Happy 7th Birthday, Trig Paxson Van Palin!

I looked around for fucks to give. Couldnt find 1
I looked at the pics at the link. Very cute kid. Hard to believe he is 7 already. Time sure flies.
Seems like, in Alaska, they might have a different outlook on what children should get out of pre-school:

"Preschool is a time in a child's life when adults can stimulate a child's brain to grow as they pass through the various stages of childhood. These changes should involve their motor and sensory functions through experiences in their environment. The purpose of a preschool should be to lay the groundwork to build on for the future. Certainly, it should not be to make little academic wizards of the children. Instead, there should be devices to help children refine the needed essential skills in life, opportunity to improve their motor skills, be introduced to some of the basics of the academic world, learn about the community in which they live, and yet remain a young child in heart and soul."

And not a word about subjecting them to political indoctrination! How could this possibly work?

Amazon.com Alaska s Children s House Building Essential Skills Independent Thinking and Character eBook Verna Euwer Kindle Store

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