Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

They certainly parasites, spooging off of property that is not theirs.
You mean like the plethora of parasites on WELFARE that are able to work but won't...sit on their dead asses waiting for the next check... taken from the TAXPAYER and used in a manner sans their consent?
Bundy is on welfare ... thinks he has a right that others don't have, which is to mooch off the government.

ya you're really getting ripped off aren't you
What a smuck. Another one that is noted

Bring out that NDAA document and we'll wipe the floor with it


Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

“U.S. Sen. Harry Reid on Thursday called [armed, militia-supported] supporters of Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy ’domestic terrorists’ because they defended him against a Bureau of Land Management cattle roundup with guns and put their children in harm’s way,” Las Vegas’ reviewjournal.com reports. “’Those people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists,’ Reid said during an appearance at a Las Vegas Review-Journal ‘Hashtags & Headlines’ event at the Paris. ‘… I repeat: what went on up there was domestic terrorism.’” We called that one. When push comes to shove, the enemies of liberty . . .

Breaking: Senator Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters "Domestic Terrorists" | The Truth About Guns

How would Geaux define a group of black men, all armed, marching in mass to protect a brother from authorities for using the local park without authority to grow food for the poor?

Interesting. After careful review, I have concluded there are many places, in addition to parks, that watermelon will thrive..

No, but seriously, let them have it. If they want to grow food for the poor I would contribute some of my time to tend the garden. I still have my farming skills of youth that would be very beneficial

Fuck rich man Bundy and his "militia". Rich man Bundy broke the law. Rich man Bundy is not a hero. The "militia" are misguided yokels and stupid inbred white trash rednecks.
Perhaps you should read up on how much they make per head of cattle on average and get back with us.
Perhaps you should read up on how Cliven Bundy was violating a court order and then not get back with us.

I'm concerned about Obama ignoring the law in not building the fence

You mean like the plethora of parasites on WELFARE that are able to work but won't...sit on their dead asses waiting for the next check... taken from the TAXPAYER and used in a manner sans their consent?
Bundy is on welfare ... thinks he has a right that others don't have, which is to mooch off the government.

ya you're really getting ripped off aren't you
They just don't get it...they defend tyranny.
What a smuck. Another one that is noted

Bring out that NDAA document and we'll wipe the floor with it


Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

“U.S. Sen. Harry Reid on Thursday called [armed, militia-supported] supporters of Bunkerville rancher Cliven Bundy ’domestic terrorists’ because they defended him against a Bureau of Land Management cattle roundup with guns and put their children in harm’s way,” Las Vegas’ reviewjournal.com reports. “’Those people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists,’ Reid said during an appearance at a Las Vegas Review-Journal ‘Hashtags & Headlines’ event at the Paris. ‘… I repeat: what went on up there was domestic terrorism.’” We called that one. When push comes to shove, the enemies of liberty . . .

Breaking: Senator Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters "Domestic Terrorists" | The Truth About Guns

How would Geaux define a group of black men, all armed, marching in mass to protect a brother from authorities for using the local park without authority to grow food for the poor?

depends if they were trying to stop me from voting
if they were in the middle of the desert like bundy I could care less
Note how the CONS here are defending a thief?

That's who this boards CONS work for ya know...THE crooks.
Reid and the libs call anyone who don't agree with them terrorists.

Nothing new here. It's just what leftist scum say all the time.

Where the hell is Reid during the crisis.............Where was he at as the Fed owns over 81.1% of Nevada's land..............Perhaps he was at a Communist rally telling everyone how good Gov't is today.

Over cows, the feds bring in 200 feds...................Their power will not be opposed. You will be assimulated.

That's not true at all.

If you use violence..or the threat of violence to further a political agenda?

That's terrorism.

Bootlickers are gay.:up: Guys like Sallow have their noses so far up the pooper of the government its not even real. Clueless assholes happy to fall in line with the sheep......and happy to oblige.:D These meatheads read too much Hobbes, Moore, Plato, Marx et. al.......happy to embrace a classless society. Surrender your freedoms for the greater good of society.

People need to wake the fuck up. This is where we are going. You don't fall in lockstep with the edicts of the federal government, you're going to labeled a "domestic terrorist". Reid is simply laying the groundwork here. This will become the established narrative.
Make no mistake.......if you are a supporter of Bundy in this, you're on a terror watch list......has grave implications moving forward.

Indeed, as we move forward, there will be more false flags, engineered by the federal government and dollar to a thousand stale donuts when they happen, the culprit will be depicted as an enemy of the state: conservative American. These fuckers are morphing the psychology as we speak.......creating a matrix. You don't support the gubmint down the road, you are a candidate to get your door kicked in by the guys in black like you saw all over Boston just a year ago this week. You don't support a strong central gubmint, you're a terror guy. You text support for Bundy......you're on a terror watch list in 2014.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::coffee:. Awesome!!!

Shit is coming to a head here.......might not explode out there yet but enough people have had it with this out of control central government. Gets worse by the day under this regime. Those militia's going to the Bundy ranch are respresentative of the mood of tens of millions of Americans. Glad to see people out of the complaining/talk mode and into a change in behavior. Expect more if it.
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Reid and the libs call anyone who don't agree with them terrorists.

Nothing new here. It's just what leftist scum say all the time.

Where the hell is Reid during the crisis.............Where was he at as the Fed owns over 81.1% of Nevada's land..............Perhaps he was at a Communist rally telling everyone how good Gov't is today.

Over cows, the feds bring in 200 feds...................Their power will not be opposed. You will be assimulated.

That's not true at all.

If you use violence..or the threat of violence to further a political agenda?

That's terrorism.

Bootlickers are gay.:up: Guys like Sallow have their noses so far up the pooper of the government its not even real. Clueless assholes happy to fall in line with the sheep......and happy to oblige.:D

People need to wake the fuck up. This is where we are going. You don't fall in lockstep with the edicts of the federal government, you're going to labeled a "domestic terrorist". Reid is simply laying the groundwork here. This will become the established narrative.
Make no mistake.......if you are a supporter of Bundy in this, you're on a terror watch list......has grave implications moving forward.

Indeed, as we move forward, there will be more false flags, engineered by the federal government and dollar to a thousand stale donuts when they happen, the culprit will be depicted as an enemy of the state: conservative American. These fuckers are morphing the psychology as we speak.......creating a matrix. You don't support the gubmint down the road, you are a candidate to get your door kicked in by the guys in black like you saw all over Boston just a year ago this week. You don't support a strong central gubmint, you're a terror guy. You text support for Bundy......you're on a terror watch list in 2014.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::coffee:. Awesome!!!

LMAO- I'm out of rep for you or it would of been a done deal

That's not true at all.

If you use violence..or the threat of violence to further a political agenda?

That's terrorism.

Bootlickers are gay.:up: Guys like Sallow have their noses so far up the pooper of the government its not even real. Clueless assholes happy to fall in line with the sheep......and happy to oblige.:D

People need to wake the fuck up. This is where we are going. You don't fall in lockstep with the edicts of the federal government, you're going to labeled a "domestic terrorist". Reid is simply laying the groundwork here. This will become the established narrative.
Make no mistake.......if you are a supporter of Bundy in this, you're on a terror watch list......has grave implications moving forward.

Indeed, as we move forward, there will be more false flags, engineered by the federal government and dollar to a thousand stale donuts when they happen, the culprit will be depicted as an enemy of the state: conservative American. These fuckers are morphing the psychology as we speak.......creating a matrix. You don't support the gubmint down the road, you are a candidate to get your door kicked in by the guys in black like you saw all over Boston just a year ago this week. You don't support a strong central gubmint, you're a terror guy. You text support for Bundy......you're on a terror watch list in 2014.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::coffee:. Awesome!!!

LMAO- I'm out of rep for you or it would of been a done deal

Pretty pathetic that Dingy Harry is more worried about Americans he wants to call terrorists than foreign terrorists......

This nut-case needs to go......to jail or retirement, whichever comes first.
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Show the court case where the courts decided that the BLM was wrong.

It was a court order that sent BLM to start rounding up the cattle in the first place.

Fucking idiot.
I haven't heard that one before. Which order was that?
We killed hundreds of thousands of inbred southern racist Confederate toothless yokel white trash hilljacks to overturn that decision. If that terrible decision is brought back, the South shall fall again.
You must be 150 years old, at least. I was thinking more like 15.
You sound like a sore Confederate loser. Are you still upset about losing your right to own black people? You poor, poor little white trash Conservative.
No, make that 12.
Reid and the libs call anyone who don't agree with them terrorists.

Nothing new here. It's just what leftist scum say all the time.

Where the hell is Reid during the crisis.............Where was he at as the Fed owns over 81.1% of Nevada's land..............Perhaps he was at a Communist rally telling everyone how good Gov't is today.

Over cows, the feds bring in 200 feds...................Their power will not be opposed. You will be assimulated.

That's not true at all.

If you use violence..or the threat of violence to further a political agenda?

That's terrorism.

Bootlickers are gay.:up: Guys like Sallow have their noses so far up the pooper of the government its not even real. Clueless assholes happy to fall in line with the sheep......and happy to oblige.:D These meatheads read too much Hobbes, Moore, Plato, Marx et. al.......happy to embrace a classless society. Surrender your freedoms for the greater good of society.

People need to wake the fuck up. This is where we are going. You don't fall in lockstep with the edicts of the federal government, you're going to labeled a "domestic terrorist". Reid is simply laying the groundwork here. This will become the established narrative.
Make no mistake.......if you are a supporter of Bundy in this, you're on a terror watch list......has grave implications moving forward.

Indeed, as we move forward, there will be more false flags, engineered by the federal government and dollar to a thousand stale donuts when they happen, the culprit will be depicted as an enemy of the state: conservative American. These fuckers are morphing the psychology as we speak.......creating a matrix. You don't support the gubmint down the road, you are a candidate to get your door kicked in by the guys in black like you saw all over Boston just a year ago this week. You don't support a strong central gubmint, you're a terror guy. You text support for Bundy......you're on a terror watch list in 2014.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::coffee:. Awesome!!!

Shit is coming to a head here.......might not explode out there yet but enough people have had it with this out of control central government. Gets worse by the day under this regime. Those militia's going to the Bundy ranch are respresentative of the mood of tens of millions of Americans. Glad to see people out of the complaining/talk mode and into a change in behavior. Expect more if it.

Tens of millions, huh? What did they get, 100 freaks to show up? We have more people than that show up for a little league game around here. Where were you? Why hasn't your behavior changed? Scared?
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I think that what frightens the government neophytes the most is that the American people are not going to just stand around and allow another Ruby Ridge or Waco go down without resistance.

The government needs to enforce laws, but the manner in which they enforce those laws is as important as enforcing them. Two agents, sent quietly to arrest this guy would have gotten them to where they wanted to be. The cattle did not need to be rounded up because they are doing no damage to the land. Cattle are part of nature and so is the land.

However, if government wants to use a heavy hand and employ more force on a single citizen then they ever have on our borders, then the correct response is to get the government to back off.

We are in charge of this country and government exists ONLY when we consent to it.
Bootlickers are gay.:up: Guys like Sallow have their noses so far up the pooper of the government its not even real. Clueless assholes happy to fall in line with the sheep......and happy to oblige.:D

People need to wake the fuck up. This is where we are going. You don't fall in lockstep with the edicts of the federal government, you're going to labeled a "domestic terrorist". Reid is simply laying the groundwork here. This will become the established narrative.
Make no mistake.......if you are a supporter of Bundy in this, you're on a terror watch list......has grave implications moving forward.

Indeed, as we move forward, there will be more false flags, engineered by the federal government and dollar to a thousand stale donuts when they happen, the culprit will be depicted as an enemy of the state: conservative American. These fuckers are morphing the psychology as we speak.......creating a matrix. You don't support the gubmint down the road, you are a candidate to get your door kicked in by the guys in black like you saw all over Boston just a year ago this week. You don't support a strong central gubmint, you're a terror guy. You text support for Bundy......you're on a terror watch list in 2014.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::coffee:. Awesome!!!

LMAO- I'm out of rep for you or it would of been a done deal


I think that what frightens the government neophytes the most is that the American people are not going to just stand around and allow another Ruby Ridge or Waco go down without resistance.

The government needs to enforce laws, but the manner in which they enforce those laws is as important as enforcing them. Two agents, sent quietly to arrest this guy would have gotten them to where they wanted to be. The cattle did not need to be rounded up because they are doing no damage to the land. Cattle are part of nature and so is the land.

However, if government wants to use a heavy hand and employ more force on a single citizen then they ever have on our borders, then the correct response is to get the government to back off.

We are in charge of this country and government exists ONLY when we consent to it.

Cows fart.

The White House wants to cut back on farting.....

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