Hank Williams Jr, oops

I agree.

By the way, did you feel the same about Whoopie Goldberg and Slimfast? Or did Slimfast infringe on her right to free speech?

I know of several liberals on this site who condemned Slimfast when they fired Whoopie over her comments about President Bush. I'm waiting for them to condemn ESPN... so far, I am still waiting.


Absolutely. Private companies can choose whoever the want to represent them and can fire them if they no longer feel that individual adequately represents them.

Sounds like a three some to gather there thoughts

so private companies can censor speech or are u saying something else dogpiler

While you're at it, how many people know about Stalinist regime. Stalin killed his own people but you have a problem with Hank Williams Jr. remarks of the failed illegal president and jb golf beer summit game.

Didn't they teach you that in history or was it the revisionist type..be honest pvt pile??

Of course private companies can censor speech. Ever been a member of a board that didn't allow attacks on other members, name calling, swearing, etc.? Why aren't you railing against those message boards "attacking" free speech?

Is your "free speech" infringed upon if you walk in and tell your boss he's a douche bag and then are fired as a result?

Were you upset when Nike dropped Tiger Woods?

Not really sure what you are trying to get at with your Stalin non sequitur.
poor old manifoollibtards... can't quite get over it yet huh?

Over what? :eusa_eh:

I think the whole thing is epically awesome. Both how the left is losing their shit over a Hilter reference and how the right is losing their shit over ESPN canning his ass.

The only thing I'm not over yet is laughing my ass off at all you fucking clowns. :thup:
I guess he never heard of Hank Williams Sr. :lmao:

Grew up listening to Sr but . So Jr. did well on his own. Oh you do realize Junior also had a half sister he had to share any inheritance he got

I'm sure all those doors would've opened right up for Jr if his dad was janitor. :doubt:

Most people get a door open for them. Are you going to hold it against obama for someone openning the door for him to get into Harvard? Everybody has had it done for them. Even unions do it. What he has now is because what he has done.
Grew up listening to Sr but . So Jr. did well on his own. Oh you do realize Junior also had a half sister he had to share any inheritance he got

I'm sure all those doors would've opened right up for Jr if his dad was janitor. :doubt:

Most people get a door open for them. Are you going to hold it against obama for someone openning the door for him to get into Harvard? Everybody has had it done for them. Even unions do it. What he has now is because what he has done.

Who said I'm holding it against him? Certainly not me.

I'm just not naive enough to believe he didn't benefit from the advantages he got simply by being HW Sr's son. I don't blame him one bit for making the most of it, I damn sure would have. Just don't try to peddle some self-made, rags to riches horseshit. mmkay?
It wasn't "what" Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks said that got her into trouble with country music folks. It was "where" she said it. Country folks look down on someone airing dirty laundry with complete strangers. If you're going to diss the President, you have every right to do so. But do it here.

Hank is a legend and although I can take or leave his music, at least he didn't go to England and tell them that he hated Obama.

The subtlety of difference between the two naturally leaves some questioning why one was ostracized and the other will sell more records.

Don't tell me Hank is a racist either. Since the left has been calling everyone a racist for the past three years, my "give a shit" is broke.

So saying you are ashamed Bush is from Texas in front of a few thousand Brits is bad, but comparing President Obama with Hitler on National TV (which IS seen in other countries) is hunky dory. Interesting...

You know, I still haven't seen the interview with Hank. Not sure if he compared Obama to Hitler (if you think I'm going to take YOUR WORD for it, you're nuttier than I already think). But I can guarantee you one thing, Hank WILL sell more records and he'll be in bigger demand in fly over country. He hasn't sold a great amount of records in a long time, but some of his songs are more or less "anthems" for those you would dismiss as "rednecks" or "hillbillys".

The Dixie Chicks were big until Maines openned her mouth. They won grammy's and they sold records, but NOT to country audiences. They were DONE here. And yes, the BIG difference is that she was STANDING on English soil bad-mouthing the President. I have to chuckle that there's only a couple folks on this board who so far, "get it." That's okay, you're not supposed to "get it" either and it's not my job to explain it to you. It's a way of life and an attitude that is completely foreign to someone who has NEVER experienced it or who, by their choice, left because they couldn't "get it." If you've ever been to a party in the middle of a hay field between some pump jacks, with a keg laying in the bed of truck, you just might "get it." Or if you've ever ate Sunday dinner outside on doors layed across some saw horses, you might "get it". If you've ever gotten up at 3:00AM to sit in a deer stand while its 20 degrees and the wind is blowing 50 miles an hour, you might "get it." I wouldn't trade my "hillbilly" or "redneck" life for any or either coast.

For those of you who really want to pin this on racism, you're just as ignorant as you can be... The more you cry racism, the more it gets to the point of yawning. You're in danger of making that a badge of honor for those who oppose the President's policies. You've already called Bill Clinton a racist, Carville was a racist, and everyone else who opposes Barry as well. Move on people, there's nothing to see here...
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It wasn't "what" Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks said that got her into trouble with country music folks. It was "where" she said it. Country folks look down on someone airing dirty laundry with complete strangers. If you're going to diss the President, you have every right to do so. But do it here.

Hank is a legend and although I can take or leave his music, at least he didn't go to England and tell them that he hated Obama.

The subtlety of difference between the two naturally leaves some questioning why one was ostracized and the other will sell more records.

Don't tell me Hank is a racist either. Since the left has been calling everyone a racist for the past three years, my "give a shit" is broke.

So saying you are ashamed Bush is from Texas in front of a few thousand Brits is bad, but comparing President Obama with Hitler on National TV (which IS seen in other countries) is hunky dory. Interesting...

You know, I still haven't seen the interview with Hank. Not sure if he compared Obama to Hitler (if you think I'm going to take YOUR WORD for it, you're nuttier than I already think). But I can guarantee you one thing, Hank WILL sell more records and he'll be in bigger demand in fly over country. He hasn't sold a great amount of records in a long time, but some of his songs are more or less "anthems" for those you would dismiss as "rednecks" or "hillbillys".

The Dixie Chicks were big until Maines openned her mouth. They won grammy's and they sold records, but NOT to country audiences. They were DONE here. And yes, the BIG difference is that she was STANDING on English soil bad-mouthing the President. I have to chuckle that there's only a couple folks on this board who so far, "get it." That's okay, you're not supposed to "get it" either and it's not my job to explain it to you. It's a way of life and an attitude that is completely foreign to someone who has NEVER experienced it or who, by their choice, left because they couldn't "get it."

For those of you who really want to pin this on racism, you're just as ignorant as you can be... The more you cry racism, the more it gets to the point of yawning. You're in danger of making that a badge of honor for those who oppose the President's policies. You've already called Bill Clinton a racist, Carville was a racist, and everyone else who opposes Barry as well. Move on people, there's nothing to see here...
He said Obama playing golf with Boehner is like Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu (according to the link in the OP).

He didn't say who was who in the comparison. It seems pretty clear to me the simile was to point out how opposite Boehner's and Obama's views are - as opposite as Netanyahu's and Hitler's would have been.

So, I can't even muster up any outrage, faux or not, over it. And, even if I were outraged, he can say what he wants, as can any entertainer. They are not subject to stricker free speech laws than any of us.
It wasn't "what" Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks said that got her into trouble with country music folks. It was "where" she said it. Country folks look down on someone airing dirty laundry with complete strangers. If you're going to diss the President, you have every right to do so. But do it here.

Hank is a legend and although I can take or leave his music, at least he didn't go to England and tell them that he hated Obama.

The subtlety of difference between the two naturally leaves some questioning why one was ostracized and the other will sell more records.

Don't tell me Hank is a racist either. Since the left has been calling everyone a racist for the past three years, my "give a shit" is broke.

So saying you are ashamed Bush is from Texas in front of a few thousand Brits is bad, but comparing President Obama with Hitler on National TV (which IS seen in other countries) is hunky dory. Interesting...

You know, I still haven't seen the interview with Hank. Not sure if he compared Obama to Hitler (if you think I'm going to take YOUR WORD for it, you're nuttier than I already think). But I can guarantee you one thing, Hank WILL sell more records and he'll be in bigger demand in fly over country. He hasn't sold a great amount of records in a long time, but some of his songs are more or less "anthems" for those you would dismiss as "rednecks" or "hillbillys".

The Dixie Chicks were big until Maines openned her mouth. They won grammy's and they sold records, but NOT to country audiences. They were DONE here. And yes, the BIG difference is that she was STANDING on English soil bad-mouthing the President. I have to chuckle that there's only a couple folks on this board who so far, "get it." That's okay, you're not supposed to "get it" either and it's not my job to explain it to you. It's a way of life and an attitude that is completely foreign to someone who has NEVER experienced it or who, by their choice, left because they couldn't "get it." If you've ever been to a party in the middle of a hay field between some pump jacks, with a keg laying in the bed of truck, you just might "get it." Or if you've ever ate Sunday dinner outside on doors layed across some saw horses, you might "get it". If you've ever gotten up at 3:00AM to sit in a deer stand while its 20 degrees and the wind is blowing 50 miles an hour, you might "get it." I wouldn't trade my "hillbilly" or "redneck" life for any or either coast.

For those of you who really want to pin this on racism, you're just as ignorant as you can be... The more you cry racism, the more it gets to the point of yawning. You're in danger of making that a badge of honor for those who oppose the President's policies. You've already called Bill Clinton a racist, Carville was a racist, and everyone else who opposes Barry as well. Move on people, there's nothing to see here...

You don't have to take my word for it...google it. It's all over the place and only takes about 30 seconds to watch.

The Dixie Chicks had tremendous success AND a Grammy AFTER they said they were ashamed President Bush is from Texas. Would you like to place wagers on the likelihood of HWJr getting one?

I certainly never accused HWJr of racism and I don't think his comment was racist. Stupid, but not racist.
So saying you are ashamed Bush is from Texas in front of a few thousand Brits is bad, but comparing President Obama with Hitler on National TV (which IS seen in other countries) is hunky dory. Interesting...

You know, I still haven't seen the interview with Hank. Not sure if he compared Obama to Hitler (if you think I'm going to take YOUR WORD for it, you're nuttier than I already think). But I can guarantee you one thing, Hank WILL sell more records and he'll be in bigger demand in fly over country. He hasn't sold a great amount of records in a long time, but some of his songs are more or less "anthems" for those you would dismiss as "rednecks" or "hillbillys".

The Dixie Chicks were big until Maines openned her mouth. They won grammy's and they sold records, but NOT to country audiences. They were DONE here. And yes, the BIG difference is that she was STANDING on English soil bad-mouthing the President. I have to chuckle that there's only a couple folks on this board who so far, "get it." That's okay, you're not supposed to "get it" either and it's not my job to explain it to you. It's a way of life and an attitude that is completely foreign to someone who has NEVER experienced it or who, by their choice, left because they couldn't "get it." If you've ever been to a party in the middle of a hay field between some pump jacks, with a keg laying in the bed of truck, you just might "get it." Or if you've ever ate Sunday dinner outside on doors layed across some saw horses, you might "get it". If you've ever gotten up at 3:00AM to sit in a deer stand while its 20 degrees and the wind is blowing 50 miles an hour, you might "get it." I wouldn't trade my "hillbilly" or "redneck" life for any or either coast.

For those of you who really want to pin this on racism, you're just as ignorant as you can be... The more you cry racism, the more it gets to the point of yawning. You're in danger of making that a badge of honor for those who oppose the President's policies. You've already called Bill Clinton a racist, Carville was a racist, and everyone else who opposes Barry as well. Move on people, there's nothing to see here...

You don't have to take my word for it...google it. It's all over the place and only takes about 30 seconds to watch.

The Dixie Chicks had tremendous success AND a Grammy AFTER they said they were ashamed President Bush is from Texas. Would you like to place wagers on the likelihood of HWJr getting one?

I certainly never accused HWJr of racism and I don't think his comment was racist. Stupid, but not racist.
I'd be tempted to believe what the rightwingers are claiming, that he wasn't calling Obama Hitler, except for the fact that he went on to explain to F&F that Obama and Biden were the enemy.

He came across like a drunken ugly fool.
Yeah, an angry, beliigerent, drunken fool. The enemy of America are those who won't pull together.
You know, I still haven't seen the interview with Hank. Not sure if he compared Obama to Hitler (if you think I'm going to take YOUR WORD for it, you're nuttier than I already think). But I can guarantee you one thing, Hank WILL sell more records and he'll be in bigger demand in fly over country. He hasn't sold a great amount of records in a long time, but some of his songs are more or less "anthems" for those you would dismiss as "rednecks" or "hillbillys".

The Dixie Chicks were big until Maines openned her mouth. They won grammy's and they sold records, but NOT to country audiences. They were DONE here. And yes, the BIG difference is that she was STANDING on English soil bad-mouthing the President. I have to chuckle that there's only a couple folks on this board who so far, "get it." That's okay, you're not supposed to "get it" either and it's not my job to explain it to you. It's a way of life and an attitude that is completely foreign to someone who has NEVER experienced it or who, by their choice, left because they couldn't "get it." If you've ever been to a party in the middle of a hay field between some pump jacks, with a keg laying in the bed of truck, you just might "get it." Or if you've ever ate Sunday dinner outside on doors layed across some saw horses, you might "get it". If you've ever gotten up at 3:00AM to sit in a deer stand while its 20 degrees and the wind is blowing 50 miles an hour, you might "get it." I wouldn't trade my "hillbilly" or "redneck" life for any or either coast.

For those of you who really want to pin this on racism, you're just as ignorant as you can be... The more you cry racism, the more it gets to the point of yawning. You're in danger of making that a badge of honor for those who oppose the President's policies. You've already called Bill Clinton a racist, Carville was a racist, and everyone else who opposes Barry as well. Move on people, there's nothing to see here...

You don't have to take my word for it...google it. It's all over the place and only takes about 30 seconds to watch.

The Dixie Chicks had tremendous success AND a Grammy AFTER they said they were ashamed President Bush is from Texas. Would you like to place wagers on the likelihood of HWJr getting one?

I certainly never accused HWJr of racism and I don't think his comment was racist. Stupid, but not racist.
I'd be tempted to believe what the rightwingers are claiming, that he wasn't calling Obama Hitler, except for the fact that he went on to explain to F&F that Obama and Biden were the enemy.

He came across like a drunken ugly fool.
Which makes him perfect for Monday Night Football intro! ;)
I'd like to let Bocephus off on this one myself. He didn't call Obama Hitler directly. The fact that he hates Obama leads you in that direction though.

Why not say "Hitler and Roosevelt" so that the president would be compared to a president?
Hank Williams Jr. is the typical Republican voter.

White, Southern, and ignorant.

you must be the failed experiment that never took place

keynesian sucks and obumer want's to repeat due 2 failed econ and lack of mental uneducate foresight[/B]the last 2-3 yrs.

president obumer is desperate and is clueless in his speeches

his only focus is to divide b/c he
wants to shoot his wadd

You do know this isn't the flame zone, right?
So saying you are ashamed Bush is from Texas in front of a few thousand Brits is bad, but comparing President Obama with Hitler on National TV (which IS seen in other countries) is hunky dory. Interesting...

You know, I still haven't seen the interview with Hank. Not sure if he compared Obama to Hitler (if you think I'm going to take YOUR WORD for it, you're nuttier than I already think). But I can guarantee you one thing, Hank WILL sell more records and he'll be in bigger demand in fly over country. He hasn't sold a great amount of records in a long time, but some of his songs are more or less "anthems" for those you would dismiss as "rednecks" or "hillbillys".

The Dixie Chicks were big until Maines openned her mouth. They won grammy's and they sold records, but NOT to country audiences. They were DONE here. And yes, the BIG difference is that she was STANDING on English soil bad-mouthing the President. I have to chuckle that there's only a couple folks on this board who so far, "get it." That's okay, you're not supposed to "get it" either and it's not my job to explain it to you. It's a way of life and an attitude that is completely foreign to someone who has NEVER experienced it or who, by their choice, left because they couldn't "get it." If you've ever been to a party in the middle of a hay field between some pump jacks, with a keg laying in the bed of truck, you just might "get it." Or if you've ever ate Sunday dinner outside on doors layed across some saw horses, you might "get it". If you've ever gotten up at 3:00AM to sit in a deer stand while its 20 degrees and the wind is blowing 50 miles an hour, you might "get it." I wouldn't trade my "hillbilly" or "redneck" life for any or either coast.

For those of you who really want to pin this on racism, you're just as ignorant as you can be... The more you cry racism, the more it gets to the point of yawning. You're in danger of making that a badge of honor for those who oppose the President's policies. You've already called Bill Clinton a racist, Carville was a racist, and everyone else who opposes Barry as well. Move on people, there's nothing to see here...

You don't have to take my word for it...google it. It's all over the place and only takes about 30 seconds to watch.

The Dixie Chicks had tremendous success AND a Grammy AFTER they said they were ashamed President Bush is from Texas. Would you like to place wagers on the likelihood of HWJr getting one?

I certainly never accused HWJr of racism and I don't think his comment was racist. Stupid, but not racist.

Tremendous success??? And the Dixie Chicks are where now?? They became DARLINGS of the left and of the coasts after the remark. I remember that they had a SOLD OUT concert in Los Angeles shortly after the remarks were made. They came to Dallas and you could have shot a gun in the arena and not hit anyone. They cancelled a concert in Tulsa. They're not doing anything anywhere, because although they were the left's darlings for awhile, like most "causes" you moved on to bigger and better things.

Maines WAS from Texas. She had a ranch there. She now lives in California, I think. The last interview I saw with her, she said that she wished she had just kept her mouth shut. The bottom line is, you don't go to ENGLAND and tell them that you are ashamed of the President. If you're a country music star and the people that you are making music for are those people in the middle of the country that some like to label as "rednecks" or "hillbillys" you've got to remember the culture.

Hank just had a concert in Tulsa and sold out. He's going to be in Dallas soon and the concert is sold out already. Whether you like it or not, Hank will be making records and having sold out concerts in fly over country for many years. His popularity is dang near assured despite this. Hank Sr. is a legend. Hank Jr. is too in his own right. As for a grammy, I don't think I'd be too worried about that. You want to get recognized in country music, it's the CMA's or the Grand Ol' Opry.

I didn't say that YOU were calling him a racist. But those that are calling him a racist are really showing their ass. That's why no one listens to someone screaming "racist" anymore. It's a standard reply to someone who dislikes Barry's policies. Don't like the jobs bill, why you're a racist. Don't like the idea of increasing taxes? Why it's because you're a racist. Boring, predictable and incredibly stupid...

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