Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

The agents were just following orders. It's unfair to label them gun monkeys.

just following orders is no excuse

plus their hearts was not in

mostly likely pointing guns and tazing American citizens is not what they signed up for

Apparently, you've never had he honor of serving in the U.S. Military.

Me? I had the pleasure of being there for over 20 years, which is why I have a pension.

Yeah...............if you're part of the military, you DO follow orders. That's what you signed up for in the contract that enlisted a person in the military.

And.................it doesn't really matter if your heart is in it or not, if you're ordered (lawfully) to do something, you do it even if you don't believe in what it is you're doing.

After all................you DID sign a contract, and that was to support and defend the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myhtxzuuMsA]John Kerry admits he committed war crimes in Vietnam and he wants to do more war crimes in Syria - YouTube[/ame]
Okay, so you can't read and that's why you support a criminal by using human shields. I said 147. 147 is much higher than 47. Do you understand that? Do you? Really?

Dude, no one is going to buy that you have an IQ above 50, so I just figured the "1" was a typo.....

So you have a computer, one of the most advanced pieces of home technology available to the average human, which can't even handle moving pictures? That's an extravagant waste of technology and potential.

You're a stupid guy, truly.

You're going to be waiting a LONG time for Rush Limbaugh to "independently" verify any facts.

Ah, you are a creature of the hate sites, most leftists are.

Limbaugh has nothing to do with anything.

What I presented was a clip from FOX "News" where a former Sheriff was talking about using unarmed women as human shields to stop police from enforcing a court order. A clip which you didn't watch because your advanced piece of home technology isn't fit to run 24 frames per second.

You're as stupid as a pile of bricks, truly.

He explained that his adult daughter and wife would be on the front lines. While I think the whole group of them are nuts, it isn't even in the same ballpark as the "human shields" of civilians used by the Muzzie Beasts.

I never said that women were inferior.

They just lack the capacity of a man to decide whether they are willing to die for a cause? But that's not "inferior," right?

I said that armed people hiding behind unarmed people is a god-damned cowardly act.

He said nothing of them being unarmed.

And when done for all of the wrong reasons, it just becomes a sick joke. I've already explained why the toothless white trash "militia" is wrong, but like all other facts, you have to have it "independently" verified by morons like Glen Beck or Sean Hannity before you can believe reality.

Go to college and buy a computer that can play video. You'll learn so much.

What you OWS Shitters spew has no relation to "reality."

Had you actually attended post secondary educational institutions, you would have been exposed to the concept of cited works and reliable sources. The hate site "DailyKOS" is not up to most academic standards.....

Oh, and sploogy, Palo Alto PA-5060
You are all loons. You argue the rule of law when it meets your partisan values. Deficit....Deficit....Deficit.....and when a wealthy rancher steals over a million dollars from the tax payer, he is a hero. H Y P O C R I T E S

I am the biggest critic of Bundy there is here and the first to post that his claims were false and he is a bald faced habitual liar.
But he has stolen no money from anyone. He owes fines for non payment of failing to get a lease.
The million dollars stems from $200 a day per head of cattle fines.
He does owe money for the lease and the fines but nothing was stolen.
To me the big issue is the naivety of the people that did support him.
They believe whatever they heard without any due diligence.

I doubt that you know enough about Bundy to know whether he is a habitual liar, a bald faced liar, both, or none of the above. What I know, is that you appear to have been side tracked by the unpaid grazing fees and fines, and have missed the actual reason why people are supporting Bundy.

In 1993, the BLM arbitrarily changed the rules on the number of cattle allowed to graze on the public lands, and by doing so, they knowlngly put all those ranchers in an untenable business bind. Consequently, most of them have lost their ranching business. Bundy is the last rancher, still in business, and he has stayed in business by refusing to give in to the BLM.

These rules were changed, to protect tortoises that didn't need any protection from cattle. These rules were changed to placate extremist environmentalists who do not want anyone using public lands for any purposes what so ever. All those ranchers were sacrificed to liberal Democrat politics and their financial supporters.

This contest of wills resurfaced when Harry Reid, his son, and a Chinese company got into the act to further a ripoff of public lands for pennies on the dollar, and of course, to create another phony solar power project that Obama could throw money at.

The public land that Bundy has been raising cattle on, was part of the environmental mitigation land, necessary to compensate for the destruction of tortoises and tortoise habitat in the solar panel operation.

And, that is why people support Bundy, and it hasn't got a damn thing to do with non payment of grazing fees and fines.

De Niro: Yeah, we were supposed to have a meeting with Harry Reid at 2, but he's right here.

Pesci: Where? I don't see him

DeNiro: Check my front pocket!

The hate site "DailyKOS" is not up to most academic standards.....
Okay, what? Everything else that you said is fucking retarded, but where the flaming fuck did I quote DailyKos?

God..... damn, you people are amazingly fucking stupid. How the fuck do you people even know how to turn on a computer?

Sniper pussies hiding behind human shields to stop Federal agents from enforcing court orders are domestic terrorists. That's just a simple fact that Teabaggers can't grasp, which is why you flaming monkeys defend sniper pussies hiding behind human shields.

Inbred rednecks love the police state because they cheer whenever a hippie liberal has their house raided by a SWAT team over the same plant that kept America free from the Axis.
Okay, what? Everything else that you said is fucking retarded, but where the flaming fuck did I quote DailyKos?

Is there anything OTHER than KOS and the hate sites that feeds your insanity?

Come on, you're a foaming at the mouth leftist, completely out of control of your emotions.

God..... damn, you people are amazingly fucking stupid.

Now THAT is irony...

How the fuck do you people even know how to turn on a computer?

Says the guy who didn't know what a firewall/security appliance is.. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Sniper pussies hiding behind human shields to stop Federal agents from enforcing court orders are domestic terrorists. That's just a simple fact that Teabaggers can't grasp, which is why you flaming monkeys defend sniper pussies hiding behind human shields.

Poke a shitter, and they'll start lying every-time.


Where is the human shield, shitter? Of course there is none, only the WORDS of a retired Sheriff stating that he would put his wife and daughter in the front lines, so that if the FEDS started gunning people down, America would be horrified..

Hey, I understand, lying is what shitters do.

Inbred rednecks love the police state because they cheer whenever a hippie liberal has their house raided by a SWAT team over the same plant that kept America free from the Axis.

What the fuck are you babbling about?

You've huffed enough spray paint for one day... Seriously.
Putting unarmed people in front of armed people so that the armed people are protected during a potential firefight is using those unarmed people as human shields. The fact that those American Taliban women volunteered to be human shields doesn't change the fact that they were human shields.

It is also more evidence of how god-damned insane the American Taliban is.
Putting unarmed people in front of armed people so that the armed people are protected during a potential firefight is using those unarmed people as human shields.

First off, no one said the women would be unarmed. Secondly - your lie was "snipers hiding behind human shields."

The fact that those American Taliban women volunteered to be human shields doesn't change the fact that they were human shields.

Taliban, shitter?

If they were Taliban, you'd be supporting them and demanding reparations...

It is also more evidence of how god-damned insane the American Taliban is.

Got to tell you sparky, the one looking insane here is the shitter having a meltdown... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Like Vigilante, I don't expect you to be able to keep up with me. It's okay. Well, it's not okay. You're a fucking disgrace to humanity.

The American Taliban is comprised of religious extremists who are willingly incapable of processing new information. Being white Christian or brown Muslim makes no difference when your psychotic ideologies are a threat to the safety and security of the general public and the rule of law.

A mob of inbred backwater rednecks bearing arms against Federal agents might be a good thing if the inbred backwater rednecks did it for the right reasons. It takes an amazing lack of intelligence and wisdom to focus your attention against the Bureau of Land Management to protect a douchebag who lost in court while you have known for years already that the National Security Agency is directly violating your 4th Amendment rights.

The American Taliban is so hopelessly stupid that they can't even admit how wrong they are because they're too stupid to realize it in the first place. If Obama said that the sky is blue, the American Taliban would call him a Marxist. 95% of financial gains have gone to the rich 1% job creators since the Marxist has been in office, but the American Taliban won't let this information get in their way of proving that it's all just part of the UN's Marxist Sharia Agenda 21, or what the fuck ever.

Like Vigilante, I don't expect you to be able to keep up with me.

When it comes to huffing spray paint, only RDean can really keep up with you.

It's okay. Well, it's not okay. You're a fucking disgrace to humanity.

Well, not everyone can live up to the standards of Pol Pot like you do...

The American Taliban is comprised of religious extremists who are willingly incapable of processing new information. Being white Christian or brown Muslim makes no difference when your psychotic ideologies are a threat to the safety and security of the general public and the rule of law.

Do you think that those who refuse to take a loyalty oath to Barack Obama should be locked in reeducation camps?

Is religious belief, other than worship of Obama, a form of mental illness requiring "hospitilization?"

Do you keep posters of Mao and Che on the wall in your moms basement?

A mob of inbred backwater rednecks bearing arms against Federal agents might be a good thing if the inbred backwater rednecks did it for the right reasons. It takes an amazing lack of intelligence and wisdom to focus your attention against the Bureau of Land Management to protect a douchebag who lost in court while you have known for years already that the National Security Agency is directly violating your 4th Amendment rights.

Willful disobedience to ones rulers is mental illness, comrade?

The American Taliban is so hopelessly stupid that they can't even admit how wrong they are because they're too stupid to realize it in the first place. If Obama said that the sky is blue, the American Taliban would call him a Marxist. 95% of financial gains have gone to the rich 1% job creators since the Marxist has been in office, but the American Taliban won't let this information get in their way of proving that it's all just part of the UN's Marxist Sharia Agenda 21, or what the fuck ever.

I thought you called the infidels, "Teabaggers?"
I'm wondering why the radical right has a problem with paying what you owe?

That's one of those things that make me believe that the world has turned upside down. If this were about OWS bums - they would be all over that like stink on doo doo - telling us how "evil" the government is. Yet, because it involves a conservative man and "values" they are suddenly on the side of the government.

Craziest damn thing I have ever seen.

Just proves my point that the left in this country is about one inch away from being the Third Reich. It will be interesting to see what happens when King Obama is done. God help us if a republican wins. The world will tilt on its' axis with all the movement to the "other side" by these Nazis.
Like Vigilante, I don't expect you to be able to keep up with me.

When it comes to huffing spray paint, only RDean can really keep up with you.

It's okay. Well, it's not okay. You're a fucking disgrace to humanity.
Well, not everyone can live up to the standards of Pol Pot like you do...

Do you think that those who refuse to take a loyalty oath to Barack Obama should be locked in reeducation camps?

Is religious belief, other than worship of Obama, a form of mental illness requiring "hospitilization?"

Do you keep posters of Mao and Che on the wall in your moms basement?

A mob of inbred backwater rednecks bearing arms against Federal agents might be a good thing if the inbred backwater rednecks did it for the right reasons. It takes an amazing lack of intelligence and wisdom to focus your attention against the Bureau of Land Management to protect a douchebag who lost in court while you have known for years already that the National Security Agency is directly violating your 4th Amendment rights.

Willful disobedience to ones rulers is mental illness, comrade?

The American Taliban is so hopelessly stupid that they can't even admit how wrong they are because they're too stupid to realize it in the first place. If Obama said that the sky is blue, the American Taliban would call him a Marxist. 95% of financial gains have gone to the rich 1% job creators since the Marxist has been in office, but the American Taliban won't let this information get in their way of proving that it's all just part of the UN's Marxist Sharia Agenda 21, or what the fuck ever.

I thought you called the infidels, "Teabaggers?"
See? You're not even trying to prove a point. You're just trying to be right, no matter how wrong you are. Do you think that because I despise the American Taliban that I support the War Criminal-in-Chief? Is it possible that there are more than two sides to everything?
According to Cliven Bundy's own words, he doesn't recognize the US Federal government at all.

But why would you want to listen to the person that you're defending? He might say something incredibly stupid and then you'd look like a fucking idiot.

Could you supply that link to him saying he doesn't recognize the U.S. government at all? Sorry to disturb your OCD, but fighting gov't tyranny needs to have citations.

Bundy said in a radio interview last Thursday. "I abide by all of Nevada state laws. But I don’t recognize the United States government as even existing."

The Irony of Cliven Bundy's Unconstitutional Stand - Matt Ford - The Atlantic

Where is the rest of that quote? He went on after saying "existing ", speaking of grazing fees and he does not recognize them charging him.
See? You're not even trying to prove a point.

Are you sure about that, sploogy? Perhaps the point made has nothing to do with the original subject...

You're just trying to be right, no matter how wrong you are.

I'm dealing with a foaming at the mouth nutjob - right and wrong don't really apply...

Do you think that because I despise the American Taliban that I support the War Criminal-in-Chief? Is it possible that there are more than two sides to everything?

Obama is a "war criminal?"



You should have smiled for your portrait.

just following orders is no excuse

plus their hearts was not in

mostly likely pointing guns and tazing American citizens is not what they signed up for

Apparently, you've never had he honor of serving in the U.S. Military.

Me? I had the pleasure of being there for over 20 years, which is why I have a pension.

Yeah...............if you're part of the military, you DO follow orders. That's what you signed up for in the contract that enlisted a person in the military.

And.................it doesn't really matter if your heart is in it or not, if you're ordered (lawfully) to do something, you do it even if you don't believe in what it is you're doing.

After all................you DID sign a contract, and that was to support and defend the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myhtxzuuMsA"]John Kerry admits he committed war crimes in Vietnam and he wants to do more war crimes in Syria - YouTube[/ame]

Like Vigilante, I don't expect you to be able to keep up with me. It's okay. Well, it's not okay. You're a fucking disgrace to humanity.

The American Taliban is comprised of religious extremists who are willingly incapable of processing new information. Being white Christian or brown Muslim makes no difference when your psychotic ideologies are a threat to the safety and security of the general public and the rule of law.

A mob of inbred backwater rednecks bearing arms against Federal agents might be a good thing if the inbred backwater rednecks did it for the right reasons. It takes an amazing lack of intelligence and wisdom to focus your attention against the Bureau of Land Management to protect a douchebag who lost in court while you have known for years already that the National Security Agency is directly violating your 4th Amendment rights.

The American Taliban is so hopelessly stupid that they can't even admit how wrong they are because they're too stupid to realize it in the first place. If Obama said that the sky is blue, the American Taliban would call him a Marxist. 95% of financial gains have gone to the rich 1% job creators since the Marxist has been in office, but the American Taliban won't let this information get in their way of proving that it's all just part of the UN's Marxist Sharia Agenda 21, or what the fuck ever.


KNoB Job IS the very definition....

CaféAuLait;8982663 said:
Could you supply that link to him saying he doesn't recognize the U.S. government at all? Sorry to disturb your OCD, but fighting gov't tyranny needs to have citations.

Bundy said in a radio interview last Thursday. "I abide by all of Nevada state laws. But I don’t recognize the United States government as even existing."

The Irony of Cliven Bundy's Unconstitutional Stand - Matt Ford - The Atlantic

Where is the rest of that quote? He went on after saying "existing ", speaking of grazing fees and he does not recognize them charging him.

The entire radio interview is on the link too.
CaféAuLait;8982663 said:
Could you supply that link to him saying he doesn't recognize the U.S. government at all? Sorry to disturb your OCD, but fighting gov't tyranny needs to have citations.

Bundy said in a radio interview last Thursday. "I abide by all of Nevada state laws. But I don’t recognize the United States government as even existing."

The Irony of Cliven Bundy's Unconstitutional Stand - Matt Ford - The Atlantic

Where is the rest of that quote? He went on after saying "existing ", speaking of grazing fees and he does not recognize them charging him.
If YOU say he went on after the word "existing" the burden is on YOU to back your claim.

Apocalypse Cow - The Daily Show - Video Clip | Comedy Central
Having heard Bundy more than once what I have heard him say is that he does not recognize the government authority over land that should rightfully belong to the state of Nevada.

Just like the government doesn't recognize government ownership of the land in our national forests that drug cartels use for marijuana grows. The BLM isn't sending anyone out to take government land away from them. And those growers sure aren't paying taxes on what they sell.
"does not recognize them charging them" speaking of the grazing LEASES.
You good folks must still believe the lies that Bundy's family has been on that land since the 1800s.
The real story is the hero Bundy is a bald faced habitual liar that put at risk the lives of people that believed he was telling the truth.
And anyone that follows someone like that is a dumb ass.
He is telling lies and not paying the grazing fees because he gets a competitive advantage over others in the cattle business.
Those others ranchers in the cattle business being the ones that LOBBIED CONGRESS for the government to pass The Taylor Grazing Act so freeloading liars like Bundy would be stopped from unregulated free over grazing of the lands.
Amazing any conservative that supports small business supports a free loading mooching liar like Bundy because he lies to others and "fights the government".
Nonsense, you folks know you were had same as the liberals were had when they backed the supporters of TRayvon Martin.
Everyone of you are either ignorant or too proud to admit you were had.

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