Hamid Karzai comes up with a conspiracy that would make even the GOP proud



Hamid Karzai said the US-led military coalition was working with the Taliban to create instability in Afghanistan and convince Afghani citizens that violence will increase once foreign troops leave the country.

Afghan leader alleges US, Taliban are colluding

What is there to say? This is so close to many zany right winger theories, it's as if it were scripted by Republicans.

We should have done what Bush Sr. did. Go in, kick ass, get out. Instead, his privileged son, with his privileged background, "understood" in his own mind what is good for people he knew nothing about. He should have talked to dad.
Granny says, "Dat's right - send Rich Armitage over there to talk to `em like he did Pakistan...

U.S. Ties with Karzai 'Gone Downhill Like a Toboggan' Under Obama
March 25, 2014 -- Donald Rumsfeld, who served as U.S. Defense Secretary under President George W. Bush, blames poor diplomacy by the Obama administration for the current strained relations with Afghan President Hamid Karzai.
"Our relationship with Karzai and with Afghanistan was absolutely first-rate in the Bush administration," Rumsfeld told Fox News's Greta Van Susteren on Monday. "It has gone down hill like a toboggan ever since the Obama administration came in." Rumsfeld pointed to the fact that the Obama administration has failed to get Karzai to sign an agreement that would allow some U.S. troops to remain in Afghanistan after 2014, when combat ends.

The U.S. has status of forces agreements with more than a hundred countries, Rumsfeld noted. "A trained ape can get a status of forces agreement," he said. "It does not take a genius. And we have so mismanaged that relationship." On Monday, as CNSNews.com reported, Karzai poked another stick at the Obama administration by saying he supports Russia's takeover of Crimea. That puts him at odds not just with the United States, but also with European and other nations that have contributed troops and tens of billions of dollars in aid to secure and rebuild Afghanistan – and keep Karzai in power – since 2001.

Rumsfeld noted that Karzai was a weak tribal leader, without a militia, who was chosen to serve as president by Afghanistan's Loya Jirga (assembly) in a country that was unused to a strong central government. "And what happened is, the United States government -- and I realize these are tough jobs, being president or secretary of state. But, by golly, they have trashed Karzai publicly over and over and over -- (Richard) Holbrooke, the special envoy did, Vice President Biden did, Secretary Hillary Clinton has. The president has been unpleasant to him.

"And it seems to me they pushed him in a political box where he really has very little choice. I think there is probably not a politician in the world who dealing with the United States, instead of having the United States deal with him privately through private diplomacy, came out repeatedly, publicly, in an abusive, unpleasant, manner. And I personally sympathize with him to some extent." Rumsfeld said he thinks it's understandable that Karzai has sided with Russia -- "given the terrible, terrible diplomacy that the United States has conducted with Afghanistan over the last several years."

Rumsfeld said Karzai has complained that his concerns were not addressed when he spoke privately to the Obama administration. "And he was forced to yell," Rumsfeld said. "He also said to the American people, give them my best wishes and my gratitude, but to the United States government, give them my anger, my extreme anger. I think the United States diplomacy has been so bad, so embarrassing may I add, that I'm not least surprised that he felt cornered and is feeling he has to defend himself in some way or he is not president of that country."

Rumsfeld: U.S. Ties with Karzai 'Gone Downhill Like a Toboggan' Under Obama | CNS News

See also:

Pentagon: Karzai’s Support for Russia’s Takeover of Crimea ‘Not Helpful’
March 25, 2014 – Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s declaration of support for Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea region “is clearly not helpful,” Pentagon press secretary Rear Admiral John Kirby said Monday.
The latest back-hander from the soon-to-depart Afghan president came during a meeting with a congressional delegation over the weekend, and in a statement released by his office. “We respect the decision the people of Crimea took through a recent referendum that considers Crimea as part of the Russian Federation,” it said. Afghanistan “respects the free will of the people of Crimea to decide about their own future.” That stance puts Karzai at odds not just with the United States, but also with European and other nations that have contributed troops and tens of billions of dollars in aid to secure and rebuild Afghanistan – and keep Karzai in power – since 2001.

More than 2,300 Americans have been killed while doing so, along with another 1,100-plus troops from Britain and other countries supporting the NATO-led mission. Kirby told a news briefing Karzai’s comments were “clearly not helpful, and while he’s certainly entitled to his opinion, it’s our opinion here in the United States – and I believe I can speak for us as a NATO partner that it’s the opinion of the alliance – that Russia is absolutely in violation of international obligations, violating the territorial integrity of Ukraine, and we continue to call for them to remove their troops from Crimea.”

Reaction in Afghanistan to Karzai’s statement – which aligns him with the position taken by such foes of the West as Syrian President Bashar Assad and Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro – has been mixed. Tolo TV quoted political analyst Mia Gul Waseeq as saying that Afghanistan “must pursue a proper policy and deal with the issue in a diplomatic manner,” adding that Karzai should focus on the needs of his country rather than involve it in political tensions with the U.S.

Another political analyst, Haji Sayed Daud, told Radio Azadi that Karzai’s stance would resonate in Europe as well as in the U.S. “Not only the U.S., but also European countries and the European Union member countries condemned this act of Russia,” Daud said. “At the current situation and considering the U.S. and its people’s assistance to Afghanistan, this issue would bring no positive economic, political and military achievement for the country.”

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Hamid Karzai said the US-led military coalition was working with the Taliban to create instability in Afghanistan and convince Afghani citizens that violence will increase once foreign troops leave the country.

Afghan leader alleges US, Taliban are colluding

What is there to say? This is so close to many zany right winger theories, it's as if it were scripted by Republicans.

We should have done what Bush Sr. did. Go in, kick ass, get out. Instead, his privileged son, with his privileged background, "understood" in his own mind what is good for people he knew nothing about. He should have talked to dad.
Well, look what happened the last time there was a power vacuum in Afghanistan. There is no way Afghanistan is stable, strong or united enough for prevent another takeover by Islamist radicals like the Taliban. It will take some time of course, and maybe a few years of civil war before everything that was rebuilt with the help of the US gets totally destroyed.

Karzai is like a King now, once he is assassinated or overthrown, Afghanistan will return back to what it was.
Sounds alot like Ted (My pappa put Castro in Power) Rafael Cruz.
Karzai is stupid and naive. He thinks by betraying the US and cozying up with the Taliban and the radicals, they will spare him.

But maybe he has no choice. He sees the US departure as an inevitability, and playing the only card he has.
Karzai is stupid and naive. He thinks by betraying the US and cozying up with the Taliban and the radicals, they will spare him.

But maybe he has no choice. He sees the US departure as an inevitability, and playing the only card he has.

That's a part of it.

But Karzai has been backstabbing the US for quite some time. He appears to be an opportunist, appointing family and friends to top positions.

What Afghanistan really needed was someone like Tito or Ataturk.
Karzai is stupid and naive. He thinks by betraying the US and cozying up with the Taliban and the radicals, they will spare him.

But maybe he has no choice. He sees the US departure as an inevitability, and playing the only card he has.

That's a part of it.

But Karzai has been backstabbing the US for quite some time. He appears to be an opportunist, appointing family and friends to top positions.

What Afghanistan really needed was someone like Tito or Ataturk.
Hard to do in a neighborhood like that, and with the resources Afghanistan had, which was basically none. Both parties have been wanting out for quite some time now. So Karzai has been reacting to the rhetoric from Washington. He's not going to be a stooge for the US if he's about to get dumped. So he says those kinds of radical things to please those he's going to have to deal with once the US is out.
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Is Afghanistan looking to be next on the Russia occupation and annexation list?

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