Hannity: NBC News on a political jihad against Trump

NBC, like CNN are falling flat. Their ratings are up because everyone's are, but in the process they lost any iota of credibility they might have spared. Both are squarely the "Trump effect".

Rachel's beating O'Reilly in the ratings.

Sure, everybody was laughing at her today. Even I watched that skank. Who can blame us?

This was before last night.

Rachel Maddow Tops Cable News as Ratings Thrive
Listening to NPR this morning I heard last night's Maddow show being compared to Geraldo Rivera showing of the opening of Al Capone's Vault. For those that don't recall that moment from way back in '86, what followed all the hype wasn't a good thing.

Hannity is just pissed that Rachel Maddow got the tax returns and he didn't.

He's pissed that she got the scoop.
the wrong scoop though. I think she ordered something much different than she received. And, she better hope she didn't actually ask.

You haven't been following the timeline or how this thing came to light, have you?

A reporter by the name of David Cay Johnson received this in the mail from an anonymous source. He then took it to Rachel Maddow because he shows up on her show quite a bit. He also emphasized that it was sent to him unsolicited and he never asked for it, but since he has it, like Woodward and Berstein with the Watergate tapes, he felt a journalistic duty to publish it.

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