Happy 4th of July --- Thank the Second Amendment!

Who do you value, Classical Liberals (Libertarians) or Modern Liberals (Progressives)

  • Thanks to Classical Liberals who enshrined the Right to Bear Arms

    Votes: 10 90.9%
  • Thanks to Progressives (Modern Liberals) who would prefer we fought Britain with slingshots.

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
Stop the presses.......stop the presses

Because TeaTards had to fill out some additional tax forms explaining their tax free status, they were not allowed to speak freely

Can you be any bigger a pussy whining about your rights?

I think filling out 3 notebooks full of additional papers is way to over the top and they still have not gotten their tax exempt status.
Then they changed the rules so that only the older left (501)4c's can still do their get out the votes.
Even the lefties are upset at this move for their new tax exempt organizations.
Lois Learner after being let go was one of the people making those new rules.
Nothing like having a very biased person like her making new rules like that huh?
You know that the left would be screaming and rioting in the streets, if the right had done this to them.

No TeaTard group was denied tax exempt status

No you subversive, bullshitter they had and have their tax exempt status ON HOLD!!!...Not denied OR APPROVED! :cuckoo:

How many times have you posted that same shit, and have been corrected...a dozen?
I think filling out 3 notebooks full of additional papers is way to over the top and they still have not gotten their tax exempt status.
Then they changed the rules so that only the older left (501)4c's can still do their get out the votes.
Even the lefties are upset at this move for their new tax exempt organizations.
Lois Learner after being let go was one of the people making those new rules.
Nothing like having a very biased person like her making new rules like that huh?
You know that the left would be screaming and rioting in the streets, if the right had done this to them.

No TeaTard group was denied tax exempt status

No you subversive, bullshitter they had and have their tax exempt status ON HOLD!!!...Not denied OR APPROVED! :cuckoo:

How many times have you posted that same shit, and have been corrected...a dozen?

Making shit up does not help you make your case

Those cases were resolved years ago and all TeaTards eventually got their tax exempt status. None were denied
2nd Amendment wasn't ratified until 1781. Whereas the war for independence began in 1775. Hate to spoil a good liberal bash thread with the facts but...:)
No TeaTard group was denied tax exempt status

No you subversive, bullshitter they had and have their tax exempt status ON HOLD!!!...Not denied OR APPROVED! :cuckoo:

How many times have you posted that same shit, and have been corrected...a dozen?

Making shit up does not help you make your case

Those cases were resolved years ago and all TeaTards eventually got their tax exempt status. None were denied

Parsing your words won't save you again, asswipe!

Liberty Twp. Tea Party one of 11 without ?yes? or ?no? on... | www.journal-news.com

Not DENIED, just put IN LIMBO....which accomplishes the same fucking result!

You're a dishonest poster that tries to use semantics to divert and confiscate. Just like all you subversives do!
We had a second American Revolution in this country

We had citizens officially declared second class citizens. They were denied the right to vote, the right to assembly, the right to use public facilities......they were subjected to terrorist attacks and their government did nothing about it. They lived in conditions worse than our founding fathers

Yet they did not use their second amendment rights

They used their first amendment rights. Freedom of assembly. Freedom of the press. freedom of speech. They won the hearts and minds of America and they won without firing a shot

Do you realize that they were also denied their 2nd amendment rights?

Blacks had access to guns

In spite of democrooks. The same party that's now trying to disarm everyone.

Except of course for the commissars who will be operating the "re-education" camps.

hate to break it to you guys but at the decisive victory of Yorktown there were more French soldiers than militia members. Victory ultimately came as a result of concerted efforts by regular armies.

Even at that, we had well regulated militias

Not the overweight gun nuts fantasizing about fighting the evil government that we have today
Clearly, private gun ownership wouldn't do much against an oppressive government. The government has drones, and the president merely needs to push a button in Washington if he wanted to drop a drone on Wayne LaPeirre's house.

HOw did that work in Afganistan?

It worked just fine. we pretty much killed those fuckers with impunity.
Still no votes for slingshots?

sure, why not.

Here's the thing.

I don't get all weepy about the Fourth of July. A bunch of Slave-Owners decided that they didn't want to pay their taxes and were afraid that the Crown might eventually free their slaves, so they manipulated a bunch of dumb white trash into joining their army. and for most of the war, they were getting their asses kicked, despite having muskets, because the British were better trained. That was, until France and Spain, who didn't give a shit about "Freedom" or "Liberty" or "Democracy" decided that this was an opportunity to really fuck with Great Britain.

So the Tyrannical French and Spaniards saved us from being- gasp - Canadians.

Oh my God, we'd have to like Hockey and Soccer and would have universal health care! And we'd have abolished slavery without a civil war.

Oh, the horror of it all.
Still no votes for slingshots?

sure, why not.

Here's the thing.

I don't get all weepy about the Fourth of July. A bunch of Slave-Owners decided that they didn't want to pay their taxes and were afraid that the Crown might eventually free their slaves, so they manipulated a bunch of dumb white trash into joining their army. and for most of the war, they were getting their asses kicked, despite having muskets, because the British were better trained. That was, until France and Spain, who didn't give a shit about "Freedom" or "Liberty" or "Democracy" decided that this was an opportunity to really fuck with Great Britain.

So the Tyrannical French and Spaniards saved us from being- gasp - Canadians.

Oh my God, we'd have to like Hockey and Soccer and would have universal health care! And we'd have abolished slavery without a civil war.

Oh, the horror of it all.

LOL......country hating limpwrister. They are all miserable but this guy is consumed with spewing the hate.

s0n.....buckle up your chinstrap and take a little responsibility for making your own fucked up life decisions that have left you in a perpetual state of misery!! For the 4 billion posts you've made over the past couple of years advocating grabbing the guns, the polls show that you couldn't be more in the minority since 1959.........nineteen fucking 59 s0n!! 74% of the country says "fuck you" to gun grabbing.

Gallup Poll: Support for gun control is waning, opposition to handgun ban at all-time high

Too......guns are flying off the shelves everywhere and the area's where gun laws are strictest are turning into a Jonestown!!!:D:D


s0n.....you need to trash the computer and get out and have a beer......plan a trip........look at that post count ya got!! HOLY FUCK:eek:......you know what people say about those who keep doing the same thing over and over and keep expecting a different result. Nobody cares about the opinions of fringe loner mofu's who wake up every day with an axe to grind = ghey. Just sayin' :up:

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