CDZ Hard to imagine!

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My apologies, and cleaned it, you lean towards communism, I surmise from your responses?
I've never advocated communism nor considered it a goal. Have you? That said, to "lean towards" something one must be standing somewhere else. If that somewhere else is fascism, sure I'll lean towards communism. Likewise for laissez-faire capitalism, aka corporate capitalism, where a tiny minority of the citizenry (say pigs or red hens) control powerful corporations which corrupt governments to act in their interests alone (considering Reagan -- got irony? -- "Hello, I'm from the government"). I have no problem accepting being born a social animal, but never any second class citizen to be taken for granted nor anyone's beast of burden. If need be and conditions are acceptable, I will work for the man or be the man. Otherwise, the man can go fish. Ideally, I will work together with others from my community, doing things to better our community. If that sounds like socialism to you, then paint me a socialist. Why, what do you label yourself?
I’m not the first to notice or to ask. But, I do wonder why this nonsense is in the clean debate forum.
Lie. Now run along son before you seriously hurt yourself..
Is this the day anyone takes any advice or direction from fumblenutz? No?

Right. That’s because no such day will ever arrive.

So, putting off topic crap like his to the side, I ask again. Does this shitstain of a thread belong here?
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