Harry Potter Camp Information/Supply List

Wow. You wouldn't by any chance happen to be a therapist would you?
People have told me that my posts are better than paying a therapist. But I think I'd make more money offering the free help, then having people pay me to shut up. I'd make more money on exit fees, where the free services have no time limit. But the minute you decide you don't want to forgive blah blah blah and make peace and be nice to person/group X Y Z, then you pay a big balloon fee at the end to get the heck away from me and my long messages about restorative justice, spiritual healing, and conflict resolution to reach consensus blah blah blah.

I'd be rich! On exit fees alone. Or hiring me to mediate between groups you want to see punished and go to hell for their bullying, until they beg God for mercy to get Emily to STFU already with the pollyanna peacemaking crap....

As for the topic, hats off to the Mods for creating a place for Miss April to share the fun with everyone here. We needed an uplift, and here it is! Just what we needed, whether an answer to prayers or by "magic" <--- see, one line of content.
But that grown folk dress up as wizard students and err..wave their wands around--does hit my funnybone

I’ve seen English people look like that, normally.

Weymouth comes to mind.

Wandering around the supermarket, I could have sworn I was in Diagon Alley.

We could ask the same about the religious....

Yeah,.. and we could also ask the same about the people who believe that everything came from nothing and a chimpanzee finally got enough brain power to have a job, drive a car, and fight in the military,.. but we're (Christians) not the kind of people who act better than everyone else and that we know everything. I'm just saying,.. that we could if we wanted to. (I so badly want to do a sassy snap right now but I'm fighting it. XD)

You must be writing something.....writers block?

Yeah, maybe you can help me with it too. It's a parody of Honey, I Shrunk The Kids but with Harry Potter. Obviously it's going to be with magic, but I'm not sure how they're going to get that way at the moment. :/

So the Mods moved it to CDZ?
Maybe it is to let you have creative control over the posts? Read the rules for CDZ. I think you as the OP author can keep the posts that stay on topic.

You know I feel like an idiot, I thought you were a mod and that's why I was joking like that,.. but I really don't know what you mean and do you know if cussing is allowed on here if it's not towards each other?

Seriously? So many Christians KNOW that God exists. They don't say "he might exist, it's one of a trillion, trillion, trillion possibilities"

Dear frigidweirdo
Believing in Jesus is like believing in Justice. Nobody has ever SEEN Justice, we just have a sense of it we are born with. Then we fight to defend what we believe to be Justice.

We don't even agree on Justice.

Arguing about God is similar.

We all have a sense of what is TRUTH.
What is for the Greater GOOD of humanity or Good Will.

We all have a Sense of what is universally TRUE for us or who is acting by GOOD will or GOOD faith.

frigidweirdo When you are arguing that people are pushing some FALSE beliefs, you NATURALLY contest and speak out against what you object to as misguided, false, deceptive or otherwise wrongful.

What drives you to do that?
To try to defend Truth or Justice when you question or contest something that looks unethical, wrong or problematic?

If you are driven by respect for TRUTH that is the Christian equivalent of "seeking the Kingdom of God and its Righteousness."

Christians just call it by different religious terms. Buddhists call it Wisdom and seeking to perfect individual understanding, by internal "Buddha NATURE" by freeing one's mind of attachment to false bias or desire that delude one's thinking so we can SEE clearly.

If you are driven by your NATURAL sense of JUSTICE, my dear frigidweirdo that is the Spirit that Christians call JESUS as the Lord or LAW for everyone.

Even Christians argue over what is and what isn't right by Jesus or Justice.

You are no different, you just use Secular language for the same arguments.

And your first argument is that it isn't universally true or just to judge each other by whether we believe in or use terms for Truth and Justice by calling these "Kingdom of God/God's Truth/Will" and "Justice for All"

FW: I also get questioned and put to the test by Christians when I suggest calling God Wisdom or Truth when speaking with secular nontheists so we can agree what meaning we are referring to by symbolic language.
Father God is like a personification similar to Mother Earth or Mother Nature: So it is the same as referring to NATURE or forces/laws of Nature, the Universe or LIFE to call these by God or Source of All. Whatever is the Source or Ultimate of all Truth is the Topmost, highest, absolute or infinite to YOU is what God refers to in YOUR way of framing the World

It does NOT have to match your neighbor.

I will not judge you for calling the highest source of anything good or true in life by any other name.

The only difference between me and others of Christian faith or culture is that I FORGIVE and EMBRACE you and your differences as I do for my own differences.

I have FAITH you and I are designed and driven by the same love of Justice and Truth that others call Jesus or God.

So what.

It's the same thing.

There can only be ONE Universal Truth encompassing all other versions or perspectives on truth relative complementary or often conflicting with each other but still included in the process of understanding the bigger truth.

There can only be ONE Universal Justice for All that satisfies each person's conditions on Justice. So if Jesus means Lord or Authority for All, Jesus HAS to mean Justice for All.

We are all fighting for the ONE Truth of God or the Universe, the ONE Justice for All.

Even if we call this by different names, where my own mother calls it Wisdom and Compassion, which are the Buddhist terms for Christians seeking God in terms of God's Truth and God's Love.

First step, can we FORGIVE that we use different names and terms. I forgive and embrace these differences.
So I can argue with you regardless what terms we use, and I do not judge you.

The Christians still argue and judge each other where they do not FORGIVE each other.

That is no different between Christians and nontheists.

FW the difference is when we forgive each other, we can correct the conflicts.

Can you please accept and forgive that Christians use these other terms?

I would like to continue discussing the meanings with you, but first step is accepting the fact some people address these universal terms and laws using personified terms because that is how they relate.

My bf and my mother do not relate to truth using any such terms and we can talk and argue like any other Christians do, limited ONLY by whether and what we FORGIVE or not. That is the real battle

I hope you can accept this, forgive this to the best of your ability, and we can talk honestly and transparently from here.

Thank you frigidweirdo!

And one line of content:
No, the whole reason that Potterhead2021 is here on USMB is that the Christians doing spiritual healing prayer cannot mix with anything occult that attracts dark energy which clashes with light energy. Most people can only tolerate one or the other, so it is safer not to mix the two. Magic and wishes curses on people are off limits to purists who cannot risk getting derailed or corrupted by anything they consider opening doors to spiritism.

Free speech is okay, free spirits like Miss April here, or Rilly are good natured and fun.

So that is why this game belongs on a free speech forum, and is disruptive to people who object to any trivializing of true "sorcery or witchcraft" that has caused deep abuse and damage to people and is not to be taken lightly.

Justice is merely a theory, it's not real. One person's justice is different to another person's justice.

Essentially you're making the case that God only exists because humans exist. That God didn't make the universe because he's not real.
I don't know much about HP. I have watched the movies, but none of them really grabbed me lik LOTR did, or The Hobbit. Still...and this is going to sound weird...I find reading these threads kind of interesting and I think it's because it feels like a movie...in written form....and the "actors" are people I know just from posting with them for so many years.

And, its kinda refreshing. Tired of the same o same o of politics. So...although I will not participate, I WILL be in the audience.
I don't know much about HP. I have watched the movies, but none of them really grabbed me lik LOTR did, or The Hobbit. Still...and this is going to sound weird...I find reading these threads kind of interesting and I think it's because it feels like a movie...in written form....and the "actors" are people I know just from posting with them for so many years.

And, its kinda refreshing. Tired of the same o same o of politics. So...although I will not participate, I WILL be in the audience.

Gracie, I liked the first Hobbit film, and Richard Armitage as Thorin is a fine actor.

But as it went on, I found the CGI overwhelming, and an assault on the eyes. The direction sequences of Legolas’s fight scenes were too jerky and cut about, IMO.

We could ask the same about the religious....

Yeah,.. and we could also ask the same about the people who believe that everything came from nothing and a chimpanzee finally got enough brain power to have a job, drive a car, and fight in the military,.. but we're (Christians) not the kind of people who act better than everyone else and that we know everything. I'm just saying,.. that we could if we wanted to. (I so badly want to do a sassy snap right now but I'm fighting it. XD)

You must be writing something.....writers block?

Yeah, maybe you can help me with it too. It's a parody of Honey, I Shrunk The Kids but with Harry Potter. Obviously it's going to be with magic, but I'm not sure how they're going to get that way at the moment. :/

So the Mods moved it to CDZ?
Maybe it is to let you have creative control over the posts? Read the rules for CDZ. I think you as the OP author can keep the posts that stay on topic.

You know I feel like an idiot, I thought you were a mod and that's why I was joking like that,.. but I really don't know what you mean and do you know if cussing is allowed on here if it's not towards each other?

Seriously? So many Christians KNOW that God exists. They don't say "he might exist, it's one of a trillion, trillion, trillion possibilities"

Dear frigidweirdo
Believing in Jesus is like believing in Justice. Nobody has ever SEEN Justice, we just have a sense of it we are born with. Then we fight to defend what we believe to be Justice.

We don't even agree on Justice.

Arguing about God is similar.

We all have a sense of what is TRUTH.
What is for the Greater GOOD of humanity or Good Will.

We all have a Sense of what is universally TRUE for us or who is acting by GOOD will or GOOD faith.

frigidweirdo When you are arguing that people are pushing some FALSE beliefs, you NATURALLY contest and speak out against what you object to as misguided, false, deceptive or otherwise wrongful.

What drives you to do that?
To try to defend Truth or Justice when you question or contest something that looks unethical, wrong or problematic?

If you are driven by respect for TRUTH that is the Christian equivalent of "seeking the Kingdom of God and its Righteousness."

Christians just call it by different religious terms. Buddhists call it Wisdom and seeking to perfect individual understanding, by internal "Buddha NATURE" by freeing one's mind of attachment to false bias or desire that delude one's thinking so we can SEE clearly.

If you are driven by your NATURAL sense of JUSTICE, my dear frigidweirdo that is the Spirit that Christians call JESUS as the Lord or LAW for everyone.

Even Christians argue over what is and what isn't right by Jesus or Justice.

You are no different, you just use Secular language for the same arguments.

And your first argument is that it isn't universally true or just to judge each other by whether we believe in or use terms for Truth and Justice by calling these "Kingdom of God/God's Truth/Will" and "Justice for All"

FW: I also get questioned and put to the test by Christians when I suggest calling God Wisdom or Truth when speaking with secular nontheists so we can agree what meaning we are referring to by symbolic language.
Father God is like a personification similar to Mother Earth or Mother Nature: So it is the same as referring to NATURE or forces/laws of Nature, the Universe or LIFE to call these by God or Source of All. Whatever is the Source or Ultimate of all Truth is the Topmost, highest, absolute or infinite to YOU is what God refers to in YOUR way of framing the World

It does NOT have to match your neighbor.

I will not judge you for calling the highest source of anything good or true in life by any other name.

The only difference between me and others of Christian faith or culture is that I FORGIVE and EMBRACE you and your differences as I do for my own differences.

I have FAITH you and I are designed and driven by the same love of Justice and Truth that others call Jesus or God.

So what.

It's the same thing.

There can only be ONE Universal Truth encompassing all other versions or perspectives on truth relative complementary or often conflicting with each other but still included in the process of understanding the bigger truth.

There can only be ONE Universal Justice for All that satisfies each person's conditions on Justice. So if Jesus means Lord or Authority for All, Jesus HAS to mean Justice for All.

We are all fighting for the ONE Truth of God or the Universe, the ONE Justice for All.

Even if we call this by different names, where my own mother calls it Wisdom and Compassion, which are the Buddhist terms for Christians seeking God in terms of God's Truth and God's Love.

First step, can we FORGIVE that we use different names and terms. I forgive and embrace these differences.
So I can argue with you regardless what terms we use, and I do not judge you.

The Christians still argue and judge each other where they do not FORGIVE each other.

That is no different between Christians and nontheists.

FW the difference is when we forgive each other, we can correct the conflicts.

Can you please accept and forgive that Christians use these other terms?

I would like to continue discussing the meanings with you, but first step is accepting the fact some people address these universal terms and laws using personified terms because that is how they relate.

My bf and my mother do not relate to truth using any such terms and we can talk and argue like any other Christians do, limited ONLY by whether and what we FORGIVE or not. That is the real battle

I hope you can accept this, forgive this to the best of your ability, and we can talk honestly and transparently from here.

Thank you frigidweirdo!

And one line of content:
No, the whole reason that Potterhead2021 is here on USMB is that the Christians doing spiritual healing prayer cannot mix with anything occult that attracts dark energy which clashes with light energy. Most people can only tolerate one or the other, so it is safer not to mix the two. Magic and wishes curses on people are off limits to purists who cannot risk getting derailed or corrupted by anything they consider opening doors to spiritism.

Free speech is okay, free spirits like Miss April here, or Rilly are good natured and fun.

So that is why this game belongs on a free speech forum, and is disruptive to people who object to any trivializing of true "sorcery or witchcraft" that has caused deep abuse and damage to people and is not to be taken lightly.

Justice is merely a theory, it's not real. One person's justice is different to another person's justice.

Essentially you're making the case that God only exists because humans exist. That God didn't make the universe because he's not real.

frigidweirdo Please add one more point to your post that relates to the OP Topic
so I can add that here and keep this on point. For points 1 and 2

1. Yes, Justice is faith based.
So why aren't people complaining to remove "Equal Justice For All" off the Supreme Court Building and rename the "Justice" Dept if these are faith based beliefs the govt shouldn't be establishing?
It's because we all AGREE to name that as a value or purpose in laws.
So all this "faith based" talk isn't about proving, it's about AGREEING on terms.
Even and especially where we disagree.
We still need to agree on common terms, theory or not,in order to communicate.

2. No, not what I'm saying.
I'm saying God is self existent.
Doesn't depend on humans.

But the Terms/ language and meanings we attribute to God are diverse and RELATIVE to people, ie the TERMS or ways of represemting or relating to God.

You are like saying none of the world we are seeing would exist without humans perceiving it.
I am saying the world still exists with or without us. But the language we use to describe what we see depends on each person.

The earth and universe still operates by natural laws. Regardless if one person calls it Mother Nature, or another sees it as the Heavenly Father.

We are using relative terms, but the concepts and meaning they refer to we already perceive as existing independent of how we perceive or represent these universal concepts.

3. Okay for your point that Harry Potter is like a religion frigidweirdo

People use religions or laws to define the relationship between
* individuals
* collective society/humanity/truth/laws/reality/spirituality

So Christians use a language connecting individuals to God/the collective or universal level, by Jesus Christ or the Authority of LAWS joining us as individuals to Collective Justice/Truth

What are you saying Harry Potter is used to communicate?

I know your point is "Harry Potter is made up" / imaginary so because you think religion is just based on "arbitrary imaginary" figures, you see "no difference."

I am saying the purpose of religions is to convey and establish agreement on universal principles.

Who is using Harry Potter characters to establish agreed policies or relations in real life?

If you cannot find people doing charity, healing work, and praying and counseling to resolve social problems and relationship conflicts , as Christian faith, practice and service are used for, then doesn't this make it different from religion?

And more like a sport people get into and follow like fans?
Last edited:

We could ask the same about the religious....

Yeah,.. and we could also ask the same about the people who believe that everything came from nothing and a chimpanzee finally got enough brain power to have a job, drive a car, and fight in the military,.. but we're (Christians) not the kind of people who act better than everyone else and that we know everything. I'm just saying,.. that we could if we wanted to. (I so badly want to do a sassy snap right now but I'm fighting it. XD)

You must be writing something.....writers block?

Yeah, maybe you can help me with it too. It's a parody of Honey, I Shrunk The Kids but with Harry Potter. Obviously it's going to be with magic, but I'm not sure how they're going to get that way at the moment. :/

So the Mods moved it to CDZ?
Maybe it is to let you have creative control over the posts? Read the rules for CDZ. I think you as the OP author can keep the posts that stay on topic.

You know I feel like an idiot, I thought you were a mod and that's why I was joking like that,.. but I really don't know what you mean and do you know if cussing is allowed on here if it's not towards each other?

Seriously? So many Christians KNOW that God exists. They don't say "he might exist, it's one of a trillion, trillion, trillion possibilities"

Dear frigidweirdo
Believing in Jesus is like believing in Justice. Nobody has ever SEEN Justice, we just have a sense of it we are born with. Then we fight to defend what we believe to be Justice.

We don't even agree on Justice.

Arguing about God is similar.

We all have a sense of what is TRUTH.
What is for the Greater GOOD of humanity or Good Will.

We all have a Sense of what is universally TRUE for us or who is acting by GOOD will or GOOD faith.

frigidweirdo When you are arguing that people are pushing some FALSE beliefs, you NATURALLY contest and speak out against what you object to as misguided, false, deceptive or otherwise wrongful.

What drives you to do that?
To try to defend Truth or Justice when you question or contest something that looks unethical, wrong or problematic?

If you are driven by respect for TRUTH that is the Christian equivalent of "seeking the Kingdom of God and its Righteousness."

Christians just call it by different religious terms. Buddhists call it Wisdom and seeking to perfect individual understanding, by internal "Buddha NATURE" by freeing one's mind of attachment to false bias or desire that delude one's thinking so we can SEE clearly.

If you are driven by your NATURAL sense of JUSTICE, my dear frigidweirdo that is the Spirit that Christians call JESUS as the Lord or LAW for everyone.

Even Christians argue over what is and what isn't right by Jesus or Justice.

You are no different, you just use Secular language for the same arguments.

And your first argument is that it isn't universally true or just to judge each other by whether we believe in or use terms for Truth and Justice by calling these "Kingdom of God/God's Truth/Will" and "Justice for All"

FW: I also get questioned and put to the test by Christians when I suggest calling God Wisdom or Truth when speaking with secular nontheists so we can agree what meaning we are referring to by symbolic language.
Father God is like a personification similar to Mother Earth or Mother Nature: So it is the same as referring to NATURE or forces/laws of Nature, the Universe or LIFE to call these by God or Source of All. Whatever is the Source or Ultimate of all Truth is the Topmost, highest, absolute or infinite to YOU is what God refers to in YOUR way of framing the World

It does NOT have to match your neighbor.

I will not judge you for calling the highest source of anything good or true in life by any other name.

The only difference between me and others of Christian faith or culture is that I FORGIVE and EMBRACE you and your differences as I do for my own differences.

I have FAITH you and I are designed and driven by the same love of Justice and Truth that others call Jesus or God.

So what.

It's the same thing.

There can only be ONE Universal Truth encompassing all other versions or perspectives on truth relative complementary or often conflicting with each other but still included in the process of understanding the bigger truth.

There can only be ONE Universal Justice for All that satisfies each person's conditions on Justice. So if Jesus means Lord or Authority for All, Jesus HAS to mean Justice for All.

We are all fighting for the ONE Truth of God or the Universe, the ONE Justice for All.

Even if we call this by different names, where my own mother calls it Wisdom and Compassion, which are the Buddhist terms for Christians seeking God in terms of God's Truth and God's Love.

First step, can we FORGIVE that we use different names and terms. I forgive and embrace these differences.
So I can argue with you regardless what terms we use, and I do not judge you.

The Christians still argue and judge each other where they do not FORGIVE each other.

That is no different between Christians and nontheists.

FW the difference is when we forgive each other, we can correct the conflicts.

Can you please accept and forgive that Christians use these other terms?

I would like to continue discussing the meanings with you, but first step is accepting the fact some people address these universal terms and laws using personified terms because that is how they relate.

My bf and my mother do not relate to truth using any such terms and we can talk and argue like any other Christians do, limited ONLY by whether and what we FORGIVE or not. That is the real battle

I hope you can accept this, forgive this to the best of your ability, and we can talk honestly and transparently from here.

Thank you frigidweirdo!

And one line of content:
No, the whole reason that Potterhead2021 is here on USMB is that the Christians doing spiritual healing prayer cannot mix with anything occult that attracts dark energy which clashes with light energy. Most people can only tolerate one or the other, so it is safer not to mix the two. Magic and wishes curses on people are off limits to purists who cannot risk getting derailed or corrupted by anything they consider opening doors to spiritism.

Free speech is okay, free spirits like Miss April here, or Rilly are good natured and fun.

So that is why this game belongs on a free speech forum, and is disruptive to people who object to any trivializing of true "sorcery or witchcraft" that has caused deep abuse and damage to people and is not to be taken lightly.

Justice is merely a theory, it's not real. One person's justice is different to another person's justice.

Essentially you're making the case that God only exists because humans exist. That God didn't make the universe because he's not real.

frigidweirdo Please add one more point to your post that relates to the OP Topic
so I can add that here and keep this on point. For points 1 and 2

1. Yes, Justice is faith based.
So why aren't people complaining to remove "Equal Justice For All" off the Supreme Court Building and rename the "Justice" Dept if these are faith based beliefs the govt shouldn't be establishing?
It's because we all AGREE to name that as a value or purpose in laws.
So all this "faith based" talk isn't about proving, it's about AGREEING on terms.
Even and especially where we disagree.
We still need to agree on common terms, theory or not,in order to communicate.

2. No, not what I'm saying.
I'm saying God is self existent.
Doesn't depend on humans.

But the Terms/ language and meanings we attribute to God are diverse and RELATIVE to people, ie the TERMS or ways of represemting or relating to God.

You are like saying none of the world we are seeing would exist without humans perceiving it.
I am saying the world still exists with or without us. But the language we use to describe what we see depends on each person.

The earth and universe still operates by natural laws. Regardless if one person calls it Mother Nature, or another sees it as the Heavenly Father.

We are using relative terms, but the concepts and meaning they refer to we already perceive as existing independent of how we perceive or represent these universal concepts.

3. What is your third point frigidweirdo? Please post something that relates to the Topic, and I will reply likewise.

Literally nothing connected to the OP. I just made a comment to someone's post that Harry Potter is like religion.

We could ask the same about the religious....

Yeah,.. and we could also ask the same about the people who believe that everything came from nothing and a chimpanzee finally got enough brain power to have a job, drive a car, and fight in the military,.. but we're (Christians) not the kind of people who act better than everyone else and that we know everything. I'm just saying,.. that we could if we wanted to. (I so badly want to do a sassy snap right now but I'm fighting it. XD)

You must be writing something.....writers block?

Yeah, maybe you can help me with it too. It's a parody of Honey, I Shrunk The Kids but with Harry Potter. Obviously it's going to be with magic, but I'm not sure how they're going to get that way at the moment. :/

So the Mods moved it to CDZ?
Maybe it is to let you have creative control over the posts? Read the rules for CDZ. I think you as the OP author can keep the posts that stay on topic.

You know I feel like an idiot, I thought you were a mod and that's why I was joking like that,.. but I really don't know what you mean and do you know if cussing is allowed on here if it's not towards each other?

Seriously? So many Christians KNOW that God exists. They don't say "he might exist, it's one of a trillion, trillion, trillion possibilities"

Dear frigidweirdo
Believing in Jesus is like believing in Justice. Nobody has ever SEEN Justice, we just have a sense of it we are born with. Then we fight to defend what we believe to be Justice.

We don't even agree on Justice.

Arguing about God is similar.

We all have a sense of what is TRUTH.
What is for the Greater GOOD of humanity or Good Will.

We all have a Sense of what is universally TRUE for us or who is acting by GOOD will or GOOD faith.

frigidweirdo When you are arguing that people are pushing some FALSE beliefs, you NATURALLY contest and speak out against what you object to as misguided, false, deceptive or otherwise wrongful.

What drives you to do that?
To try to defend Truth or Justice when you question or contest something that looks unethical, wrong or problematic?

If you are driven by respect for TRUTH that is the Christian equivalent of "seeking the Kingdom of God and its Righteousness."

Christians just call it by different religious terms. Buddhists call it Wisdom and seeking to perfect individual understanding, by internal "Buddha NATURE" by freeing one's mind of attachment to false bias or desire that delude one's thinking so we can SEE clearly.

If you are driven by your NATURAL sense of JUSTICE, my dear frigidweirdo that is the Spirit that Christians call JESUS as the Lord or LAW for everyone.

Even Christians argue over what is and what isn't right by Jesus or Justice.

You are no different, you just use Secular language for the same arguments.

And your first argument is that it isn't universally true or just to judge each other by whether we believe in or use terms for Truth and Justice by calling these "Kingdom of God/God's Truth/Will" and "Justice for All"

FW: I also get questioned and put to the test by Christians when I suggest calling God Wisdom or Truth when speaking with secular nontheists so we can agree what meaning we are referring to by symbolic language.
Father God is like a personification similar to Mother Earth or Mother Nature: So it is the same as referring to NATURE or forces/laws of Nature, the Universe or LIFE to call these by God or Source of All. Whatever is the Source or Ultimate of all Truth is the Topmost, highest, absolute or infinite to YOU is what God refers to in YOUR way of framing the World

It does NOT have to match your neighbor.

I will not judge you for calling the highest source of anything good or true in life by any other name.

The only difference between me and others of Christian faith or culture is that I FORGIVE and EMBRACE you and your differences as I do for my own differences.

I have FAITH you and I are designed and driven by the same love of Justice and Truth that others call Jesus or God.

So what.

It's the same thing.

There can only be ONE Universal Truth encompassing all other versions or perspectives on truth relative complementary or often conflicting with each other but still included in the process of understanding the bigger truth.

There can only be ONE Universal Justice for All that satisfies each person's conditions on Justice. So if Jesus means Lord or Authority for All, Jesus HAS to mean Justice for All.

We are all fighting for the ONE Truth of God or the Universe, the ONE Justice for All.

Even if we call this by different names, where my own mother calls it Wisdom and Compassion, which are the Buddhist terms for Christians seeking God in terms of God's Truth and God's Love.

First step, can we FORGIVE that we use different names and terms. I forgive and embrace these differences.
So I can argue with you regardless what terms we use, and I do not judge you.

The Christians still argue and judge each other where they do not FORGIVE each other.

That is no different between Christians and nontheists.

FW the difference is when we forgive each other, we can correct the conflicts.

Can you please accept and forgive that Christians use these other terms?

I would like to continue discussing the meanings with you, but first step is accepting the fact some people address these universal terms and laws using personified terms because that is how they relate.

My bf and my mother do not relate to truth using any such terms and we can talk and argue like any other Christians do, limited ONLY by whether and what we FORGIVE or not. That is the real battle

I hope you can accept this, forgive this to the best of your ability, and we can talk honestly and transparently from here.

Thank you frigidweirdo!

And one line of content:
No, the whole reason that Potterhead2021 is here on USMB is that the Christians doing spiritual healing prayer cannot mix with anything occult that attracts dark energy which clashes with light energy. Most people can only tolerate one or the other, so it is safer not to mix the two. Magic and wishes curses on people are off limits to purists who cannot risk getting derailed or corrupted by anything they consider opening doors to spiritism.

Free speech is okay, free spirits like Miss April here, or Rilly are good natured and fun.

So that is why this game belongs on a free speech forum, and is disruptive to people who object to any trivializing of true "sorcery or witchcraft" that has caused deep abuse and damage to people and is not to be taken lightly.

Justice is merely a theory, it's not real. One person's justice is different to another person's justice.

Essentially you're making the case that God only exists because humans exist. That God didn't make the universe because he's not real.

frigidweirdo Please add one more point to your post that relates to the OP Topic
so I can add that here and keep this on point. For points 1 and 2

1. Yes, Justice is faith based.
So why aren't people complaining to remove "Equal Justice For All" off the Supreme Court Building and rename the "Justice" Dept if these are faith based beliefs the govt shouldn't be establishing?
It's because we all AGREE to name that as a value or purpose in laws.
So all this "faith based" talk isn't about proving, it's about AGREEING on terms.
Even and especially where we disagree.
We still need to agree on common terms, theory or not,in order to communicate.

2. No, not what I'm saying.
I'm saying God is self existent.
Doesn't depend on humans.

But the Terms/ language and meanings we attribute to God are diverse and RELATIVE to people, ie the TERMS or ways of represemting or relating to God.

You are like saying none of the world we are seeing would exist without humans perceiving it.
I am saying the world still exists with or without us. But the language we use to describe what we see depends on each person.

The earth and universe still operates by natural laws. Regardless if one person calls it Mother Nature, or another sees it as the Heavenly Father.

We are using relative terms, but the concepts and meaning they refer to we already perceive as existing independent of how we perceive or represent these universal concepts.

3. What is your third point frigidweirdo? Please post something that relates to the Topic, and I will reply likewise.

Literally nothing connected to the OP. I just made a comment to someone's post that Harry Potter is like religion.

I don’t go into it that deep.

I’m reading Phillip Pullman right now. His Dark Materials.

Maybe we could do that one later.

The BBC is doing a lavish triology production.
Is this a cute little girl that a Knight use to know?

Is this a cute little girl that a Knight use to know?
Love you!
I can feel Rilly's heart like my own
Jumping for joy right out of my chest.

Thank you for joining!
Please make this game into the adventure as promised in the trailer
or I want my money back!

And in between posts, please go kick some butt in the Religion section
that can use a good kick in the head or the tail end. Knock some sense and sensibility into this place.

Welcome aboard!
Blessed to have you....
Right here lol I'm currently busy celebrating Independence Day now. :)
Potterhead2021 , I'm glad to see your thread. I am a Ravenclaw daddy, and have watched all the movies with my youngest. Have also toured universal studios in both FL and CA, specifically for my youngest child's love for Harry Potter. There is no age limit for Potter enthusiasts.

I am confident that I will stir up political trouble if I am involved with this thread, so I will stay quiet.
Settled into “The Philosopher’s Stone” yesterday

TV is doing a Harry Potter rerun season.

They never fail to captivate. The production, the music, the sets, even with CGI. And of course the quality of the actors.

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