all over the place. I mean to blame Bush for the Katrina debacle, is you buying into the left wing perpetual claims that blacks are victims of republicans.

Plus, you sort of blamed Bush for 911.

The left wing hates Israel, period. Why do Jews vote mainly democrat? No one knows. All I do know is the prophets always warned us about the wolves in sheeps clothing and Jews have not always been exactly faithful to their own people or land.

There were a bunch that danced a golden calf, there was one that betrayed another with a kiss for 30 silver pieces, and their leaders claimed they have no king but Caesar.

Wolves in sheeps clothing.
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Where did Hamas come from, Hasbara?

"Israel and Hamas[edit]

"Another often cited example is Israeli support of Islamic movements in the 1970s and 1980s intended to weaken the PLO, and leading to the creation of Hamas.[5][6][7]

"With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[8]

"In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[8][9]

"Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya in 1973, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979.

"Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza.[8][10]"

Blowback (intelligence) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews created the Gaza problem in 1948 when they drove 200,000 indigenous Palestinians from their homes and farms into a series of refugee camps in Gaza.

Jews were the problem then, and they still are.
Yes, Israel preferred Hamas because it was the lesser of two Jihadi evils. But that was decades ago when Arafat and his PLO terrorist animals were in charge. Hamas was an offshoot organization that wasn't as big and powerful as the PLO.

The fact that the US at one point indirectly supported Al Queda doesn't make Al Queda's cause legitimate and it's nature any less evil. Moron.
In fact, Einstein, Israel and the US continue to prefer radical Islam to Arab Nationalists who believe the oil beneath Arab lands belongs to Arabs and not to greedy speculators in London or New York. Jews persist in an illegal occupation of Palestine only because of US support, both materially and diplomatically. Hamas, for all its crimes, has grounds in international law to resist a belligerent occupation while Israel has none for perpetuating one. End the occupations of the West Bank and Gaza and then hold a vote open to all Arabs and Jews living between the River and the sea to determine Palestine's fate.

Are you all safe and snuggly warm in your basement there?

What a remarkable little keyboard warrior you are.
Does not fit in the left wing's narrative of their pure hatred for Israel, and the countries that defend her.

Really simple.

I am left wing.

You are not defending the fact that the left wing is against Israel, are you?

Virtually everyone that is defending Israel are the conservatives in this country.
The same crackers who defended segregation in this country.
Shit clumps.
You are not defending the fact that the left wing is against Israel, are you?

Virtually everyone that is defending Israel are the conservatives in this country.

Then I must not be "left wing", I corrected the post wherein I failed to credit your post, also.

No problem. I do not care about that stuff.

You are sort of all over the place. I mean to blame Bush for the Katrina debacle, is you buying into the left wing perpetual claims that blacks are victims of republicans.

Plus, you sort of blamed Bush for 911.

The left wing hates Israel, period. Why do Jews vote mainly democrat? No one knows. All I do know is the prophets always warned us about the wolves in sheeps clothing and Jews have not always been exactly faithful to their own people or land.

There were a bunch that danced a golden calf, there was one that betrayed another with a kiss for 30 silver pieces, and their leaders claimed they have no king but Caesar.

Wolves in sheeps clothing.

Bush cut the funding for the 20 year ACE SELA project, and no I should not blame Bush for 9/11/01, still, he didn't mentions the threats beforehand. Had he, it is doubtful anyone could have foreseen the method, or convinced the public to accept necessary restrictions on air travel until 9/12/01.

Thus, Iraq is Bush's, and the levee failure in large part his; the continuing sluggish economy in 2014 is Obama's. (I think Bush might have been Ok, without the Cheney effect actually.)
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You are not defending the fact that the left wing is against Israel, are you?

Virtually everyone that is defending Israel are the conservatives in this country.

Not everyone.

I am left wing. Lee-bur-uhl.

I would suggest you do not carry any pro-Israel signs at the democratic convention or in your pot drum circles.

I'll be pro Israel as loudly as I desire, and where I desire, always.
Where did Hamas come from, Hasbara?

"Israel and Hamas[edit]

"Another often cited example is Israeli support of Islamic movements in the 1970s and 1980s intended to weaken the PLO, and leading to the creation of Hamas.[5][6][7]

"With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[8]

"In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[8][9]

"Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya in 1973, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979.

"Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza.[8][10]"

Blowback (intelligence) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews created the Gaza problem in 1948 when they drove 200,000 indigenous Palestinians from their homes and farms into a series of refugee camps in Gaza.

Jews were the problem then, and they still are.
Yes, Israel preferred Hamas because it was the lesser of two Jihadi evils. But that was decades ago when Arafat and his PLO terrorist animals were in charge. Hamas was an offshoot organization that wasn't as big and powerful as the PLO.

The fact that the US at one point indirectly supported Al Queda doesn't make Al Queda's cause legitimate and it's nature any less evil. Moron.
In fact, Einstein, Israel and the US continue to prefer radical Islam to Arab Nationalists who believe the oil beneath Arab lands belongs to Arabs and not to greedy speculators in London or New York. Jews persist in an illegal occupation of Palestine only because of US support, both materially and diplomatically. Hamas, for all its crimes, has grounds in international law to resist a belligerent occupation while Israel has none for perpetuating one. End the occupations of the West Bank and Gaza and then hold a vote open to all Arabs and Jews living between the River and the sea to determine Palestine's fate.
You have very little knowledge of geopolitics. Islamists tend to be uneducated and extremist, which means, they will be busy killing other Muslims for decades while the West reaps the rewards of their savagery.
What illegal occupation exactly. The boundaries it has crossed since 1947 you mean?
Since 1967 Israel has occupied the West Bank and Gaza, in one form or another.
Since '67 Israel has filled the West Bank with 500,000 settlers in spite of provisions of international law which prohibit that specific action. Israel withdrew its settlers and military units from Gaza in 2005; however, Jews still control all land borders with the Gaza strip, its coastal waters, and its airspace. Currently there are nearly equal numbers of Arabs and Jews living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River; the problem for Israel lies between becoming a Jewish state or a Democratic state.
West Bank and Gaza did not belong to "The Palestinians". West Bank was under Jordanian control, and Gaza was under Egyptian for 20 years from 1948 to 1967. During that time there was no mention of this mythical Palestine by ANYBODY. Then they decided to attack Israel to "drive the Jews into the sea" in 1967, which resulted in yet another humiliation and loss of territory. The refugees created by this war started calling themselves "Palestinians" and making false claims to land that was never theirs.

Sorry, no do-overs.
You keep forgetting where Lord Balfour promised Jews a homeland: Palestine. Since Moshe Dayan noticed how settlements provided a fig leaf for Zionist colonization to take place on the West Bank, Jews have multiplied like maggots on shit across Judah and Samariah. Today, 500,000 Kosher parasites live on land that belongs to Arabs. To facilitate the widespread confiscation of Arab land, Jews began adopting a "state land" scheme which included "Jew Only Roads" and other racist ploys to give "Jewish" settlers safe and unimpeded access to their workplaces inside the Green Line. Next time you're in your local courtroom, be sure to tell the families of homicide and robbery victims: "sorry, no do-overs."
Yes, Israel preferred Hamas because it was the lesser of two Jihadi evils. But that was decades ago when Arafat and his PLO terrorist animals were in charge. Hamas was an offshoot organization that wasn't as big and powerful as the PLO.

The fact that the US at one point indirectly supported Al Queda doesn't make Al Queda's cause legitimate and it's nature any less evil. Moron.
In fact, Einstein, Israel and the US continue to prefer radical Islam to Arab Nationalists who believe the oil beneath Arab lands belongs to Arabs and not to greedy speculators in London or New York. Jews persist in an illegal occupation of Palestine only because of US support, both materially and diplomatically. Hamas, for all its crimes, has grounds in international law to resist a belligerent occupation while Israel has none for perpetuating one. End the occupations of the West Bank and Gaza and then hold a vote open to all Arabs and Jews living between the River and the sea to determine Palestine's fate.
You have very little knowledge of geopolitics. Islamists tend to be uneducated and extremist, which means, they will be busy killing other Muslims for decades while the West reaps the rewards of their savagery.
While the US and Israel make sure the uneducated, extremist Islamists are well armed and constantly riled up. Privatized profits and socialized costs.
Yes, Israel preferred Hamas because it was the lesser of two Jihadi evils. But that was decades ago when Arafat and his PLO terrorist animals were in charge. Hamas was an offshoot organization that wasn't as big and powerful as the PLO.

The fact that the US at one point indirectly supported Al Queda doesn't make Al Queda's cause legitimate and it's nature any less evil. Moron.
In fact, Einstein, Israel and the US continue to prefer radical Islam to Arab Nationalists who believe the oil beneath Arab lands belongs to Arabs and not to greedy speculators in London or New York. Jews persist in an illegal occupation of Palestine only because of US support, both materially and diplomatically. Hamas, for all its crimes, has grounds in international law to resist a belligerent occupation while Israel has none for perpetuating one. End the occupations of the West Bank and Gaza and then hold a vote open to all Arabs and Jews living between the River and the sea to determine Palestine's fate.
You have very little knowledge of geopolitics. Islamists tend to be uneducated and extremist, which means, they will be busy killing other Muslims for decades while the West reaps the rewards of their savagery.

Theowl32 posted a good background on the Palestinians; they have been mistreated by other Arab nations, Israel gets the blame.
Israel stops firing into Gaza, the response:

Jerusalem (AFP) - A Gaza rocket struck the southern port city of Ashdod on Tuesday, police said, just hours after Israel agreed to abide by an Egyptian truce that was rejected by Hamas.

"The rocket struck a yard outside a house in Ashdod, several people have been treated for shock," police spokeswoman Luba Samri said in a statement.

The attack was claimed by the armed wing of Hamas, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, which said it had fired "eight Grad rockets" at Ashdod, which is home to some 212,000 people.

Earlier the Israeli security cabinet voted to accept an Egyptian proposal for a unilateral ceasefire which went into force at 0600 GMT, although it warned it would respond "with force" to any further rocket fire.

There were no immediate reports from Gaza of a military response to the fire on Ashdod, which came after three mortar shells struck open areas near the southern flank of the Israel-Gaza border.

In a statement issued around the same time, Hamas said it did not consider itself obliged by the Egyptian proposal.

The Palestinians start battles, and claim aggression by Israel as they lose.

How would you like 3 teenagers kidnapped in your city and the cops came and ravaged every home, stealing jewelry and money and what killing nine and arresting some 400. I bet you'd say oh well.

I feel sorry for the Palestinians. Yes I do.

May God bless those little kids they are killing.

I wonder if Palestine would even be there if not for Hamas. Israel says get rid of Hamas, well that's like Israel getting rid of the IDF.

Have you seen the territory lines from 1947 to now? Israel wants all the land, and Hamas wasn't even involved in any deal.
Does not fit in the left wing's narrative of their pure hatred for Israel, and the countries that defend her.

Really simple.

I am left wing.

You are not defending the fact that the left wing is against Israel, are you?

Virtually everyone that is defending Israel are the conservatives in this country.

that's funny since the majority of Jews always vote Democrat. Look at Hollywood, they vote democrat for fear of not getting more work. Obama and Bill Clinton were highly favored by the Jewish people.
Israel stops firing into Gaza, the response:

Jerusalem (AFP) - A Gaza rocket struck the southern port city of Ashdod on Tuesday, police said, just hours after Israel agreed to abide by an Egyptian truce that was rejected by Hamas.

"The rocket struck a yard outside a house in Ashdod, several people have been treated for shock," police spokeswoman Luba Samri said in a statement.

The attack was claimed by the armed wing of Hamas, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, which said it had fired "eight Grad rockets" at Ashdod, which is home to some 212,000 people.

Earlier the Israeli security cabinet voted to accept an Egyptian proposal for a unilateral ceasefire which went into force at 0600 GMT, although it warned it would respond "with force" to any further rocket fire.

There were no immediate reports from Gaza of a military response to the fire on Ashdod, which came after three mortar shells struck open areas near the southern flank of the Israel-Gaza border.

In a statement issued around the same time, Hamas said it did not consider itself obliged by the Egyptian proposal.

The Palestinians start battles, and claim aggression by Israel as they lose.

How would you like 3 teenagers kidnapped in your city and the cops came and ravaged every home, stealing jewelry and money and what killing nine and arresting some 400. I bet you'd say oh well.

I feel sorry for the Palestinians. Yes I do.

May God bless those little kids they are killing.

I wonder if Palestine would even be there if not for Hamas. Israel says get rid of Hamas, well that's like Israel getting rid of the IDF.

Have you seen the territory lines from 1947 to now? Israel wants all the land, and Hamas wasn't even involved in any deal.
Blah blah blah Israel bla bla bla Palestinians bla bla, ISRAEL BRUTALITY THIEVES bla bla Palestinians Indigenous honor refugee bla bla bla.
No source just putting the blame.
P.S. My signature.
Israel stops firing into Gaza, the response:

Jerusalem (AFP) - A Gaza rocket struck the southern port city of Ashdod on Tuesday, police said, just hours after Israel agreed to abide by an Egyptian truce that was rejected by Hamas.

"The rocket struck a yard outside a house in Ashdod, several people have been treated for shock," police spokeswoman Luba Samri said in a statement.

The attack was claimed by the armed wing of Hamas, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, which said it had fired "eight Grad rockets" at Ashdod, which is home to some 212,000 people.

Earlier the Israeli security cabinet voted to accept an Egyptian proposal for a unilateral ceasefire which went into force at 0600 GMT, although it warned it would respond "with force" to any further rocket fire.

There were no immediate reports from Gaza of a military response to the fire on Ashdod, which came after three mortar shells struck open areas near the southern flank of the Israel-Gaza border.

In a statement issued around the same time, Hamas said it did not consider itself obliged by the Egyptian proposal.

The Palestinians start battles, and claim aggression by Israel as they lose.

How would you like 3 teenagers kidnapped in your city and the cops came and ravaged every home, stealing jewelry and money and what killing nine and arresting some 400. I bet you'd say oh well.

I feel sorry for the Palestinians. Yes I do.

May God bless those little kids they are killing.

I wonder if Palestine would even be there if not for Hamas. Israel says get rid of Hamas, well that's like Israel getting rid of the IDF.

Have you seen the territory lines from 1947 to now? Israel wants all the land, and Hamas wasn't even involved in any deal.
Blah blah blah Israel bla bla bla Palestinians bla bla, ISRAEL BRUTALITY THIEVES bla bla Palestinians Indigenous honor refugee bla bla bla.
No source just putting the blame.
P.S. My signature.

What Arab nations respected Palestinians honor until it became a money maker?
Israel stops firing into Gaza, the response:

Jerusalem (AFP) - A Gaza rocket struck the southern port city of Ashdod on Tuesday, police said, just hours after Israel agreed to abide by an Egyptian truce that was rejected by Hamas.

"The rocket struck a yard outside a house in Ashdod, several people have been treated for shock," police spokeswoman Luba Samri said in a statement.

The attack was claimed by the armed wing of Hamas, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, which said it had fired "eight Grad rockets" at Ashdod, which is home to some 212,000 people.

Earlier the Israeli security cabinet voted to accept an Egyptian proposal for a unilateral ceasefire which went into force at 0600 GMT, although it warned it would respond "with force" to any further rocket fire.

There were no immediate reports from Gaza of a military response to the fire on Ashdod, which came after three mortar shells struck open areas near the southern flank of the Israel-Gaza border.

In a statement issued around the same time, Hamas said it did not consider itself obliged by the Egyptian proposal.

The Palestinians start battles, and claim aggression by Israel as they lose.

How would you like 3 teenagers kidnapped in your city and the cops came and ravaged every home, stealing jewelry and money and what killing nine and arresting some 400. I bet you'd say oh well.

I feel sorry for the Palestinians. Yes I do.

May God bless those little kids they are killing.

I wonder if Palestine would even be there if not for Hamas. Israel says get rid of Hamas, well that's like Israel getting rid of the IDF.

Have you seen the territory lines from 1947 to now? Israel wants all the land, and Hamas wasn't even involved in any deal.
Blah blah blah Israel bla bla bla Palestinians bla bla, ISRAEL BRUTALITY THIEVES bla bla Palestinians Indigenous honor refugee bla bla bla.
No source just putting the blame.
P.S. My signature.
Who occupied Palestine?
How would you like 3 teenagers kidnapped in your city and the cops came and ravaged every home, stealing jewelry and money and what killing nine and arresting some 400. I bet you'd say oh well.

I feel sorry for the Palestinians. Yes I do.

May God bless those little kids they are killing.

I wonder if Palestine would even be there if not for Hamas. Israel says get rid of Hamas, well that's like Israel getting rid of the IDF.

Have you seen the territory lines from 1947 to now? Israel wants all the land, and Hamas wasn't even involved in any deal.
Blah blah blah Israel bla bla bla Palestinians bla bla, ISRAEL BRUTALITY THIEVES bla bla Palestinians Indigenous honor refugee bla bla bla.
No source just putting the blame.
P.S. My signature.
Who occupied Palestine?
The illegal Palestinians who also occupied Gaza.
How would you like 3 teenagers kidnapped in your city and the cops came and ravaged every home, stealing jewelry and money and what killing nine and arresting some 400. I bet you'd say oh well.

I feel sorry for the Palestinians. Yes I do.

May God bless those little kids they are killing.

I wonder if Palestine would even be there if not for Hamas. Israel says get rid of Hamas, well that's like Israel getting rid of the IDF.

Have you seen the territory lines from 1947 to now? Israel wants all the land, and Hamas wasn't even involved in any deal.
Blah blah blah Israel bla bla bla Palestinians bla bla, ISRAEL BRUTALITY THIEVES bla bla Palestinians Indigenous honor refugee bla bla bla.
No source just putting the blame.
P.S. My signature.
Who occupied Palestine?

Egyptians, Canaanites, Assyrians, Persians, ancient Israel, Greeks, Romans, Muslims, the Ottoman Empire, Britian, the Byzantine empire....an easier question is "What countries/empires have not occupied Palestine"?
Hamas rejects ceasefire

However, in other news, Hamas accepts Israel's destruction.
If the mulsims drop their weapons, there would be instant world peace.

If Israel drops their weapons, there would be no Israel.

I just stated the absolute truth with two statements.

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