Hannity advises witnesses in Mueller probe smash their phones 'to little itsy bitsy pieces'

Equivocation is necessary now days, there's no longer any assurance that pure unbiased justice will be pursued against the politically powerful and the politically connected. The last 6 years have proven that.

Equivocation is not an admirable quality in any individual, especially a president. You may need to go back and look up the term

Funny, I didn't know we were talking about the President, I thought we were talking about me. BTW I know what the term means. I'm also aware the FBI had a slam dunk case against the bitch and most likely half her inner circle. What did they get, immunity, no subpoenas, no grand jury and no charges. A very unique investigation indeed.

Now we have the FBI and intel agencies playing word games. Trump accused them on spying on his campaign. First they responded with, no we didn't spy on the campaign, period. Now they have quietly change the narrative to, no spies were embedded in the campaign. In reality they were probing members of the campaign as early as May 2015 with no probable cause and no predicate for an investigation, the investigation didn't start till July.

Riddle me this newbie, why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities and didn't warn the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference?

You people are out of your minds. There is no conspiracy in our justice system. You dupes will believe Anything at this point very scary. Hillary and Bill know everything they do will be investigated. You believe so much nonsense.

You having that opinion just makes me more sure I'm correct, you never get anything right. LMAO

Hilariously ironic, super duper. So there's a conspiracy of FBI agents protecting Hillary and Obama and everyone else LOL? All the Republicans know because two agents in love bullshitted on emails because they thought Hillary would be elected like everyone else did.... Amazing what propagandists can make ignoramuses believe isn't it?

Funny how all the major players in the bitches investigation are no longer with the DOJ. That would include your two lovers. And career agents are begging congress to subpoena them.

Daym your funny. When Trump made that statement about the bitches state dept emails, the whole freaking world knew the servers that once held those emails had been destroyed. Ya can't hack a server that has been wiped clean and was not connected to the internet.

Try reading this article and you'll see how one spy (Prof. Mifsud) fed information to Papadopoulos about emails and another spy (Prof. Halper) introduced him to the Australian Diplomat, who intern reported their conversation back to US intel to complete the circle. All instigated by US intel agencies, it was a set up form day one.

[']EXCLUSIVE: A London Meeting Before The Election Aroused George Papadopoulos’s Suspicions

Spies? Now they're all foreign agents? Your conspiracy is nutty.

Facts (not your spin)
April 2016
A professor named [']Joseph Mifsud[/URL] told George Papadopoulos, then a foreign policy adviser on Trump’s campaign, that the Russians possessed “thousands of emails” containing political “dirt” on Clinton, according to Papadopoulos’s guilty plea in the special counsel investigation.

June 3, 2016
When coordinating a meeting between Trump campaign officials and the Kremlin-connected lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, Rob Goldstone, a music publicist, [']emailed Donald Trump Trump Jr.[/URL] that the Russians “offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.”

“If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer,” Trump Jr. responded.

July 23, 2016
Trump ['] tweeted[/URL] about WikiLeaks’s release of thousands of Democratic National Committee emails the previous day. "The Wikileaks e-mail release today was so bad to [Bernie] Sanders that it will make it impossible for him to support her, unless he is a fraud!” Trump tweeted. The dump included negative comments about Senator Bernie Sanders, who had endorsed his primary opponent, Hillary Clinton, less than two weeks earlier.

July 27, 2016
At a news conference where reporters asked about the WikiLeaks dump, Trump seemed to call on Russia to find emails the FBI could not recover during its investigation of Clinton’s use of a personal server while serving as secretary of state. “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said.

September 26, 2016
Questioned at the first presidential debate about the hacking of the DNC, Trump said, “It could be Russia, but it could also be China. Could also be lots of other people. Could also be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, ok? You don’t know who broke into DNC. But what did we learn with DNC?” He went on to reiterate the Sanders claims.

Five days earlier, Donald Trump Jr. had first corresponded with WikiLeaks via Twitter, The Atlantic [']reported[/URL] last November. He would correspond with WikiLeaks again through that platform on October 3, according to the report.

October 9, 2016
The moderator of the second presidential debate cited WikiLeaks in a question. Clinton responded, “The Kremlin, meaning [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and the Russian government, are directing the attacks, the hacking on American accounts to influence our election. And WikiLeaks is part of that.”

“[Clinton] doesn’t know if it’s the Russians doing the hacking,” Trump responded. “Maybe there is no hacking. But they always blame Russia.”

October 11-12, 2016
WikiLeaks began publishing emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s email account on October 7, hours after the release of an unflattering Access Hollywood tape featuring Trump. Trump weighed in on the emails a few days later. “I hope people are looking at the disgraceful behavior of Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks," he [']tweeted[/URL]. “She is unfit to run.” At the time, Brian Fallon, a Clinton campaign spokesman, ['] accused[/URL] WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of “colluding with Russian government to help Trump.”

The next day, Trump again ['] tweeted[/URL] about the release: “Very little pick-up by the dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks. So dishonest! Rigged system!”

Also that day, Trump [] spoke about[/URL] WikiLeaks at a campaign rally in Ocala, Florida: “The Hillary Clinton documents—have you been seeing this, what’s going on—released by WikiLeaks make more clear than ever just how much is at stake in November and how unattractive and dishonest our country has become.”

Roger Stone, who was a political adviser to the elder Trump, communicated with WikiLeaks around that time, [] The Atlantic.

October 16-17, 2016
“We’ve all wondered how Hillary avoid prosecution for her email scheme. Wikileaks may have found the answer. Obama!” Trump []tweeted[/URL].

Trump shared the []link[/URL] to a Bloomberg story based on the Podesta email dump. “WikiLeaks proves even the Clinton campaign knew Crooked mishandled classified info, but no one gets charged? RIGGED!” he wrote.

October 21-27, 2016
In late October, as WikiLeaks continued releasing troves of Podesta emails, Trump tweeted five times over the course of a few days about the dump. In one tweet, he [']cited a report[/URL] from The Daily Caller, a right-leaning publication, claiming that Clinton received $12 million in a quid pro quo scheme.

November 1, 2016
Trump’s final tweet citing WikiLeaks by name [']linked[/URL] to The Washington Times. “WikiLeaks emails reveal Podesta urging Clinton camp to ‘dump’ emails,” he tweeted. “Time to #DrainTheSwamp!”
Equivocation is not an admirable quality in any individual, especially a president. You may need to go back and look up the term

Funny, I didn't know we were talking about the President, I thought we were talking about me. BTW I know what the term means. I'm also aware the FBI had a slam dunk case against the bitch and most likely half her inner circle. What did they get, immunity, no subpoenas, no grand jury and no charges. A very unique investigation indeed.

Now we have the FBI and intel agencies playing word games. Trump accused them on spying on his campaign. First they responded with, no we didn't spy on the campaign, period. Now they have quietly change the narrative to, no spies were embedded in the campaign. In reality they were probing members of the campaign as early as May 2015 with no probable cause and no predicate for an investigation, the investigation didn't start till July.

Riddle me this newbie, why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities and didn't warn the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference?

You people are out of your minds. There is no conspiracy in our justice system. You dupes will believe Anything at this point very scary. Hillary and Bill know everything they do will be investigated. You believe so much nonsense.

You having that opinion just makes me more sure I'm correct, you never get anything right. LMAO

Hilariously ironic, super duper. So there's a conspiracy of FBI agents protecting Hillary and Obama and everyone else LOL? All the Republicans know because two agents in love bullshitted on emails because they thought Hillary would be elected like everyone else did.... Amazing what propagandists can make ignoramuses believe isn't it?

Funny how all the major players in the bitches investigation are no longer with the DOJ. That would include your two lovers. And career agents are begging congress to subpoena them.

I don't think that's right either super duper LOL. Link?
Daym your funny. When Trump made that statement about the bitches state dept emails, the whole freaking world knew the servers that once held those emails had been destroyed. Ya can't hack a server that has been wiped clean and was not connected to the internet.

Try reading this article and you'll see how one spy (Prof. Mifsud) fed information to Papadopoulos about emails and another spy (Prof. Halper) introduced him to the Australian Diplomat, who intern reported their conversation back to US intel to complete the circle. All instigated by US intel agencies, it was a set up form day one.

[']EXCLUSIVE: A London Meeting Before The Election Aroused George Papadopoulos’s Suspicions

Spies? Now they're all foreign agents? Your conspiracy is nutty.

Facts (not your spin)
April 2016
A professor named [']Joseph Mifsud[/URL] told George Papadopoulos, then a foreign policy adviser on Trump’s campaign, that the Russians possessed “thousands of emails” containing political “dirt” on Clinton, according to Papadopoulos’s guilty plea in the special counsel investigation.

June 3, 2016
When coordinating a meeting between Trump campaign officials and the Kremlin-connected lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, Rob Goldstone, a music publicist, [']emailed Donald Trump Trump Jr.[/URL] that the Russians “offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.”

“If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer,” Trump Jr. responded.

July 23, 2016
Trump ['] tweeted[/URL] about WikiLeaks’s release of thousands of Democratic National Committee emails the previous day. "The Wikileaks e-mail release today was so bad to [Bernie] Sanders that it will make it impossible for him to support her, unless he is a fraud!” Trump tweeted. The dump included negative comments about Senator Bernie Sanders, who had endorsed his primary opponent, Hillary Clinton, less than two weeks earlier.

July 27, 2016
At a news conference where reporters asked about the WikiLeaks dump, Trump seemed to call on Russia to find emails the FBI could not recover during its investigation of Clinton’s use of a personal server while serving as secretary of state. “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said.

September 26, 2016
Questioned at the first presidential debate about the hacking of the DNC, Trump said, “It could be Russia, but it could also be China. Could also be lots of other people. Could also be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, ok? You don’t know who broke into DNC. But what did we learn with DNC?” He went on to reiterate the Sanders claims.

Five days earlier, Donald Trump Jr. had first corresponded with WikiLeaks via Twitter, The Atlantic [']reported[/URL] last November. He would correspond with WikiLeaks again through that platform on October 3, according to the report.

October 9, 2016
The moderator of the second presidential debate cited WikiLeaks in a question. Clinton responded, “The Kremlin, meaning [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and the Russian government, are directing the attacks, the hacking on American accounts to influence our election. And WikiLeaks is part of that.”

“[Clinton] doesn’t know if it’s the Russians doing the hacking,” Trump responded. “Maybe there is no hacking. But they always blame Russia.”

October 11-12, 2016
WikiLeaks began publishing emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s email account on October 7, hours after the release of an unflattering Access Hollywood tape featuring Trump. Trump weighed in on the emails a few days later. “I hope people are looking at the disgraceful behavior of Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks," he [']tweeted[/URL]. “She is unfit to run.” At the time, Brian Fallon, a Clinton campaign spokesman, ['] accused[/URL] WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of “colluding with Russian government to help Trump.”

The next day, Trump again ['] tweeted[/URL] about the release: “Very little pick-up by the dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks. So dishonest! Rigged system!”

Also that day, Trump [] spoke about[/URL] WikiLeaks at a campaign rally in Ocala, Florida: “The Hillary Clinton documents—have you been seeing this, what’s going on—released by WikiLeaks make more clear than ever just how much is at stake in November and how unattractive and dishonest our country has become.”

Roger Stone, who was a political adviser to the elder Trump, communicated with WikiLeaks around that time, [] The Atlantic.

October 16-17, 2016
“We’ve all wondered how Hillary avoid prosecution for her email scheme. Wikileaks may have found the answer. Obama!” Trump []tweeted[/URL].

Trump shared the []link[/URL] to a Bloomberg story based on the Podesta email dump. “WikiLeaks proves even the Clinton campaign knew Crooked mishandled classified info, but no one gets charged? RIGGED!” he wrote.

October 21-27, 2016
In late October, as WikiLeaks continued releasing troves of Podesta emails, Trump tweeted five times over the course of a few days about the dump. In one tweet, he [']cited a report[/URL] from The Daily Caller, a right-leaning publication, claiming that Clinton received $12 million in a quid pro quo scheme.

November 1, 2016
Trump’s final tweet citing WikiLeaks by name [']linked[/URL] to The Washington Times. “WikiLeaks emails reveal Podesta urging Clinton camp to ‘dump’ emails,” he tweeted. “Time to #DrainTheSwamp!”

Only one portion of your post had anything to do with post you are responding to and it confirmed what I said. Are there any more deflections you wish to throw into the mix?

Funny, I didn't know we were talking about the President, I thought we were talking about me. BTW I know what the term means. I'm also aware the FBI had a slam dunk case against the bitch and most likely half her inner circle. What did they get, immunity, no subpoenas, no grand jury and no charges. A very unique investigation indeed.

Now we have the FBI and intel agencies playing word games. Trump accused them on spying on his campaign. First they responded with, no we didn't spy on the campaign, period. Now they have quietly change the narrative to, no spies were embedded in the campaign. In reality they were probing members of the campaign as early as May 2015 with no probable cause and no predicate for an investigation, the investigation didn't start till July.

Riddle me this newbie, why did the FBI warn the DNC of hacking possibilities and didn't warn the Trump campaign that they needed to be on the lookout for Russian interference?

You people are out of your minds. There is no conspiracy in our justice system. You dupes will believe Anything at this point very scary. Hillary and Bill know everything they do will be investigated. You believe so much nonsense.

You having that opinion just makes me more sure I'm correct, you never get anything right. LMAO

Hilariously ironic, super duper. So there's a conspiracy of FBI agents protecting Hillary and Obama and everyone else LOL? All the Republicans know because two agents in love bullshitted on emails because they thought Hillary would be elected like everyone else did.... Amazing what propagandists can make ignoramuses believe isn't it?

Funny how all the major players in the bitches investigation are no longer with the DOJ. That would include your two lovers. And career agents are begging congress to subpoena them.

I don't think that's right either super duper LOL. Link?

That sir just proves your line of work ain't think'n. Feel free to prove me wrong.

Daym your funny. When Trump made that statement about the bitches state dept emails, the whole freaking world knew the servers that once held those emails had been destroyed. Ya can't hack a server that has been wiped clean and was not connected to the internet.

Try reading this article and you'll see how one spy (Prof. Mifsud) fed information to Papadopoulos about emails and another spy (Prof. Halper) introduced him to the Australian Diplomat, who intern reported their conversation back to US intel to complete the circle. All instigated by US intel agencies, it was a set up form day one.

[']EXCLUSIVE: A London Meeting Before The Election Aroused George Papadopoulos’s Suspicions

Spies? Now they're all foreign agents? Your conspiracy is nutty.

Facts (not your spin)
April 2016
A professor named [']Joseph Mifsud[/URL] told George Papadopoulos, then a foreign policy adviser on Trump’s campaign, that the Russians possessed “thousands of emails” containing political “dirt” on Clinton, according to Papadopoulos’s guilty plea in the special counsel investigation.

June 3, 2016
When coordinating a meeting between Trump campaign officials and the Kremlin-connected lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, Rob Goldstone, a music publicist, [']emailed Donald Trump Trump Jr.[/URL] that the Russians “offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.”

“If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer,” Trump Jr. responded.

July 23, 2016
Trump ['] tweeted[/URL] about WikiLeaks’s release of thousands of Democratic National Committee emails the previous day. "The Wikileaks e-mail release today was so bad to [Bernie] Sanders that it will make it impossible for him to support her, unless he is a fraud!” Trump tweeted. The dump included negative comments about Senator Bernie Sanders, who had endorsed his primary opponent, Hillary Clinton, less than two weeks earlier.

July 27, 2016
At a news conference where reporters asked about the WikiLeaks dump, Trump seemed to call on Russia to find emails the FBI could not recover during its investigation of Clinton’s use of a personal server while serving as secretary of state. “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said.

September 26, 2016
Questioned at the first presidential debate about the hacking of the DNC, Trump said, “It could be Russia, but it could also be China. Could also be lots of other people. Could also be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, ok? You don’t know who broke into DNC. But what did we learn with DNC?” He went on to reiterate the Sanders claims.

Five days earlier, Donald Trump Jr. had first corresponded with WikiLeaks via Twitter, The Atlantic [']reported[/URL] last November. He would correspond with WikiLeaks again through that platform on October 3, according to the report.

October 9, 2016
The moderator of the second presidential debate cited WikiLeaks in a question. Clinton responded, “The Kremlin, meaning [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and the Russian government, are directing the attacks, the hacking on American accounts to influence our election. And WikiLeaks is part of that.”

“[Clinton] doesn’t know if it’s the Russians doing the hacking,” Trump responded. “Maybe there is no hacking. But they always blame Russia.”

October 11-12, 2016
WikiLeaks began publishing emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s email account on October 7, hours after the release of an unflattering Access Hollywood tape featuring Trump. Trump weighed in on the emails a few days later. “I hope people are looking at the disgraceful behavior of Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks," he [']tweeted[/URL]. “She is unfit to run.” At the time, Brian Fallon, a Clinton campaign spokesman, ['] accused[/URL] WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of “colluding with Russian government to help Trump.”

The next day, Trump again ['] tweeted[/URL] about the release: “Very little pick-up by the dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks. So dishonest! Rigged system!”

Also that day, Trump [] spoke about[/URL] WikiLeaks at a campaign rally in Ocala, Florida: “The Hillary Clinton documents—have you been seeing this, what’s going on—released by WikiLeaks make more clear than ever just how much is at stake in November and how unattractive and dishonest our country has become.”

Roger Stone, who was a political adviser to the elder Trump, communicated with WikiLeaks around that time, [] The Atlantic.

October 16-17, 2016
“We’ve all wondered how Hillary avoid prosecution for her email scheme. Wikileaks may have found the answer. Obama!” Trump []tweeted[/URL].

Trump shared the []link[/URL] to a Bloomberg story based on the Podesta email dump. “WikiLeaks proves even the Clinton campaign knew Crooked mishandled classified info, but no one gets charged? RIGGED!” he wrote.

October 21-27, 2016
In late October, as WikiLeaks continued releasing troves of Podesta emails, Trump tweeted five times over the course of a few days about the dump. In one tweet, he [']cited a report[/URL] from The Daily Caller, a right-leaning publication, claiming that Clinton received $12 million in a quid pro quo scheme.

November 1, 2016
Trump’s final tweet citing WikiLeaks by name [']linked[/URL] to The Washington Times. “WikiLeaks emails reveal Podesta urging Clinton camp to ‘dump’ emails,” he tweeted. “Time to #DrainTheSwamp!”

Only one portion of your post had anything to do with post you are responding to and it confirmed what I said. Are there any more deflections you wish to throw into the mix?

Rinse, Repeat, Rinse?
Daym your funny. When Trump made that statement about the bitches state dept emails, the whole freaking world knew the servers that once held those emails had been destroyed. Ya can't hack a server that has been wiped clean and was not connected to the internet.

Try reading this article and you'll see how one spy (Prof. Mifsud) fed information to Papadopoulos about emails and another spy (Prof. Halper) introduced him to the Australian Diplomat, who intern reported their conversation back to US intel to complete the circle. All instigated by US intel agencies, it was a set up form day one.

[']EXCLUSIVE: A London Meeting Before The Election Aroused George Papadopoulos’s Suspicions

Spies? Now they're all foreign agents? Your conspiracy is nutty.

Facts (not your spin)
April 2016
A professor named [']Joseph Mifsud[/URL] told George Papadopoulos, then a foreign policy adviser on Trump’s campaign, that the Russians possessed “thousands of emails” containing political “dirt” on Clinton, according to Papadopoulos’s guilty plea in the special counsel investigation.

June 3, 2016
When coordinating a meeting between Trump campaign officials and the Kremlin-connected lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, Rob Goldstone, a music publicist, [']emailed Donald Trump Trump Jr.[/URL] that the Russians “offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.”

“If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer,” Trump Jr. responded.

July 23, 2016
Trump ['] tweeted[/URL] about WikiLeaks’s release of thousands of Democratic National Committee emails the previous day. "The Wikileaks e-mail release today was so bad to [Bernie] Sanders that it will make it impossible for him to support her, unless he is a fraud!” Trump tweeted. The dump included negative comments about Senator Bernie Sanders, who had endorsed his primary opponent, Hillary Clinton, less than two weeks earlier.

July 27, 2016
At a news conference where reporters asked about the WikiLeaks dump, Trump seemed to call on Russia to find emails the FBI could not recover during its investigation of Clinton’s use of a personal server while serving as secretary of state. “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said.

September 26, 2016
Questioned at the first presidential debate about the hacking of the DNC, Trump said, “It could be Russia, but it could also be China. Could also be lots of other people. Could also be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, ok? You don’t know who broke into DNC. But what did we learn with DNC?” He went on to reiterate the Sanders claims.

Five days earlier, Donald Trump Jr. had first corresponded with WikiLeaks via Twitter, The Atlantic [']reported[/URL] last November. He would correspond with WikiLeaks again through that platform on October 3, according to the report.

October 9, 2016
The moderator of the second presidential debate cited WikiLeaks in a question. Clinton responded, “The Kremlin, meaning [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and the Russian government, are directing the attacks, the hacking on American accounts to influence our election. And WikiLeaks is part of that.”

“[Clinton] doesn’t know if it’s the Russians doing the hacking,” Trump responded. “Maybe there is no hacking. But they always blame Russia.”

October 11-12, 2016
WikiLeaks began publishing emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s email account on October 7, hours after the release of an unflattering Access Hollywood tape featuring Trump. Trump weighed in on the emails a few days later. “I hope people are looking at the disgraceful behavior of Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks," he [']tweeted[/URL]. “She is unfit to run.” At the time, Brian Fallon, a Clinton campaign spokesman, ['] accused[/URL] WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of “colluding with Russian government to help Trump.”

The next day, Trump again ['] tweeted[/URL] about the release: “Very little pick-up by the dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks. So dishonest! Rigged system!”

Also that day, Trump [] spoke about[/URL] WikiLeaks at a campaign rally in Ocala, Florida: “The Hillary Clinton documents—have you been seeing this, what’s going on—released by WikiLeaks make more clear than ever just how much is at stake in November and how unattractive and dishonest our country has become.”

Roger Stone, who was a political adviser to the elder Trump, communicated with WikiLeaks around that time, [] The Atlantic.

October 16-17, 2016
“We’ve all wondered how Hillary avoid prosecution for her email scheme. Wikileaks may have found the answer. Obama!” Trump []tweeted[/URL].

Trump shared the []link[/URL] to a Bloomberg story based on the Podesta email dump. “WikiLeaks proves even the Clinton campaign knew Crooked mishandled classified info, but no one gets charged? RIGGED!” he wrote.

October 21-27, 2016
In late October, as WikiLeaks continued releasing troves of Podesta emails, Trump tweeted five times over the course of a few days about the dump. In one tweet, he [']cited a report[/URL] from The Daily Caller, a right-leaning publication, claiming that Clinton received $12 million in a quid pro quo scheme.

November 1, 2016
Trump’s final tweet citing WikiLeaks by name [']linked[/URL] to The Washington Times. “WikiLeaks emails reveal Podesta urging Clinton camp to ‘dump’ emails,” he tweeted. “Time to #DrainTheSwamp!”

Only one portion of your post had anything to do with post you are responding to and it confirmed what I said. Are there any more deflections you wish to throw into the mix?

Rinse, Repeat, Rinse?

Tell me, was Mifsud an agent of our government or Russia?

the Hillary team did not smash their phones when under investigation.

they destroyed them when they upgraded and got new phones, not to keep investigators from getting them.


Hannity is advising them to break the law. What a crooked jerk!

What criminal act would they be trying to hide by smashing them?

From my understanding, many of the witnesses are cooperating and going through their phones with them....to save them time and help them recollect correctly.

Did the also bleach bit the emails by accident?
the Hillary team did not smash their phones when under investigation.

they destroyed them when they upgraded and got new phones, not to keep investigators from getting them.


Hannity is advising them to break the law. What a crooked jerk!

What criminal act would they be trying to hide by smashing them?

From my understanding, many of the witnesses are cooperating and going through their phones with them....to save them time and help them recollect correctly.

Did the also bleach bit the emails by accident?
Why assume the emails were not "personal in nature, rather than work-related?"

Why assume the emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them?
the Hillary team did not smash their phones when under investigation.

they destroyed them when they upgraded and got new phones, not to keep investigators from getting them.


Hannity is advising them to break the law. What a crooked jerk!

What criminal act would they be trying to hide by smashing them?

From my understanding, many of the witnesses are cooperating and going through their phones with them....to save them time and help them recollect correctly.

Did the also bleach bit the emails by accident?
INFORM YOURSELF, by not using Trump State TV..........

It gets really tiring day in and day out, correcting the lies you have been fed, only for you to ignore
the Hillary team did not smash their phones when under investigation.

they destroyed them when they upgraded and got new phones, not to keep investigators from getting them.


Hannity is advising them to break the law. What a crooked jerk!

What criminal act would they be trying to hide by smashing them?

From my understanding, many of the witnesses are cooperating and going through their phones with them....to save them time and help them recollect correctly.

It's perfectly normal to get phone upgrade just before you got asked to hand them out as evidence.

Just as it's perfectly normal to delete emails, wipe out the server, bleach bit it professionally, under subpoena, before you hand it out to investigators. You have to do that to protect government from possible viruses and malware...

And answer to your question "What criminal act would they be trying to hide by smashing them?" is... Every criminal act they committed. Why to smash phones if there was no criminal act and nothing to hide?
I have answered all of these questions and corrected the lies you and friends keep repeating quite a few times already, in this thread.

Brainwashing worked well on you and your right wing friends.... :eek:

if only your STORY was true.... :rolleyes:
the Hillary team did not smash their phones when under investigation.

they destroyed them when they upgraded and got new phones, not to keep investigators from getting them.


Hannity is advising them to break the law. What a crooked jerk!

What criminal act would they be trying to hide by smashing them?

From my understanding, many of the witnesses are cooperating and going through their phones with them....to save them time and help them recollect correctly.

Did the also bleach bit the emails by accident?
Why assume the emails were not "personal in nature, rather than work-related?"

Why assume the emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them?
they have been brainwashed, to believe the lies.... it's not all of their fault....they are the VICTIMS of it.... and don't know it.... :(
The Clinton team did NOT smash their phones AFTER they were subpoenaed.... over the 4 years every time the clinton staff and clinton upgraded their phones.... throughout the 4 years, they destroyed the old phones after they had transferred their info from the old phones to the new phones, for security purpose.

Not one phone was smashed AFTER they were subpoenaed. They were not trying to hide a criminal act..... sheesh!


Hannity was encouraging, lawlessness. As long as the witnesses in the investigation did not follow his advice.....no one broke the law.

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