Harris admits Trump was right again: Features border wall in ad after trashing Trump for building it since 2017

CNN was even politely pointing out her complete hypocrisy

She said it was useless, wrong, immoral, and just a vanity project then. She refused to even use term “illegal”

Now she presents as if it’s hers, and is “tough” on “illegal immigrants”

A total fraud

Short sections of wall in specific places seems to make sense. That giant monstrosity all across our southern border that trump wanted was just stupid.
Short sections of wall in specific places seems to make sense. That giant monstrosity all across our southern border that trump wanted was just stupid.
It's stupid till it isn't....It isn't now.

Of course, geographic features preclude a "wall" in certain places, but other security measures can be put in place.....You know, like the floating "balls of death" Abbott had installed in the middle of the river.
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As it regards the OP it just goes to show how shameless the Marxist dems are.....Liars to boot.

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together to create a spark knows that FKH would never follow through on any border security measures.....Her handlers would not allow it.
Libs opposed Trump's policies, only because they came from Trump. Not because of their worthiness or lack thereof.

The surprising angle here is that the Far Left is starting to reverse its opinion, even while Trump is still on the scene.
Short sections of wall in specific places seems to make sense. That giant monstrosity all across our southern border that trump wanted was just stupid.
What Biden and his appointed czar, Harris, did on the southern border, is what's stupid. Letting 20 million uneducated, unvetted, unneeded, destination unknown, strangers invade our country was stupid. Our country is much poorer and much less safe since Biden-Harris destroyed our border. Back to MAGA.
Short sections of wall in specific places seems to make sense. That giant monstrosity all across our southern border that trump wanted was just stupid.
Let's examine that statement.

What do "Short sections of wall in specific places" accomplish?

Why is that desireable?

Why wouldn't a wall "all across our southern border" accomplish the same thing but better?

Feel free to dodge the question with a non-answer accompanied by a personal insult.
Short sections of wall in specific places seems to make sense. That giant monstrosity all across our southern border that trump wanted was just stupid.
That’s not what she said. She deemed a wall as a symbol of immorality and rejection on non-Americans, and advocated against any of Trumps wall being built.

Do you agree with her? Or was Trump right?
Trump and his cult whining about the border, AFTER they killed the border bill is laughable.
What was in the border bill?

Just because a Democrat calls something a “border bill” doesn’t mean it’s only about the border, or that it would be a smart way to address the problem.

Likely, the bill was a bad plan, or had a bunch of Democrat demands added on. Given the Democrats track record on the border, it’s good it was rejected so better plans can be acted on and put in place

But you appear to be easily duped. Are you happy that your DNC Overords installed a candidate and left you out of the democratic process? Do you like authoritarianism?
Trump and his cult whining about the border, AFTER they killed the border bill is laughable.

The "border bill" aka Amnesty for Illegals was stupid and would have aggravated the problem.

The real heroes in the Border Crisis are Abbott and DeSantis who steered the Illegals to Liberal Sanctuary Cities so that the pain would be shared by those who caused it
Did Mexico ever pay for the best wall ever built across the whole southern border that Trump got done?
/---/ If you fuc*ing commie bastards and the RINOs had gotten out of his way and let him do his job, there is no telling what Trump could have made Mexico do. He could have cut off aid to Mexico as a start.

www.voanews.com › a › direct-us-aid-to-mexicoDirect US Aid to Mexico: How Much and What it Pays For

Feb 23, 2017 · The U.S. has given Mexico $234.79 million in assistance over the past five years, or roughly $46.9 million per year. The U.S. plans to provide Mexico with $134.6 million in the current
The "border bill" aka Amnesty for Illegals was stupid and would have aggravated the problem.

The real heroes in the Border Crisis are Abbott and DeSantis who steered the Illegals to Liberal Sanctuary Cities so that the pain would be shared by those who caused it
/---/ And NYC is up to her eyeballs in illegals at the cost of $375 a night in hotel rooms.
What was that in the border bill?

Just because a Democrats calls something a “border bill” doesn’t mean it’s only about the border, or that it would be a smart way to address the problem.

Likely, the bill was a bad plan, or had a bunch of Democrat demands added on. Given the Democrats track record on the border, it’s good it was rejected so better plans can be acted on and put in place
It's a good first start, after fucking around for FORTY years and doing NOTHING.

Trump killed the Senate border deal, but the immigration ...​

https://slate.com › news-and-politics › 2024/02 › trump...

Feb 7, 2024 — Sen. James Lankford, a Republican and chief architect of the deal, acknowledged openly that Trump (and many Trump loyalists) did not ...

Senate Republicans Kill Their Own Border Deal to Suck Up ...​

The New Republic
https://newrepublic.com › breaking-news

May 23, 2024 — A border bill negotiated by Republicans and Democrats has died in the Senate—with the help of lots of opposition from Republicans, including the bill's main .
/---/ And NYC is up to her eyeballs in illegals at the cost of $375 a night in hotel rooms.
Remember when NY declared a state of emergency after they got a few illegal immigrants? And suddenly not wanting a city flooded with them wasn’t racist, xenophobic, etc?

That’s was a jolting 180 by the leftists states in the north once they got just a taste of the problems. They immediately STFU.

It proves conservatives were right and they were wrong.. yet again.

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