Hannity: FBI plotted to destroy President Trump - 'We Almost Lost America'

Apparently, what we're supposed to learn from this thread is that getting vaccines to prevent diseases and the proper spelling of a word are of greater import than whether the FBI is truly trying to protect America(!), or covering up its involvement in oppositional research.

If I didn't know any better, I'd swear people don't really want to talk about the FBI.
When you have documentation that actually discredits the FBI, you be sure to provide that documentation the next time you post. And opinions don't count. Is that fair enough?

So what do you think about the FBI's actions?
Can anyone refute anything Sean said or you just attack the source because you can't attack the content?

Unlike CNN, Sean doesn't create the news. He always speaks about his sources. He doesn't hide anything. Last night was a very damning monologue. And none of it was proven untrue.
His source is conjecture talking points. There is nothing fact based. Of course we can refute, when most of his commentary comes from opinion based sources.

So in other words, no. You have nothing to refute what he said.

What I notice reading thru this thread is how the tards cannot refute Hannity so they pull out their Alinsky Rules for Tard Radicals. Mock and isolate, to be specific.

They think it's an effective way to refute without having to actually refute.
What I notice reading thru this thread is how the tards cannot refute Hannity so they pull out their Alinsky Rules for Tard Radicals. Mock and isolate, to be specific.

The trouble is that there has to be proof when you make the claim. Hannity has not used any facts.

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