Happy Joe McCarthy Day

R.C. Christian

Gold Member
Jun 30, 2010
Nov 14, 1908 RIP.

If we had more guys like him around these days commie scum like president bisexual would be rotting on death row.
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He was right, but became a bully and destroyed innocent lives in his quest. I'm not sure the destruction left in his wake justified what he accomplished.
McCarthy was a paranoid lunatic who tried to take away people's freedoms.

Thankfully he is gone and I hope he rots in hell.
Had Ike allowed him to continue perhaps Frank Marshall Davis, the entire Jarrett family, Ayers, the Dhorns, Van Jones etc would have all been properly exterminated and Obama wouldn't be president.
Thanx to the union based left wing politically affiliated education system generations of low information Americans have been encouraged to blame a single republican senator for the logical systematic mostly democrat effort to uncover the communist threat in society. HUAC was a democrat party creation sanctioned by president Harry Truman. The so-called "black-listing" in Hollywood had nothing to do with senator McCarthy. HUAC (house un-American activities committee) had no power to "black list" Hollywood screen writers. Hollywood thought it might lose money when communists were exposed so they fired them and amazingly blamed the whole thing on a freaking republican.
If there were more people like Joe around we wouldn't have a chink chiseled MLK statue in D.C. that looks like it belongs next to a statue of the chairman. No way to treat an effigy of the greatest civil rights leader of all time.

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