Harris Will be Democratic Nominee in 2020

It's simple demographics. She is Black and a woman. That's your center of control in Democratic Party now. They are a party of large in real city urban areas. Whites in suburban areas and rural areas have been forced out of the party.
'She just got here': Feinstein offers subdued response about Harris' 2020 potential

Well, actually she is an oriole like Obama... But like Obammy, she'll be white most of the time and black when it benefits her

She is also very anti-constitutional and a big time Anti -Gunner. She totally fucked over Californians at every juncture

A real bitch


You're not only a common asshole, you're an ignorant and toxic one too. You don't know a damn thing about her or her career as SF's DA, or as the State's Atty General.

YOU are what is wrong with America today, ignorant, bigoted and hateful.
and here you are spewing all of yours! Can you say hypocrite?
It's simple demographics. She is Black and a woman. That's your center of control in Democratic Party now. They are a party of large in real city urban areas. Whites in suburban areas and rural areas have been forced out of the party.
'She just got here': Feinstein offers subdued response about Harris' 2020 potential

Well, actually she is an oriole like Obama... But like Obammy, she'll be white most of the time and black when it benefits her

She is also very anti-constitutional and a big time Anti -Gunner. She atotally fucked over Californians t every juncture

A real bitch


You're not only a common asshole, you're an ignorant and toxic one too. You don't know a damn thing about her or her career as SF's DA, or as the State's Atty General.

YOU are what is wrong with America today, ignorant, bigoted and hateful.
and here you are spewing all of yours! Can you say hypocrite?

Tell us, since the other asshole did not, what did she do to totally fuck over Californians at every juncture, and which articles of the Constitution has she violated.
If Trump's election proves one thing, it shows how backward Americans are. Angela Merkel makes Trump looks like a child, but in America women are second class citizens. Three women were on presidential tickets all lost, and now we have a fool as president because of our misogynistic nation. Americans criticize other nations for their stance on women but ignore their own ignorance.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (this includes women) are not equal, that some should not be served especially if they were endowed by their Creator with gayness or brownness or some other differentness in our eyes, that among these qualities are lots of potential reasons to deny them service that will be determined in a pursuit of our Happiness and our ideological framework of justice.

And we have a SCOTUS to enforce America's bias and bigotry, so watch out.

So you're suggesting that since those 3 are female that they should have been awarded extra points because of it? Isn't that sexism? I thought Liberals are against such things.

Oh, that's right, Liberals believe that everyone is equal. It's that just some are more equal than others.
If Trump's election proves one thing, it shows how backward Americans are. Angela Merkel makes Trump looks like a child, but in America women are second class citizens. Three women were on presidential tickets all lost, and now we have a fool as president because of our misogynistic nation. Americans criticize other nations for their stance on women but ignore their own ignorance.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (this includes women) are not equal, that some should not be served especially if they were endowed by their Creator with gayness or brownness or some other differentness in our eyes, that among these qualities are lots of potential reasons to deny them service that will be determined in a pursuit of our Happiness and our ideological framework of justice.

And we have a SCOTUS to enforce America's bias and bigotry, so watch out.

So you're suggesting that since those 3 are female that they should have been awarded extra points because of it? Isn't that sexism? I thought Liberals are against such things.

Oh, that's right, Liberals believe that everyone is equal. It's that just some are more equal than others.
and, only they get to choose who is. it's why the democratic party is for women when it is not. Not all women at all. If there is a conservative, they'll shit on them, if they are muslim they will allow them to be victimized. wow. what a great set of human beings.
It's simple demographics. She is Black and a woman. That's your center of control in Democratic Party now. They are a party of large in real city urban areas. Whites in suburban areas and rural areas have been forced out of the party.
'She just got here': Feinstein offers subdued response about Harris' 2020 potential

Well, actually she is an oriole like Obama... But like Obammy, she'll be white most of the time and black when it benefits her

She is also very anti-constitutional and a big time Anti -Gunner. She atotally fucked over Californians t every juncture

A real bitch


You're not only a common asshole, you're an ignorant and toxic one too. You don't know a damn thing about her or her career as SF's DA, or as the State's Atty General.

YOU are what is wrong with America today, ignorant, bigoted and hateful.
and here you are spewing all of yours! Can you say hypocrite?

Tell us, since the other asshole did not, what did she do to totally fuck over Californians at every juncture, and which articles of the Constitution has she violated.[/QU

she is anti second amendment....that in and of itself makes her scum
It's simple demographics. She is Black and a woman. That's your center of control in Democratic Party now. They are a party of large in real city urban areas. Whites in suburban areas and rural areas have been forced out of the party.
'She just got here': Feinstein offers subdued response about Harris' 2020 potential

Well, actually she is an oriole like Obama... But like Obammy, she'll be white most of the time and black when it benefits her

She is also very anti-constitutional and a big time Anti -Gunner. She atotally fucked over Californians t every juncture

A real bitch


You're not only a common asshole, you're an ignorant and toxic one too. You don't know a damn thing about her or her career as SF's DA, or as the State's Atty General.

YOU are what is wrong with America today, ignorant, bigoted and hateful.
and here you are spewing all of yours! Can you say hypocrite?

Tell us, since the other asshole did not, what did she do to totally fuck over Californians at every juncture, and which articles of the Constitution has she violated.[/QU

she is anti second amendment....that in and of itself makes her scum
well if she is against the second amendment, then she is against all of them, because the second protects the rest.
It's simple demographics. She is Black and a woman. That's your center of control in Democratic Party now. They are a party of large in real city urban areas. Whites in suburban areas and rural areas have been forced out of the party.
'She just got here': Feinstein offers subdued response about Harris' 2020 potential

Have you people decided yet which foreign country you'll claim she was born in?
LeftWingTopia the birthplace of a long and distinguished line of dazed and confused, authoritarian miscreants.

Which should put a smile on your face since that makes her your "home girl".

You Birthers need to look in the mirror and tell yourselves to shut up.

LOL, "birthers" , you're the addlepate that seems to be fixated on where politicians were born.

I don't give a fuck where any of these politicians were born and never have, a scumbag is a scumbag no matter where it originates from.

LOLOL, it's always funny to see how the Birthers suddenly disappeared after all those years of Birtherism.

Kind of like how all those Iraq war supporters on the Right disappeared after that adventure went to shit.
Well, actually she is an oriole like Obama... But like Obammy, she'll be white most of the time and black when it benefits her

She is also very anti-constitutional and a big time Anti -Gunner. She atotally fucked over Californians t every juncture

A real bitch


You're not only a common asshole, you're an ignorant and toxic one too. You don't know a damn thing about her or her career as SF's DA, or as the State's Atty General.

YOU are what is wrong with America today, ignorant, bigoted and hateful.
and here you are spewing all of yours! Can you say hypocrite?

Tell us, since the other asshole did not, what did she do to totally fuck over Californians at every juncture, and which articles of the Constitution has she violated.[/QU

she is anti second amendment....that in and of itself makes her scum
well if she is against the second amendment, then she is against all of them, because the second protects the rest.

Really? Who do you plan to shoot to protect your 1st Amendment rights?
It's simple demographics. She is Black and a woman. That's your center of control in Democratic Party now. They are a party of large in real city urban areas. Whites in suburban areas and rural areas have been forced out of the party.
'She just got here': Feinstein offers subdued response about Harris' 2020 potential
Sucker Punched

White surburbanites vote Democratic. Being pro-Black is a tool of class warfare against blue-collar Whites, but that interpretation of the Civil Rights for the Uncivilized movement and who uses it is forbidden by both ends of the specious spectrum.
You're not only a common asshole, you're an ignorant and toxic one too. You don't know a damn thing about her or her career as SF's DA, or as the State's Atty General.

YOU are what is wrong with America today, ignorant, bigoted and hateful.
and here you are spewing all of yours! Can you say hypocrite?

Tell us, since the other asshole did not, what did she do to totally fuck over Californians at every juncture, and which articles of the Constitution has she violated.[/QU

she is anti second amendment....that in and of itself makes her scum
well if she is against the second amendment, then she is against all of them, because the second protects the rest.

Really? Who do you plan to shoot to protect your 1st Amendment rights?

Politicians if they try to repeal it. One of the functions of the 2nd Amendment is to be a defense against a tyrannical government, like it or not.
If Trump's election proves one thing, it shows how backward Americans are. Angela Merkel makes Trump looks like a child, but in America women are second class citizens. Three women were on presidential tickets all lost, and now we have a fool as president because of our misogynistic nation. Americans criticize other nations for their stance on women but ignore their own ignorance.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (this includes women) are not equal, that some should not be served especially if they were endowed by their Creator with gayness or brownness or some other differentness in our eyes, that among these qualities are lots of potential reasons to deny them service that will be determined in a pursuit of our Happiness and our ideological framework of justice.

And we have a SCOTUS to enforce America's bias and bigotry, so watch out.

If you are a woman, you only add to the sterotype.

Hillary wasn't defeated because she was a woman.

She was defeated because she sucked.

I don't think the left blasted Palin for being a woman. I think they went after her for being a liar and a fraud (which I agree with).

I don't trust California anti-gunners especially when they're caught with their hands in the cookie jar


California Senate’s Top Gun Control Advocate Arrested In Firearms Trafficking Plot

California state Sen. Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) — one of the state’s strongest advocates for gun control — was arrested Wednesday on charges that include scheming to defraud citizens of honest services and conspiracy to illegally traffic firearms.

Yee, 65, was seized at his home during a string of raids that capped an FBI public corruption probe. The San Francisco investigation focused on Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow, who federal authorities said is the leader of Chee Kung Tong, or CKT, a social organization involved in what an FBI affidavit calls “criminal enterprise.” FBI agents discovered during the investigation that Yee and his political consultant, Keith Jackson, 49, were involved with Chow and his associates at CKT, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

California Senate's Top Gun Control Advocate Arrested In Firearms Trafficking Plot | HuffPost


The Tongs got dinged.
I don't trust California anti-gunners especially when they're caught with their hands in the cookie jar


California Senate’s Top Gun Control Advocate Arrested In Firearms Trafficking Plot

California state Sen. Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) — one of the state’s strongest advocates for gun control — was arrested Wednesday on charges that include scheming to defraud citizens of honest services and conspiracy to illegally traffic firearms.

Yee, 65, was seized at his home during a string of raids that capped an FBI public corruption probe. The San Francisco investigation focused on Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow, who federal authorities said is the leader of Chee Kung Tong, or CKT, a social organization involved in what an FBI affidavit calls “criminal enterprise.” FBI agents discovered during the investigation that Yee and his political consultant, Keith Jackson, 49, were involved with Chow and his associates at CKT, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

California Senate's Top Gun Control Advocate Arrested In Firearms Trafficking Plot | HuffPost
For 2020, Dems need to run a transgender African American left handed Illegal Immigrant with a non-living running mate. That's the Dream Ticket who truly speaks for the Dems.

Has to be a pre-op transgender, and a muslim.

Alice Akbar!
You're not only a common asshole, you're an ignorant and toxic one too. You don't know a damn thing about her or her career as SF's DA, or as the State's Atty General.

YOU are what is wrong with America today, ignorant, bigoted and hateful.
and here you are spewing all of yours! Can you say hypocrite?

Tell us, since the other asshole did not, what did she do to totally fuck over Californians at every juncture, and which articles of the Constitution has she violated.[/QU

she is anti second amendment....that in and of itself makes her scum
well if she is against the second amendment, then she is against all of them, because the second protects the rest.

Really? Who do you plan to shoot to protect your 1st Amendment rights?
who I will need to.
It's simple demographics. She is Black and a woman. That's your center of control in Democratic Party now. They are a party of large in real city urban areas. Whites in suburban areas and rural areas have been forced out of the party.
'She just got here': Feinstein offers subdued response about Harris' 2020 potential

Well, actually she is an oriole like Obama... But like Obammy, she'll be white most of the time and black when it benefits her

She is also very anti-constitutional and a big time Anti -Gunner. She atotally fucked over Californians t every juncture

A real bitch


You're not only a common asshole, you're an ignorant and toxic one too. You don't know a damn thing about her or her career as SF's DA, or as the State's Atty General.

YOU are what is wrong with America today, ignorant, bigoted and hateful.
and here you are spewing all of yours! Can you say hypocrite?

Tell us, since the other asshole did not, what did she do to totally fuck over Californians at every juncture, and which articles of the Constitution has she violated.[/QU

she is anti second amendment....that in and of itself makes her scum

She is? Prove it!

Very few advocate repeal of the 2nd A., in fact the only one's to bring up such a repeal are fools like you. Guns are regulated today, as are people, a fact close reading of Heller - Scalia's majority opinion - attest to.

Gun regulation exists, and the slippery slope (logical fallacy) proffered by the NRA is promoted by them to get fools like you to believe otherwise.

Sen. Harris is not scum, the true scum are people like you - toxic scum - who assassinate the character of others with lies, half-truths, echoes, rumors and innuendos.
Well, actually she is an oriole like Obama... But like Obammy, she'll be white most of the time and black when it benefits her

She is also very anti-constitutional and a big time Anti -Gunner. She atotally fucked over Californians t every juncture

A real bitch


You're not only a common asshole, you're an ignorant and toxic one too. You don't know a damn thing about her or her career as SF's DA, or as the State's Atty General.

YOU are what is wrong with America today, ignorant, bigoted and hateful.
and here you are spewing all of yours! Can you say hypocrite?

Tell us, since the other asshole did not, what did she do to totally fuck over Californians at every juncture, and which articles of the Constitution has she violated.[/QU

she is anti second amendment....that in and of itself makes her scum

She is? Prove it!

Very few advocate repeal of the 2nd A., in fact the only one's to bring up such a repeal are fools like you. Guns are regulated today, as are people, a fact close reading of Heller - Scalia's majority opinion - attest to.

Gun regulation exists, and the slippery slope (logical fallacy) proffered by the NRA is promoted by them to get fools like you to believe otherwise.

Sen. Harris is not scum, the true scum are people like you - toxic scum - who assassinate the character of others with lies, half-truths, echoes, rumors and innuendos.
the 2A states no infringment, she is pro infringment. and I*m not with the sell out NRA, Im a member of the JPFO and the GOA and a three percenter.

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