Hanoi Jane

40 years ago, a young actress went to Hanoi and was used by the enemy for propaganda purposes

Since that time..

- Our former enemy is a valued trade partner
- Thousands of Americans visit Viet Nam
- That actress has repeatedly apologized
- That actress has not had a role in 20 years

I see why everyone is so worked up about it

Indeed....and once again, Gh0ster is talking about gay sex.
Remember Democrats got us in that War! JFK and LBJ!!!!

Silly me. I thought Ike got the ball rolling on Vietnam.

Being President while advisors are in country is entirely different than deploying thousands of troops to engage the enemy - dumb fuck.

Why don't you fucking enlist before running your ignorant mouth regarding military matters.

Fucking cheese dick coward...


Been there. Done that.

Now back to the sandbox.
40 years ago, a young actress went to Hanoi and was used by the enemy for propaganda purposes

Since that time..

- Our former enemy is a valued trade partner
- Thousands of Americans visit Viet Nam
- That actress has repeatedly apologized
- That actress has not had a role in 20 years

I see why everyone is so worked up about it
What apology?

You may have heard that Jane Fonda apologized to Vietnam veterans in her current book. That's incorrect. She expressed "regret" for one photograph, but remains proud of her Radio Hanoi broadcasts, her efforts to achieve a Communist victory, and her attacks on American servicemen as war criminals. She never uses the word "apology."....​
Fonda's Pseudo-Apology - CBS News

"I would like to say something, not just to Vietnam veterans in New England, but to men who were in Vietnam, who I hurt, or whose pain I caused to deepen because of things that I said or did," she began. "I was trying to help end the killing and the war, but there were times when I was thoughtless and careless about it and I'm . . . very sorry that I hurt them. And I want to apologize to them and their families." Jane Fonda 1988

Oh dear....she DID apologize, didn't she?
Silly me. I thought Ike got the ball rolling on Vietnam.

Being President while advisors are in country is entirely different than deploying thousands of troops to engage the enemy - dumb fuck.

Why don't you fucking enlist before running your ignorant mouth regarding military matters.

Fucking cheese dick coward...


Been there. Done that.

Now back to the sandbox.

The only thing you've "served" are blowjobs to Sailor on shore leave
Being President while advisors are in country is entirely different than deploying thousands of troops to engage the enemy - dumb fuck.

Why don't you fucking enlist before running your ignorant mouth regarding military matters.

Fucking cheese dick coward...


Been there. Done that.

Now back to the sandbox.

The only thing you've "served" are blowjobs to Sailor on shore leave

Who is Sailor?

Been there. Done that.

Now back to the sandbox.

The only thing you've "served" are blowjobs to Sailor on shore leave

Who is Sailor?

04-12-2011 05:21 PM GHook93 "You were never in Vietnam Lying Sand ******. Who was your friend you say again? I just want to know so I can piss on is grave, maybe scratch his name off the wall!"

That is the message that I just received from GHook93 about my friend who's name is on the Vietnam Memorial Wall

He and I were drafted in the same day from our little town.

I made a thread called "Sunni Man's High School Friends Misadventure" on Veterans Day if anyone wants to look it up.


It's just pathetic and sickening that GHook would want to dishonor a fallen American soldier in such a despicable way. :evil:

I think it's because you don't fit GHook's vision of a Viet Nam vet....you shook him up and he reacted badly.
The assasination of Diem was ordered by whom?

First of all... you're talking about a President... not "civilians"...

Secondly... Nixon even Failed to pin that Theory on the Kennedy Administration...

You more Paranoid than Nixon these days, Sallow?...



Swallow is definately working overtime in this thread defending Socialists (Jane Fonda) traitors.

Perhaps he should take a break - go outside, burn a flag. Relieve some stress.

There you go with that faggot shit you little boy. And you keep touting your service as some kind of shield.

Well Timothy McVeigh served.
Micheal Fortier served.
Terry Nichols served.
John Muhammed served.
Jeffery Dahmer served.
Howard Unruh served.
David Berkowitz served.
And this fellow..who sort of reminds me of you..


Arthur Shawcross - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shawcross was born in Kittery, Maine, but his family moved to Watertown in New York State when he was young. While several later tests showed Shawcross' intelligence to be sub-normal or even "borderline retarded", he received As and Bs in his first two years of grade school.[1] His IQ was tested to be "low-normal" (between 86 and 92) when he was in the fifth grade.[2] Shawcross was prone to behaviors such as bullying, chronic bed wetting until at least the age of twelve,[3] and physical violence.[citation needed] He dropped out of high school in 1960, and when he was 21 he was drafted by the Army, in April 1967.[4][5] At this time he divorced his first wife and gave up the rights to their eighteen-month-old son, whom he never saw again.[6]
From the time Shawcross returned from his tour of duty, he told acquaintances of seeing American soldiers "skinned from their neck to their ankles",[20][21] and claimed to have decapitated two women he had victimized, "placing" their heads on poles.[

In any case..you're in good company..you flaming cum gargling maggot.
Ya cause after all we did not prosecute for that right? YOU are to stupid to breath.

Calley is still living and breathing to this day..without spending all that much time in jail. And..he was convicted of killing 22 people.

Stupidity, apparently, had nothing to do with the act of breathing.

And approving of the murder and gang rape of children is just disgusting.

Absolutely and utterly disgusting.

It seems that the deaths of the 22 innocents weighs heavily on your sensibilites....

...and in that connection:

1. In the scholarly &#8220;The Black Book of Communism,&#8221; Stephane Courtois, et. al. calculate (p. 572) that the Communists immediately shipped between 200,000 and a million to &#8216;reeducation camps&#8217; out of a population of 20 million. Execution numbered about 65,000 not counting those who died slowly in the camps.

a. The new Communist Vietnam caused hundreds of thousands of ordinary people to flee their homes, with over 800,000 taking to the high seas in tiny boats. Commentary magazine, &#8220;Who Won Vietnam?&#8221;, May 1994.

And yet you and Jane Fonda stand shoulder to shoulder with these beasts.

I haven't seen this much twisting since you gave birth to yourself.

That's also part of what America brought about. And the rise of the Khmer Rouge.

I find it the utmost hypocrisy that you're ilk goes on happily pointing out mass deaths in places like Turkey, Russia and China..yet constantly poo-poohs any notion this country ever did anything wrong..unless it has to do with Abortion.
First of all... you're talking about a President... not "civilians"...

Secondly... Nixon even Failed to pin that Theory on the Kennedy Administration...

You more Paranoid than Nixon these days, Sallow?...



Swallow is definately working overtime in this thread defending Socialists (Jane Fonda) traitors.

Perhaps he should take a break - go outside, burn a flag. Relieve some stress.

There you go with that faggot shit you little boy. And you keep touting your service as some kind of shield.

Well Timothy McVeigh served.
Micheal Fortier served.
Terry Nichols served.
John Muhammed served.
Jeffery Dahmer served.
Howard Unruh served.
David Berkowitz served.
And this fellow..who sort of reminds me of you..


Arthur Shawcross - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shawcross was born in Kittery, Maine, but his family moved to Watertown in New York State when he was young. While several later tests showed Shawcross' intelligence to be sub-normal or even "borderline retarded", he received As and Bs in his first two years of grade school.[1] His IQ was tested to be "low-normal" (between 86 and 92) when he was in the fifth grade.[2] Shawcross was prone to behaviors such as bullying, chronic bed wetting until at least the age of twelve,[3] and physical violence.[citation needed] He dropped out of high school in 1960, and when he was 21 he was drafted by the Army, in April 1967.[4][5] At this time he divorced his first wife and gave up the rights to their eighteen-month-old son, whom he never saw again.[6]
From the time Shawcross returned from his tour of duty, he told acquaintances of seeing American soldiers "skinned from their neck to their ankles",[20][21] and claimed to have decapitated two women he had victimized, "placing" their heads on poles.[

In any case..you're in good company..you flaming cum gargling maggot.

I don't see you on any lists of people who served, assfucker.
Queers are OK now. You're free to slip into your favorite mini-skirt and visit the recruiting station to enlist.
Quit being such a little pussy Swallow
José;3526879 said:
Originally posted by The Gadfly
Gee, Truth, you could have fooled me! "Pretend war' , huh? Silly me; I suppose those mortar rounds were just marshmallows, and those bullets....just spitballs, I'm sure! Of course, you weren't there to see it, but I guess if Jane Fonda says it's so..... Go tell it to my brothers, who are missing arms and legs; go tell it to the ones who died. Go tell it to those who still relive it in their nightmares; matter of fact, go tell it to all the Vietnamese men, women and children Hanoi Jane's beloved VC and NVA "comrades" tortured, raped, and flat-out murdered. You want the REAL baby-killers, torturers and rapists of Vietnam? Talk to Jane's "comrades", because THEY DID IT, WE DID NOT!

You presume one hell of a lot, for someone who never humped a ruck, never got shot at and never walked point in the jungle. You know, ever since I got home, I've had people like you telling me, what I should think about it, how I should feel about it, and what I should have done about it. You have all the answers; the only problem is, you never bothered to ask the right questions.

Those of us who were there, have a lot of different feelings about it, and we don't all agree. Some think it was right, others think it was wrong, and others still aren't sure. I think what we can all agree on is that we got lied to, and lied about, and got the blame, courtesy of Jane Fonda and the rest of the American Left. You know, being against a war is one thing; cheering for the enemy, waving the enemy flag, and spitting on and cursing American soldiers is another. So is blaming them for things the vast majority never did, and never would have done. I've seen American soldiers give their lives, protecting Vietnamese civilians...but Uncle Walter didn't tell you about that, on the evening news, so it never happened. No, we're just baby killers and war criminals-the Left says so!

I think you told someone to talk to some real Vietnam vets. What about you; ever bother talking to any of us who don't share your politics? Well, here's your chance. The question is, are you going to lecture me, or shut up and actually listen?


How cynical and morally depraved does an individual have to be to put the blame on the people of Vietnam for the West's decision to interfere in their civil war??

And who cares about all those french and american GI's anyway??

They were paid to die and I hope they are burning in Hell right now for all the death and destruction they brought to Vietnam.

Kudos to Sallow for being one of the few dissenting voices in this sea of mentally retarded patriotic clowns mindlessly burping "I'm for my country right or wrong"!!


A Majority of Vets that served in Vietnam..were in a hellish situation. They were drafted, did not want to be there..and went anyway.

And most served their country honorably. I've known several people who went, and they were good men.

Don't confuse the fact that I hated the war..with the fact I recognize that good men served with honor in the belief that they were fighting for their country.

Their leaders let them down. And that's part and parcel with the enormity of the crime.
Swallow is definately working overtime in this thread defending Socialists (Jane Fonda) traitors.

Perhaps he should take a break - go outside, burn a flag. Relieve some stress.

There you go with that faggot shit you little boy. And you keep touting your service as some kind of shield.

Well Timothy McVeigh served.
Micheal Fortier served.
Terry Nichols served.
John Muhammed served.
Jeffery Dahmer served.
Howard Unruh served.
David Berkowitz served.
And this fellow..who sort of reminds me of you..


Arthur Shawcross - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shawcross was born in Kittery, Maine, but his family moved to Watertown in New York State when he was young. While several later tests showed Shawcross' intelligence to be sub-normal or even "borderline retarded", he received As and Bs in his first two years of grade school.[1] His IQ was tested to be "low-normal" (between 86 and 92) when he was in the fifth grade.[2] Shawcross was prone to behaviors such as bullying, chronic bed wetting until at least the age of twelve,[3] and physical violence.[citation needed] He dropped out of high school in 1960, and when he was 21 he was drafted by the Army, in April 1967.[4][5] At this time he divorced his first wife and gave up the rights to their eighteen-month-old son, whom he never saw again.[6]
From the time Shawcross returned from his tour of duty, he told acquaintances of seeing American soldiers "skinned from their neck to their ankles",[20][21] and claimed to have decapitated two women he had victimized, "placing" their heads on poles.[

In any case..you're in good company..you flaming cum gargling maggot.

I don't see you on any lists of people who served, assfucker.
Queers are OK now. You're free to slip into your favorite mini-skirt and visit the recruiting station to enlist.
Quit being such a little pussy Swallow

Now now.

Your gayness seems to be causing quite a stir.

And no swallow for you.

No matter how much you beg.

Really..the only time you should be on your knees is doing an honest day's work.

Get off the dole boy..find a job.

Might make you less gay, who knows?

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