Hard to believe

The Irish Ram

Apr 10, 2011
diagonally parked in a parallel universe
My husband told me this and I didn't believe it. I was wrong:

Don't be fooled by the "Corona" excuse. It is "uncooperative citizens" that is the key. Secret camps for uncooperative citizens are what Canadians really need to worry about.
As for our country, our socialists are calling our camps "re-education camps". My question is, "What will our socialist politicians do with those who refuse to be brainwashed/re-educated in our "FEMA" camps"?
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My husband told me this and I didn't believe it. I was wrong:

Don't be fooled by the "Corona" excuse. It is "uncooperative citizens" that is the key. Secret camps for uncooperative citizens are what Canadians really need to worry about.
As for our country, our socialists are calling our camps "re-education camps". My question is, "What will our socialist politicians do with those who refuse to be brainwashed/re-educated in our "FEMA" camps"?
A lot of Canadians are fighting back too.
New Zealand they are imprisoning people too and from friends in Australia they are fighting back against totalitarians too.
My question is, "What will our socialist politicians do with those who refuse to be brainwashed/re-educated in our "FEMA" camps"?
Why, they'll efficiently transport them by rail to...other camps.

My husband told me this and I didn't believe it. I was wrong:

Don't be fooled by the "Corona" excuse. It is "uncooperative citizens" that is the key. Secret camps for uncooperative citizens are what Canadians really need to worry about.
As for our country, our socialists are calling our camps "re-education camps". My question is, "What will our socialist politicians do with those who refuse to be brainwashed/re-educated in our "FEMA" camps"?

In the lat 1800s, if they found a building (any building) that was suspected of having a person with small pox, the law enforcement (Marshals and Sheriffs) would seal the building off. If you tried to leave before you were released, you were warned once. If you did not return you were shot and killed. This was how Adults handled highly cantageous diseases. Time to grow, children. If you want it stopped, time to do a little sacrifice. If you choose not to then you get your butt locked up.
Time to grow, children. If you want it stopped, time to do a little sacrifice.

People HAVE been sacrificing their livelihood, businesses and future for the past 6 months.

How much longer do you want people to hide inside from the virus when we know that the case fatality rate is dropping everyday?

And when we now know (from the CDC) that the death toll is inflated, due to 90% of Covid cases having one or more comorbidities..

Nevertheless, there is still no vaccine and the COVID-19 genome is very good at mutations and recombinations.

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