Happy Days are Here Again


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
We’ll Keep the Red Flag Flying Here

January 9, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

Ever since FDR made it his campaign song in 1932 while running for office during the Great Depression, the unofficial anthem of the Democratic Party has been that Tin Pan Alley classic, “Happy Days are Here Again.”

Like Hope and Change, Happy Days are Here Again was a blandly optimistic and non-specific promise that good times were coming. Someday the happy days would arrive, an appropriate enough sentiment for a song whose pivotal moment came in the movie “Chasing Rainbows” where it was sung to reassure a cuckolded husband who is threatening to kill himself. And in an even more appropriate bit of symbolism, the actual movie footage of that moment is as lost as the happy times.

No matter how often the Democratic Party cheats on the American people, it can always break out a new rendition of “Happy Days are Here Again” to win them back. And even if the happy days never seem to actually arrive, the promise of “So long sad times” and “Howdy gay times” where “your troubles and cares are gone” is always a winner.


Stalin famously told his mother that he was the new Czar, transmuting collectivist revolution into the egotistical authoritarianism of one man. Obama has managed the same trick, merging revolutionary politics with his own brand until there is no longer a difference between the man and his revolution. FDR only promised happy days, but Obama has become the actual incarnation of hope, which may explain why there is no longer any hope to go around.

There is a flag flying over Washington and it’s no longer the stars and stripes, but the same red flag that flies over Chicago. It’s the red flag under whose shade misery and tyranny spreads while the band strikes up the same anthem over and over again. “Happy days are here again.” “Life is better, life is fun.” “Things can only get better” and of course Obama’s victory speech promise; “The best is yet to come.”

It might have been more honest if he had instead admitted, “We’ll keep the red flag flying here.”

We’ll Keep the Red Flag Flying Here
Things are getting pretty bad when the ruling party's only rationale is keeping the other party out of power.
Absolute assertion "Stalin famously told his mother that he was the new Czar, transmuting collectivist revolution into the egotistical authoritarianism of one man. Obama has managed the same trick, merging revolutionary politics with his own brand until there is no longer a difference between the man and his revolution. FDR only promised happy days, but Obama has become the actual incarnation of hope, which may explain why there is no longer any hope to go around" with absolutely no objective, convincing evidence.

Simply a smear.
This seems like nothing more than a personal attack on Obama. Don't all American presidents exert power to the fullest extent possible?
Democrats are Santa Claus!!!
FREEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! Treats and goodies!! FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
The only thing is, their theme song is straight from the script of the musical, Oliver! - "You Got To Pick A Pocket Or Two," and their giveaways are always from someone else's pocket--the middle class taxpayer, as much as they deny it. They just passed the greatest tax hike in history that began January 1, 2013. with ACA deductions--a consortium of 20 separate taxes--from workers' paychecks. Taxpayers are also getting socked with two other payroll deduction increases from the Pelosi/Reid/Obama congressional & executive fiat spendathons from 2007-2011. :evil:
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Absolute assertion "Stalin famously told his mother that he was the new Czar, transmuting collectivist revolution into the egotistical authoritarianism of one man. Obama has managed the same trick, merging revolutionary politics with his own brand until there is no longer a difference between the man and his revolution. FDR only promised happy days, but Obama has become the actual incarnation of hope, which may explain why there is no longer any hope to go around" with absolutely no objective, convincing evidence.

Simply a smear.

Snarkey, you can go to McDonalds and buy a box of HOPE...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sao14ByruRI]Pat McDonald Hope Commercial - YouTube[/ame]

The smear was not mine, but from either an ultra right wack or a libertarian loon.

You guys can complain all you want, but it was your hate rhetoric in the campaign that won the election for your Dear Leader, President Obama.

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