Hanoi Jane

Well Timothy McVeigh served.
Micheal Fortier served.
Terry Nichols served.
John Muhammed served.
Jeffery Dahmer served.
Howard Unruh served.
David Berkowitz served.
You forgot the most infamous Marine who ever served.

Lee Harvey Oswald

he didn't forget him, not really, he is or rather was subliminally programmed to overlook him, its congenitally hard wired in for progressives/liberals, its obfuscated in classrooms, the goal being as you see here, to forget Oswald was; a) the assassin of JFK, period, b) an avowed, dedicated Marxists Leninist. :eusa_shhh:

Heres a fun exercise, ask those on that side of the number line; who shot RFK and why, and watch the gears really start to smoke...;)
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José;3526879 said:
Originally posted by The Gadfly
Gee, Truth, you could have fooled me! "Pretend war' , huh? Silly me; I suppose those mortar rounds were just marshmallows, and those bullets....just spitballs, I'm sure! Of course, you weren't there to see it, but I guess if Jane Fonda says it's so..... Go tell it to my brothers, who are missing arms and legs; go tell it to the ones who died. Go tell it to those who still relive it in their nightmares; matter of fact, go tell it to all the Vietnamese men, women and children Hanoi Jane's beloved VC and NVA "comrades" tortured, raped, and flat-out murdered. You want the REAL baby-killers, torturers and rapists of Vietnam? Talk to Jane's "comrades", because THEY DID IT, WE DID NOT!

You presume one hell of a lot, for someone who never humped a ruck, never got shot at and never walked point in the jungle. You know, ever since I got home, I've had people like you telling me, what I should think about it, how I should feel about it, and what I should have done about it. You have all the answers; the only problem is, you never bothered to ask the right questions.

Those of us who were there, have a lot of different feelings about it, and we don't all agree. Some think it was right, others think it was wrong, and others still aren't sure. I think what we can all agree on is that we got lied to, and lied about, and got the blame, courtesy of Jane Fonda and the rest of the American Left. You know, being against a war is one thing; cheering for the enemy, waving the enemy flag, and spitting on and cursing American soldiers is another. So is blaming them for things the vast majority never did, and never would have done. I've seen American soldiers give their lives, protecting Vietnamese civilians...but Uncle Walter didn't tell you about that, on the evening news, so it never happened. No, we're just baby killers and war criminals-the Left says so!

I think you told someone to talk to some real Vietnam vets. What about you; ever bother talking to any of us who don't share your politics? Well, here's your chance. The question is, are you going to lecture me, or shut up and actually listen?


How cynical and morally depraved does an individual have to be to put the blame on the people of Vietnam for the West's decision to interfere in their civil war??

And who cares about all those french and american GI's anyway??

They were paid to die and I hope they are burning in Hell right now for all the death and destruction they brought to Vietnam.

Kudos to Sallow for being one of the few dissenting voices in this sea of mentally retarded patriotic clowns mindlessly burping "I'm for my country right or wrong"!!


A Majority of Vets that served in Vietnam..were in a hellish situation. They were drafted, did not want to be there..and went anyway.

And most served their country honorably. I've known several people who went, and they were good men.

Don't confuse the fact that I hated the war..with the fact I recognize that good men served with honor in the belief that they were fighting for their country.

Their leaders let them down. And that's part and parcel with the enormity of the crime.

No, actually - assfucker - the majority of those who served in Vietnam were volunteers. Why don't you do some research. Perhaps if you do, you won't come across as being so fucking dense.

What a polesmoker.

Quit dabbling in discussions about war, of which you seem to know nothing about. Stick to topics you know best. Go start a thread on sucking dick....
At least he served, which is more than I can say for faggots like you

So you admire Lee Harvey Oswald; a man who assassinated our President?

I had already pegged you as a hater of America.

Now you just confirmed it.

No, I said he served, and you have not.
Need it dumbed down more stupid?
Basically, you admire anyone who served over people who haven't.

Even if they were a mass murderer or even a presidential assassin.

Go it. :cuckoo:
Calley is still living and breathing to this day..without spending all that much time in jail. And..he was convicted of killing 22 people.

Stupidity, apparently, had nothing to do with the act of breathing.

And approving of the murder and gang rape of children is just disgusting.

Absolutely and utterly disgusting.

It seems that the deaths of the 22 innocents weighs heavily on your sensibilites....

...and in that connection:

1. In the scholarly “The Black Book of Communism,” Stephane Courtois, et. al. calculate (p. 572) that the Communists immediately shipped between 200,000 and a million to ‘reeducation camps’ out of a population of 20 million. Execution numbered about 65,000 not counting those who died slowly in the camps.

a. The new Communist Vietnam caused hundreds of thousands of ordinary people to flee their homes, with over 800,000 taking to the high seas in tiny boats. Commentary magazine, “Who Won Vietnam?”, May 1994.

And yet you and Jane Fonda stand shoulder to shoulder with these beasts.

I haven't seen this much twisting since you gave birth to yourself.

That's also part of what America brought about. And the rise of the Khmer Rouge.

I find it the utmost hypocrisy that you're ilk goes on happily pointing out mass deaths in places like Turkey, Russia and China..yet constantly poo-poohs any notion this country ever did anything wrong..unless it has to do with Abortion.

I see, you embrace the entire gamut of liberal politics, from soup to left-wing nuts.

Not only is your ignorance boundless, but you have no trouble exposing same to the world.

I have noticed that this lack of shame is a hallmark of the left.

1. Early on, the liberal establishment was still in Cold War mode. This, from the NYTimes in 1961: “"Communist aggression" against South Vietnam that had been "launched as a calculated and deliberate operation by the Communist leaders of the North" and ended with the admonition that "Free World forces. . . still have a chance in South Vietnam, and every effort should be made to save the situation." And as late as 1965: “Vietnam is a legitimate part of the (U.S.) global commitment .. . perhaps one of only five or six nations of the world that is truly vital to U.S. interests.” World War IV: The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism

a. NYTimes: "No one except a few pacifists here and the North Vietnamese and Chinese Communists are asking for a precipitate withdrawal. Virtually all Americans understand that we must stay in South Vietnam at least for the near future.” Johnson, “A History of the American People,” p. 81.


for those who are intellectually as lazy as you are, i.e., can't tear themselves away from the Xbox to borror a library card, the attempt to blame the United States for every evil is based on Leftist propaganda and far, far from the truth:
The North Vietmanese expanded the war, and the North Vietnamese formed the Khmer Rouge years before the United States attempted to save South Vietnam.

2. In the movie “The Killing Fields,” based on William Shawcross' "Sideshow," the first half leaves one with the impression that the United States was ultimately to blame for the fate that befell Cambodia by bringing Cambodia into the Indochina war, destroying its neutralilty, and bombing to the extent that it drove the Khmer Rouge to the horrors that developed. The actuality is that it was North Vietnam that widened the war, not the United States. It was before 1965 that Hanoi created the Khmer Rouge (as early as WWII) and the Pathet Lao (mid ‘50’s) with the goal of conquering all of Indochina for communism.
Now, follow closely- you may wish to use a pencil and paper if you're not too good in math...

"...before 1965 that Hanoi created the Khmer Rouge (as early as WWII) and the Pathet Lao (mid ‘50’s)..."

Should I wait for your apology???
I thought not.

Unlike you, who get your information from movies, and accept same as Gospel, Shawcross learned and repented. He apologized to the United States.

Still waiting.

a. In “Sideshow,” William Shawcross claims that the 1970 bombings caused the coup in which Prince Sihanouk was by Lon Nol. But this adumbrates the issues, as Sihanouk attempted to be too clever, allowing the Vietnamese to invade his country, and then telling Kissinger he could bomb them.

b. The North Vietnamese were getting support from the Soviet Union and China, determined to support wars of “national liberation.”

c. In 1994, Shawcross acknowledged his error: “Those of us who opposed the American war in Indochina should be extremely humble in the face of the appalling aftermath: a form of genocide in Cambodia and horrific tyranny in both Vietnam and Laos. Looking back on my own coverage for The Sunday Times...,I think I concentrated too easily on the corruption and incompetence of the South Vietnamese and their American allies, was too ignorant of the inhuman Hanoi regime, and far too willing to believe that a victory by the Communists would provide a better future. But after the Communist victory came the refugees to Thailand and the floods of boat people desperately seeking to escape the Cambodian killing fields and the Vietnamese gulags. Their eloquent testimony should have put paid to all illusions.” William Shawcross - writer and broadcaster, UK : official personal website

In summary, the problem is not so much that you are dumb and live to slander this great nation, but that you have no desire to learn.
was Veitmnam ever declaired a war?

Didn't we get "into" that place in a similar manner to which we are "in" Libya? No, the dem President said, we have no "troops" on the ground (just advisors). The next dem President stepped it up, and committed thousands of troops. The rep President cut our losses (extraordinary losses due to dems poor leadership), and was blamed for the "war". Does any of this seem familiar to today?
Being President while advisors are in country is entirely different than deploying thousands of troops to engage the enemy - dumb fuck.

Why don't you fucking enlist before running your ignorant mouth regarding military matters.

Fucking cheese dick coward...


Been there. Done that.

Now back to the sandbox.

The only thing you've "served" are blowjobs to Sailor on shore leave
Gh0ster again about gay sex....almost all he talks about these days. Hmmmmm.
So you admire Lee Harvey Oswald; a man who assassinated our President?

I had already pegged you as a hater of America.

Now you just confirmed it.

No, I said he served, and you have not.
Need it dumbed down more stupid?
Basically, you admire anyone who served over people who haven't.

Even if they were a mass murderer or even a presidential assassin.

Go it. :cuckoo:

Lee Harvey Oswald was also a socialist/commie - just like you. You probably beat off to pictures of him. Why do you admire such filth? People of your "ilk" should be deported.
José;3526879 said:

How cynical and morally depraved does an individual have to be to put the blame on the people of Vietnam for the West's decision to interfere in their civil war??

And who cares about all those french and american GI's anyway??

They were paid to die and I hope they are burning in Hell right now for all the death and destruction they brought to Vietnam.

Kudos to Sallow for being one of the few dissenting voices in this sea of mentally retarded patriotic clowns mindlessly burping "I'm for my country right or wrong"!!


A Majority of Vets that served in Vietnam..were in a hellish situation. They were drafted, did not want to be there..and went anyway.

And most served their country honorably. I've known several people who went, and they were good men.

Don't confuse the fact that I hated the war..with the fact I recognize that good men served with honor in the belief that they were fighting for their country.

Their leaders let them down. And that's part and parcel with the enormity of the crime.

No, actually - assfucker - the majority of those who served in Vietnam were volunteers. Why don't you do some research. Perhaps if you do, you won't come across as being so fucking dense.

What a polesmoker.

Quit dabbling in discussions about war, of which you seem to know nothing about. Stick to topics you know best. Go start a thread on sucking dick....

Boy! You sure like to talk about gay sex a lot.
Veitnam was not a war.

You people pretend it was.

It was a military action that killed thousands of drafted Americans.

You people can try and pretend it was a great honorable war and that pretending so makes all the death meaningful but it doesnt make it true.

Those people mattered and their deaths never should have happened.

Shitty stupid cowboy foriegn policy is why they died.

Am I hearing you correctly, you are calling JFK (an idol of Obama), and LBJ (both dems) "Shitty stupid cowboys"?
Veitnam was not a war.

You people pretend it was.

It was a military action that killed thousands of drafted Americans.

You people can try and pretend it was a great honorable war and that pretending so makes all the death meaningful but it doesnt make it true.

Those people mattered and their deaths never should have happened.

Shitty stupid cowboy foriegn policy is why they died.

Am I hearing you correctly, you are calling JFK (an idol of Obama), and LBJ (both dems) "Shitty stupid cowboys"?

I don't know about him, but I am onboard with Obama being a "Shitty Stupid Cowboy," as well as s Chickenhawk.
Originally posted by Sallow

A Majority of Vets that served in Vietnam..were in a hellish situation. They were drafted, did not want to be there..and went anyway.

And most served their country honorably. I've known several people who went, and they were good men.

Don't confuse the fact that I hated the war..with the fact I recognize that good men served with honor in the belief that they were fighting for their country.

Their leaders let them down. And that's part and parcel with the enormity of the crime.

Ok then... Sallow.

I personally refuse to give a free pass to ADULT individuals who decided to participate in a war of aggression that resulted in the destruction of a country that never harmed America in any way instead of becoming conscientious objector.

Let's agree to disagree : )
I suppose the next thing these Liberal idiots are going to say about Nam is most of those who served there were black.
José;3528360 said:
Originally posted by Sallow

A Majority of Vets that served in Vietnam..were in a hellish situation. They were drafted, did not want to be there..and went anyway.

And most served their country honorably. I've known several people who went, and they were good men.

Don't confuse the fact that I hated the war..with the fact I recognize that good men served with honor in the belief that they were fighting for their country.

Their leaders let them down. And that's part and parcel with the enormity of the crime.

Ok then... Sallow.

I personally refuse to give a free pass to ADULT individuals who decided to participate in a war of aggression that resulted in the destruction of a country that never harmed America in any way instead of becoming conscientious objector.

Let's agree to disagree : )

Jose there was a draft going on back than, alot of people didn't have a choice whether to go or not, I am pretty sure most would have stayed if they had a choice.
José;3528360 said:
Originally posted by Sallow

A Majority of Vets that served in Vietnam..were in a hellish situation. They were drafted, did not want to be there..and went anyway.

And most served their country honorably. I've known several people who went, and they were good men.

Don't confuse the fact that I hated the war..with the fact I recognize that good men served with honor in the belief that they were fighting for their country.

Their leaders let them down. And that's part and parcel with the enormity of the crime.

Ok then... Sallow.

I personally refuse to give a free pass to ADULT individuals who decided to participate in a war of aggression that resulted in the destruction of a country that never harmed America in any way instead of becoming conscientious objector.

Let's agree to disagree : )

Jose there was a draft going on back than, alot of people didn't have a choice whether to go or not, I am pretty sure most would have stayed if they had a choice.

Only - 25% (648,500) of total forces in Vietnam were draftees - the rest were volunteers!

(66% of U.S. armed forces members were drafted during WWII)

Draftees accounted for only 30.4% (17,725) of combat deaths in Vietnam.
José;3528360 said:
Ok then... Sallow.

I personally refuse to give a free pass to ADULT individuals who decided to participate in a war of aggression that resulted in the destruction of a country that never harmed America in any way instead of becoming conscientious objector.

Let's agree to disagree : )

Jose there was a draft going on back than, alot of people didn't have a choice whether to go or not, I am pretty sure most would have stayed if they had a choice.

Only - 25% (648,500) of total forces in Vietnam were draftees - the rest were volunteers!

(66% of U.S. armed forces members were drafted during WWII)

Draftees accounted for only 30.4% (17,725) of combat deaths in Vietnam.

I didn't know that, people make it sound like 70% of the force was drafted.

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