Hank Williams Jr, oops

Apparently Sawah conveniently forgets how the right vilified the Dixie Chicks...

Sarah Palin: Hank Williams Jr. Controversy Is An Illustration Of 'Hypocrisy On The Left'

You partisan hack you have that friom both sides The left vilifies palin and the tea party the right vilifies the left. Thats how it works

I guess you failed to grasp the point...

Was Hank in a foreign country insulting the POTUS?
No point....just a lame attempt.

And, FTR, I'd vilify anyone that went to France, i.e., and insulted Obama.

On topic of the OP;
Has anyone stopped and thought that maybe Hank was comparing Boehner to Hitler?
He never specified who was who....

You partisan hack you have that friom both sides The left vilifies palin and the tea party the right vilifies the left. Thats how it works

I guess you failed to grasp the point...

Was Hank in a foreign country insulting the POTUS?
No point....just a lame attempt.

And, FTR, I'd vilify anyone that went to France, i.e., and insulted Obama.

On topic of the OP;
Has anyone stopped and thought that maybe Hank was comparing Boehner to Hitler?
He never specified who was who....


Deranged Popeye, it's a freedom of speech thingy...
I guess you failed to grasp the point...

Was Hank in a foreign country insulting the POTUS?
No point....just a lame attempt.

And, FTR, I'd vilify anyone that went to France, i.e., and insulted Obama.

On topic of the OP;
Has anyone stopped and thought that maybe Hank was comparing Boehner to Hitler?
He never specified who was who....


Deranged Popeye, it's a freedom of speech thingy...

But there's still a level of respect for the office of the POTUS, regardless of party, when being an ambassador in a foreign country
That's what has me puzzled. Cause if he wasn't comparing Boehner to Hitler, he was comparing him to Stalin, which is even worse in my book.
So is that the consensus? Say what you want, and then they'll do what they want? I don't know. It hardly seems fair.

It hardly seems fair?

It's not fair for a private company to fire someone for something that they don't agree with?

That is irrelevant because the customer is always right[/SIZE] and until you understand that concept you will continue to wonder if I could be making more money.
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You know, I still haven't seen the interview with Hank. Not sure if he compared Obama to Hitler (if you think I'm going to take YOUR WORD for it, you're nuttier than I already think). But I can guarantee you one thing, Hank WILL sell more records and he'll be in bigger demand in fly over country. He hasn't sold a great amount of records in a long time, but some of his songs are more or less "anthems" for those you would dismiss as "rednecks" or "hillbillys".

The Dixie Chicks were big until Maines openned her mouth. They won grammy's and they sold records, but NOT to country audiences. They were DONE here. And yes, the BIG difference is that she was STANDING on English soil bad-mouthing the President. I have to chuckle that there's only a couple folks on this board who so far, "get it." That's okay, you're not supposed to "get it" either and it's not my job to explain it to you. It's a way of life and an attitude that is completely foreign to someone who has NEVER experienced it or who, by their choice, left because they couldn't "get it." If you've ever been to a party in the middle of a hay field between some pump jacks, with a keg laying in the bed of truck, you just might "get it." Or if you've ever ate Sunday dinner outside on doors layed across some saw horses, you might "get it". If you've ever gotten up at 3:00AM to sit in a deer stand while its 20 degrees and the wind is blowing 50 miles an hour, you might "get it." I wouldn't trade my "hillbilly" or "redneck" life for any or either coast.

For those of you who really want to pin this on racism, you're just as ignorant as you can be... The more you cry racism, the more it gets to the point of yawning. You're in danger of making that a badge of honor for those who oppose the President's policies. You've already called Bill Clinton a racist, Carville was a racist, and everyone else who opposes Barry as well. Move on people, there's nothing to see here...

You don't have to take my word for it...google it. It's all over the place and only takes about 30 seconds to watch.

The Dixie Chicks had tremendous success AND a Grammy AFTER they said they were ashamed President Bush is from Texas. Would you like to place wagers on the likelihood of HWJr getting one?

I certainly never accused HWJr of racism and I don't think his comment was racist. Stupid, but not racist.
I'd be tempted to believe what the rightwingers are claiming, that he wasn't calling Obama Hitler, except for the fact that he went on to explain to F&F that Obama and Biden were the enemy.

He came across like a drunken ugly fool.
Is it the way you type that comes across drunkish..else if continue to type incoherent like a turdgraderish?

If cont'd to type turdgraderish otherwise rinse and repeat with your friends to collect your thoughts.
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I guess you failed to grasp the point...

Was Hank in a foreign country insulting the POTUS?
No point....just a lame attempt.

And, FTR, I'd vilify anyone that went to France, i.e., and insulted Obama.

On topic of the OP;
Has anyone stopped and thought that maybe Hank was comparing Boehner to Hitler?
He never specified who was who....


Deranged Popeye, it's a freedom of speech thingy...

You're still a partisan political hack. true story:thup::lmao:
That's what has me puzzled. Cause if he wasn't comparing Boehner to Hitler, he was comparing him to Stalin, which is even worse in my book.

You're puzzled over the wrong thing stalin was never mentioned

"it would be like Hitler playing golf with [Israeli leader] Benjamin Netanyahu.”
But there's still a level of respect for the office of the POTUS, regardless of party, when being an ambassador in a foreign country

And ESPN feels that their ambassador should also be showing a level of respect for the office of the POTUS on national television (that is seen worldwide).

Perhaps if critics of the President would concentrate on what they dislike about his policies and offer common sense solutions, they wouldn't have to worry about losing their ambassadorships.

(And that goes for the public critics of any president. Leave the mud slinging to places like this and people like us)
Why do so many misunderstand this? No one has the right to say whatever they want, wherever they want and to whomever they want. Example: Tell your boss what you think of him, which would be exercising free speech, and see where that gets you.

Freedom of speech protects us against government censure; it doesn't extend to every situation in which we are involved. The government cannot censure speech, but the public certainly can and does.
But there's still a level of respect for the office of the POTUS, regardless of party, when being an ambassador in a foreign country

And ESPN feels that their ambassador should also be showing a level of respect for the office of the POTUS on national television (that is seen worldwide).

Perhaps if critics of the President would concentrate on what they dislike about his policies and offer common sense solutions, they wouldn't have to worry about losing their ambassadorships.

(And that goes for the public critics of any president. Leave the mud slinging to places like this and people like us)

I don't take issue with ESPN cutting his bit.
Private company can do what it wants.

I hate Bosephus, personally. He's an arrogant asshole and attention whore.
Nobody asked him for his political commentary.
He's been irrelevant for some time now.

Hank Williams over-reacted and so did ESPN. The Hitler smear was stupid but banning his song was just as stupid. We do live in a free country and Hitler smears are unfortunately pretty common. It's how some choose to express their dislike for someone. I never liked that stuff. ESPN should bring the song back at some point. This whole thing really was a non-issue.
Looks like he's really goin all-in now. He praises Whoopi & Joy Behar :D

Hank Williams Jr. lashes out at media
One week after Hank Williams Jr. made controversial comments about President Obama – and incident that led ESPN to drop his “Monday Night Football” anthem – the singer is lashing out at the media in a new song. TODAY’s Savannah Guthrie reports.
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The Left/Democrats have labelled every Republican President in my lifetime 'Hitler.' Anyone other than a fellow Democrat is Hitler to them. And they are much more hateful and direct when using the Hitler smear. Williams implied it but it wasn't as direct as i've seen many times from the Left/Democrats. So i don't get all this supposed outrage from the MSM. It seems very disingenuous to me. The whole issue is pretty stupid though. Stop calling everyone Hitler for God's sake. It just makes you look stupid.

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