Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

You are all loons. You argue the rule of law when it meets your partisan values. Deficit....Deficit....Deficit.....and when a wealthy rancher steals over a million dollars from the tax payer, he is a hero. H Y P O C R I T E S
what is your position on illegal immigration?

I wonder what his position is on any of these blatant violations of the rule of law. No, they do not care about the rule of law. They only care when a perceived right winger with cowboy hat violated some myopic law that makes little to no sense.

1. Convicted felon and Chicago real estate developer Tony Rezko’s purchase of land adjacent to Obama's house in Hyde Park, Ill. In 2006, Rezko sold a 10 foot strip of his property to Obama for $104,500, rendering the remainder of Rezko’s $625,000 investment too small to be developed and, for all intents and purposes, worthless.

2. Widespread voter fraud including voter intimidation, ballot stuffing, falsified documents, and threats of violence against Hillary Clinton supporters committed by the Obama campaign and ACORN during the 2008 Democrat primary election.

3. Protecting union interests over those of GM and Chrysler bond holders during bankruptcy proceedings, forcing investors to accept millions of dollars in losses in direct violation of bankruptcy laws, money to which they were legally entitled.

4. Preferential treatment given to minority and women owned car dealerships by Obama administration officials as part of the auto industry bailout program and the forced closing of a disproportionate number of rural dealerships located in areas that did not vote for Obama.

5. Purchase of Congressional support for the passage of Obama’s healthcare bill including the “Cornhusker Kickback”, “Louisiana Purchase” and having the Department of Interior increase water allocations to the Central Valley of California to secure the votes of Democrat Reps. Dennis Cardoza and Jim Costa.

6. Lying to the American people by promising they could keep their healthcare coverage if they wanted to, when in reality tens of millions will be forced out of their current plans.

7. Directing the EPA to unilaterally set carbon emission standards, thus bypassing Congress which opposes Obama’s energy reform bill. For more information see my CFP article Forget Cap and Trade: EPA Regulation of CO2 Emissions Will Begin in 10 Months.

8. Obama’s policy of intentionally not securing our nation’s borders, in opposition to Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution which calls for the President to protect states from foreign invasion, in an attempt to blackmail Republican support for comprehensive immigration reform. In essence, Obama is holding border states and residents politically hostage during a time they are being overrun by a narco-paramilitary invasion.

9. Department of Justice purposefully allowing some states to continue their disenfranchisement of military personnel serving overseas in direct opposition to the 2009 Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act, which was established in response to the more than 17,000 military votes that were not counted in the 2008 election because ballots had arrived after the deadline.

10. Fast And Furious Scam, The Administrations cover-up of guns sales to Mexican drug lords that lead to the death of an American citizen Brian Terry. The House voted to hold Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. for contempt of Congress due to the cover up and refusal to release documents by the Obama administration and Holders office.

Congress Unconscionably Silent on Obama's Constitutional Crimes - Reason.com

I wonder if any of these bloviated hypocrites who are all concerned about the rule of law had anything to say about the Harvey Whittemore case.


Thought not.

Don't you love it when I point out their hypocrisy. Especially when they don't address any of the violations Of the "rule of law" by one of their pieces of democratic shit?

Update: Harvey Whittemore gets 2 years in prison; appeal promised | Reno Gazette-Journal | rgj.com

Calling the case “an incredibly criminal, intentional act,” a federal judge on Monday sentenced fallen Nevada power broker Harvey Whittemore to two years in prison and fined the former multimillionaire $100,000 for using family and employees to make illegal campaign contributions to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.


Why did Harry Reid protect ACORN from investigation?

There is little doubt that ACORN is used by the Democrat party to fabricate voters and register illegal aliens in order to benefit their politicians. What’s more, there is little doubt that ACORN efforts benefited Reid’s campaigns.

The Las Vegas Review Journal reported that the Las Vegas office of ACORN has been engaged in massive fraud. At least 48% of the registrations turned in by ACORN are fraudulent.

Indeed, it was so obvious that the ACORN Las Vegas office was raided by authorities. They found that 59 inmates from a work-release program at a nearby prison were employed by ACORN and found numerous irregularities. Its field director, Christopher Edwards, pled guilty to two gross misdemeanor counts of conspiracy.

Despite these findings, when the US Senate voted 83-7 to block ACORN from bidding for additional federal grant money, Reid refused to hold a hearing on ACORN’s activities. Even after the scandal broke revealing that ACORN was assisting an underage prostitution operation, Reid claimed such an investigation of ACORN by Congress might distract attention from more important issues. (6)

Another publication reported that Reid wrote Senator Vitter to inform him that his call for an ACORN investigation was driven by his political bias!

In his letter to Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), the majority leader said he would rather not “ask our committees or this Congress to do anything that would detract from efforts” to address bigger priorities, including healthcare reform and economic recovery. He also expressed his concern that Vitter’s “interest in this matter is driven, at least in part, by partisan political views.” (7)

Airing Harry Reid's Dirty Laundry

Hey, stupid morons on the left!!


You're in the wrong thread.
Bundy and his lies started the confrontation as he was on TV with a shotgun calling these militia groups in.
ALL he had to do was accept the legal order.
And the government over reacted to it also but Bundy STARTED IT.
This was all about Bundy getting a competitive advantage over his competitors.
Those of us that run businesses knew this from the start.
Amazing anyone with common sense FALLS for this clown Bundy.

So the lies from a dishonest media supporting a dishonest president convinced you of this?

What a stooge....
I know this is useless trying to explain this to this subversive with OCD, but Bundy recognizes the government, he just doesn't recognize the gov't right to tax him for range he's been using for decades!
According to Cliven Bundy's own words, he doesn't recognize the US Federal government at all.

But why would you want to listen to the person that you're defending? He might say something incredibly stupid and then you'd look like a fucking idiot.

Could you supply that link to him saying he doesn't recognize the U.S. government at all? Sorry to disturb your OCD, but fighting gov't tyranny needs to have citations.

Bundy said in a radio interview last Thursday. "I abide by all of Nevada state laws. But I don’t recognize the United States government as even existing."

The Irony of Cliven Bundy's Unconstitutional Stand - Matt Ford - The Atlantic
You are all loons. You argue the rule of law when it meets your partisan values. Deficit....Deficit....Deficit.....and when a wealthy rancher steals over a million dollars from the tax payer, he is a hero. H Y P O C R I T E S
what is your position on illegal immigration?

Does it matter? I support enforcing the immigration laws on the books. Does that mean you support enforcing the laws that Bundy has been found guilty of, or liable for?
Yes it matters. You can't call someone a partisan loon and then favor looking the other way on a much larger problem. I was against Bund'ys actions but even more so with the heavy handed BLM. We need a serious look into federal land control. Bundy's situation seems to be a catalyst, those that favor big government can only see this one incident while the rest of us see a much bigger problem.
CaféAuLait;8979387 said:
It's just way over your head because you don't know what I know and you're not willing to learn.

Just answer this question to the best of your ability: why did they dress up like Natives?

Why? Let me tell you why, they saw the Mohawk or Indian as a symbol of Liberty. They also frequently corresponded with Iroquois Indians, they believed themselves oppressed like the Indian, they also recognized the Indian was oppressed.

The Sons of Liberty had different units, one of units of the Boston Sons of Liberty was named “Mohawk River Indians”.

When Paul Revere depicted the Liberty Pole on the obelisk, (celebrating the event at the end of the Stamp Act) guess who he depicted as the oppressed American at the base of the pole, an Indian.

And the obelisk erected under Liberty-tree, when everyone celebrated the repel? ? It had four sides, look at it and tell me who he honored along with others....

Underneath, is a long dedication to “every lover of Liberty,”


Boston Tea Party Historical Society
Interesting. The revolutionaries saw the merciless Indian Savages as oppressed? It's a possibility since there were different political opinions at that time, as at any time. This is one of those times. I have a different opinion. Please let me explain:

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America....

[King George III] has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
From this simple quote, it's possible that racist slaveowners in the 1770s tried to use the image of merciless Indian Savages throwing tea into the harbor to fuel a war between Britain and Natives. It is possible that the Boston Tea Party was like a bad frat prank that escalated into a revolution but was not actually intended to be the spark that ignited the revolution. Think of a protest that just got out of hand, like Benghazi. :lol:

No, the Founders of the United States of America did not see the Native Americans as oppressed. They labeled them as ruthless murderers in the reasons given for rebelling against England. They did not differentiate between tribes (some Natives were loyal to the colonies against England) and instead painted each and every Native as a bloodthirsty baby-killer in the Declaration of Independence.

There is much of this nation's history that has been (please excuse the term) whitewashed. But that's just my opinion.

You are a fucking RACIST, a subscriber to Marx's CLASS WARFARE, and the dumbest fuck on this board!
A man disobeys the law. An element of anti social, anti government, armed men come to the law breaker's defense. An element of anti Obama self defined conservatives conflate a simple issue into an hysterical rant based on flawed logic, prejudice and hypocrisy.

That about sums up the current crisis exploited by FOX, Limbaugh and the rest of AM radio 'philosophers'.

What's wrong in America today? A minority of people who wrap themselves in our flag, carrying guns and a cross interpreting law to suit their personal needs.

So did the men at the Boston Tea Party! Yes, morality, and ethics, the very essence of what let us win WW II is almost snuffed out by the likes of you!

The Revolution, which we hold so dear as the very beginning of a ONCE GREAT REPUBLIC was only fought by 15% of the population.... Chew on that for awhile, subversive! :eusa_clap:

10 million Americans were drafted in World War II. That is how we won - the federal government forcibly depriving citizens of their life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...

...presumably the Bundy fans, and their so-called 'principles', are wholeheartedly against the draft, eh?

And those men REALIZED if they didn't go, they would be speaking GERMAN, and/or Japanese today....but don't let logic get in your way!

You'll have to ask them, I don't speak for anyone but myself! :cuckoo:

And being you didn't say shit, I imagine that you think the Patriots of the Boston Tea Party are RACIST *****, like your other OCD boy does!
Last edited:
You are all loons. You argue the rule of law when it meets your partisan values. Deficit....Deficit....Deficit.....and when a wealthy rancher steals over a million dollars from the tax payer, he is a hero. H Y P O C R I T E S

Bundy didn't 'steal' anything...

Bundy always paid grazing fees BEFORE the Feds changed things in 1993....

a new 'Agreement' was introduced in 1993 by the Feds.....it meant the Feds got to micromanage your herds.....and you had to sign the new Agreement before you could continue to pay your grazing fees....

Bundy said FUCK THAT.......thus he couldn't pay his fees if he wanted to...
You are all loons. You argue the rule of law when it meets your partisan values. Deficit....Deficit....Deficit.....and when a wealthy rancher steals over a million dollars from the tax payer, he is a hero. H Y P O C R I T E S

^ that. This thread is lousy w/ kool aid drinking, hate & fear :tinfoil: mongers.


.Commie do you adhere to the below description of the Boston Patriots in my signature?
According to Cliven Bundy's own words, he doesn't recognize the US Federal government at all.

But why would you want to listen to the person that you're defending? He might say something incredibly stupid and then you'd look like a fucking idiot.

Could you supply that link to him saying he doesn't recognize the U.S. government at all? Sorry to disturb your OCD, but fighting gov't tyranny needs to have citations.

Bundy said in a radio interview last Thursday. "I abide by all of Nevada state laws. But I don’t recognize the United States government as even existing."

The Irony of Cliven Bundy's Unconstitutional Stand - Matt Ford - The Atlantic

Yes, another OUT OF CONTEXT quote as he was talking about the grazing land!

And being you didn't say shit, I imagine that you think the Patriots of the Boston Tea Party are RACIST *****, like your other OCD boy does!
Could you supply that link to him saying he doesn't recognize the U.S. government at all? Sorry to disturb your OCD, but fighting gov't tyranny needs to have citations.

Bundy said in a radio interview last Thursday. "I abide by all of Nevada state laws. But I don’t recognize the United States government as even existing."

The Irony of Cliven Bundy's Unconstitutional Stand - Matt Ford - The Atlantic

Yes, another OUT OF CONTEXT quote as he was talking about the grazing land!

And being you didn't say shit, I imagine that you think the Patriots of the Boston Tea Party are RACIST *****, like your other OCD boy does!

I didn't say anything because I don't much like getting into somebody elses pissing contests.

According to the Nevada Constitution, the land is owned by the Federal Government. According to Bundy, he owns the rights to that track of land. He also said that "if the Federal Government owns the land then he is wrong."
CaféAuLait;8979423 said:
CaféAuLait;8979335 said:
No, he never said they don't have any jurisdiction over him, he said they have no jurisdiction over his land.

If he believed the Feds had no jurisdiction over him, he probably would have never paid federal taxes... there is no claim he does not pay his federal taxes.

Okay.................he said they have no jurisdiction over his land.

Still doesn't answer the question of why he's flying a FEDERAL Flag (which he doesn't recognize) over his land?

I mean..............the Stars and Stripes (which I spent over 20 years of my life for, even in 4 different war zones) was flying, and it was done while he was riding.

Like I said.................if he doesn't recognize the federal government, why is he flying their flag?

I thought that the basic flag of the Tea Party was the Gadsden Flag (which is the "don't tread on me") flag.

Why is he flying the Stars and Stripes?

Again, he never said he doesn't recognize the federal government, he does not recognize the federal governments right to manage the land his cattle graze on. There is a difference. A big one. One flies the flag of America on land that is owned by Nevada, yes? Or are you suggesting the American flag is not flown on lands which the state of Nevada owns?

Listen to the Welfare Cowboy say he doesn't "recognize the US government even existing" with his own lying mouth.

Apocalypse Cow - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central
Good job. 22 seconds is too long to pay attention to, even when it's FOX News. The 22 second clip isn't from Comedy Central. It's from FOX. It would be insulting to people with mental difficulties to call you retarded. You're too stupid to even watch FOX?

You people have fucking problems. You defend a rich criminal with human shields, and refuse to accept that people think you're fucked in your heads.

You're fucked in your heads.

You've got an IQ of 47, right? Which is why you're a leftist, even simple concepts elude you.

When I say that I filter out video, what that means is that my security appliance recognizes and impedes streams of moving pictures.

You see, I didn't defend anyone - I simply didn't believe you. You are a leftist, which means you are devoid of integrity, thus anything you post is suspect until independently verified.

As suspected; what you present and the facts are miles apart;

{“I would have put my own wife or daughters there, and I would have been screaming bloody murder to watch them die,” he said. “I would’ve gone next, I would have been the next one to be killed. I’m not afraid to die here. I’m willing to die here.”

“But the best ploy would be to have had women at the front,” he continued. “Because, one, I don’t think they would have shot them. And, two, if they had, it would have been the worst thing that we could have shown to the rest of the world, that these ruthless cowards hired by the federal government will do anything.”

Read more: Former sheriff willing to let wife, daughters die on front lines of Bundy ranch - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter}

Now I think this guy is nuts, but these are not hostages grabbed by Muzzie Beasts, but the man's own family, who volunteered just as he did. Is the position of leftists that women are inferior to men and cannot make the decision to be willing to die for a cause?

Is that part of the democrats war on women?
The agents were just following orders. It's unfair to label them gun monkeys.

just following orders is no excuse

plus their hearts was not in

mostly likely pointing guns and tazing American citizens is not what they signed up for

Apparently, you've never had he honor of serving in the U.S. Military.

Me? I had the pleasure of being there for over 20 years, which is why I have a pension.

Yeah...............if you're part of the military, you DO follow orders. That's what you signed up for in the contract that enlisted a person in the military.

And.................it doesn't really matter if your heart is in it or not, if you're ordered (lawfully) to do something, you do it even if you don't believe in what it is you're doing.

After all................you DID sign a contract, and that was to support and defend the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Again, Horsehockey.

I served in the Army for 22 years. You re NEVER required to follow an order that you believe is illegal or unlawful OR if it violates your conscience.

That crap went out the window during the Nuremburg trials. "I was only following orders" doesn't cut it any longer.

Nice try but no cigar.
And the exceptionally stupid fuckmonkey grunts out something. Good job, exceptionally stupid fuckmonkey.

That's your response?

Do you expect to be taken seriously, by anyone?

I'm not saying that that woman was correct, even though you'll most likely interpret it that way because that's just how Teabaggers are, but there's a difference between unarmed protesters who can move out of the way of a moving train if it won't stop and an armed white-trash standoff with Federal agents to protect a rich criminal's profits. If you don't know what that difference is then that means that you're a Teabagger.

Look, you've got an IQ of 47, which is why you're a leftist.

But Mack's 29 year old daughter, and wife of advanced age, are adults with the capacity to decide these things. Your fellow OWS shitter took a 4 year old and put her in harms way.

That's just the way you shitters are.
Ooh, "fagerals". How original and witty. I already told you that there's a difference between armed snipers hiding behind human shields and some unarmed hippies who can move out of the way of a train.

Do you think that because I don't support rich criminal Bundy that that automatically means that I support the Bureau of Land Management? Must everything only have two sides? You know the Earth isn't flat, right? I think that both sides are wrong in this.

But the Teabagger survivalist "militia" monkeys are in fact domestic terrorists hiding behind human shields to defend a rich criminal's profits.

Unlike you OWS Shitters who are are in fact domestic terrorists hiding behind 4 year old human shields to authoritarian dictatorship and the cessation of civil liberty.
any bets Dirty Harry or his sheep base will call these people, domestic terrorist?

Carloads’ of terrorists turned Oregon ranch into training camp

By Rich Calder

April 23, 2014 | 2:37am



An Oregon woman says she thought she was opening up her family’s ranch to local Muslims to teach them how to grow and can veggies — and that her husband was even expecting a tax write-off.

But US-born Muslim convert Eva Hatley testified in Manhattan federal court Tuesday that after the “carloads’’ of fellow Muslims she met through her mosque arrived at the 160-acre ranch in Bly in 1999, the couple watched helplessly as their home was turned into an al Qaeda training camp.

all of it here
?Carloads? of terrorists turned Oregon ranch into training camp | New York Post
any bets Dirty Harry or his sheep base will call these people, domestic terrorist?

Carloads’ of terrorists turned Oregon ranch into training camp

By Rich Calder

April 23, 2014 | 2:37am



An Oregon woman says she thought she was opening up her family’s ranch to local Muslims to teach them how to grow and can veggies — and that her husband was even expecting a tax write-off.

But US-born Muslim convert Eva Hatley testified in Manhattan federal court Tuesday that after the “carloads’’ of fellow Muslims she met through her mosque arrived at the 160-acre ranch in Bly in 1999, the couple watched helplessly as their home was turned into an al Qaeda training camp.

all of it here
?Carloads? of terrorists turned Oregon ranch into training camp | New York Post

More importantly, I'm wondering how the great and powerful Harry "Howdy Doody" Reid will react to the Texas Ranchers who are fighting the takeover of 90,000 acres of their land - land that has been deeded and taxes paid for the last 100 years....

The BLM manages land along the US/ Mexican border. The wetbacks, terrorists and Cartel Members who cross each day do so on BLM land. Where are the snipers down there? Where are the storm troopers to keep the Mexicans out?

I'm framing apples to apples here, buster. If Americans are "terrorists" on BLM land, then what the HELL are illegals?

I'll be patiently awaiting your answer.

If an armed gang obstructs justice by violence or the threat of violence, to try advance a political agenda,

isn't the definition of terrorism broad enough, especially nowadays, using the rightwing dictionary,

to include them?

I mean if President Obama can be a tyrant by getting legislation passed that you don't like, well,

then certainly armed gangs of rightwing extremists threatening federal law enforcement can fall under the definition of terrorists.

Oh and btw, Clive Bundy does not magically become innocent, or not liable, just because some Mexican sneaking across the border looking for work isn't called a terrorist by Harry Reid.

Use your head.

NOW who's trying to "frame" the debate? Answer the damned question.
Good job. 22 seconds is too long to pay attention to, even when it's FOX News. The 22 second clip isn't from Comedy Central. It's from FOX. It would be insulting to people with mental difficulties to call you retarded. You're too stupid to even watch FOX?

You people have fucking problems. You defend a rich criminal with human shields, and refuse to accept that people think you're fucked in your heads.

You're fucked in your heads.

You've got an IQ of 47, right? Which is why you're a leftist, even simple concepts elude you.
Okay, so you can't read and that's why you support a criminal by using human shields. I said 147. 147 is much higher than 47. Do you understand that? Do you? Really?

When I say that I filter out video, what that means is that my security appliance recognizes and impedes streams of moving pictures.
So you have a computer, one of the most advanced pieces of home technology available to the average human, which can't even handle moving pictures? That's an extravagant waste of technology and potential.

You see, I didn't defend anyone - I simply didn't believe you. You are a leftist, which means you are devoid of integrity, thus anything you post is suspect until independently verified.
You're going to be waiting a LONG time for Rush Limbaugh to "independently" verify any facts.

As suspected; what you present and the facts are miles apart;

{“I would have put my own wife or daughters there, and I would have been screaming bloody murder to watch them die,” he said. “I would’ve gone next, I would have been the next one to be killed. I’m not afraid to die here. I’m willing to die here.”

“But the best ploy would be to have had women at the front,” he continued. “Because, one, I don’t think they would have shot them. And, two, if they had, it would have been the worst thing that we could have shown to the rest of the world, that these ruthless cowards hired by the federal government will do anything.”
What I presented was a clip from FOX "News" where a former Sheriff was talking about using unarmed women as human shields to stop police from enforcing a court order. A clip which you didn't watch because your advanced piece of home technology isn't fit to run 24 frames per second.

Now I think this guy is nuts, but these are not hostages grabbed by Muzzie Beasts, but the man's own family, who volunteered just as he did. Is the position of leftists that women are inferior to men and cannot make the decision to be willing to die for a cause?

Is that part of the democrats war on women?
I never said that women were inferior. I said that armed people hiding behind unarmed people is a god-damned cowardly act. And when done for all of the wrong reasons, it just becomes a sick joke. I've already explained why the toothless white trash "militia" is wrong, but like all other facts, you have to have it "independently" verified by morons like Glen Beck or Sean Hannity before you can believe reality.

Go to college and buy a computer that can play video. You'll learn so much.

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