Hanoi Jane


there were other people in he army besides your dad and unless your last name is westmoreland they probably had a bit more authority and knowledge.



Psssst. When/where did you serve.
Just as I thought - never.

Then STFU.


1973-1999 USNR retired

i worked on ELINT.

you, i believe, worked with lint.

you can call me sir

great job on the laundry, btw

that is all

Call you Sir? What were you, seriously, in the Air Farce? Either that or you never made it past E-6 in your pitiful "career." Probably an ass-kissing YN or PN.....

In addition to being a faggot.
Psssst. When/where did you serve.
Just as I thought - never.

Then STFU.


1973-1999 USNR retired

i worked on ELINT.

you, i believe, worked with lint.

you can call me sir

great job on the laundry, btw

that is all

Call you Sir? What were you, seriously, in the Air Farce? Either that or you never made it past E-6 in your pitiful "career." Probably an ass-kissing YN or PN.....

In addition to being a faggot.

believe what you want. i'm not in the habit of discussing my career with the other ranks.

you do have a nice loking dog.

he seems very, err, affectionate.

1973-1999 USNR retired

i worked on ELINT.

you, i believe, worked with lint.

you can call me sir

great job on the laundry, btw

that is all

Call you Sir? What were you, seriously, in the Air Farce? Either that or you never made it past E-6 in your pitiful "career." Probably an ass-kissing YN or PN.....

In addition to being a faggot.

believe what you want. i'm not in the habit of discussing my career with the other ranks.

you do have a nice loking dog.

he seems very, err, affectionate.


I am not asking you to discuss your pathetic non-sea-going career, dumb fuck. Do you have difficulty reading English? You probably speak with a Muslim accent, correct?
Call you Sir? What were you, seriously, in the Air Farce? Either that or you never made it past E-6 in your pitiful "career." Probably an ass-kissing YN or PN.....

In addition to being a faggot.

believe what you want. i'm not in the habit of discussing my career with the other ranks.

you do have a nice loking dog.

he seems very, err, affectionate.


I am not asking you to discuss your pathetic non-sea-going career, dumb fuck. Do you have difficulty reading English? You probably speak with a Muslim accent, correct?

yes, i do.

how's the dog?
Jane Fonda, that self agrandizing pampered scion of Henry Fonda, did absolutely nothing positive for the anti-war movement.

She admits now that what she was was wrongheaded and ill concieved.

Much like ROBERT MACNAMARA admitted that his actions during the war were wrong headed and tragic, so too does Jane acknowledge her foolishness.

There is one major difference, however.

Jane's mistakes didn't result in millions of deaths of innocent people.

Bob's did.

"She admits now that what she was was wrongheaded and ill concieved."

No, she doen't. Her Hanoi propanda was just fine with her. See the following:

snopes.com: Jane Fonda and POWs
04-12-2011 05:21 PM GHook93 "You were never in Vietnam Lying Sand ******. Who was your friend you say again? I just want to know so I can piss on is grave, maybe scratch his name off the wall!"

That is the message that I just received from GHook93 about my friend who's name is on the Vietnam Memorial Wall

He and I were drafted in the same day from our little town.

I made a thread called "Sunni Man's High School Friends Misadventure" on Veterans Day if anyone wants to look it up.


It's just pathetic and sickening that GHook would want to dishonor a fallen American soldier in such a despicable way. :evil:

04-12-2011 05:21 PM GHook93 "You were never in Vietnam Lying Sand ******. Who was your friend you say again? I just want to know so I can piss on is grave, maybe scratch his name off the wall!"

That is the message that I just received from GHook93 about my friend who's name is on the Vietnam Memorial Wall

He and I were drafted in the same day from our little town.

I made a thread called "Sunni Man's High School Friends Misadventure" on Veterans Day if anyone wants to look it up.


It's just pathetic and sickening that GHook would want to dishonor a fallen American soldier in such a despicable way. :evil:


stay classy, ghook
José;3526879 said:
Originally posted by The Gadfly
Gee, Truth, you could have fooled me! "Pretend war' , huh? Silly me; I suppose those mortar rounds were just marshmallows, and those bullets....just spitballs, I'm sure! Of course, you weren't there to see it, but I guess if Jane Fonda says it's so..... Go tell it to my brothers, who are missing arms and legs; go tell it to the ones who died. Go tell it to those who still relive it in their nightmares; matter of fact, go tell it to all the Vietnamese men, women and children Hanoi Jane's beloved VC and NVA "comrades" tortured, raped, and flat-out murdered. You want the REAL baby-killers, torturers and rapists of Vietnam? Talk to Jane's "comrades", because THEY DID IT, WE DID NOT!

You presume one hell of a lot, for someone who never humped a ruck, never got shot at and never walked point in the jungle. You know, ever since I got home, I've had people like you telling me, what I should think about it, how I should feel about it, and what I should have done about it. You have all the answers; the only problem is, you never bothered to ask the right questions.

Those of us who were there, have a lot of different feelings about it, and we don't all agree. Some think it was right, others think it was wrong, and others still aren't sure. I think what we can all agree on is that we got lied to, and lied about, and got the blame, courtesy of Jane Fonda and the rest of the American Left. You know, being against a war is one thing; cheering for the enemy, waving the enemy flag, and spitting on and cursing American soldiers is another. So is blaming them for things the vast majority never did, and never would have done. I've seen American soldiers give their lives, protecting Vietnamese civilians...but Uncle Walter didn't tell you about that, on the evening news, so it never happened. No, we're just baby killers and war criminals-the Left says so!

I think you told someone to talk to some real Vietnam vets. What about you; ever bother talking to any of us who don't share your politics? Well, here's your chance. The question is, are you going to lecture me, or shut up and actually listen?


How cynical and morally depraved does an individual have to be to put the blame on the people of Vietnam for the West's decision to interfere in their civil war??

And who cares about all those french and american GI's anyway??

They were paid to die and I hope they are burning in Hell right now for all the death and destruction they brought to Vietnam.

Kudos to Sallow for being one of the few dissenting voices in this sea of mentally retarded patriotic clowns mindlessly burping "I'm for my country right or wrong"!!

Don't forget China invaded Vietnam in 1979 to receive a royal ass kicking!

Chinese Invasion of Vietnam

Apparently massacring a whole village of unarmed civilians and gang raping children, as Lt. Calley did, is a-okay..in the eyes of some folks.

And "posing" for pictures is treason in those very same eyes.

You bring up one documented incident to condemn the total? :eusa_eh:

What was the justification of the Vietnam war?

The Vietnamese invaded US shores, when?

What the heck did they do to merit a Genocide?
Remember Democrats got us in that War! JFK and LBJ!!!!
What was the justification of the Vietnam war?

The Vietnamese invaded US shores, when?

What the heck did they do to merit a Genocide?
Remember Democrats got us in that War! JFK and LBJ!!!!

Silly me. I thought Ike got the ball rolling on Vietnam.

Being President while advisors are in country is entirely different than deploying thousands of troops to engage the enemy - dumb fuck.

Why don't you fucking enlist before running your ignorant mouth regarding military matters.

Fucking cheese dick coward...
Some 20 something actress chums arround with some people we are at pretend war with and to some that is worse than our own military people lying and hoodwinking the American people.

Seems like it. And that actress later apologizes acknowledging that what she did was wrong and very very stupid. Have the Iran Contra players apologized and admitted what they did was wrong?

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