Hank Williams Jr, oops

You may be ready for football, but ESPN is not ready to let Hank Williams Jr. open tonight’s game after his incendiary comment about President Obama on Fox News.
The country singer criticized the president’s recent “golf summit” with Republican House Speaker John Boehner. The singer told Fox & Friends that the meeting “would be like Hitler playing golf with [Israeli leader] Benjamin Netanyahu.”

Where'd his freedom of speech go? Apparently the same place the Dixie Chicks' did.

Hank has the freedom to be a stupid redneck and Monday Night Football has the freedom to FIRE HIS STUPID REDNECK AZZ :slap:
Hank Williams Jr. is the typical Republican voter.

White, Southern, and ignorant.

you must be the failed experiment that never took place

keynesian sucks and obumer want's to repeat due 2 failed econ and lack of mental uneducate foresight[/B]the last 2-3 yrs.

president obumer is desperate and is clueless in his speeches

his only focus is to divide b/c he
wants to shoot his wadd

You do know this isn't the flame zone, right?

awwwww... did his words hurt your little feelings?
And likewise I said she had every right to say what she said, but you are doing the very thing you say I shouldn't be doing why are you being so hypocritcal?

Why do you think you get to tell her where she can say something? Get off your high horse and drop back down to your rightful place.

The sewer.

Why do you think you get to tell me when I can and can't give my opinion of what a person said? Who made you god almighty?

did I say, 'go give your opinion in the sewer'? No, I did not.

I told you to get off your high horse (look it up if the meaning of the phrase eludes you), and go back where you belong... the sewer. At no time did I say anything about what you can ro cannot say, or where to say it.

You really DO suck at this.
Yeah, an angry, beliigerent, drunken fool. The enemy of America are those who won't pull together.

oh why don't we befriend our enemies and destory our friends why were at it. No way in hell would I join with what obama wants or anyone else that try's to sell the bill of goods he's been trying to sell. If you want to join together let's get back to the foundation of the constitutional process and kill a major portion of government agencies and put the power back in control of the states.
Yeah, an angry, beliigerent, drunken fool. The enemy of America are those who won't pull together.

oh why don't we befriend our enemies and destory our friends why were at it. No way in hell would I join with what obama wants or anyone else that try's to sell the bill of goods he's been trying to sell. If you want to join together let's get back to the foundation of the constitutional process and kill a major portion of government agencies and put the power back in control of the states.

However, you don't understand our history, constitutional process, and that the world is different than in 1789, now do you?
You don't have to take my word for it...google it. It's all over the place and only takes about 30 seconds to watch.

The Dixie Chicks had tremendous success AND a Grammy AFTER they said they were ashamed President Bush is from Texas. Would you like to place wagers on the likelihood of HWJr getting one?

I certainly never accused HWJr of racism and I don't think his comment was racist. Stupid, but not racist.
I'd be tempted to believe what the rightwingers are claiming, that he wasn't calling Obama Hitler, except for the fact that he went on to explain to F&F that Obama and Biden were the enemy.

He came across like a drunken ugly fool.
Which makes him perfect for Monday Night Football intro! ;)

Poor, poor imbecilic Ravi; like most of The Left, has no sense of humor.

HW Jr. just doubled the number of "Rowdy Friends" he had.:lol:
I agree.

By the way, did you feel the same about Whoopie Goldberg and Slimfast? Or did Slimfast infringe on her right to free speech?

I know of several liberals on this site who condemned Slimfast when they fired Whoopie over her comments about President Bush. I'm waiting for them to condemn ESPN... so far, I am still waiting.


Absolutely. Private companies can choose whoever the want to represent them and can fire them if they no longer feel that individual adequately represents them.

Sounds like a three some to gather there thoughts

so private companies can censor speech or are u saying something else dogpiler

While you're at it, how many people know about Stalinist regime. Stalin killed his own people but you have a problem with Hank Williams Jr. remarks of the failed illegal president and jb golf beer summit game.

Didn't they teach you that in history or was it the revisionist type..be honest pvt pile??

Actually, yes, an employer can choose who to hire, fire or not hire based upon what the "employee" says. It is also not a violation of free speech. No one said Williams could not say what he said. ESPN simply said that they do not want their name associated with those statements and like Slimfast they have every right to employ whomever they care to employ.

I am a fan of Hank Williams Jr. I would not have fired him over that statement. But, I believe an employer has the right to hire whomever they want and if they don't want Bocepus representing them, so be it. Truthfully, I am sure it is no skin off his back.

It wasn't just a good thing to do. It was a great thing to do.

Fuck Hank Williams Jr.

So tell me did you support Whoopie when she was fired by Slimfast?


I'm strong. But not that strong.


Talk about evading the question! :lol:

For the record, if you missed it in the thread, I believe Slimfast had the right to do what they did and I believe that ESPN had the right to do what they did. I like, both Whoopie (even though I do not agree with her poltics) and I like Hank.

As for the Dixie Chicks, I don't think their situation is particularly comparable. I don't think they were fired from any sponsorships after their statement and I didn't like them before Natalie Maines comment. To be honest, I am thrilled to death that they are no longer producing music.

Yeah, an angry, beliigerent, drunken fool. The enemy of America are those who won't pull together.

Who has been the most divisive President in the history of this country? ..... :eusa_whistle:


Words of Wisdom, Sallow. You are absolutely correct. AND, I would, if you are a fan of Lincoln's, urge you to get O'Reilly's new book about the assasination of Lincoln. I hear that it is absolutely a very good book. It's on my shopping list for this weekend. Although you may not agree with O'Reilly, hell you might not like him a bit, I don't think there is any bloviating about politics in this book. Just a look at a very historical event in American history.

I would like to address the statement: "The enemy of America are those who won't pull together." What a crock of pasture pies. I don't like Barry's politics. I don't like the company he keeps and I especially don't like his Attorney General. I'm not going to sit around the campfire and hold hands and sing "Kum ba ya" with a bunch of people who I absolutely am POSITIVE doesn't have a clue whats right for this nation. As a matter of fact, I am going to FIGHT them tooth and nail and I have given my two cents to my elected representatives that they are to FILLIBUSTER and STALL this man into being inconsequential. To me, government is the PROBLEM. It's too big, too expensive, too intrusive, and too damned ignorant.

In my eyes, this is NO LESS than a fight for this nation. We'll either come out the other side looking like a second rate European socialist nation OR we will come out the other side battered, but able to return to the EXCEPTIONAL nation that we are. This is a fight partner. I'm prepared to go the 12 rounds necessary...
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With this kind of attention, I have a feeling that Hank Jr. is going to get a positive bump in his music sales.
We shall see, but I suspect you are right.

Funny how it didn't work that way with the Dixie Chicks. It's good to know one's demographic when in the music business, I suppose. ;)
Maybe Rush Limbaugh could help Hank out. Perhaps he needs a new opening song for his show.

Then Rush could brag that he's a job creator.

I even have an idea for a song. Actually, Hank just needs to rework the lyrics of the song he used for MNF.

It would go something like this:
"Are you ready for some BULLSHIT?"

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