Happy Columbus Day !!

The man Columbus brought over to this hemisphere , venerial disease, chickenpox, he raped looted and pillaged an indigenous Indian people with his European beatial diseases and greed.Is that anything for you
whites to celebrate!?.Explain it your celebration, if you can.

Tough shit s0n.:flirtysmile4:

Anyway, it was like 8,000 years ago.:2up:
Nope. 8k years ago is when white skinned people first appeared in europe.
Some "humans" live more like animals while others live like "gods" on earth.
I agree. Whites lived in caves like other animals. Blacks were gods first human creation in his image.

Like Blombos caves an important early African archeology site?
Not at all. The Biombos caves were like an outpost for traveling hunter gatherers. Whites lived in caves exclusively.

There were Mammoth bone huts built in Ice Age Europe.

By the Neolithic peroid there were pretty modern houses in Europe in placea like Skara Brae & the Cucenti-Trypillian culture houses.
Piles of rocks are not modern houses. A monkey can make a pile of rocks.

Then I guess mud huts aren't modern houses.
I agree. Whites lived in caves like other animals. Blacks were gods first human creation in his image.

Like Blombos caves an important early African archeology site?
Not at all. The Biombos caves were like an outpost for traveling hunter gatherers. Whites lived in caves exclusively.

There were Mammoth bone huts built in Ice Age Europe.

By the Neolithic peroid there were pretty modern houses in Europe in placea like Skara Brae & the Cucenti-Trypillian culture houses.
Piles of rocks are not modern houses. A monkey can make a pile of rocks.

Then I guess mud huts aren't modern houses.
Mud huts are ancient, tried and true marvels of engineering. Huts made from mud to provide both a natural cooling effect during the heat and warming effect during the cold.

Mud housing is the key - India Environment Portal | News, reports, documents, blogs, data, analysis on environment & development | India, South Asia
Time to celebrate the birth of western culture on this hemisphere !!! :5_1_12024:

Everything you need to know about NYC’s Columbus Day Parade

For the 74th year running, the annual Columbus Day Parade—which bills itself as “the world’s largest celebration of Italian-American culture”—will march up Fifth Avenue on Monday, October 8. This year, parade organizer tapped First Data Corporation president Guy Chiarello as grand marshal and more than one million spectators are anticipated for the event.

Last year, the Columbus Day parade drew a higher amount of skepticism, as calls to remove the Christopher Columbus statue at Columbus Circle made the rounds. While Columbus is credited with encouraging European exploration in the Americas, many take issue with the devastating effects that his exploits had on indigenous people in the Caribbean and beyond.

Everything you need to know about NYC’s Columbus Day Parade
So you are Italian-American?

Nooooooooo, but I'm celebrating the day we choose that symbolizes the time when the greatness of western culture came to this hemisphere and put in motion what would later become the greatness country to ever strut itself on this planet.
Enjoy your celebration !
Then what's your problem?
Who told you I had a problem? I was just pointing out that columbus committed genocide on the Arawak people. Youre the one that got confused.

And who cares?
People that belong to the human race care and why colubus day is a farce holiday made up by white boys with an insecurity complex.
the Knights of Columbus,a group i knew something about growing up, were behind making that day a Holiday long ago,but it was more a Catholic thing than an Italian thing....
I think I read that somewhere. Funny thing is that columbus very well could have been a white Jew.
he was a northern Italian....he could have been a lot of things....
Big words from someone with modern knowledge and access to modern data.

Back then it was a huge risk sailing that direction, because others who went before him never came back, or turned back before they found anything.
You sound like an idiot. He wasn't even the first euriopean to make it to the americas.

he was the one that brought enough information back to begin the permanent colonization of the "New World"

The Viking settlements all failed, and left scant written evidence of them occurring. What we know about it is from the archeological digs and vague references to a land to the West.
The americas were already populated. What are you talking about? Columbus never even knew he had "discovered" a new continent.

They were populated, but the concept of discovery is of course from a European (and by proxy Oriental) perspective.

It doesn't matter his original thought on what he found, what matters is he led the first group that found the "New World" and opened it up to exploration and exploitation by the "Old World"
But thats false. He didnt lead the first group of anything. Leif Ericsson was the first european to hit the americas and prior to that the Mali empire from Africa.

It doesn't matter who actually came first, the point is this is the day we choose to celebrate our European greatness ! Have a happy celebration ! :beer:
Who told you I had a problem? I was just pointing out that columbus committed genocide on the Arawak people. Youre the one that got confused.

And who cares?
People that belong to the human race care and why colubus day is a farce holiday made up by white boys with an insecurity complex.
the Knights of Columbus,a group i knew something about growing up, were behind making that day a Holiday long ago,but it was more a Catholic thing than an Italian thing....
I think I read that somewhere. Funny thing is that columbus very well could have been a white Jew.
he was a northern Italian....he could have been a lot of things....
Italian is a nationality. Being a white Jew is an ethnicity or some say even a race.
You sound like an idiot. He wasn't even the first euriopean to make it to the americas.

he was the one that brought enough information back to begin the permanent colonization of the "New World"

The Viking settlements all failed, and left scant written evidence of them occurring. What we know about it is from the archeological digs and vague references to a land to the West.
The americas were already populated. What are you talking about? Columbus never even knew he had "discovered" a new continent.

They were populated, but the concept of discovery is of course from a European (and by proxy Oriental) perspective.

It doesn't matter his original thought on what he found, what matters is he led the first group that found the "New World" and opened it up to exploration and exploitation by the "Old World"
But thats false. He didnt lead the first group of anything. Leif Ericsson was the first european to hit the americas and prior to that the Mali empire from Africa.

It doesn't matter who actually came first, the point is this is the day we choose to celebrate our European greatness ! Have a happy celebration ! :beer:
Why did you name it after a bumbling fool and genocidal maniac like columbus instead of Leif Ericsson?
Ericsson's expedition didn't result in a permanent connection, or even durable documentation of the existence of another landmass to the west of Europe and East of Asia.

And the Mail empire theory has even less proof than the Viking one, and is thus dismissed by most experts on the matter. And even if it did happen, again it did not lead to the permanent opening of the new landmass to exploration and colonization.

Ok. So youre saying that opening it up to colonization was the great deed columbus set in motion?

His "great deed" was being the first one to lead an expedition that returned information on the previously undocumented landmass.

And here is where you try to accuse him of genocide, and all sorts of bad things that happened.

Genocide is a modern concept, that requires the DESIRE AND EXECUTION to eliminate a racial or ethnic group.

What happened during colonization was exploitation, something done by the natives to each other, Europeans to each other, Africans to each other, and on and on until you get one group exploiting another, usually due to vast differences in technology.
So youre going to claim that columbus didnt advocate the genocide of the natives?

Considering he didn't know what genocide was, I doubt he could advocate for it.

It would be like asking him about a welding machine.

But please, provide proof that he "advocated genocide"
Who told you he didnt know what genocide was? Columbus set off fully knowledgeable about what he was doing. His plan was to take wealth from other people by force. When he encountered the natives he remarked on how easy it would be to conquer them. He then came back with a military force and systematically exterminated the natives.

Oh well, if not Columbus, someone would have. Conquering has always been part of human history.
he was the one that brought enough information back to begin the permanent colonization of the "New World"

The Viking settlements all failed, and left scant written evidence of them occurring. What we know about it is from the archeological digs and vague references to a land to the West.
The americas were already populated. What are you talking about? Columbus never even knew he had "discovered" a new continent.

They were populated, but the concept of discovery is of course from a European (and by proxy Oriental) perspective.

It doesn't matter his original thought on what he found, what matters is he led the first group that found the "New World" and opened it up to exploration and exploitation by the "Old World"
But thats false. He didnt lead the first group of anything. Leif Ericsson was the first european to hit the americas and prior to that the Mali empire from Africa.

It doesn't matter who actually came first, the point is this is the day we choose to celebrate our European greatness ! Have a happy celebration ! :beer:
Why did you name it after a bumbling fool and genocidal maniac like columbus instead of Leif Ericsson?

You'll have to ask my ancestors, they apparently like Chris better.
His "great deed" was being the first one to lead an expedition that returned information on the previously undocumented landmass.

And here is where you try to accuse him of genocide, and all sorts of bad things that happened.

Genocide is a modern concept, that requires the DESIRE AND EXECUTION to eliminate a racial or ethnic group.

What happened during colonization was exploitation, something done by the natives to each other, Europeans to each other, Africans to each other, and on and on until you get one group exploiting another, usually due to vast differences in technology.
So youre going to claim that columbus didnt advocate the genocide of the natives?

Considering he didn't know what genocide was, I doubt he could advocate for it.

It would be like asking him about a welding machine.

But please, provide proof that he "advocated genocide"
Who told you he didnt know what genocide was? Columbus set off fully knowledgeable about what he was doing. His plan was to take wealth from other people by force. When he encountered the natives he remarked on how easy it would be to conquer them. He then came back with a military force and systematically exterminated the natives.

That's exploitation. Not genocide.

The goal wasn't to exterimnate them the goal was to use them. Same thing any group did to another if they had a large advantage over them.

Real genocide has to have the explicit goal of elimination as a priority, not exploitation.
Its also exploitation but when you purposely kill off a culture race etc its genocide.

No the goal was to exterminate them and steal their shit.

Yep, and my ancestors were damn good at it. Best in the world in fact. We had the technology above everyone else ! :beer:
The americas were already populated. What are you talking about? Columbus never even knew he had "discovered" a new continent.

They were populated, but the concept of discovery is of course from a European (and by proxy Oriental) perspective.

It doesn't matter his original thought on what he found, what matters is he led the first group that found the "New World" and opened it up to exploration and exploitation by the "Old World"
But thats false. He didnt lead the first group of anything. Leif Ericsson was the first european to hit the americas and prior to that the Mali empire from Africa.

It doesn't matter who actually came first, the point is this is the day we choose to celebrate our European greatness ! Have a happy celebration ! :beer:
Why did you name it after a bumbling fool and genocidal maniac like columbus instead of Leif Ericsson?

You'll have to ask my ancestors, they apparently like Chris better.
No need to ask your ancestors. I already know the reason. Leif was ran off the continent. Columbus and his genocide made your ancestors feel like big men.
That's exploitation. Not genocide.

The goal wasn't to exterimnate them the goal was to use them. Same thing any group did to another if they had a large advantage over them.

Real genocide has to have the explicit goal of elimination as a priority, not exploitation.
Its also exploitation but when you purposely kill off a culture race etc its genocide.

No the goal was to exterminate them and steal their shit.

So what?

Beside it was small pox and other diseases that wiped them out
So it was genocide.

No. It wasnt small pox that wiped out the natives columbus killed. That was done by white guys killing people and feeding their dogs the human meat.

Spaniards killed the most Natives, Portuguese enslaved the most Blacks, and Columbus was prob Italian.

Why is it you prefer Southern Europeans over Northern Europeans, exactly?
Southern europeans tend to have more melanin. They dont look quite like worms that were raised in a cave like northern europeans do.
i knew some guys that looked like that.....even the white kids were a shade darker....
he was the one that brought enough information back to begin the permanent colonization of the "New World"

The Viking settlements all failed, and left scant written evidence of them occurring. What we know about it is from the archeological digs and vague references to a land to the West.
The americas were already populated. What are you talking about? Columbus never even knew he had "discovered" a new continent.

They were populated, but the concept of discovery is of course from a European (and by proxy Oriental) perspective.

It doesn't matter his original thought on what he found, what matters is he led the first group that found the "New World" and opened it up to exploration and exploitation by the "Old World"
But thats false. He didnt lead the first group of anything. Leif Ericsson was the first european to hit the americas and prior to that the Mali empire from Africa.

It doesn't matter who actually came first, the point is this is the day we choose to celebrate our European greatness ! Have a happy celebration ! :beer:
Why did you name it after a bumbling fool and genocidal maniac like columbus instead of Leif Ericsson?

I tend to support Leif Erikson more so.
They were populated, but the concept of discovery is of course from a European (and by proxy Oriental) perspective.

It doesn't matter his original thought on what he found, what matters is he led the first group that found the "New World" and opened it up to exploration and exploitation by the "Old World"
But thats false. He didnt lead the first group of anything. Leif Ericsson was the first european to hit the americas and prior to that the Mali empire from Africa.

It doesn't matter who actually came first, the point is this is the day we choose to celebrate our European greatness ! Have a happy celebration ! :beer:
Why did you name it after a bumbling fool and genocidal maniac like columbus instead of Leif Ericsson?

You'll have to ask my ancestors, they apparently like Chris better.
No need to ask your ancestors. I already know the reason. Leif was ran off the continent. Columbus and his genocide made your ancestors feel like big men.

Probably actually because Leif Erikson's voyage was seen as unproven, unlike Columbus's, that is until the 1960's when they found Viking settlements in Newfoundland.
The man Columbus brought over to this hemisphere , venerial disease, chickenpox, he raped looted and pillaged an indigenous Indian people with his European beatial diseases and greed.Is that anything for you
whites to celebrate!?.Explain it your celebration, if you can.

Of course it is bitch.


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