Happy V-E Day.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Happy V-E Day.

Today May 9, 2019 marks the 74th anniversary of the Surrender of Hitler's Nazi Germany to allied forces in Europe.
Actually German forces had surrendered on May 7, 1945, They officially met with allied representatives to sign the surrender papers on May 9th, 1945.

V-E Day 1945: The Celebration Heard 'round the World ...
V-E Day 1945: The Celebration Heard 'round the World
Significance of V-E Day For just over five years and eight months a war had been raging in Europe that began with Germany’s invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939. By the summer of 1941, the military of Germany’s fascist dictator Adolf Hitler had conquered or subdued virtually all of Europe from Spain’s eastern border to the western border of the Soviet Union.… V-E Day was observed on May 8, 1945 in Great Britain, Western Europe, the United States and Australia, and on May 9 in the Soviet Union and New Zealand.
Has anyone noticed that this is the only post on the majority of Forums to acknowledge V-E Day?
For all intents and purposes Japan was doomed by May 1945 but it took until September to officially mark VJ day.
For all intents and purposes Japan was doomed by May 1945 but it took until September to officially mark VJ day.

Meanwhile the new president Harry S. Truman was preparing to transport SEATO troops to the Pacific in anticipation of the invasion of Japan. The decision to use the atomic bomb in August 6, 1945 changed all that.

If the U.S. was forced to invade the Japanese mainland in ...
Jan 31, 2019 · But while the plans for OLYMPIC were fairly mature, the plans for CORONET were not. OLYMPIC assumed sizeable numbers of US troops would be transferred from Europe to the Pacific. CORONET would have required even more troops. It is unlikely that the Allies, including a combined Commonwealth corps, could have put together 1.2 million troops in ...

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