Hannity advises witnesses in Mueller probe smash their phones 'to little itsy bitsy pieces'

Equivocation is necessary now days, there's no longer any assurance that pure unbiased justice will be pursued against the politically powerful and the politically connected. The last 6 years have proven that.

Equivocation is not an admirable quality in any individual, especially a president. You may need to go back and look up the term

Funny, I didn't know we were talking about the President, I thought we were talking about me. BTW I know what the term means. I'm also aware the FBI had a slam dunk case against the bitch and most likely half her inner circle. What did they get, immunity, no subpoenas, no grand jury and no charges. A very unique investigation indeed.

Now we have the FBI and intel agencies playing word games. Trump accused them on spying on his campaign. First they responded with, no we didn't spy on the campaign, period. Now they have quietly change the narrative to, no spies were embedded in the campaign. In reality they were probing members of the campaign as early as May 2015 with no probable cause and no predicate for an investigation, the investigation didn't start till July.

Riddle me this newbie, why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities and didn't warn the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference?

since you like fiddles help me out here Why did Comey come out a week before the election to say they were investigating Hillary NOT mentioning investigation of Trump Might have swayed the election
it wasn't his job to do it. it was wrong. I would have demanded he be fired. why didn't obammy do that? Comey should not have said that hitlery was incompetent either. that didn't help. again, I would have demanded obammy fire comey. outside his scope.
Incompetence thy name is Trump We were the leaders of the free world We held the hammer Now the moron has used that hammer and crushed all our allies Putin is laughing his ass off
Equivocation is not an admirable quality in any individual, especially a president. You may need to go back and look up the term

Funny, I didn't know we were talking about the President, I thought we were talking about me. BTW I know what the term means. I'm also aware the FBI had a slam dunk case against the bitch and most likely half her inner circle. What did they get, immunity, no subpoenas, no grand jury and no charges. A very unique investigation indeed.

Now we have the FBI and intel agencies playing word games. Trump accused them on spying on his campaign. First they responded with, no we didn't spy on the campaign, period. Now they have quietly change the narrative to, no spies were embedded in the campaign. In reality they were probing members of the campaign as early as May 2015 with no probable cause and no predicate for an investigation, the investigation didn't start till July.

Riddle me this newbie, why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities and didn't warn the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference?

since you like fiddles help me out here Why did Comey come out a week before the election to say they were investigating Hillary NOT mentioning investigation of Trump Might have swayed the election
it wasn't his job to do it. it was wrong. I would have demanded he be fired. why didn't obammy do that? Comey should not have said that hitlery was incompetent either. that didn't help. again, I would have demanded obammy fire comey. outside his scope.
Incompetence thy name is Trump We were the leaders of the free world We held the hammer Now the moron has used that hammer and crushed all our allies Putin is laughing his ass off
Putin?? is that you laughing ?
Because a woman who knows nothing about computers is such a good witness concerning computers.

REALLY? That is the BEST BULL$H!T you can come up with in an attempt to defend Hillary Clinton?

You echo Comey's defense of her by claiming she was TOO STUPID to know she was breaking the law...or to OPERATE A COMPUTER.

Sorry, BEING 'TOO STUPID TO OPERATE A COMPUTER does not explain away over 15,000 criminal counts of intentionally criminally refusing to comply with the FOIA and Federal Records Act by turning over official records she KNEW had to be done...based on the fact that SHE as Sect of State sent out memos warning her subordinates about using their own personal computers AND obeying those 2 laws by turning in copies of their official documents.

Sorry, BEING 'TOO STUPID TO OPERATE A COMPUTER does not explain away having had multiple courses and refresher courses on proper / legal possession of, handling, transporting, safe-guarding, and destruction of classified...yet STILL illegally having possession of TOP SECRET 'Read-In' files she had been 'READ-OUT' of when she left the State Department and could no longer legally have that information in her possession.

Sorry, BEING 'TOO STUPID TO OPERATE A COMPUTER does not explain away having had multiple courses and refresher courses on proper / legal possession of, handling, transporting, safe-guarding, and destruction of classified...yet STILL have information SO CLASSIFIED, according to Barak Obama, on her server that it could not be released in any format without causing grave danger to our National Security on an UN-approved, UN-encrypted, UN-Secured server that was stored in the BATHROOM of a small tech company whose employees did not even have the security clearance needed to have it in their possession let alone to maintain it as Hillary stated they were doing.

Sorry, BEING 'TOO STUPID TO OPERATE A COMPUTER does not explain away having had multiple courses and refresher courses on proper / legal possession of, handling, transporting, safe-guarding, and destruction of classified...yet she STILL gave access to that server and its contents to individuals who did not even have a security clearance....such as, reportedly, HER MAID.

Sorry, BEING 'TOO STUPID TO OPERATE A COMPUTER does not explain away her Muslim Brotherhood Connected Family aide copying EVERYONE of her e-mails and documents and sending them to her own personal UN-SECURED, UN-AUTHORIZED laptop...that was shared by her jailed pedophile husband who usually had the laptop resting on his naked JUNK as he sexted under-aged girls. (WHY isn't Huma in jail, again?)

Sorry, BEING 'TOO STUPID TO OPERATE A COMPUTER does not explain away having had multiple courses and refresher courses on proper / legal possession of, handling, transporting, safe-guarding, and destruction of classified...yet she STILL intentionally illegally Obstructed Justice by refusing to comply with the FBI subpoena that ordered her to turn over EVERYTHING on her server as well as all devices, sim cards, etc... Instead Hillary deleted files, used Bleach Bit on her server, destroyed devices with hammers (against several laws, rules, and regs regarding authorized destruction of classified), and removed the sim cards out of other devices before turning them in.

Again, I am just A*M*A*Z*E*D at the level of effort - MORONIC effort - by snowflakes to continue to try to lie /deny / justify / excuse, and claim Hillary did nothing illegal when this honestly could NOT be any more of a simple Open-And-Shut Case based on the overwhelming amount of undeniable evidence.

HELL, the FBI and the FBI DIRECTOR both, in separate Press Conferences, openly, publicly declared HILLARY CLINTON BROKE THE LAW:

- The FBI declared they had collected over 15,000 OFFICIAL e-mails and documents from off of Hillary's servers - items SHE TRIED TO DESTROY (in violation of the subpoena) AND THOUGHT SHE HAD that she had illegally refused to turn in as required by the FOIA and the Fed Records Act.
*** BTW, Obama set a new RECORD for US Presidents / Presidential administrations for CRIMINAL NON-COMPLIANCE with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act...and Hillary, as we found out, was a huge contributor to this record.

- Comey openly admitted Hillary had broken the law...then stunningly attempted to claim that 'ignorance of the law' was a legal / acceptable defense ... FOR HILLARY.

You know how you snowflakes claimed 'The Science Is Settled' regarding Global Warming? In Hillary's case, THE 'SCIENCE' (GUILT) WAS NEVER IN ANY DOUBT! The FACT that she violated NUMEROUS laws, to include 'ESPIONAGE' simply by the very definition of the crime, is FACTUALLY UNDENIABLE!
What's hilarious about that dude's post is he's admitting she wasn't qualified to be president. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
and admitting she wasn't a qualified SOS either. wow.

No wonder she'd blame a video on the Benghazi raid.
Everyone does outside your BS bubble.
the Hillary team did not smash their phones when under investigation.

they destroyed them when they upgraded and got new phones, not to keep investigators from getting them.


Hannity is advising them to break the law. What a crooked jerk!

What criminal act would they be trying to hide by smashing them?

From my understanding, many of the witnesses are cooperating and going through their phones with them....to save them time and help them recollect correctly.

Did the also bleach bit the emails by accident?
Why assume the emails were not "personal in nature, rather than work-related?"

Why assume the emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them?

Maybe because the FBI was able to reconstruct thousands of work related emails that she hadn't provide the State Dept.

So, why would Hannity encourage these witnesses to smash their phones to smithereens? What is he afraid of, that they will find? Or was he just kidding and being a smart ass to promote his lies about Hillary n team?

He was kidding and said as much, that didn't stop the fake media form running with it. I saw his show last night (the repeat) and he showed about 20 major outlets, from the NYT to GQ, that ran the same lies.

That too is subject to change. There may be a grand jury convened after the IG report comes out. It will be funny watching heads explode if that happens.

Very Trumpian in your equivocation. "There may be" and then again there may not. Either way, the victim card gets played

Equivocation is necessary now days, there's no longer any assurance that pure unbiased justice will be pursued against the politically powerful and the politically connected. The last 6 years have proven that.

Equivocation is not an admirable quality in any individual, especially a president. You may need to go back and look up the term

Funny, I didn't know we were talking about the President, I thought we were talking about me. BTW I know what the term means. I'm also aware the FBI had a slam dunk case against the bitch and most likely half her inner circle. What did they get, immunity, no subpoenas, no grand jury and no charges. A very unique investigation indeed.

Now we have the FBI and intel agencies playing word games. Trump accused them on spying on his campaign. First they responded with, no we didn't spy on the campaign, period. Now they have quietly change the narrative to, no spies were embedded in the campaign. In reality they were probing members of the campaign as early as May 2015 with no probable cause and no predicate for an investigation, the investigation didn't start till July.

Riddle me this newbie, why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities and didn't warn the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference?

since you like fiddles help me out here Why did Comey come out a week before the election to say they were investigating Hillary NOT mentioning investigation of Trump Might have swayed the election

Maybe because to this day, Trump is not a target of the investigation.

Very Trumpian in your equivocation. "There may be" and then again there may not. Either way, the victim card gets played

Equivocation is necessary now days, there's no longer any assurance that pure unbiased justice will be pursued against the politically powerful and the politically connected. The last 6 years have proven that.

Equivocation is not an admirable quality in any individual, especially a president. You may need to go back and look up the term

Funny, I didn't know we were talking about the President, I thought we were talking about me. BTW I know what the term means. I'm also aware the FBI had a slam dunk case against the bitch and most likely half her inner circle. What did they get, immunity, no subpoenas, no grand jury and no charges. A very unique investigation indeed.

Now we have the FBI and intel agencies playing word games. Trump accused them on spying on his campaign. First they responded with, no we didn't spy on the campaign, period. Now they have quietly change the narrative to, no spies were embedded in the campaign. In reality they were probing members of the campaign as early as May 2015 with no probable cause and no predicate for an investigation, the investigation didn't start till July.

Riddle me this newbie, why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities and didn't warn the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference?

since you like fiddles help me out here Why did Comey come out a week before the election to say they were investigating Hillary NOT mentioning investigation of Trump Might have swayed the election

Maybe because to this day, Trump is not a target of the investigation.

And you believe Mueller or who ever said that??? You think all those indicted and Cohen and Manafort will stay silent?
Maybe because to this day, Trump is not a target of the investigation.
Clue is, one does not have to be the target of an investigation to get caught up in n=one, or become a target during the investigation

Mueller has not released his findings yet, and you people act as if you need to defend a criminal caught up in a sweep or an indictment
Equivocation is necessary now days, there's no longer any assurance that pure unbiased justice will be pursued against the politically powerful and the politically connected. The last 6 years have proven that.

Equivocation is not an admirable quality in any individual, especially a president. You may need to go back and look up the term

Funny, I didn't know we were talking about the President, I thought we were talking about me. BTW I know what the term means. I'm also aware the FBI had a slam dunk case against the bitch and most likely half her inner circle. What did they get, immunity, no subpoenas, no grand jury and no charges. A very unique investigation indeed.

Now we have the FBI and intel agencies playing word games. Trump accused them on spying on his campaign. First they responded with, no we didn't spy on the campaign, period. Now they have quietly change the narrative to, no spies were embedded in the campaign. In reality they were probing members of the campaign as early as May 2015 with no probable cause and no predicate for an investigation, the investigation didn't start till July.

Riddle me this newbie, why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities and didn't warn the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference?

since you like fiddles help me out here Why did Comey come out a week before the election to say they were investigating Hillary NOT mentioning investigation of Trump Might have swayed the election

Maybe because to this day, Trump is not a target of the investigation.

And you believe Mueller or who ever said that??? You think all those indicted and Cohen and Manafort will stay silent?

Actually it was Muellers boss, Rosenstien, just a few weeks ago. The Cohen, Manafort and other charges have nothing to do with collusion. Why do you think the Cohen case was referred to another district.

Maybe because to this day, Trump is not a target of the investigation.
Clue is, one does not have to be the target of an investigation to get caught up in n=one, or become a target during the investigation

Mueller has not released his findings yet, and you people act as if you need to defend a criminal caught up in a sweep or an indictment
Trump defends himself every day ""not me I'm not guilty I don't need to pardon myself "" lol lol
Maybe because to this day, Trump is not a target of the investigation.
Clue is, one does not have to be the target of an investigation to get caught up in n=one, or become a target during the investigation

Mueller has not released his findings yet, and you people act as if you need to defend a criminal caught up in a sweep or an indictment

Well child, the investigation is 2.5 years old and their still saying he's not a target. I guess you can pretend otherwise.

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Equivocation is not an admirable quality in any individual, especially a president. You may need to go back and look up the term

Funny, I didn't know we were talking about the President, I thought we were talking about me. BTW I know what the term means. I'm also aware the FBI had a slam dunk case against the bitch and most likely half her inner circle. What did they get, immunity, no subpoenas, no grand jury and no charges. A very unique investigation indeed.

Now we have the FBI and intel agencies playing word games. Trump accused them on spying on his campaign. First they responded with, no we didn't spy on the campaign, period. Now they have quietly change the narrative to, no spies were embedded in the campaign. In reality they were probing members of the campaign as early as May 2015 with no probable cause and no predicate for an investigation, the investigation didn't start till July.

Riddle me this newbie, why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities and didn't warn the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference?

since you like fiddles help me out here Why did Comey come out a week before the election to say they were investigating Hillary NOT mentioning investigation of Trump Might have swayed the election

Maybe because to this day, Trump is not a target of the investigation.

And you believe Mueller or who ever said that??? You think all those indicted and Cohen and Manafort will stay silent?

Actually it was Muellers boss, Rosenstien, just a few weeks ago. The Cohen, Manafort and other charges have nothing to do with collusion. Why do you think the Cohen case was referred to another district.

How many pleading immunity How many will rat out Trump in a NY minute and Manafort is on the way All with Russian connections all helping Trump And repub congress remains silent Shame on them Cowards
Maybe because to this day, Trump is not a target of the investigation.
Clue is, one does not have to be the target of an investigation to get caught up in n=one, or become a target during the investigation

Mueller has not released his findings yet, and you people act as if you need to defend a criminal caught up in a sweep or an indictment

Well child, the investigation is 2.5 years old and their still saying he's not a target. I guess you can pretend otherwise.

I did not say Trump is a target. I said we do not know yet if he will become one, but one doesn't have to be a target of an investigation to get caught up in one. Try getting some sleep
The Cohen, Manafort and other charges have nothing to do with collusion. Why do you think the Cohen case was referred to another district.
Have all charges been filed yet? People 'colluded' with the Russians. Collusion is not listed as the crime, what people colluded with/to will be the crime. Did Manafort collude to hide money from the IRS?

Now if you want to refer to Collusion with Russians, you need to state that. Otherwise you are dissembling, deflecting and being disingenuous
Funny, I didn't know we were talking about the President, I thought we were talking about me. BTW I know what the term means. I'm also aware the FBI had a slam dunk case against the bitch and most likely half her inner circle. What did they get, immunity, no subpoenas, no grand jury and no charges. A very unique investigation indeed.

Now we have the FBI and intel agencies playing word games. Trump accused them on spying on his campaign. First they responded with, no we didn't spy on the campaign, period. Now they have quietly change the narrative to, no spies were embedded in the campaign. In reality they were probing members of the campaign as early as May 2015 with no probable cause and no predicate for an investigation, the investigation didn't start till July.

Riddle me this newbie, why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities and didn't warn the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference?

since you like fiddles help me out here Why did Comey come out a week before the election to say they were investigating Hillary NOT mentioning investigation of Trump Might have swayed the election

Maybe because to this day, Trump is not a target of the investigation.

And you believe Mueller or who ever said that??? You think all those indicted and Cohen and Manafort will stay silent?

Actually it was Muellers boss, Rosenstien, just a few weeks ago. The Cohen, Manafort and other charges have nothing to do with collusion. Why do you think the Cohen case was referred to another district.

How many pleading immunity How many will rat out Trump in a NY minute and Manafort is on the way All with Russian connections all helping Trump And repub congress remains silent Shame on them Cowards

What I find funny is your assumptions that there's anything to rat out. Trump has had the IRS up his ass for a decade, have there been any charges?

Maybe because to this day, Trump is not a target of the investigation.
Clue is, one does not have to be the target of an investigation to get caught up in n=one, or become a target during the investigation

Mueller has not released his findings yet, and you people act as if you need to defend a criminal caught up in a sweep or an indictment

Well child, the investigation is 2.5 years old and their still saying he's not a target. I guess you can pretend otherwise.

I did not say Trump is a target. I said we do not know yet if he will become one, but one doesn't have to be a target of an investigation to get caught up in one. Try getting some sleep

If you think about it, Rosenstien just telegraphed that they are not looking at obstruction for the firing of Comey. Otherwise Rosenstien would have to recuse himself, because he wrote the letter recommending Comey be fired. That would make him a witness in any obstruction case. A witness can't be in charge of an obstruction investigation. In a letter to congress Rosenstien said he would recuse himself IF it became necessary, meaning it's not necessary now.

What I find funny is ... assumptions that there's anything to rat out. Trump has had the IRS up his ass for a decade, have there been any charges?

somebody who believes Trump's shit and swallows it whole? Too funny.

I guess we haven't seen his tax returns because he's under a Lifetime Audit or his Lawyers advise against It? Laughable.

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