Hannity advises witnesses in Mueller probe smash their phones 'to little itsy bitsy pieces'

What I find funny is ... assumptions that there's anything to rat out. Trump has had the IRS up his ass for a decade, have there been any charges?

somebody who believes Trump's shit and swallows it whole? Too funny.

I guess we haven't seen his tax returns because he's under a Lifetime Audit or his Lawyers advise against It? Laughable.

If Mueller had a need for Trumps returns, do you seriously think he couldn't get them? That's laughable.
I think he has them already


You need to reply below the last "QUOTE", other wise you are posting within my quote box. And you're making another assumption.

the Hillary team did not smash their phones when under investigation.

they destroyed them when they upgraded and got new phones, not to keep investigators from getting them.


Hannity is advising them to break the law. What a crooked jerk!

What criminal act would they be trying to hide by smashing them?

From my understanding, many of the witnesses are cooperating and going through their phones with them....to save them time and help them recollect correctly.

I guess I do things backwards, I don't upgrade till I manage to break my phone. I also keep nothing on it, if someone sends me a text, which happens rarely I delete it when the conversation is complete. I don't keep calendars, emails or anything else on my phone. I think I have a boring phone. LOL


It does not matter if you delete your text... Celluar companies keep a copy for a certian amount of time...

Excuse me, the conversation was about phones, not cellular companies.


Right, so you believe you deleted your text that it is gone for good... If you learn anything from the NSA scandal then you learn that information is not deleted even if you rid it off your phone.

So it does not matter if you delete it or not because the Celluar Company keep a copy of the transmission for a certain period of time and to think you deleted it off your phone is enough, well it is not seeing the sender could keep the copy that could be used at a later date...

I said it wasn't on my pone, that's all. Get over yourself already.

Actually it was Muellers boss, Rosenstien, just a few weeks ago. The Cohen, Manafort and other charges have nothing to do with collusion. Why do you think the Cohen case was referred to another district.

How many pleading immunity How many will rat out Trump in a NY minute and Manafort is on the way All with Russian connections all helping Trump And repub congress remains silent Shame on them Cowards

What I find funny is your assumptions that there's anything to rat out. Trump has had the IRS up his ass for a decade, have there been any charges?

No No charges But you seem an intelligent republican {few and far between} Why do you think he won't show his taxes except for that hand picked one? Did he pay any?? Would they show money laundering ? Would they show he gave shit to charities ,,maybe that he wasn't a billionaire ??

If they showed money laundering there would have been charges, right? The rest is irrelevant, there's no legal requirement for a candidate for anything to publicize their returns.

No not legal BUT every president has done so to show his hands were clean I'll bet good money Trumps are filthy

Actually it was done the first time in 1952 and no, not everyone has done it since.

the Hillary team did not smash their phones when under investigation.

they destroyed them when they upgraded and got new phones, not to keep investigators from getting them.


Hannity is advising them to break the law. What a crooked jerk!

What criminal act would they be trying to hide by smashing them?

From my understanding, many of the witnesses are cooperating and going through their phones with them....to save them time and help them recollect correctly.

I guess I do things backwards, I don't upgrade till I manage to break my phone. I also keep nothing on it, if someone sends me a text, which happens rarely I delete it when the conversation is complete. I don't keep calendars, emails or anything else on my phone. I think I have a boring phone. LOL


It does not matter if you delete your text... Celluar companies keep a copy for a certian amount of time...

Excuse me, the conversation was about phones, not cellular companies.

The FBI said the phones were destroyed over the 4 year period, each time a phone was upgraded, and that their investigation found that they were not destroyed for nefarious purposes... nor AFTER any subpoena.


Now what about Hannity? Was he just being a jerk, or do you think he was hinting to the witnesses subpoenaed, to illegally destroy their phones?

The poster was referring to a conversation you and I had early in the thread, it has nothing to do with the bitches phones. And as I said earlier, Hannity wasn't serious and said so at the time.

there's no legal requirement for a candidate for anything to publicize their returns.

Name any credible source or person that said what you've just built up and knocked down? was it another of Dorothy's travelling companions. Perhaps the dog Toto?

Trump said he would, before he said he might. before he said he would like to 'But' and before he said FU, I won't! to the American people

Actually it was done the first time in 1952 and no, not everyone has done it since.
"President Donald Trump’s failure to release his tax returns — either before or after his election in 2016 — leaves unanswered questions about potential conflicts of interest, and ends a four-decades-long practice by presidents of both parties in sharing that information, though they are not required to do so by law."

What is Trump hiding?
Maybe because to this day, Trump is not a target of the investigation.
Clue is, one does not have to be the target of an investigation to get caught up in n=one, or become a target during the investigation

Mueller has not released his findings yet, and you people act as if you need to defend a criminal caught up in a sweep or an indictment
nope, wrong. not it at all.

Actually it was done the first time in 1952 and no, not everyone has done it since.
"President Donald Trump’s failure to release his tax returns — either before or after his election in 2016 — leaves unanswered questions about potential conflicts of interest, and ends a four-decades-long practice by presidents of both parties in sharing that information, though they are not required to do so by law."

What is Trump hiding?
not a thing why?

Actually it was done the first time in 1952 and no, not everyone has done it since.
"President Donald Trump’s failure to release his tax returns — either before or after his election in 2016 — leaves unanswered questions about potential conflicts of interest, and ends a four-decades-long practice by presidents of both parties in sharing that information, though they are not required to do so by law."

What is Trump hiding?
not a thing why?
Well he acts so guilty, it's incredibly naive to think there's nothing there. He's offered various bogus excuses and promises. Why?

As with the meetings of his campaign aides and family with Russian agents, why so many lies about it? What are they hiding? why did they all lie so early on? Trump's daughter and her "Daddy only hires the best" bs. When did the first firings, resignations, and indictment and guilty pleas come down?

This all sounds like a cable tv crime family drama program, with you rootin 4 da bad guys

Actually it was done the first time in 1952 and no, not everyone has done it since.
"President Donald Trump’s failure to release his tax returns — either before or after his election in 2016 — leaves unanswered questions about potential conflicts of interest, and ends a four-decades-long practice by presidents of both parties in sharing that information, though they are not required to do so by law."

What is Trump hiding?
not a thing why?
Well he acts so guilty, it's incredibly naive to think there's nothing there. He's offered various bogus excuses and promises. Why?

As with the meetings of his campaign aides and family with Russian agents, why so many lies about it? What are they hiding? why did they all lie so early on? Trump's daughter and her "Daddy only hires the best" bs. When did the first firings, resignations, and indictment and guilty pleas come down?

This all sounds like a cable tv crime family drama program, with you rootin 4 da bad guys
how does he act guilty? how do you know what that looks like anyway? you guilty of something? just saying you must know what it looks like from personal experience.
there's no legal requirement for a candidate for anything to publicize their returns.

Name any credible source or person that said what you've just built up and knocked down? was it another of Dorothy's travelling companions. Perhaps the dog Toto?

Trump said he would, before he said he might. before he said he would like to 'But' and before he said FU, I won't! to the American people

Quote the law child, nuff said.


Actually it was done the first time in 1952 and no, not everyone has done it since.
"President Donald Trump’s failure to release his tax returns — either before or after his election in 2016 — leaves unanswered questions about potential conflicts of interest, and ends a four-decades-long practice by presidents of both parties in sharing that information, though they are not required to do so by law."

What is Trump hiding?

Nothing. Now prove otherwise.


Actually it was done the first time in 1952 and no, not everyone has done it since.
"President Donald Trump’s failure to release his tax returns — either before or after his election in 2016 — leaves unanswered questions about potential conflicts of interest, and ends a four-decades-long practice by presidents of both parties in sharing that information, though they are not required to do so by law."

What is Trump hiding?
not a thing why?
Well he acts so guilty, it's incredibly naive to think there's nothing there. He's offered various bogus excuses and promises. Why?

As with the meetings of his campaign aides and family with Russian agents, why so many lies about it? What are they hiding? why did they all lie so early on? Trump's daughter and her "Daddy only hires the best" bs. When did the first firings, resignations, and indictment and guilty pleas come down?

This all sounds like a cable tv crime family drama program, with you rootin 4 da bad guys
how does he act guilty? how do you know what that looks like anyway? you guilty of something? just saying you must know what it looks like from personal experience.
Ever hear the saying "Methinks you protest too much???" That's Dump
I like the idea..............get hundreds of people to smash phones outside FBI headquarters...........and wear Hillary masks............

If you got old computers smash them too............pour bleach over it..............lol

Hold a sign up saying I plead the 5th.


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