Hannity advises witnesses in Mueller probe smash their phones 'to little itsy bitsy pieces'

Why the hell not? The Hillary email "investigation" established the principle that destroying cell phones and wiping disk drives clean is perfectly acceptable to the FBI. Watch the snowflakes demand that Hannity be arrested for these comments.

Fox News host Sean Hannity appeared on Wednesday to advise witnesses in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation to destroy their personal phones before handing them over to prosecutors.

"If I advised them to follow Hillary Clinton’s lead, delete all your emails and then acid-wash your emails and hard drives on the phones, then take your phones and bash them with a hammer to little itsy bitsy pieces, use BleachBit, remove the sim cards and then take the pieces and hand them over to Robert Mueller," Hannity said on air.

The conservative television host's comments came after CNBC reported that Mueller's team had asked witnesses in its probe to turn over their personal phones for examination of encrypted messaging apps, like WhatsApp and Signal.

The reported request followed a court filing from Mueller's team accusing former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of attempted witness tampering, in part using encrypted messaging apps.

And I'd advise that fn pig Hannity to get a gun put it by his ear and blow his head off
Now, now, now. Let's not go around showing how we really feel about those who reveal the facts about the party apparatchiks.
one mention of Trump and/or his Cartel


prolly her fault when he gets his old ass sent packing in 2020 too ..
Why the hell not? The Hillary email "investigation" established the principle that destroying cell phones and wiping disk drives clean is perfectly acceptable to the FBI. Watch the snowflakes demand that Hannity be arrested for these comments.

Fox News host Sean Hannity appeared on Wednesday to advise witnesses in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation to destroy their personal phones before handing them over to prosecutors.

"If I advised them to follow Hillary Clinton’s lead, delete all your emails and then acid-wash your emails and hard drives on the phones, then take your phones and bash them with a hammer to little itsy bitsy pieces, use BleachBit, remove the sim cards and then take the pieces and hand them over to Robert Mueller," Hannity said on air.

The conservative television host's comments came after CNBC reported that Mueller's team had asked witnesses in its probe to turn over their personal phones for examination of encrypted messaging apps, like WhatsApp and Signal.

The reported request followed a court filing from Mueller's team accusing former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of attempted witness tampering, in part using encrypted messaging apps.

And I'd advise that fn pig Hannity to get a gun put it by his ear and blow his head off
Now, now, now. Let's not go around showing how we really feel about those who reveal the facts about the party apparatchiks.
Why ? You have a problem with that Hannity pos blowing himself away>>? He'd be doing the right thing
one mention of Trump and/or his Cartel


prolly her fault when he gets his old ass sent packing in 2020 too ..
well if the left didn't look away for 6+ years on her bullshit, you'd have more credibility on calling people out for crimes.
I'm happy Hannity said this. Now he can get in legal trouble and join his lawyer with federal changes. Thank god conservatives are idiots or we would be in trouble.
I'm happy Hannity said this. Now he can get in legal trouble and join his lawyer with federal changes. Thank god conservatives are idiots or we would be in trouble.
I'm certain he consulted his lawyers before he said it on the air.
one mention of Trump and/or his Cartel


prolly her fault when he gets his old ass sent packing in 2020 too ..
well if the left didn't look away for 6+ years on her bullshit, you'd have more credibility on calling people out for crimes.
And the right looked away for 8 years of GWB the worst to come along until this perverted SOS Trump
one mention of Trump and/or his Cartel


prolly her fault when he gets his old ass sent packing in 2020 too ..
well if the left didn't look away for 6+ years on her bullshit, you'd have more credibility on calling people out for crimes.

bla bla bla ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Why not, it worked for the bitch.

Which bitch ? The nude gold digger Melania?

Was she ever reported to have smashed phones and hard drives with a hammer like the hildabitch?

If she hadn't, you brainwashed functional idiots would be screaming about her carelessness and lack of security.

There are systems and protocols in place for that.

GSA Schedule & IT Asset Management Solutions

GSA Schedule
ATR holds a contract within the United States Federal Government under the General Services Administration (GSA). We qualify for categories 899 and 999 and our GSA Contract Number is GS-10F-134BA and our contract is good through April 2019. This contract is for on and off-site data destruction, IT Asset Management, and secure destruction of any Government equipment or assets.

Media Sanitation
ATR has all of the equipment and procedures to handle all media sanitation for any Government Agency. The shredding of data bearing devices is quickly becoming the standard for secure destruction. ATR has three (3) different shredding options, located in secure destruction facility, to ensure the physical destruction of your Hard Drives, Back-Up Tapes, Cell Phones, or any other asset that requires physical destruction. ATR also offers on-site data destruction services and allows our process to be witnessed by any customer and this eliminates any chain of custody issues that might arise. Our shredding options coupled with our processes ensures that we can shred down all types of data bearing devices to any size. Once the equipment has been shredded it is commingled with other shredded material and it is recycled within the United States.

GSA Schedule,Electronic Recycling,899/999,R2/ISO:14001,ITAR,Logistics

one mention of Trump and/or his Cartel


prolly her fault when he gets his old ass sent packing in 2020 too ..
well if the left didn't look away for 6+ years on her bullshit, you'd have more credibility on calling people out for crimes.

bla bla bla ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

That's all they have They're ashamed of their pos in the WH,so they bash obama hill and bill

Why not, it worked for the bitch.

Which bitch ? The nude gold digger Melania?

Was she ever reported to have smashed phones and hard drives with a hammer like the hildabitch?

If she hadn't, you brainwashed functional idiots would be screaming about her carelessness and lack of security.

There are systems and protocols in place for that.

GSA Schedule & IT Asset Management Solutions

GSA Schedule
ATR holds a contract within the United States Federal Government under the General Services Administration (GSA). We qualify for categories 899 and 999 and our GSA Contract Number is GS-10F-134BA and our contract is good through April 2019. This contract is for on and off-site data destruction, IT Asset Management, and secure destruction of any Government equipment or assets.

Media Sanitation
ATR has all of the equipment and procedures to handle all media sanitation for any Government Agency. The shredding of data bearing devices is quickly becoming the standard for secure destruction. ATR has three (3) different shredding options, located in secure destruction facility, to ensure the physical destruction of your Hard Drives, Back-Up Tapes, Cell Phones, or any other asset that requires physical destruction. ATR also offers on-site data destruction services and allows our process to be witnessed by any customer and this eliminates any chain of custody issues that might arise. Our shredding options coupled with our processes ensures that we can shred down all types of data bearing devices to any size. Once the equipment has been shredded it is commingled with other shredded material and it is recycled within the United States.

GSA Schedule,Electronic Recycling,899/999,R2/ISO:14001,ITAR,Logistics

Which no doubt is BS that happened after Hillary was Secretary of State. You brainwashed functional morons always start with the idea that Hillary was a criminal LOL. She was Secretary of State, not a criminal. Change the goddamn Channel, super super Dupe...

Why not, it worked for the bitch.

Which bitch ? The nude gold digger Melania?

Was she ever reported to have smashed phones and hard drives with a hammer like the hildabitch?

If she hadn't, you brainwashed functional idiots would be screaming about her carelessness and lack of security.

There are systems and protocols in place for that.

GSA Schedule & IT Asset Management Solutions

GSA Schedule
ATR holds a contract within the United States Federal Government under the General Services Administration (GSA). We qualify for categories 899 and 999 and our GSA Contract Number is GS-10F-134BA and our contract is good through April 2019. This contract is for on and off-site data destruction, IT Asset Management, and secure destruction of any Government equipment or assets.

Media Sanitation
ATR has all of the equipment and procedures to handle all media sanitation for any Government Agency. The shredding of data bearing devices is quickly becoming the standard for secure destruction. ATR has three (3) different shredding options, located in secure destruction facility, to ensure the physical destruction of your Hard Drives, Back-Up Tapes, Cell Phones, or any other asset that requires physical destruction. ATR also offers on-site data destruction services and allows our process to be witnessed by any customer and this eliminates any chain of custody issues that might arise. Our shredding options coupled with our processes ensures that we can shred down all types of data bearing devices to any size. Once the equipment has been shredded it is commingled with other shredded material and it is recycled within the United States.

GSA Schedule,Electronic Recycling,899/999,R2/ISO:14001,ITAR,Logistics

Which no doubt is BS that happened after Hillary was Secretary of State. You brainwashed functional morons always start with the idea that Hillary was a criminal LOL. She was Secretary of State, not a criminal. Change the goddamn Channel, super super Dupe...

All that lip flapping, zero proof, wasn't she still SOS in 2012?

the Hillary team did not smash their phones when under investigation.

they destroyed them when they upgraded and got new phones, not to keep investigators from getting them.


Hannity is advising them to break the law. What a crooked jerk!

What criminal act would they be trying to hide by smashing them?

From my understanding, many of the witnesses are cooperating and going through their phones with them....to save them time and help them recollect correctly.

It's perfectly normal to get phone upgrade just before you got asked to hand them out as evidence.

Just as it's perfectly normal to delete emails, wipe out the server, bleach bit it professionally, under subpoena, before you hand it out to investigators. You have to do that to protect government from possible viruses and malware...

And answer to your question "What criminal act would they be trying to hide by smashing them?" is... Every criminal act they committed. Why to smash phones if there was no criminal act and nothing to hide?
They are very DENIABLE. They were destroyed before the FBI asked for them.

YOUR claim - prove it.
no, YOU CLAIMED they smashed them AFTER they were subpoenaed, didn't you?

I have already proven Hillary and her team broke numerous laws, to include Obstruction, by deleting records and attempting to BleachBit her server AFTER she was presented with a subpoena demanding she turn over EVERYTHING, not just what she felt like handing over.

Her aides did admit to destroying phones and devices and removing sim cards (which were never turned in) AFTER the subpoena. They also added, however, that they frequently BROKE THE LAW by smashing their devices and replacing them with new phones and devices....that is to say they admitted to destruction of government property and illegally destroying classified against the established rules, regulations, and laws.

Flashback: Clinton’s Conflicting Story To The FBI & American People

(I find it especially amusing how you regularly spew your opinion as fact only to have me repeatedly prove your opinion is NOT fact, that every time I ask you to provide evidence to support your claims you immediately respond by declaring you do not have to and insist I provide evidence to support MY statements...WHICH I DO. lol)
Because a woman who knows nothing about computers is such a good witness concerning computers.

But Trump? In the forest of Trump, every time you shake a tree, out falls a Russian.
Why the hell not?
Because then people cannot get away with later lying about why they did it? Hannity is a bloviator who never disclosed his connections during his rants and outrage. He lost any credibility he may have had
Oh wait! This is a "Johnnie did it too mommy!" thread. Not a serious or credible defense of those under investigation. More like an admission that people under investigation are guilty of something and some people want them to slide

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