Happy new year conservatives. Hey, want to know what privilege is? Let me define it.

Going through life feeling like victim must be pretty horrible. I wouldn't know. I do individualism better than any conservative.

Occupied, you asked the question, I answered it. It seems that you were not prepared for a serious answer.

Here is the truth. You support racist discrimination in favor of blacks (and browns) and you don't want to deal with that fact that this hurts white people who don't deserve it, to benefit black people, who do not deserve it.

My answer reveals that, which is why you are so desperate to avoid addressing it honestly.

You are a Moral Coward.
Occupied, you asked the question, I answered it. It seems that you were not prepared for a serious answer.

Here is the truth. You support racist discrimination in favor of blacks (and browns) and you don't want to deal with that fact that this hurts white people who don't deserve it, to benefit black people, who do not deserve it.

My answer reveals that, which is why you are so desperate to avoid addressing it honestly.

You are a Moral Coward.
I address everything honestly. Quit crying about what other people have and do what it takes to make your life satisfactory. Ten years ago I was ruined and practically homeless after the 2008 collapse had taken everything. Now I have plenty of business, amble cash, no debt and a home I own outright. I owe none of it to blaming others for my lack of foresight. No one gave me anything, I have earned every dollar that has passed though my hand and paid back with interest everyone that ever helped me along. I exemplify everything conservatives say they stand for. Quit whining and do something about your personal great depression. It's amazing the help you can get if others see you as a determined individual.
I address everything honestly. Quit crying about what other people have and do what it takes to make your life satisfactory. Ten years ago I was ruined and practically homeless after the 2008 collapse had taken everything. Now I have plenty of business, amble cash, no debt and a home I own outright. I owe none of it to blaming others for my lack of foresight. No one gave me anything, I have earned every dollar that has passed though my hand and paid back with interest everyone that ever helped me along. I exemplify everything conservatives say they stand for. Quit whining and do something about your personal great depression. It's amazing the help you can get if others see you as a determined individual.

You made the claim that none of us would switch with those we claim have it "so good".

I explained that I would. I explained why I would.

That is a serious answer to your question.

Your response has been to ignore my points and attack me personally.

That is you, showing that you are unable to defend your claim ie that none of would switch with those that supposedly have it so good.

That is you running from serious and/or honest discussion of the topic.

My point remains. You support a policy of racist discrimination and you can't defend it honestly.
You made the claim that none of us would switch with those we claim have it "so good".

I explained that I would. I explained why I would.

That is a serious answer to your question.

Your response has been to ignore my points and attack me personally.

That is you, showing that you are unable to defend your claim ie that none of would switch with those that supposedly have it so good.

That is you running from serious and/or honest discussion of the topic.

My point remains. You support a policy of racist discrimination and you can't defend it honestly.
You seem to think people were just given the keys to prosperity without having to do anything. Nope. Hard work and dedication is required of anyone looking to better themselves. Any poverty stricken individual that made it to middle class security had to study harder, labor longer and sacrifice every bit of their pride to get there.
Privilege is wearing $200 dollar sneakers when you never had a job.

Privilege is wearing $300 dollar beats headphones while living on public assistance.

Privilege is a having a smartphone with a data plan that you receive no bill for.

Privilege is living in public subsidized housing where you don't have a water bill, where rising property taxes and rents and energy costs have absolutely no effect on the amount of food you can put on your table.

Privilege is the ability to go March against and protest against anything that triggers you without worrying about calling out of work and the consequences for such behavior.

Privilege is being allowed to blatantly rob stores and any other business without any concern of any repercussions from law enforcement for stealing.

Privilege is having the BAIL PROJECT bail you out so you can do it and more all over again!!
Privilege is apparently the freedom to bitch about things 24/7 even though you have it better than 99% of the world....
A Chinese waiter got shot 12x last week here in Vegas by a homeless violent ex-felon from California that the BAIL PROJECT had bailed out 2 weeks before on a lessor charge!
Poor waiter has had 2 surgeries and is still alive. But I'm pissed that we have such a sham project here in our City!
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Ok Karen. That's all you you do. Oh the irony. Karen corn could actually die by irony, she would have died long ago.
Meanwhile back in reality...how many of these bullshit threads have you created to fulfill your empty holidays, Short Stack?

35 threads since 12/20.... Some people have friends, a family, etc... to fulfill their holidays.... You have a message board. LOL
Meanwhile back in reality...how many of these bullshit threads have you created to fulfill your empty holidays, Short Stack?

35 threads since 12/20.... Some people have friends, a family, etc... to fulfill their holidays.... You have a message board. LOL

If you had an inclusive mindset, you would perceive it 'as whatever floats your boat'.
But your a Dimm control freak!
So you don't.
If you had an inclusive mindset, you would perceive it 'as whatever floats your boat'.
But your a Dimm control freak!
So you don't.

Short Stack being a hateful little prick (meant literally) is well known around here sonny.
Short Stack being a hateful little prick (meant literally) is well known around here sonny.
Sonny? Lol

So all of this time you are a senior citizen. Not that is bad or anything but...ok.....

I thought "short stack" was cute and all of that. I pick on you a bit, mainly for your stupidity, but with all due disrespect.....


Nevermind karencorn.
Sonny? Lol

So all of this time you are a senior citizen. Not that is bad or anything but...ok.....

I thought "short stack" was cute and all of that. I pick on you a bit, mainly for your stupidity, but with all due disrespect.....


Nevermind karencorn.

I'm sure you get called "cute" quite a bit.
You seem to think people were just given the keys to prosperity without having to do anything. Nope. Hard work and dedication is required of anyone looking to better themselves. Any poverty stricken individual that made it to middle class security had to study harder, labor longer and sacrifice every bit of their pride to get there.

I made no such claims. You made a claim, minimizing the benefits of our national consensus on, and policies of, discriminating in favor of blacks (and others). ie, that none of us would switch if we could.

I pointed out, correctly, using my life as an example, that the benefits are such that they would have a very large impact, if I was able to go back and "switch" and thus get the benefits of that discrimination.

The impact is hidden, because the system is set up to hide it, because if people, white people were told, each time that they did not get admitted to a school, or got a job, or given an promotion, because of race, that it was because of race,

then we could discuss the impact of the policy, honestly and seriously, instead of letting liberals shut down any such attempts by dishonest means.

The very fact that you reflexively dismiss and actively avoid a serious discussion of the pros and cons of this policy, shows that you know that the cons far out weight the benefits.

For one, considering the near UNIVERSIALITY of the commitment to it, it is certain that the vast majority of white males in this country, have at multiple times in their lives, paid a price so that some "minority" could be given an advantage to make up for "past injustices".

And by "price" I don't mean some millionaire doesn't get a second vacation home. I mean a poor white kid doesn't get a scholarship to an Ivy League school, or a working class white guy doesn't get that promotion, or the white guy that finally managed to work his way though college, doesn't get that stem job that he tried so hard for.

Real sacrifices that white people have been making for generations now.

That is a real fucking "con" and one that is too high for the lack of return we have gotten from this policy.

Time to stop it.

You want to address that seriously? Or are you going to play some more silly games to evade the Truth?
I made no such claims. You made a claim, minimizing the benefits of our national consensus on, and policies of, discriminating in favor of blacks (and others). ie, that none of us would switch if we could.

I pointed out, correctly, using my life as an example, that the benefits are such that they would have a very large impact, if I was able to go back and "switch" and thus get the benefits of that discrimination.

The impact is hidden, because the system is set up to hide it, because if people, white people were told, each time that they did not get admitted to a school, or got a job, or given an promotion, because of race, that it was because of race,

then we could discuss the impact of the policy, honestly and seriously, instead of letting liberals shut down any such attempts by dishonest means.

The very fact that you reflexively dismiss and actively avoid a serious discussion of the pros and cons of this policy, shows that you know that the cons far out weight the benefits.

For one, considering the near UNIVERSIALITY of the commitment to it, it is certain that the vast majority of white males in this country, have at multiple times in their lives, paid a price so that some "minority" could be given an advantage to make up for "past injustices".

And by "price" I don't mean some millionaire doesn't get a second vacation home. I mean a poor white kid doesn't get a scholarship to an Ivy League school, or a working class white guy doesn't get that promotion, or the white guy that finally managed to work his way though college, doesn't get that stem job that he tried so hard for.

Real sacrifices that white people have been making for generations now.

That is a real fucking "con" and one that is too high for the lack of return we have gotten from this policy.

Time to stop it.

You want to address that seriously? Or are you going to play some more silly games to evade the Truth?
I get that you feel cheated by affirmative action policies but blaming your crappy life on them is ludicrous. Were I to talk to you long enough you would accidentally tell me exactly where you fucked up. You had too many kids or you were a lazy student or you never left your shitty Hooterville town or got addicted to drugs or whatever. If you wanted prosperity bad enough you would have it.
I get that you feel cheated by affirmative action policies but blaming your crappy life on them is ludicrous. Were I to talk to you long enough you would accidentally tell me exactly where you fucked up. You had too many kids or you were a lazy student or you never left your shitty Hooterville town or got addicted to drugs or whatever. If you wanted prosperity bad enough you would have it.

And instead of addressing my points, you try to make it personal.

Dude. My life is good. It was AFTER I finally succeeded, and looked back, that I realized the large number of points, where things should have gone far easier, but I was fucked for no reason.

You asked the question that framed it as a personal issue, and now that I responded in kind, you are using that to avoid addressing the points raised by your question and my answer.

That is you revealing that you know that your side is wrong.
And instead of addressing my points, you try to make it personal.

Dude. My life is good. It was AFTER I finally succeeded, and looked back, that I realized the large number of points, where things should have gone far easier, but I was fucked for no reason.

You asked the question that framed it as a personal issue, and now that I responded in kind, you are using that to avoid addressing the points raised by your question and my answer.

That is you revealing that you know that your side is wrong.
Realize something. If you are going to throw money at the most disadvantaged and impoverished Americans a great many of them are going to be AA. No way around it. Because of this a lot of programs get cancelled because people like you can't stand the thought of your tax dollars going to help people you hate. Then you look around and discover there's no help for you in difficult times. The conservative assault on social programs hurts everyone on the bottom of the ladder but it's apparently acceptable losses to spite the "welfare queens".

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