Hamas rejects ceasefire

Egypt put forward a plan written by Jews.
Hamas refused it.
Are you surprised?
Do you seriously think there is a peace plan out there Hamas would accept? keeping in mind any such plan would have to require Hamas to recognize Israels right to exist.
Which is basically asking Hamas to change their charter aka constitution. The destruction of Israel is the foundation for the existence of Hamas.
Where did Hamas come from, Hasbara?

"Israel and Hamas[edit]

"Another often cited example is Israeli support of Islamic movements in the 1970s and 1980s intended to weaken the PLO, and leading to the creation of Hamas.[5][6][7]

"With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[8]

"In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[8][9]

"Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya in 1973, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979.

"Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza.[8][10]"

Blowback (intelligence) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews created the Gaza problem in 1948 when they drove 200,000 indigenous Palestinians from their homes and farms into a series of refugee camps in Gaza.

Jews were the problem then, and they still are.
Fuck Mowing the Lawn.
Jews occupy Gaza.
Find a new lie.

"Immediately after Israel withdrew in 2005, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas stated, "the legal status of the areas slated for evacuation has not changed."[45] Human Rights Watch also contested that this ended the occupation.[48][49]

"The United Nations, Human Rights Watch and many other international bodies and NGOs continues to consider Israel to be the occupying power of the Gaza Strip as Israel controls Gaza Strip's airspace, territorial waters and controls the movement of people or goods in or out of Gaza by air or sea."

Israeli-occupied territories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those documents are accepted by the UN.
See this?
The Israel Navy intercepted a ship early on Wednesday that Iran was using to smuggle dozens of long-range rockets to Gaza.

Missile ships and navy commandos from the Flotilla 13 unit, backed by the air force, raided the Klos-C cargo ship, which was carrying Syrian- manufactured M-302 rockets.

The ship’s crew is in Israeli custody, and the navy is towing the vessel to Eilat, where it is expected to arrive in the coming days.

The rockets originated in Syria, according to Military Intelligence assessments. Iran reportedly flew the rockets from Syria to an Iranian airfield, trucked them to the seaport of Bander Abbas, and shipped them to Iraq, where they were hidden in cement sacks. The ship then set sail for Port Sudan, near the Sudanese-Eritrean border, on a journey that was expected to last some 10 days.

Israel Navy intercepts Gaza-bound Iranian rocket ship near Port Sudan | JPost | Israel News

Fuck 'em.

This is the end of your propaganda.
Jews appear to have a fundamental problem with the concept of legitimate self defense.
Israel is guilty of perpetrating an ongoing belligerent occupation of Gaza.
Their victims have a right under international law to resist that illegal occupation.
The rockets you're WHINING about are tools used to resist the ethnic cleansing that created Gaza 66 years ago.
When greedy Jews give up on ruling all land between the River and the sea, rockets will no longer be necessary.

That's not legitimate defense. That is an attempt to provoke a response and then play victim. Again. With a willingness to sacrifice innocent lives and building bomb shelters for the leaders in Hamas.

You are lying. Again.

Like I said, the international community is no longer buying your bullshit. Good.
That is because Gaza cannot have those freedoms without posing a threat to Israel.

Gaza poses a threat to Israel because Jews want all the land between the River and the sea. There are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living on that land, and that is what threatens Israel.

No, it's Hamas fighting them. And even if Israel would occupy Gaza, it would be better for the people living there.
It would be better for the people of Gaza and the West Bank if Israel ended its illegal occupation of Palestine. Until the Jews are forced by international pressure to end their occupation, the violence will never end. And that appears to be exactly what elites in the US and Israel are counting on. Arms $ales and oil $ales.
Gaza poses a threat to Israel because Jews want all the land between the River and the sea. There are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living on that land, and that is what threatens Israel.

No, it's Hamas fighting them. And even if Israel would occupy Gaza, it would be better for the people living there.

It would be better for the people of Gaza and the West Bank if Israel ended its illegal occupation of Palestine. Until the Jews are forced by international pressure to end their occupation, the violence will never end. And that appears to be exactly what elites in the US and Israel are counting on. Arms $ales and oil $ales.

What illegal occupation exactly. The boundaries it has crossed since 1947 you mean?
Those documents are accepted by the UN.
See this?

Israel Navy intercepts Gaza-bound Iranian rocket ship near Port Sudan | JPost | Israel News

Fuck 'em.

This is the end of your propaganda.
Jews appear to have a fundamental problem with the concept of legitimate self defense.
Israel is guilty of perpetrating an ongoing belligerent occupation of Gaza.
Their victims have a right under international law to resist that illegal occupation.
The rockets you're WHINING about are tools used to resist the ethnic cleansing that created Gaza 66 years ago.
When greedy Jews give up on ruling all land between the River and the sea, rockets will no longer be necessary.

That's not legitimate defense. That is an attempt to provoke a response and then play victim. Again. With a willingness to sacrifice innocent lives and building bomb shelters for the leaders in Hamas.

You are lying. Again.

Like I said, the international community is no longer buying your bullshit. Good.
You're still confused about which side is the victim in Gaza?
Which side has seen over two hundred of its people killed by an occupying power?
Which side has the African National Congress compared to Nazi extermination attempts during WWII?
Jews are finally being seen for what they are in Palestine, greedy, ruthless thugs who want all land between the River and the sea and will kill as many civilians as necessary to obtain it.
No, it's Hamas fighting them. And even if Israel would occupy Gaza, it would be better for the people living there.

It would be better for the people of Gaza and the West Bank if Israel ended its illegal occupation of Palestine. Until the Jews are forced by international pressure to end their occupation, the violence will never end. And that appears to be exactly what elites in the US and Israel are counting on. Arms $ales and oil $ales.

What illegal occupation exactly. The boundaries it has crossed since 1947 you mean?
Since 1967 Israel has occupied the West Bank and Gaza, in one form or another.
Since '67 Israel has filled the West Bank with 500,000 settlers in spite of provisions of international law which prohibit that specific action. Israel withdrew its settlers and military units from Gaza in 2005; however, Jews still control all land borders with the Gaza strip, its coastal waters, and its airspace. Currently there are nearly equal numbers of Arabs and Jews living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River; the problem for Israel lies between becoming a Jewish state or a Democratic state.
Do you seriously think there is a peace plan out there Hamas would accept? keeping in mind any such plan would have to require Hamas to recognize Israels right to exist.
Which is basically asking Hamas to change their charter aka constitution. The destruction of Israel is the foundation for the existence of Hamas.
Where did Hamas come from, Hasbara?

"Israel and Hamas[edit]

"Another often cited example is Israeli support of Islamic movements in the 1970s and 1980s intended to weaken the PLO, and leading to the creation of Hamas.[5][6][7]

"With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[8]

"In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[8][9]

"Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya in 1973, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979.

"Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza.[8][10]"

Blowback (intelligence) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews created the Gaza problem in 1948 when they drove 200,000 indigenous Palestinians from their homes and farms into a series of refugee camps in Gaza.

Jews were the problem then, and they still are.
Yes, Israel preferred Hamas because it was the lesser of two Jihadi evils. But that was decades ago when Arafat and his PLO terrorist animals were in charge. Hamas was an offshoot organization that wasn't as big and powerful as the PLO.

The fact that the US at one point indirectly supported Al Queda doesn't make Al Queda's cause legitimate and it's nature any less evil. Moron.
Transjordan contained almost all Palestinian land, why no demands from Jordan?

Cuz the answer would be "no",..........oh and they're Muslims as well.

Despotic regimes need a Strawman like Israel in order to maintain power.
Cause Jordan mercilessly massacred 25,000 Palestinians in 1970 in a matter of 3 days' when Arafat tried to pull a Palestine in Jordan. Look up Black September. That would be more Palestinians than Israel has killed in over 65 years of conflict. Yet King Hussein dies as an Arab Hero and Nobel prize winner, and the question of Palestine in Jordan is never brought up again.

Muslims know how to take care of business, when dealing with each other.
It would be better for the people of Gaza and the West Bank if Israel ended its illegal occupation of Palestine. Until the Jews are forced by international pressure to end their occupation, the violence will never end. And that appears to be exactly what elites in the US and Israel are counting on. Arms $ales and oil $ales.

What illegal occupation exactly. The boundaries it has crossed since 1947 you mean?
Since 1967 Israel has occupied the West Bank and Gaza, in one form or another.
Since '67 Israel has filled the West Bank with 500,000 settlers in spite of provisions of international law which prohibit that specific action. Israel withdrew its settlers and military units from Gaza in 2005; however, Jews still control all land borders with the Gaza strip, its coastal waters, and its airspace. Currently there are nearly equal numbers of Arabs and Jews living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River; the problem for Israel lies between becoming a Jewish state or a Democratic state.
West Bank and Gaza did not belong to "The Palestinians". West Bank was under Jordanian control, and Gaza was under Egyptian for 20 years from 1948 to 1967. During that time there was no mention of this mythical Palestine by ANYBODY. Then they decided to attack Israel to "drive the Jews into the sea" in 1967, which resulted in yet another humiliation and loss of territory. The refugees created by this war started calling themselves "Palestinians" and making false claims to land that was never theirs.

Sorry, no do-overs.
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Transjordan contained almost all Palestinian land, why no demands from Jordan?

Cuz the answer would be "no",..........oh and they're Muslims as well.

Despotic regimes need a Strawman like Israel in order to maintain power.

well, if we were talking about Saudi Arabia i'd agree with you, but Jordan is fairly civilized as mid east arab nations. they kept out the pals (who are really Jordanian) because they tried to make a mess out of Jordan, too. Now, Jordan's made peace with Israel and is enjoying a lot of tourism from Israel. they feel the pals discourage people from travel in the mid east and would like them to stop. I found this out when I went to Petra, btw.
You stupid miserable anti-Semites perpetuate the lies. Georgephilip is all together a useless sack of liberal shit. The area known as Palestine was a province of the Ottoman Empire from the 16th Century until the British took control in 1917. From 1917 until 1948, the area was under British operational control and, later, mandate.There was never a Palestinian nation. Further, the population of the entire area, according to a 1879 Encyclopedia Britannica, was never substantial and was ethnically diverse. Any inhabitants there were concentrated in two cities, Jerusalem and Jaffa, and in the nomadic Bedouin tribes.n 1922, the British government violated its League of Nations Mandate over Palestine by partitioning the territory into a truncated Palestine and a nebulous entity called "Transjordan."

In 1947, the United Nations voted to form two states out of what was left of Palestine, and the Jewish leadership pledged to abide by the borders. The Arab world refused and invaded.

As the world knows, Israel won its war and the ensuing armistice lines resulted in Israeli sovereignty over 20 percent of the land within the 1917 borders of Palestine. The remainder, the so-called West Bank, was grabbed by the Bedouin King Abdullah. For 19 years, he and his successor and grandson, Hussein, controlled the territory; at any time during that period either could have returned this so-called birthright to the Palestinians. They did not, and since none of the other Arab countries would grant full refuge to the refugees, they were dumped into policed camps.

I don’t know if you are aware of this but recent figures prove that two thousand Palestinians have been killed by rival factions within Palestinian society. That’s more than those killed by Israelis in counter terror actions.

This little known fact gets no air time in any of the media. You don’t hear pro-Palestinian activists demonstrating to prevent this violent abuse. Why should they? It’s easier to claim that Israel commits war crimes. Israelis don’t throw Palestinians off rooftops. Palestinians do. Israelis don’t line up Palestinians against a wall and mow them down for belonging to a rival faction. Palestinians do. Israelis don’t kill local Arabs for collaborating with the enemy. Palestinians do.


All of this will not matter one bit to the godless lying sacks of never ending shit on the left. They are the hand of the devil.
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The area known as Palestine was a province of the Ottoman Empire from the 16th Century until the British took control in 1917. From 1917 until 1948, the area was under British operational control and, later, mandate.There was never a Palestinian nation. Further, the population of the entire area, according to a 1879 Encyclopedia Britannica, was never substantial and was ethnically diverse. Any inhabitants there were concentrated in two cities, Jerusalem and Jaffa, and in the nomadic Bedouin tribes.n 1922, the British government violated its League of Nations Mandate over Palestine by partitioning the territory into a truncated Palestine and a nebulous entity called "Transjordan."

In 1947, the United Nations voted to form two states out of what was left of Palestine, and the Jewish leadership pledged to abide by the borders. The Arab world refused and invaded.

The Owl.

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Jews appear to have a fundamental problem with the concept of legitimate self defense.
Israel is guilty of perpetrating an ongoing belligerent occupation of Gaza.
Their victims have a right under international law to resist that illegal occupation.
The rockets you're WHINING about are tools used to resist the ethnic cleansing that created Gaza 66 years ago.
When greedy Jews give up on ruling all land between the River and the sea, rockets will no longer be necessary.

That's not legitimate defense. That is an attempt to provoke a response and then play victim. Again. With a willingness to sacrifice innocent lives and building bomb shelters for the leaders in Hamas.

You are lying. Again.

Like I said, the international community is no longer buying your bullshit. Good.
You're still confused about which side is the victim in Gaza?
Which side has seen over two hundred of its people killed by an occupying power?
Which side has the African National Congress compared to Nazi extermination attempts during WWII?
Jews are finally being seen for what they are in Palestine, greedy, ruthless thugs who want all land between the River and the sea and will kill as many civilians as necessary to obtain it.

No. The entire world is watching and your bullshit is over. You win a pet rock. You don't throw the rock and we give you a plant.
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Transjordan contained almost all Palestinian land, why no demands from Jordan?

Does not fit in the left wing's narrative of their pure hatred for Israel, and the countries that defend her.

Really simple.

I am left wing.

You are not defending the fact that the left wing is against Israel, are you?

Virtually everyone that is defending Israel are the conservatives in this country.
Does not fit in the left wing's narrative of their pure hatred for Israel, and the countries that defend her.

Really simple.

I am left wing.

You are not defending the fact that the left wing is against Israel, are you?

Virtually everyone that is defending Israel are the conservatives in this country.

Then I must not be "left wing", I corrected the post wherein I failed to credit your post, also.
So you are a war-mongering Muslim extremist? (This post is adressed to Sunni Man)
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Which is basically asking Hamas to change their charter aka constitution. The destruction of Israel is the foundation for the existence of Hamas.
Where did Hamas come from, Hasbara?

"Israel and Hamas[edit]

"Another often cited example is Israeli support of Islamic movements in the 1970s and 1980s intended to weaken the PLO, and leading to the creation of Hamas.[5][6][7]

"With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[8]

"In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[8][9]

"Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamist group Mujama al-Islamiya in 1973, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979.

"Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza.[8][10]"

Blowback (intelligence) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews created the Gaza problem in 1948 when they drove 200,000 indigenous Palestinians from their homes and farms into a series of refugee camps in Gaza.

Jews were the problem then, and they still are.
Yes, Israel preferred Hamas because it was the lesser of two Jihadi evils. But that was decades ago when Arafat and his PLO terrorist animals were in charge. Hamas was an offshoot organization that wasn't as big and powerful as the PLO.

The fact that the US at one point indirectly supported Al Queda doesn't make Al Queda's cause legitimate and it's nature any less evil. Moron.
In fact, Einstein, Israel and the US continue to prefer radical Islam to Arab Nationalists who believe the oil beneath Arab lands belongs to Arabs and not to greedy speculators in London or New York. Jews persist in an illegal occupation of Palestine only because of US support, both materially and diplomatically. Hamas, for all its crimes, has grounds in international law to resist a belligerent occupation while Israel has none for perpetuating one. End the occupations of the West Bank and Gaza and then hold a vote open to all Arabs and Jews living between the River and the sea to determine Palestine's fate.

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