Hannity advises witnesses in Mueller probe smash their phones 'to little itsy bitsy pieces'

Why the hell not? The Hillary email "investigation" established the principle that destroying cell phones and wiping disk drives clean is perfectly acceptable to the FBI. Watch the snowflakes demand that Hannity be arrested for these comments.

Fox News host Sean Hannity appeared on Wednesday to advise witnesses in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation to destroy their personal phones before handing them over to prosecutors.

"If I advised them to follow Hillary Clinton’s lead, delete all your emails and then acid-wash your emails and hard drives on the phones, then take your phones and bash them with a hammer to little itsy bitsy pieces, use BleachBit, remove the sim cards and then take the pieces and hand them over to Robert Mueller," Hannity said on air.

The conservative television host's comments came after CNBC reported that Mueller's team had asked witnesses in its probe to turn over their personal phones for examination of encrypted messaging apps, like WhatsApp and Signal.

The reported request followed a court filing from Mueller's team accusing former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of attempted witness tampering, in part using encrypted messaging apps.


I think Mueller has already interviewed them all, and if there were things he wanted off their cell phones he's probably already got it.

But Sean Hannity could actually be charged with "witness tampering & Obstruction of Justice; with his suggestion. But I think he's too stupid to realise that.


The bombastic diatribe against the so-called GOP establishment was nothing new from Hannity. For years, he had cast himself as an outside crusader defending conservative values and principles from a liberal president and, even worse, cowardly Republicans who would allegedly bow to that president's demands.

But in 2016, the criticism from Hannity and a vocal faction of the conservative news media reached a fever pitch. The occasional needling of Republicans morphed into full-blown, searing criticism. Even figures like Ryan and Cruz, considered by most to have iron-clad conservative credentials, were no longer safe.

"The analogy that I think of is somebody who has a baby alligator in their bathtub and they keep feeding it and taking care of it," said Charlie Sykes, a popular conservative talk show host in Wisconsin. "And it's really cute when it's a baby alligator — until it becomes a grown-up alligator and comes out and starts biting you."

Ratings may have also played a role, according to conservative talkers who refused to jump aboard the Trump train.
Hannity in particular has faced criticism from some colleagues in the conservative-media sphere who allege he has been too cozy with Trump. Ziegler, the conservative radio host, said there's "there's no question" a "monetary element" drove coverage overall.

"Hannity is desperate for every ratings crumb on the Fox News Channel. ... It's all about ratings," he said. "Hannity is not particularly talented, he's not a smart guy — he used to just be a Republican talking points talk show host who happened to be in the right place at the right time. So he's very vulnerable at any time. He's not entertaining, so he constantly has to make sure his ratings are at the top of the Fox News primetime schedule. So when he started doing Trump material and his ratings go up, he benefited."

'Those who institute the Trump-boosting wing of conservative media boldly defend their coverage and say their critics have them all wrong. Hannity fired back at Ziegler for suggesting his support of Trump was a ploy to score higher ratings.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media


A great article you right wingers should spend the next 20 minutes actually reading.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Then if you can get through that 20 minute session, maybe you should try a book.


Very well written, easy to follow, hard to put down

This book will prepare you for the open, public hearings & testimony that will begin in January, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress. Then the impeachment proceedings will start.

It's coming.
Blue wave coming this November 2018
Democrats don't do impeachments. And Trump is too dumb to be involved anyway. It's his scumbag lawyers d u h...
That too is subject to change. There may be a grand jury convened after the IG report comes out. It will be funny watching heads explode if that happens.

Very Trumpian in your equivocation. "There may be" and then again there may not. Either way, the victim card gets played

Equivocation is necessary now days, there's no longer any assurance that pure unbiased justice will be pursued against the politically powerful and the politically connected. The last 6 years have proven that.

Equivocation is not an admirable quality in any individual, especially a president. You may need to go back and look up the term

Funny, I didn't know we were talking about the President, I thought we were talking about me. BTW I know what the term means. I'm also aware the FBI had a slam dunk case against the bitch and most likely half her inner circle. What did they get, immunity, no subpoenas, no grand jury and no charges. A very unique investigation indeed.

Now we have the FBI and intel agencies playing word games. Trump accused them on spying on his campaign. First they responded with, no we didn't spy on the campaign, period. Now they have quietly change the narrative to, no spies were embedded in the campaign. In reality they were probing members of the campaign as early as May 2015 with no probable cause and no predicate for an investigation, the investigation didn't start till July.

Riddle me this newbie, why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities and didn't warn the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference?

You people are out of your minds. There is no conspiracy in our justice system. You dupes will believe Anything at this point very scary. Hillary and Bill know everything they do will be investigated. You believe so much nonsense.

You having that opinion just makes me more sure I'm correct, you never get anything right. LMAO

Funny, I didn't know we were talking about the President, I thought we were talking about me. BTW I know what the term means. I'm also aware the FBI had a slam dunk case against the bitch and most likely half her inner circle. What did they get, immunity, no subpoenas, no grand jury and no charges. A very unique investigation indeed.

Now we have the FBI and intel agencies playing word games. Trump accused them on spying on his campaign. First they responded with, no we didn't spy on the campaign, period. Now they have quietly change the narrative to, no spies were embedded in the campaign. In reality they were probing members of the campaign as early as May 2015 with no probable cause and no predicate for an investigation, the investigation didn't start till July.

Riddle me this newbie, why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities and didn't warn the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference?

you don't appear to be very serious. Trump himself was advocating people break in or share stolen emails.It looks like his campaign was trying to meet with people - Russians - who had something to do with it. But that is beside the point.

Two very separate issues, you attempt an equivalency with: Fail!

Why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities? I thought it was more than possibilities. It was a major political party, and not under suspicion of contacting Russian operatives in order to collude with interference.

Warning the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference? Why would they if the answer to the question below is a Yes.

It boils down to this question:
Did Trump campaign advisers have suspicious ties to Russia?

Short answer, NO, they were approached by intel spies and passed every single time. They used Carter Page as an excuse to start the investigation, tell me, what has he been charged with?

Did Trump campaign advisers have suspicious ties to Russia That is the question it all boils down to

Who was "approached by intel spies?" You appear to have a few facts wrong. and I have no idea what Carter will or will not be charged with and neither do you. Mueller has a team that is not leaking everything. The Steele issue was not unusual. No one was meeting with Russians trying to interfere with the election. The Russians wanted to hurt Hillary's campaign and help Trumps. And Trump on a national stage in front of a national media: “I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

Did Trump know about hacked Democratic emails before we did? Was Trump aware of plans for WikiLeaks to publish the emails before we did?

"This has to be the first time that a major presidential candidate has actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against his political opponent,” Hillary for America policy adviser Jake Sullivan said in a statement. "That’s not hyperbole, those are just the facts. This has gone from being a matter of curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security issue."
Why the hell not? The Hillary email "investigation" established the principle that destroying cell phones and wiping disk drives clean is perfectly acceptable to the FBI. Watch the snowflakes demand that Hannity be arrested for these comments.

Fox News host Sean Hannity appeared on Wednesday to advise witnesses in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation to destroy their personal phones before handing them over to prosecutors.

"If I advised them to follow Hillary Clinton’s lead, delete all your emails and then acid-wash your emails and hard drives on the phones, then take your phones and bash them with a hammer to little itsy bitsy pieces, use BleachBit, remove the sim cards and then take the pieces and hand them over to Robert Mueller," Hannity said on air.

The conservative television host's comments came after CNBC reported that Mueller's team had asked witnesses in its probe to turn over their personal phones for examination of encrypted messaging apps, like WhatsApp and Signal.

The reported request followed a court filing from Mueller's team accusing former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of attempted witness tampering, in part using encrypted messaging apps.


I think Mueller has already interviewed them all, and if there were things he wanted off their cell phones he's probably already got it.

But Sean Hannity could actually be charged with "witness tampering & Obstruction of Justice; with his suggestion. But I think he's too stupid to realise that.


The bombastic diatribe against the so-called GOP establishment was nothing new from Hannity. For years, he had cast himself as an outside crusader defending conservative values and principles from a liberal president and, even worse, cowardly Republicans who would allegedly bow to that president's demands.

But in 2016, the criticism from Hannity and a vocal faction of the conservative news media reached a fever pitch. The occasional needling of Republicans morphed into full-blown, searing criticism. Even figures like Ryan and Cruz, considered by most to have iron-clad conservative credentials, were no longer safe.

"The analogy that I think of is somebody who has a baby alligator in their bathtub and they keep feeding it and taking care of it," said Charlie Sykes, a popular conservative talk show host in Wisconsin. "And it's really cute when it's a baby alligator — until it becomes a grown-up alligator and comes out and starts biting you."

Ratings may have also played a role, according to conservative talkers who refused to jump aboard the Trump train.
Hannity in particular has faced criticism from some colleagues in the conservative-media sphere who allege he has been too cozy with Trump. Ziegler, the conservative radio host, said there's "there's no question" a "monetary element" drove coverage overall.

"Hannity is desperate for every ratings crumb on the Fox News Channel. ... It's all about ratings," he said. "Hannity is not particularly talented, he's not a smart guy — he used to just be a Republican talking points talk show host who happened to be in the right place at the right time. So he's very vulnerable at any time. He's not entertaining, so he constantly has to make sure his ratings are at the top of the Fox News primetime schedule. So when he started doing Trump material and his ratings go up, he benefited."

'Those who institute the Trump-boosting wing of conservative media boldly defend their coverage and say their critics have them all wrong. Hannity fired back at Ziegler for suggesting his support of Trump was a ploy to score higher ratings.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media


A great article you right wingers should spend the next 20 minutes actually reading.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Then if you can get through that 20 minute session, maybe you should try a book.


Very well written, easy to follow, hard to put down

This book will prepare you for the open, public hearings & testimony that will begin in January, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress. Then the impeachment proceedings will start.

It's coming.
Blue wave coming this November 2018
Fox and the rest of the propaganda machine and Trump are very happy together. Some wishful thinking from 2016...
Democrats don't do impeachments. And Trump is too dumb to be involved anyway. It's his scumbag lawyers d u h...

Reminded me of Nancy Pelosi in 2006, when Democrats swept into the majority. She told the Left that impeachment was off the table
Very Trumpian in your equivocation. "There may be" and then again there may not. Either way, the victim card gets played

Equivocation is necessary now days, there's no longer any assurance that pure unbiased justice will be pursued against the politically powerful and the politically connected. The last 6 years have proven that.

Equivocation is not an admirable quality in any individual, especially a president. You may need to go back and look up the term

Funny, I didn't know we were talking about the President, I thought we were talking about me. BTW I know what the term means. I'm also aware the FBI had a slam dunk case against the bitch and most likely half her inner circle. What did they get, immunity, no subpoenas, no grand jury and no charges. A very unique investigation indeed.

Now we have the FBI and intel agencies playing word games. Trump accused them on spying on his campaign. First they responded with, no we didn't spy on the campaign, period. Now they have quietly change the narrative to, no spies were embedded in the campaign. In reality they were probing members of the campaign as early as May 2015 with no probable cause and no predicate for an investigation, the investigation didn't start till July.

Riddle me this newbie, why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities and didn't warn the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference?

You people are out of your minds. There is no conspiracy in our justice system. You dupes will believe Anything at this point very scary. Hillary and Bill know everything they do will be investigated. You believe so much nonsense.

You having that opinion just makes me more sure I'm correct, you never get anything right. LMAO

Hilariously ironic, super duper. So there's a conspiracy of FBI agents protecting Hillary and Obama and everyone else LOL? All the Republicans know because two agents in love bullshitted on emails because they thought Hillary would be elected like everyone else did.... Amazing what propagandists can make ignoramuses believe isn't it?
Funny, I didn't know we were talking about the President, I thought we were talking about me. BTW I know what the term means. I'm also aware the FBI had a slam dunk case against the bitch and most likely half her inner circle. What did they get, immunity, no subpoenas, no grand jury and no charges. A very unique investigation indeed.

Now we have the FBI and intel agencies playing word games. Trump accused them on spying on his campaign. First they responded with, no we didn't spy on the campaign, period. Now they have quietly change the narrative to, no spies were embedded in the campaign. In reality they were probing members of the campaign as early as May 2015 with no probable cause and no predicate for an investigation, the investigation didn't start till July.

Riddle me this newbie, why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities and didn't warn the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference?

you don't appear to be very serious. Trump himself was advocating people break in or share stolen emails.It looks like his campaign was trying to meet with people - Russians - who had something to do with it. But that is beside the point.

Two very separate issues, you attempt an equivalency with: Fail!

Why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities? I thought it was more than possibilities. It was a major political party, and not under suspicion of contacting Russian operatives in order to collude with interference.

Warning the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference? Why would they if the answer to the question below is a Yes.

It boils down to this question:
Did Trump campaign advisers have suspicious ties to Russia?

Is that a trick question--:auiqs.jpg:

On this 1st link, you can read one article watch 2 FOX NEWS video's and another video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.
Go to this link then scroll down to post # 56
It’s Russia, Russia, Russia

For other links on this board.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.
Carter Page-Trump campaign adviser-testifies he met with Russian government officials in July 2016.

Most damaging evidence of Russian collusion with Trump campaign released today
Do Russian oligarchs own Trump and his empire?
Mueller already has collusion & obstruction of justice--he's going after this Trump russian mob now.

Really, if you haven't been paying attention, or just hanging out on FOX NEWS no news, the Sean Hannity conspiracies galore show. You can read a book that follows all other media source reporting over the last year. This book will get you somewhat up to date as to what has actually gone on.


Very well written, easy to follow, hard to put down.
Top seller on Amazon

Last edited:
Why the hell not? The Hillary email "investigation" established the principle that destroying cell phones and wiping disk drives clean is perfectly acceptable to the FBI. Watch the snowflakes demand that Hannity be arrested for these comments.

Fox News host Sean Hannity appeared on Wednesday to advise witnesses in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation to destroy their personal phones before handing them over to prosecutors.

"If I advised them to follow Hillary Clinton’s lead, delete all your emails and then acid-wash your emails and hard drives on the phones, then take your phones and bash them with a hammer to little itsy bitsy pieces, use BleachBit, remove the sim cards and then take the pieces and hand them over to Robert Mueller," Hannity said on air.

The conservative television host's comments came after CNBC reported that Mueller's team had asked witnesses in its probe to turn over their personal phones for examination of encrypted messaging apps, like WhatsApp and Signal.

The reported request followed a court filing from Mueller's team accusing former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of attempted witness tampering, in part using encrypted messaging apps.


I think Mueller has already interviewed them all, and if there were things he wanted off their cell phones he's probably already got it.

But Sean Hannity could actually be charged with "witness tampering & Obstruction of Justice; with his suggestion. But I think he's too stupid to realise that.


The bombastic diatribe against the so-called GOP establishment was nothing new from Hannity. For years, he had cast himself as an outside crusader defending conservative values and principles from a liberal president and, even worse, cowardly Republicans who would allegedly bow to that president's demands.

But in 2016, the criticism from Hannity and a vocal faction of the conservative news media reached a fever pitch. The occasional needling of Republicans morphed into full-blown, searing criticism. Even figures like Ryan and Cruz, considered by most to have iron-clad conservative credentials, were no longer safe.

"The analogy that I think of is somebody who has a baby alligator in their bathtub and they keep feeding it and taking care of it," said Charlie Sykes, a popular conservative talk show host in Wisconsin. "And it's really cute when it's a baby alligator — until it becomes a grown-up alligator and comes out and starts biting you."

Ratings may have also played a role, according to conservative talkers who refused to jump aboard the Trump train.
Hannity in particular has faced criticism from some colleagues in the conservative-media sphere who allege he has been too cozy with Trump. Ziegler, the conservative radio host, said there's "there's no question" a "monetary element" drove coverage overall.

"Hannity is desperate for every ratings crumb on the Fox News Channel. ... It's all about ratings," he said. "Hannity is not particularly talented, he's not a smart guy — he used to just be a Republican talking points talk show host who happened to be in the right place at the right time. So he's very vulnerable at any time. He's not entertaining, so he constantly has to make sure his ratings are at the top of the Fox News primetime schedule. So when he started doing Trump material and his ratings go up, he benefited."

'Those who institute the Trump-boosting wing of conservative media boldly defend their coverage and say their critics have them all wrong. Hannity fired back at Ziegler for suggesting his support of Trump was a ploy to score higher ratings.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media


A great article you right wingers should spend the next 20 minutes actually reading.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Then if you can get through that 20 minute session, maybe you should try a book.


Very well written, easy to follow, hard to put down

This book will prepare you for the open, public hearings & testimony that will begin in January, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress. Then the impeachment proceedings will start.

It's coming.
Blue wave coming this November 2018
I'd love to see Herr Mewler try that.
That too is subject to change. There may be a grand jury convened after the IG report comes out. It will be funny watching heads explode if that happens.

Very Trumpian in your equivocation. "There may be" and then again there may not. Either way, the victim card gets played

Equivocation is necessary now days, there's no longer any assurance that pure unbiased justice will be pursued against the politically powerful and the politically connected. The last 6 years have proven that.

Equivocation is not an admirable quality in any individual, especially a president. You may need to go back and look up the term

Funny, I didn't know we were talking about the President, I thought we were talking about me. BTW I know what the term means. I'm also aware the FBI had a slam dunk case against the bitch and most likely half her inner circle. What did they get, immunity, no subpoenas, no grand jury and no charges. A very unique investigation indeed.

Now we have the FBI and intel agencies playing word games. Trump accused them on spying on his campaign. First they responded with, no we didn't spy on the campaign, period. Now they have quietly change the narrative to, no spies were embedded in the campaign. In reality they were probing members of the campaign as early as May 2015 with no probable cause and no predicate for an investigation, the investigation didn't start till July.

Riddle me this newbie, why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities and didn't warn the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference?

You people are out of your minds. There is no conspiracy in our justice system. You dupes will believe Anything at this point very scary. Hillary and Bill know everything they do will be investigated. You believe so much nonsense.

There obviously. The rats are all backpeddling and trying to jump ship.
the Hillary team did not smash their phones when under investigation.

they destroyed them when they upgraded and got new phones, not to keep investigators from getting them.


Hannity is advising them to break the law. What a crooked jerk!

What criminal act would they be trying to hide by smashing them?

From my understanding, many of the witnesses are cooperating and going through their phones with them....to save them time and help them recollect correctly.

If suggesting or advising them to break the law, what does that say about someone that actually destroys their phone.
you missed the point....

the Hillary team was not under investigation when they smashed their phones, therefore they did not commit obstruction of justice by obstructing an official investigation.

Hannity, advised witnesses in an official investigation whose phones were subpoenaed by the grand jury as evidence, to destroy this evidence....which is a crime.
It is a crime, but will he be prosecuted?
Why the hell not? The Hillary email "investigation" established the principle that destroying cell phones and wiping disk drives clean is perfectly acceptable to the FBI. Watch the snowflakes demand that Hannity be arrested for these comments.

Fox News host Sean Hannity appeared on Wednesday to advise witnesses in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation to destroy their personal phones before handing them over to prosecutors.

"If I advised them to follow Hillary Clinton’s lead, delete all your emails and then acid-wash your emails and hard drives on the phones, then take your phones and bash them with a hammer to little itsy bitsy pieces, use BleachBit, remove the sim cards and then take the pieces and hand them over to Robert Mueller," Hannity said on air.

The conservative television host's comments came after CNBC reported that Mueller's team had asked witnesses in its probe to turn over their personal phones for examination of encrypted messaging apps, like WhatsApp and Signal.

The reported request followed a court filing from Mueller's team accusing former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of attempted witness tampering, in part using encrypted messaging apps.


I think Mueller has already interviewed them all, and if there were things he wanted off their cell phones he's probably already got it.

But Sean Hannity could actually be charged with "witness tampering & Obstruction of Justice; with his suggestion. But I think he's too stupid to realise that.


The bombastic diatribe against the so-called GOP establishment was nothing new from Hannity. For years, he had cast himself as an outside crusader defending conservative values and principles from a liberal president and, even worse, cowardly Republicans who would allegedly bow to that president's demands.

But in 2016, the criticism from Hannity and a vocal faction of the conservative news media reached a fever pitch. The occasional needling of Republicans morphed into full-blown, searing criticism. Even figures like Ryan and Cruz, considered by most to have iron-clad conservative credentials, were no longer safe.

"The analogy that I think of is somebody who has a baby alligator in their bathtub and they keep feeding it and taking care of it," said Charlie Sykes, a popular conservative talk show host in Wisconsin. "And it's really cute when it's a baby alligator — until it becomes a grown-up alligator and comes out and starts biting you."

Ratings may have also played a role, according to conservative talkers who refused to jump aboard the Trump train.
Hannity in particular has faced criticism from some colleagues in the conservative-media sphere who allege he has been too cozy with Trump. Ziegler, the conservative radio host, said there's "there's no question" a "monetary element" drove coverage overall.

"Hannity is desperate for every ratings crumb on the Fox News Channel. ... It's all about ratings," he said. "Hannity is not particularly talented, he's not a smart guy — he used to just be a Republican talking points talk show host who happened to be in the right place at the right time. So he's very vulnerable at any time. He's not entertaining, so he constantly has to make sure his ratings are at the top of the Fox News primetime schedule. So when he started doing Trump material and his ratings go up, he benefited."

'Those who institute the Trump-boosting wing of conservative media boldly defend their coverage and say their critics have them all wrong. Hannity fired back at Ziegler for suggesting his support of Trump was a ploy to score higher ratings.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media


A great article you right wingers should spend the next 20 minutes actually reading.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Then if you can get through that 20 minute session, maybe you should try a book.


Very well written, easy to follow, hard to put down

This book will prepare you for the open, public hearings & testimony that will begin in January, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress. Then the impeachment proceedings will start.

It's coming.
Blue wave coming this November 2018
Democrats don't do impeachments. And Trump is too dumb to be involved anyway. It's his scumbag lawyers d u h...

Really? Democrats won't do impeachements?
Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me
Republicans warn Trump could be impeached if Democrats win the midterm elections

There's nothing like admitting guilt in those two statements--:auiqs.jpg:


If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless talks about emails it's not hard to imagine what these two (one or both) will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies, when one or both are seated as majority leader on January 20, 2019.
Why the hell not? The Hillary email "investigation" established the principle that destroying cell phones and wiping disk drives clean is perfectly acceptable to the FBI. Watch the snowflakes demand that Hannity be arrested for these comments.

Fox News host Sean Hannity appeared on Wednesday to advise witnesses in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation to destroy their personal phones before handing them over to prosecutors.

"If I advised them to follow Hillary Clinton’s lead, delete all your emails and then acid-wash your emails and hard drives on the phones, then take your phones and bash them with a hammer to little itsy bitsy pieces, use BleachBit, remove the sim cards and then take the pieces and hand them over to Robert Mueller," Hannity said on air.

The conservative television host's comments came after CNBC reported that Mueller's team had asked witnesses in its probe to turn over their personal phones for examination of encrypted messaging apps, like WhatsApp and Signal.

The reported request followed a court filing from Mueller's team accusing former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of attempted witness tampering, in part using encrypted messaging apps.


I think Mueller has already interviewed them all, and if there were things he wanted off their cell phones he's probably already got it.

But Sean Hannity could actually be charged with "witness tampering & Obstruction of Justice; with his suggestion. But I think he's too stupid to realise that.


The bombastic diatribe against the so-called GOP establishment was nothing new from Hannity. For years, he had cast himself as an outside crusader defending conservative values and principles from a liberal president and, even worse, cowardly Republicans who would allegedly bow to that president's demands.

But in 2016, the criticism from Hannity and a vocal faction of the conservative news media reached a fever pitch. The occasional needling of Republicans morphed into full-blown, searing criticism. Even figures like Ryan and Cruz, considered by most to have iron-clad conservative credentials, were no longer safe.

"The analogy that I think of is somebody who has a baby alligator in their bathtub and they keep feeding it and taking care of it," said Charlie Sykes, a popular conservative talk show host in Wisconsin. "And it's really cute when it's a baby alligator — until it becomes a grown-up alligator and comes out and starts biting you."

Ratings may have also played a role, according to conservative talkers who refused to jump aboard the Trump train.
Hannity in particular has faced criticism from some colleagues in the conservative-media sphere who allege he has been too cozy with Trump. Ziegler, the conservative radio host, said there's "there's no question" a "monetary element" drove coverage overall.

"Hannity is desperate for every ratings crumb on the Fox News Channel. ... It's all about ratings," he said. "Hannity is not particularly talented, he's not a smart guy — he used to just be a Republican talking points talk show host who happened to be in the right place at the right time. So he's very vulnerable at any time. He's not entertaining, so he constantly has to make sure his ratings are at the top of the Fox News primetime schedule. So when he started doing Trump material and his ratings go up, he benefited."

'Those who institute the Trump-boosting wing of conservative media boldly defend their coverage and say their critics have them all wrong. Hannity fired back at Ziegler for suggesting his support of Trump was a ploy to score higher ratings.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media


A great article you right wingers should spend the next 20 minutes actually reading.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Then if you can get through that 20 minute session, maybe you should try a book.


Very well written, easy to follow, hard to put down

This book will prepare you for the open, public hearings & testimony that will begin in January, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress. Then the impeachment proceedings will start.

It's coming.
Blue wave coming this November 2018
I'd love to see Herr Mewler try that.

I don't think Hannity is going to get arrested for it, because Mueller already has everything he needs. I am saying that Hannity is too dam stupid to not know that he "could" have been charged with witness tampering and obstruction of justice for making that comment. That's how freaking dumb he is.


Lawsuit: Fox News concocted Seth Rich story with oversight from White House
Funny, I didn't know we were talking about the President, I thought we were talking about me. BTW I know what the term means. I'm also aware the FBI had a slam dunk case against the bitch and most likely half her inner circle. What did they get, immunity, no subpoenas, no grand jury and no charges. A very unique investigation indeed.

Now we have the FBI and intel agencies playing word games. Trump accused them on spying on his campaign. First they responded with, no we didn't spy on the campaign, period. Now they have quietly change the narrative to, no spies were embedded in the campaign. In reality they were probing members of the campaign as early as May 2015 with no probable cause and no predicate for an investigation, the investigation didn't start till July.

Riddle me this newbie, why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities and didn't warn the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference?

you don't appear to be very serious. Trump himself was advocating people break in or share stolen emails.It looks like his campaign was trying to meet with people - Russians - who had something to do with it. But that is beside the point.

Two very separate issues, you attempt an equivalency with: Fail!

Why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities? I thought it was more than possibilities. It was a major political party, and not under suspicion of contacting Russian operatives in order to collude with interference.

Warning the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference? Why would they if the answer to the question below is a Yes.

It boils down to this question:
Did Trump campaign advisers have suspicious ties to Russia?

Short answer, NO, they were approached by intel spies and passed every single time. They used Carter Page as an excuse to start the investigation, tell me, what has he been charged with?

Did Trump campaign advisers have suspicious ties to Russia That is the question it all boils down to

Who was "approached by intel spies?" You appear to have a few facts wrong. and I have no idea what Carter will or will not be charged with and neither do you. Mueller has a team that is not leaking everything. The Steele issue was not unusual. No one was meeting with Russians trying to interfere with the election. The Russians wanted to hurt Hillary's campaign and help Trumps. And Trump on a national stage in front of a national media: “I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

Did Trump know about hacked Democratic emails before we did? Was Trump aware of plans for WikiLeaks to publish the emails before we did?

"This has to be the first time that a major presidential candidate has actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against his political opponent,” Hillary for America policy adviser Jake Sullivan said in a statement. "That’s not hyperbole, those are just the facts. This has gone from being a matter of curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security issue."

Daym your funny. When Trump made that statement about the bitches state dept emails, the whole freaking world knew the servers that once held those emails had been destroyed. Ya can't hack a server that has been wiped clean and was not connected to the internet.

Try reading this article and you'll see how one spy (Prof. Mifsud) fed information to Papadopoulos about emails and another spy (Prof. Halper) introduced him to the Australian Diplomat, who intern reported their conversation back to US intel to complete the circle. All instigated by US intel agencies, it was a set up form day one.

EXCLUSIVE: A London Meeting Before The Election Aroused George Papadopoulos’s Suspicions

Very Trumpian in your equivocation. "There may be" and then again there may not. Either way, the victim card gets played

Equivocation is necessary now days, there's no longer any assurance that pure unbiased justice will be pursued against the politically powerful and the politically connected. The last 6 years have proven that.

Equivocation is not an admirable quality in any individual, especially a president. You may need to go back and look up the term

Funny, I didn't know we were talking about the President, I thought we were talking about me. BTW I know what the term means. I'm also aware the FBI had a slam dunk case against the bitch and most likely half her inner circle. What did they get, immunity, no subpoenas, no grand jury and no charges. A very unique investigation indeed.

Now we have the FBI and intel agencies playing word games. Trump accused them on spying on his campaign. First they responded with, no we didn't spy on the campaign, period. Now they have quietly change the narrative to, no spies were embedded in the campaign. In reality they were probing members of the campaign as early as May 2015 with no probable cause and no predicate for an investigation, the investigation didn't start till July.

Riddle me this newbie, why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities and didn't warn the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference?

You people are out of your minds. There is no conspiracy in our justice system. You dupes will believe Anything at this point very scary. Hillary and Bill know everything they do will be investigated. You believe so much nonsense.

There obviously. The rats are all backpeddling and trying to jump ship.
the Hillary team did not smash their phones when under investigation.

they destroyed them when they upgraded and got new phones, not to keep investigators from getting them.
what could possibly be crooked about that? so hannity needs to tell them to get upgrades and new phones first
I don't think Hannity is going to get arrested for it, because Mueller already has everything he needs.

Like what? :p

I am saying that Hannity... "could" have been charged with witness tampering and obstruction of justice for making that comment.

Wow, just wow. :cuckoo:

This is still America oreo despite Crooked Hillary and Butthurt Obama having weaponized the FBI and DOJ!

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the Hillary team did not smash their phones when under investigation.

they destroyed them when they upgraded and got new phones, not to keep investigators from getting them.


Hannity is advising them to break the law. What a crooked jerk!

What criminal act would they be trying to hide by smashing them?

From my understanding, many of the witnesses are cooperating and going through their phones with them....to save them time and help them recollect correctly.

If suggesting or advising them to break the law, what does that say about someone that actually destroys their phone.
you missed the point....

the Hillary team was not under investigation when they smashed their phones, therefore they did not commit obstruction of justice by obstructing an official investigation.

Hannity, advised witnesses in an official investigation whose phones were subpoenaed by the grand jury as evidence, to destroy this evidence....which is a crime.
It is a crime, but will he be prosecuted?
Why are you douchebags so concerned about Hannity when you didn't give a rat's ass about Hillary and her gang breaking the same exact law wholesale?
Why the hell not? The Hillary email "investigation" established the principle that destroying cell phones and wiping disk drives clean is perfectly acceptable to the FBI. Watch the snowflakes demand that Hannity be arrested for these comments.

Fox News host Sean Hannity appeared on Wednesday to advise witnesses in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation to destroy their personal phones before handing them over to prosecutors.

"If I advised them to follow Hillary Clinton’s lead, delete all your emails and then acid-wash your emails and hard drives on the phones, then take your phones and bash them with a hammer to little itsy bitsy pieces, use BleachBit, remove the sim cards and then take the pieces and hand them over to Robert Mueller," Hannity said on air.

The conservative television host's comments came after CNBC reported that Mueller's team had asked witnesses in its probe to turn over their personal phones for examination of encrypted messaging apps, like WhatsApp and Signal.

The reported request followed a court filing from Mueller's team accusing former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of attempted witness tampering, in part using encrypted messaging apps.


I think Mueller has already interviewed them all, and if there were things he wanted off their cell phones he's probably already got it.

But Sean Hannity could actually be charged with "witness tampering & Obstruction of Justice; with his suggestion. But I think he's too stupid to realise that.


The bombastic diatribe against the so-called GOP establishment was nothing new from Hannity. For years, he had cast himself as an outside crusader defending conservative values and principles from a liberal president and, even worse, cowardly Republicans who would allegedly bow to that president's demands.

But in 2016, the criticism from Hannity and a vocal faction of the conservative news media reached a fever pitch. The occasional needling of Republicans morphed into full-blown, searing criticism. Even figures like Ryan and Cruz, considered by most to have iron-clad conservative credentials, were no longer safe.

"The analogy that I think of is somebody who has a baby alligator in their bathtub and they keep feeding it and taking care of it," said Charlie Sykes, a popular conservative talk show host in Wisconsin. "And it's really cute when it's a baby alligator — until it becomes a grown-up alligator and comes out and starts biting you."

Ratings may have also played a role, according to conservative talkers who refused to jump aboard the Trump train.
Hannity in particular has faced criticism from some colleagues in the conservative-media sphere who allege he has been too cozy with Trump. Ziegler, the conservative radio host, said there's "there's no question" a "monetary element" drove coverage overall.

"Hannity is desperate for every ratings crumb on the Fox News Channel. ... It's all about ratings," he said. "Hannity is not particularly talented, he's not a smart guy — he used to just be a Republican talking points talk show host who happened to be in the right place at the right time. So he's very vulnerable at any time. He's not entertaining, so he constantly has to make sure his ratings are at the top of the Fox News primetime schedule. So when he started doing Trump material and his ratings go up, he benefited."

'Those who institute the Trump-boosting wing of conservative media boldly defend their coverage and say their critics have them all wrong. Hannity fired back at Ziegler for suggesting his support of Trump was a ploy to score higher ratings.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media


A great article you right wingers should spend the next 20 minutes actually reading.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Then if you can get through that 20 minute session, maybe you should try a book.


Very well written, easy to follow, hard to put down

This book will prepare you for the open, public hearings & testimony that will begin in January, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both houses of congress. Then the impeachment proceedings will start.

It's coming.
Blue wave coming this November 2018
Democrats don't do impeachments. And Trump is too dumb to be involved anyway. It's his scumbag lawyers d u h...

Really? Democrats won't do impeachements?
Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they'll impeach me
Republicans warn Trump could be impeached if Democrats win the midterm elections

There's nothing like admitting guilt in those two statements--:auiqs.jpg:


If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless talks about emails it's not hard to imagine what these two (one or both) will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies, when one or both are seated as majority leader on January 20, 2019.
They've never done anything like it, dupe. Were you born yesterday?

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