Hands Up Don't Shooters!

Isn't it amazing how police officers can disarm white people on shooting sprees, but have to shoot unarmed black men. Black guys must have some super power or something.

According to the DoJ, over 52% of America's violent crime is committed by black males between 18 and 40 years of age ... less than 3% of the gen pop. No other demographic even comes close.

Black people are 12-13% of the population, not 3%...

Did I not make clear that the DoJ stats show that 52% of violent crime is committed by black males between the ages of 18 and 40 or about 2.6% of the gen pop? I did not claim all the shootings are justified but rather that cops are justifiably edgy when dealing with suspects in that demographic because they are by far the most violent in our society.

A lot of crime has to deal with poverty. Many poor whites commit crimes, even violent ones.

In fact, the FBI statistics show that Blacks do not commit most of the violent crimes. While the numbers are the same for Murder/Manslaugther, Whites dominate Forcible Rape category nearly 2 to 1. I guess that is not a violent crime.

In fact, the only category in which it is close is the murder/manslaugther category which as mentioned before has to do with gang violence.

But see, you are part of the problem. Despite statistics to the contrary, you believe Blacks are more violent than Whites when they aren't. Here is a great quote:

This association of crime with blacks has been noted by others. Lisa Bloom, in her book “Suspicion Nation,” points out: “While whites can and do commit a great deal of minor and major crimes, the race as a whole is never tainted by those acts. But when blacks violate the law, all members of the race are considered suspect.”

She further says: “The standard assumption that criminals are black and blacks are criminals is so prevalent that in one study, 60 percent of viewers who viewed a crime story with no picture of the perpetrator falsely recalled seeing one, and of those, 70 percent believed he was African-American. When we think about crime, we ‘see black,’ even when it’s not present at all.”

As stated before, Whites commit 65% of all rapes in the country. Yet, the white race is never tainted by those bad actors. But when a black person commits a crime, its all black people. Anytime we talk about racism, racist always get out the deflection notebook and say "Well what about black on black crime?"

Well what about white on white crime? 83% of white murder victims were killed by white perpetrators. Why isn't the white community doing anything about it? See how ridiculous that sounds. But somehow its okay to put that on black Americans anytime they questioned racial motivations of others.

Right I believe that shit ..................

Further information: Incarceration in the United States

2009. Percent of adult males incarcerated by race and ethnicity. [17]
According to the BJS non-Hispanic blacks accounted for 39.4% of the prison and jail population in 2009, while non-Hispanic whites were 34.2%, and Hispanics (of any race) 20.6%. The incarceration rate of black males was over six times higher than that of white males, with a rate of 4,749 per 100,000 US residents.[18][19][20]

Hispanics constituted 16.3% of the US population according to the 2010 US census.[21][22] According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics the black incarceration rate in state and federal prisons declined to 3,161 per 100,000 and the white incarceration rate slightly increased to 487 per 100,000.[23] In 2009 American Indians and Alaskan Natives were jailed, paroled, or on probation at 932 per 100,000, 25% higher than for non-Indians/Natives (747), up 5.6% that year and 12% higher than 2007.[24] However, crime in general declined during this time down to near 1970 levels, an 18% decrease from the previous decade.[25]

A 2012 University of Michigan Law School study found that African Americans are given longer federal sentences even when factoring prior criminal records, and that African American jail sentences tend to be roughly 10% longer than white jail sentences for the same crimes.[26]

According to the US Census Bureau as of the year 2000 there were 2,224,181 blacks enrolled in college.[27] In that same year there were 610,300 black inmates in prison according to the Bureau of Justice.[28] 12.5 percent have a bachelor’s degree.[citation needed] The results are highly dependent on education. 30 percent of those without college education and nearly 60 percent of high school dropouts had prison records.[29]

Crime trends
Some studies had argued for smaller racial disparities in violent crime in recent times. However, a 2011 study which examined the racial disparities in violent crime and incarceration from 1980 and 2008 found little difference for black share of violent offending. Racial imbalances between arrest rates and sentencing have caused some to question the disparities. The authors argued that the prior studies had been confounded by not separating Hispanics from Whites. The number of Hispanic offenders has been increasing rapidly and have violence rates higher than that of Whites but lower than that of Blacks.[30] Another recent study in 2012 raises a different concern, showing that Hispanics and blacks receive considerably longer sentences for the same or lesser offenses on average than white offenders with equal or greater criminal records.[31][32]

According to the US Department of Justice, blacks accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites (per 100,000), and the victim rate 6 times higher (per 100,000). Most murders were intraracial, with 84% of white homicide victims murdered by whites, and 93% of black victims murdered by blacks.[
More people are coming to America because Corporations are bringing them? What are the numbers there vs. the numbers of undocumented people coming here on their own in search of work? I'll dispense with the personal insults and debate based on facts. Specious claims backed by insults from the schoolyard is very Alinskyite of you but, at the same time, exposes yourself what you really are.

Guy, first and foremost, not one undocumented person would come here if we enforced the verification laws. So we can thank business for that. If it was well known that American companies won't hire illegals, they'd stop coming. Why do you think it is the people who really RUN the GOP want immigration reform?

But let's leave the illegals to the side. Let's just concentrate on LEGAL immigration.

Top 10 Companies That Request the Most Visas for Foreign Workers - ABC News

We issue 1.25 million Work Immigration visas a year. Are you really arguing that we can't find Americans do to that work? Of course not. It's another case of big corporations screwing working folks and you dumb-ass bubba rednecks just slurping it up.

That's why I don't even try to be civil to you.

Is it Government or Business that is ultimately accountable for enforcing verification laws?
Both sides of this "conflict" are sad.

You have some thug try to take a police officer's weapon, gets shot, and then an entire wanna-be army stands up for him.

At the other side, you have a bunch of people (who I, half the time, feel are completely uneducated) use this as a way to discredit the claim that racial discrimination is an issue in this country.

I guess I'll just sit on the fence and throw bread crumbs for them to fight over.
Both sides of this "conflict" are sad.

This post is sad my friend, your message was lost in your bad grammar.

At the other side, you have a bunch of people (who I, half the time, feel are completely uneducated) use this as a way to discredit the claim that racial discrimination is an issue in this country.

Who would these uneducated people be and how do you feel they are attempting to discredit the claim discrimination is an issue??

Do you feel discrimination is an issue and who is discriminating against who??

Are you saying all Police are white??

Are you saying that because blacks commit most of these crimes and the police have to deal with them that they are then racist??

When will you deal with the fact about blacks committing most of the crimes??
Both sides of this "conflict" are sad.

This post is sad my friend, your message was lost in your bad grammar.

At the other side, you have a bunch of people (who I, half the time, feel are completely uneducated) use this as a way to discredit the claim that racial discrimination is an issue in this country.

Who would these uneducated people be and how do you feel they are attempting to discredit the claim discrimination is an issue??

Do you feel discrimination is an issue and who is discriminating against who??

Are you saying all Police are white??

Are you saying that because blacks commit most of these crimes and the police have to deal with them that they are then racist??

When will you deal with the fact about blacks committing most of the crimes??[
What a joke of a post. Jumping to so many conclusions so fast. Honestly, I'm not going to legitimize your post by giving it an actual response.
Both sides of this "conflict" are sad.

This post is sad my friend, your message was lost in your bad grammar.

At the other side, you have a bunch of people (who I, half the time, feel are completely uneducated) use this as a way to discredit the claim that racial discrimination is an issue in this country.

Who would these uneducated people be and how do you feel they are attempting to discredit the claim discrimination is an issue??

Do you feel discrimination is an issue and who is discriminating against who??

Are you saying all Police are white??

Are you saying that because blacks commit most of these crimes and the police have to deal with them that they are then racist??

When will you deal with the fact about blacks committing most of the crimes??[
What a joke of a post. Jumping to so many conclusions so fast. Honestly, I'm not going to legitimize your post by giving it an actual response.

Oh in other words you can't explain all that psycho babble shit you are ranting .............

No response, just a response to say you want dignify it with a response ....................

What a shit storm of ignorance ..........................
Both sides of this "conflict" are sad.

This post is sad my friend, your message was lost in your bad grammar.

At the other side, you have a bunch of people (who I, half the time, feel are completely uneducated) use this as a way to discredit the claim that racial discrimination is an issue in this country.

Who would these uneducated people be and how do you feel they are attempting to discredit the claim discrimination is an issue??

Do you feel discrimination is an issue and who is discriminating against who??

Are you saying all Police are white??

Are you saying that because blacks commit most of these crimes and the police have to deal with them that they are then racist??

When will you deal with the fact about blacks committing most of the crimes??[
What a joke of a post. Jumping to so many conclusions so fast. Honestly, I'm not going to legitimize your post by giving it an actual response.

Oh in other words you can't explain all that psycho babble shit you are ranting .............

No response, just a response to say you want dignify it with a response ....................

What a shit storm of ignorance ..........................
Did you happen to fall asleep on the '.' key?
STILL making excuses for criminal activity, err???
When a 6'4", 300 lb-er has just fractured your eye socket, tried to steal your gum while your are trying to arrest him for robbery he just committed and the criminal is bum-rushing you, YOU DEFEND YOUR LIFE!!!

Except nobody fractured Occifer Wilson's eye socket. And frankly, if he can't handle an unarmed teenager without using deadly force, he shouldn't be a cop.
Say white n*gger, which "white people on shooting sprees" are you referring to??

Loughner. Holmes, that Nazi who just shot up a bunch of people last week. All these guys get caught alive.

"Unarmed black men", you mean like Michael Brown who committed a crime, when stopped by police, he went to the patrol car and fought with a police officer over his gun at which time he was "shot" the first time. He then exited the car and ran off before turning around to rush the officer in "football style stance" so as to try and disarm him or harm him again. The officer being well within department policies and all local, state and federal laws shot and killed the little n*gger thug,

Yeah that was Wilson's story. And I know you need to believe he had to shoot this kid 8 times to take him down.

Now you can color it any way you want in your book dick head, but you have the mentality of the poor, poor , nigga, no matter what your skin color is ..............

No, no super power, just plain old stupidity and ignorance fueled by morons like you..

sorry, man. I'm a white guy and I do quite well because I am white in this society. I just don't much like the thought of blacks being shot for stealing cigars or choked to death for selling cigarettes.
Loughner. Holmes, that Nazi who just shot up a bunch of people last week. All these guys get caught alive.

Loughner was mentally incompetent and when he ran out of ammo a 61 yr. old woman grabbed a clip he was trying to insert into the gun, aided by three other men Loghner was subdued long before the Police arrived on scene. What are you advocating that the Po-Po show up and just execute a mentally ill subdued man??
Do you know how fucking retarded you sound.
Arizona shooting Patricia Maisch stopped Jared Loughner linked to American Renaissance Daily Mail Online

Holmes was another mentally deranged man, who after committing his acts of mass murder and terror went outside and sat down by his car where he laid an empty weapon down and began taking off his body armor as police arrived he did not resit arrest.
Once again you advocate that a person posing no threat at the time be execute by the police without judge or jury even though when encountered by law enforcement he is compliant with their commands.

Why do morons like you make these lies up and spew your shit out??

Yeah that was Wilson's story. And I know you need to believe he had to shoot this kid 8 times to take him down.

That was the truth, funny thing about the truth .................. the Grand Jury found it true, DOJ Holder found it true, NO ONE HAS PROVED IT WAS A LIE!!
The evidence supported the truth ............

All you got is a mealy mouth whine about a fucking fantasy that never happened ...........

By the way if you didn't get the memo, "Hands up, Don't shoot" was a lie, never happened.
Had the thug followed the "Pants up, Don't Loot" mantra he would still be alive ......................

sorry, man. I'm a white guy and I do quite well because I am white in this society. I just don't much like the thought of blacks being shot for stealing cigars or choked to death for selling cigarettes.

Then tell those black bastards not to steal, intimidate and violate other societal laws.
One did not die for stealing cigars, just some more bull shit you spread.
That thug died for battering a Police officer not once, but attempting to batter him a second time.
Once again though just mealy mouth shit to gin up the crack head base.

The second man did not die for selling cigarettes, just as your other lie he resisted arrest and was in bad health.
Again, intelligent people see straight through your mealy mouth whiny shit .............................
Loughner was mentally incompetent and when he ran out of ammo a 61 yr. old woman grabbed a clip he was trying to insert into the gun, aided by three other men Loghner was subdued long before the Police arrived on scene. What are you advocating that the Po-Po show up and just execute a mentally ill subdued man??

Well, not if he's white, obviously. I mean, man, when the cops start treating white people they way they treat black people, that would be terrible.
Loughner was mentally incompetent and when he ran out of ammo a 61 yr. old woman grabbed a clip he was trying to insert into the gun, aided by three other men Loghner was subdued long before the Police arrived on scene. What are you advocating that the Po-Po show up and just execute a mentally ill subdued man??

Well, not if he's white, obviously. I mean, man, when the cops start treating white people they way they treat black people, that would be terrible.

Now look faggot, I mean he was mentally ill, had nothing to do with skin color, but of course it don't fit in your little mealy mouth whiny ass bitch shit so you fucking make it about skin color.

What a piece of fucking shit ....................

If only the n*gger would quit breaking laws and trying to take cops guns, right dick head??
Now look faggot, I mean he was mentally ill, had nothing to do with skin color, but of course it don't fit in your little mealy mouth whiny ass bitch shit so you fucking make it about skin color.

What a piece of fucking shit ....................

If only the n*gger would quit breaking laws and trying to take cops guns, right dick head??

Hey, the police shoot unarmed black homeless people all the time. Because they gots those Negro Super Powers.

But Lougher? Let's get that poor boy some hot cocoa.
Hey, the police shoot unarmed black homeless people all the time. Because they gots those Negro Super Powers.

But Lougher? Let's get that poor boy some hot cocoa.

Again you make an ass out of yourself.

Who are all these "black homeless people the police shoot all the time"??


Once again, Lougher was mentally ill and upon running out of ammo was jammed up by a 61 yr. old woman and three men who tackled Lougher.

I asked once already and you dodged the question, "Were the police suppose to go in gun's blazing, shooting and killing an unarmed, subdued, mentally deranged man??

I sure wouldn't want to be a cop...with African Americans inspired to hate and kill whitey and cops. With liberals so myopic on the subject, why bother.

The Democratic Party created these "dead zones" and it should be their responsibility to provide security and clean them up with their own funds.

Black Rap Lyrics and the murder of Whites
,,,so that rubbish....hands up never happened....

what is America coming to? so sad
,,,so that rubbish....hands up never happened....

what is America coming to? so sad

Liberal Democrats are winning the culture wars and we are seeing the results.

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